this site last updated
Wednesday, 26 February 2003
Welcome to my website!

I am a 16 year old gay boi from rural Australia. I'm not much into the goth scene anymore, but I still keep my interests open towards it. I used to deck myself out in the whole black clothes, studded wristbands and collars etc; EVERYDAY... but now I only do it occasionally...

However, that doesn't mean I am no longer gothic... well I never really liked to call myself a goth... If someone asked me if I was goth, I would say yes coz it's a whole lot easier than to say 'No... I am myself blah blah blah' which is basically what I am.

I mean, the whole word GOTH just brings this sterotyped image of a goth in my mind, and most other people's minds, that being goth is all about the fashion, nothing else... but there's more to it than that.

Then again, different people see it as different things... which is what it's all about... there is no right or wrong definition of being goth, it's what you make it. That's why most goth's (except for the real try-hard freeky ones) have broad minds and ideas, to think different ways and all.

Well enough about this shit... on with the freek-show!!!

I hope you enjoy your stay, and tell other people about my site... well those who will find it interesting anyway...

PS: Any of the pages on my site that has nothing to do with me eg; music pages etc; will no longer be updated. It takes to much time to update that I don't have, so only things directly linked to me such as poetry, artwork etc; will be updated.

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All artwork, essays, stories and poetry came from the dark void of my mind. Please do not use them without permission or take credit for them as your own. I may not catch you, but honesty is better than a mouthful of lies... once you start you'll never stop, then you will get caught... don't say I didn't warn you either...

The Gothic Asylum | »ºRäVëNº« | g o t h i c P R I D E © 1999-2003 David J. Clarke