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emotional landspcapes
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wild comunication!!!
Tuesday, 9 May 2006
Mood:  loud
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bueno necesitaba un lugar para colocarlos mientras termino mi pagina ^^;;
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Posted by goth/apcblackwingsangel at 1:36 PM ADT
Updated: Tuesday, 9 May 2006 1:47 PM ADT
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Tuesday, 4 April 2006
it's only words (?)
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: emotional landspcapes
it comes a time when we say things we shouldnt. and there is some people who's more sensitive to words than others. and people who is more sensitive to recognize the damage they can cause when they speak, just as well as there is some people that can be easily hurted by those words.

I feel that sometimes it might be a disadvantage to belong to any of those groups, and even worst, both of them.

to be too afected by words is a big flaw for some of us. it hurt us so bad of some people talking about us that we think thousand of times to express ourselves. To be in everybody's mouth is horrible, but not to be is even worst. that is a bis mess. thought sometimes is better not to be recalled than being slandered by anyone for things that never happened and things that maybe will never happen even in our dreams.

words are doubleedged weapons. for one side u can be really flattered by then, but for the other side it can hurt us badly if we dont take care of what we say.

this ain't really 'bout thinking everything we say, but not saying everything we think."I love u" can cheer a heart, and at the same time time killing another one. a "No" may be the ringht answer, but not always the most expected.

we can open our mind and say what we fell, but we have to be carefull with who is listening.

how hypocritical is the one who sais that words are taken by the wind. that's noting but a fallacy. words are the soul feed and when those words are poisoned teh soul gets deadly sick. there is nothing more harmful for the heart than the fatal dagger of the ill-intetioned word that goes filled up with envy. most of all when it goes right to the bullseye.

so i say that it's not too healty to stick too much with people, because when its just the one u aprecciate the most the one who hurts u, it hurts even deeply and the wound takes mote time to heal.

"U can say how u feel, but never say what u feel"

Posted by goth/apcblackwingsangel at 10:38 PM ADT
Updated: Tuesday, 4 April 2006 10:40 PM ADT
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Monday, 3 April 2006
in the end
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: emotional landspcapes
honestly there is nothing left to say.
everything that went away came back, and everthing that came, has just go away just as easy.

alone again, fogotted again.
how is that the people has not realize that roses look much more better on the plants? why do u rip them away?havent u see that once u do they start dying and going wilt so premeturely that people throw them away even before them hearts stop beating.

Now look what i've done. i've made a fool of myself. i've been deceiving myself all this time thinking that there is actually something else behind the courtains, and do'u know what happened? i ran so fast i just to crash on tha wall that were behind those courtains. things shouldn't be that way. it shoul be easier, like wake up in the morning and say: today i'm going to be happy and just be.

what's the point in suffering, if once we get what we want we just abandoned it and thrown away like those roses that are so unfairily riped out.
i'm tired of all this. i've had enough. i wish i would have the courage to say today i'm gonna dress in pink and let people say what they want. but is never that easy. it doesn't matter how much we say we dont care about what other people we will always end up doing what they want.

because deep inside we are nothing but the reflex of those things taht others cant come to be. its like that, and thats the way it's always going to be.
even if dont want to take it. its like swiming against the river, no matter how hard we try its going to take us down with it.


Posted by goth/apcblackwingsangel at 9:49 PM ADT
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non titled
Topic: emotional landspcapes

So many things had happened.
I hated, and i was shown that i was wrong about my feelings.
I loved, and my heart was mercyless broken once more.
I doubted, and my fears were all confirmed.
And i believed, and my fantasies were getting even more real.

and still, i have the courage to come back here and tell everyone what happenes this side of the darkness.

it is absolutely not true that i am a selfish person, it's just that sometimes i think about myself before thinhking about the others first ( and well, if nobody remembers me i have to do it myself) however, sometimes i get wrong and think about those peopel that dont even care if i remember them or not, meanwhile, the people who really cares about me ( just in case it is possible) still here right beside me, but with all this fog i can see them. when i talk about my loneliness i dont mean not to have anybody aroudn me, but not to have them "beside me". a little confusig, huh? well if anyone of u who are reading said yes, please leave, cause if u didn't understand what i said, less ur going to understand the next.

You say poeple like me we're complicated. how complicated can be the fact of that i like roses just for the hell of it, that i didnt cambed my hair today because i didnt wanted abd that i dress only in black just because i want to. complicated is to go 'round and justifying every little thing i do with words that nobody but myself will understand. the thing is that as i always dress in black the people think my heart is the same colour. well surprise!!! it's not way like that. I like to be huged for no reason too, or to recieve a midnight call just to say hi, or to be insistly observed while im reading a book. there is no way im going to push u way hang up the phone o thow the book into your faces.

is it that u have to go around smiling even if u dont want to but u are not unhappy? does it means im a bitter person or i hate everybody? NOOO!!! the fact that im not smiling all the time doesnt means anything at all.

and well it's over for now...

I would like to keep writting but my muse has just go through the window chasing the fayries on the garden.

talk to u soon.

Posted by goth/apcblackwingsangel at 9:48 PM ADT
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Mood:  don't ask
Topic: emotional landspcapes
honestly i dont like to writte this down, 'cause i'm afraid to become my very own prophet of destruction, but whatever...

To wish to go out of the darkness is one thing, but the fact of finally have the sun in your face is something very different.

It's not that i feel better here sourounded by dark, it's just that here i can't see myself and so, i hope that my fears can't either and finally leave me in peace.
once I read that "what is gonna give u the absolution isn't the priest, but the cofession" so now is the time to confess myself

I cannot believe i'm really gonna say this, but i guess now there's no turning back. I want him. yes its true, but from that to get to have something with him is a very different matter. The thing is that is well known that i am a palace of rocks and stone and so i have to keep myself, at least as long as the world is watching.

can somebody even imagine what would happen if this goes out?

"yune? in love? that's imposible" sure it is, cause all of u has known me as the ice queen, but what now?

what should i do now that finally has come that somebody whos has find out the way to melt that ice around my heart...

It's not possible
no I dont think so,
he will never see me, whatever it takes i will not let him
"better alone than in bad companies"
sure it does that's exactly what those who hasn't live in darkness says. but now for me it is "better dead than alone" and that's the way it's going to be...

Posted by goth/apcblackwingsangel at 9:47 PM ADT
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Mood:  blue
Topic: emotional landspcapes
It's one o'clock in the morning, anbd its a very cold night, a really uncommon thing here.
So many htings are going round my head, but all of them, senseless.
So many thing had happened in the last hours, but none of them has any meaning or coherence to deserve a place here. however here they are.
just as tahat song says it "the one I love is taking me down on my knees, drowining me in my drams..." and thats the way it is. he's got it all i have always wanted, but in the same way, he's got nothing.
His innocence, his sweetness...everything is so atractive in him... but i cant got closer... no i shall not... mi hands are corrupted. wounded by the weight of sins, and maybe if i do touch him there may be no way back.
I keep repeating his name over and over again, to see if i can finally get him outta here, but the only thing i get is to hurt me once more.
I must stop.
I should do. but his face stills engraved here. and i hope it to be that way, at least till the moment i find the solution to all this.. or make it stop...

Posted by goth/apcblackwingsangel at 9:44 PM ADT
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Thursday, 30 March 2006
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: greetings
hello everyone!!!
so this is my blog. im here cause i would like to share some stuff with u guys. please fell free to leave comments...

Posted by goth/apcblackwingsangel at 10:38 PM MNT
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