Disclaimer: I do not own anyone in this fic with the exception of Dr. Katherine "Shealti" Connally & mentioned Rowena Adams. Duncan, Joe, Richie, Methos, Seacover are sole property of Gaumont, Rhyser, Panser & Davis(or as the movies list them Davis & Panser), M6 and any one else I might have missed. The concept of Immortality is based on Gregory Widen's character. Jim Ellison, Blair Sandburg, Simon Banks and all of Cascade belong to Pet Fly, Paramount and whomever else they belong too.

Spoilers: Uh, all of Highlander up to Archangel(Clan Denial all the way baby!), frankly it doesn't exist. Sentinel, I don't think any apply, if they do e-mail me!

Thanks: Gregory Widen, Pet Fly, Davis & Panser, M6, Gaumont, SCI-FI Channel for airing both shows, All my betas Becca & Anita, and most of all the readers & fans of fan fic.

Notes: Richie of course is not dead and is going to college at Ball State University in Indianapolis, IN. He's also seeing Rowena Adams( one of my OFCs) the relationship is long distance, but it is going strong. Richie knows about Methos. Shealti is older than Methos, they had a relationship.

Jason Giovanni had witnessed a murder, his parents own demise at the hands of an Immortal. He did not know who or what had killed his parents at first. After his parents funeral, Jason began digging through his mother and father's effects, the had been living a double life. Both Maria and Mario Giovanni had been in a secret society of men and women that watched Immortals. Learning the ways of Immortals he found that they fought each other with swords, the victor taking the head of the defeated. These Immortals often carried the blade with them, they sought each other out with the buzz. Challenging each other to the Game, there can be only one Immortal left standing.

Jason had been left an orphan in two strokes of a sword, he had been powerless to do anything about it. Since he was sixteen years old he had been taking lessons in fencing and martial arts. He was now able to do something, Jason Giovanni had set out to kill every Immortal that he came across. Hoping one day he would find the one that killed his parents, until then he would rid the world of Immortals one at a time.

The Immortal he had just killed was not the one, but there was now one less Immortal running around to cause anyone harm. Watching what the Watchers referred to as the Quickening, he had been fascinated by it, but now it barely held his interest. Leaving the scene as soon as he heard the distant wail of sirens.

The flight from Sydney to Seacover had been a long one, seventeen long hours. Katherine Connally had been looking forward to sleep in a bed, but that was mere hours away. The motorcycle rental place was supposed to have a Harley at the pick up counter, but she had soon found out that they were running late. The military duffel bag on her back was not getting any lighter, letting it slide off of her shoulder it hit the ground with a thud. Checking her watch Katherine had hoped to be half way to Duncan MacLeod's flat, but as she dialed his number Katherine knew it would be longer, like maybe a half hour at least. The phone rang, and rang, the machine finally kicked in, Duncan's cheery voice greeted her.

"You've reached Duncan MacLeod, I'm not available to come to the phone right now, after the tone please leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as possible."

"Hello, Duncan, its Eall. The rental isn't here and obviously your not there either which just completes my bad day. I should be in a half hour, if your not there I'll meet you at Joe's." hitting the end button she sighed.

Sitting on the curb she rubbed her eyes behind the silver oval framed glasses, thanking the Goddess that she didn't have her contacts in. Checking her digital watch it read 11:55, hoping the poor soul who was on their way here could get here faster. She hoped to get at least four hours sleep before her lecture at the college. Her long red curls were coming loose from the braid she had redone on the plane six hours ago. Tucking the escaping curls behind her ear she heard the tell-tale growl of a Harley engine coming her direction.

"Thank you Goddess." she rose to her feet.

The rider walked the massive bike to a stop before her, "Sorry, we thought you weren't coming," he shouted over the thunderous rumbling. "I need to get back to the place to get my ride, you don't mind do you?"

"No," she shouted and mumbled "I can give a lecture on three hours sleep."

"Great." he smiled watching her shoulder her duffel.

Katherine quickly strapped on her helmet and barely had time to grab hold before the young man was taking off towards the city. Hanging on for dear life as he rounded the off ramp she was grateful for a helmet.

Duncan had called home to check his messages only to find Shealti's tired voice on the machine. The crowd at Joe's had finally dwindled off and closing time was drawing near. Methos, Joe, Mike and himself were the only ones that would be left. Methos had waited until Mike had gone in the back for something before he asked MacLeod about where Shealti was.

"Any news on where the Old Woman is?" Methos asked after taking a sip of his dwindling beer.

"Yeah she got in to the airport and is waiting on the Harley she rented to arrive, said maybe a half hour at the most."

"What happened? I thought you said she had a direct flight." Joe asked.

"She did, the flight must have had a lay over." Duncan shurgged.

"Seventeen hours?" Methos asked. "She's going to be a happy camper." he grinned devilishly.

"She was flying in from Sloang." Duncan said simply.

Katherine was slowing as she neared the apartment, sighing she proceeded down the street a few blocks the Joe's. Glad to see the lights on somewhere she parked the bike and headed for the door. Thanking the Goddess and the God for Joe leaving the front door unlocked she walked in.

"Joe, give me a Killian's." she sat at the bar.

"What happened, I thought you were supposed to be here two hours ago?" Methos asked.

"We had a highjacker who demanded to go to Sydney," she rolled her eyes. "I get here and the rental is no where is sight. Its been a hell of a day, Duncan, if you don't mind I'm hitting the sack as soon as we get back to your place."

"Sure." he smiled.

"Your lecture at the college is tomorrow and your doing it on three hours sleep?" Methos asked grinning "I wasn't going to go, but this should be fun."

"Get bent boy." she glared at him from behind the glasses.

Had a stranger been in the presence of the three men and woman they would have assumed that the young woman had no respect for her elders. It turned out that the young woman was the elder among them. Duncan Macleod and Methos were Immortals, but they were young compared to the woman that sat there, she was six thousand years old. Joe Dawson, a mortal and part of a secret society of people who were to watch them, record them, but never interfere. They all knew about each other, that much was obvious from the discussions and actions of the group.

Katherine finished her beer and bid Joe and Methos good night, appologising to them that she couldn't stay longer. Duncan had slipped out a head of her and was in the Thunderbird. Pulling away form the curb, Katherine pondered just giving up and falling asleep right there. She had to remind herself that the bed she so desperately wished for was just precious blocks away. Not even bothering to put a helmet on she prayed that a cop wouldn't stop her for breaking the helmet laws.

Straddling the Harley she stared it revving the thunderous engine she walked it from the curb and into the street. Thanking the God and Goddess that the lights between Joe's and Duncan's flat were green. She arrived to find Duncan waiting for her on the curb taking the heavy duffel from her she grabbed her lap top and picked up her saddle bags to follow the Scotsman into the front entrance. There he opened the door, letting her pass by him before he entered. Finding that he had left the gate to the freight elevator up she was glad, reclining against the rear wall of the elevator. She heard him lock the front door and make his way to the lift.

Putting the gate down he glanced over his shoulder at her, she looked like it was pure drive for her to remain leaning against the rear wall. He could not quite recall seeing her this tired before. Giving her a smile as the elevator stopped, lifting the gate he blinked seeing her duck under it. Shealti had dropped her saddle bags near the elevator and dropped the lap top on the couch. Proceeding to the guest room, he noticed the trail of clothes, her leather duster, containing the Locksley that she carried. A light weight flannel shirt, and a heavy Irish sweater. Arriving in the hallway he found one combat boot, then a sock, the other boot and sock.

Dropping the duffel on the floor nearest the chair, he began to unpack it as she crawled under the cool sheets. Turning to face him she unbraided her curly red locks, the glasses still on.

"You don't have to do that." Her protest was feeble.

"Yes I do, your exhausted," Duncan smiled "anything you want laying out?"

"Black and white pin stripe suit," she began to finger comb her hair. "Should have a dark violet cotton tank on top of it."

"Yeah," he said seeing it. "shirt as well?"

"Mhmm." she nodded off her eyes closed.

Duncan carefully laid the suit out, then slipped the glasses off of her features. Proceeding to retrace the trail of clothes strew out between the door and the guest room. Picking up the boots by their laces he tucked them under his arm. Stooping to pick up the socks he felt a buzz, knowing Methos would be staying the night.

"MacLeod, what you couldn't wait to get her into bed?" Methos' voice coming from the living room.

"No, I couldn't." MacLeod said sarcastically emerging from the hallway with boots under his arm and socks in hand.

Methos noticed he was dressed, and her had the Old Woman's boots. Methos stooped to pick up her black leather duster, noting the weight of the Locksley concealed with in the folds. Hooking it on his fingers her gave it a toss over his shoulder and squatted down to pick up the button down flannel as MacLeod picked up the Irish sweater.

"Too tired to take her sword with her?" Methos smirked.

"I've never seen her this tired." Duncan commented folding the sweater neatly.

"I have, she's only like this when she flys commercial." Methos grinned tossing the flannel over his left shoulder. "Here," he motioned for the boots "I'll take them back there."

"Don't keep her up." Duncan warned.

"Now how would I do that?" Methos grinned.

Before Duncan could say a word, Methos had taken the sweater from him as well as Shealti's steel toed boots with him. Slipping into her room, he found her glasses on the night side table, her sleeping form clad in the blue jeans, and a thin white cotton spegitti straped tank. Shealti stirred feeling the buzz, but drifted off again. Methos was very tempted to finishing undressing her, but thought better of it. Setting the boots down by the suit that was laying across the back of the chair. Pulling out the Locksley he laid it within her reach, laying the sweater, duster and flannel on the chest at the foot of the bed.

Morning came with the alarm on her watch going off promptly at seven o'clock. Rising she reached for the glasses and bumped the pomel of her Locksley, sending it clattering to the floor. Grumbling loudly at the Scotsman she glanced over that the chair and found her suit laid out. Rolling her violet eyes she realized that she forgot to pack the proper shoes, sighing looking at the boots from the previous night she resigned herself that she was in the Northwest and it was somewhat expected. She got dressed pulling on a fresh pair of socks, relacing the boots, she caught a glimpse in the mirror.

Her hair was reacting badly with the humid air, pulling her black hair tie out she quickly braided her hair. Glancing again in the mirror she decided some make up wouldn't hurt. Applying the concealer, lipstick and eye shadow with accuracy she slipped the glasses on her face and made her way to the living room.

Methos heard her footsteps on the wooden floor, grinning he spoke up "The grumpy dead chick is up."

Duncan had been reading the morning paper on the sofa and glanced up. He knew it was Shealti, but he could have sworn someone kidnapped the woman and brainwashed her. She looked very business like, and was that make up? Smiling he let out a low whistle.

Methos glanced over his shoulder, his jaw dropped. He had never seen her like this and he was glad he didn't. She was gorgeous, the shirt and eye shadow brought attention to her eyes.

"Whoa!" Methos smirked "Who is this? Its not Shealti Connally is it?"

"Shut up you two," she rolled her eyes. "I know I don't dress up, this is why. Coffee?"

"Here," Methos poured her a cup. "Any chance I can get a picture of this, I may never get to see this again."

"Shove it." She grinned grabbing a crossant and a banana. "I'll remember this, the next time I catch you in a tux." Shealti said down on the couch and managed not to spill or drop anything.

Shealti grabbed the remote and aimed it at the . She had intended on watching CNN, but the local news caught her attention, upping the volume she listened.

"Police in Cascade are baffled, a recent rash of murders are taking place in the small community. The victims have all died at the hands of a sword wielding psychopath who seems to cut the head from the body." the female news caster spoke as the crime scenes were shown.

Duncan and Methos looked up from what they were doing, attention on the television screen.

"Lora Brun asked Police Chief Simon Banks if he had any advice. He had this to say," The image of a African American man with gold framed glasses came up and he looked at his wits end as many reporters vollied for a good position. "Look, all I can tell you is that no one should be out after dark alone, we don't have any suspects as yet. I recommend that citizens of Cascade as well as our neighbors in Seacover to stay in. Thank you." The shot reveals the man walking way, the reporter stands in front of the camera "You heard it first, here on KTVS."

"Another head hunter." Duncan threw the paper down on the coffee table.

"Let's just hope not." Shealti said taking a drink of coffee.

"That would mean that we have a psychopath." Methos smirked.

"Damn, I've got to go." she stood up taking a drink of coffee as she did.

Running back to grab her duster, she grabbed her saddle bags and her lap top as she made her way to the door. Methos going behind her hoping into his Land Rover and followed her to the college. She arrived and parked, Methos parking as close as he could to her she smiled, slipping her saddle bags into the back of the SUV.

"Okay," Shealti walked with Methos "What's the real reason you came?"

"I told you, for your lecture." he smiled at her.

"Yeah," she nodded "sure, and I'm the ruling Queen of Spain." she gave him a sideways glance "Out with it, you came here for reasons other than to hear me babble on about something you and I lived through."

"All right," Methos grinned. "I have a friend who works in the anthropology department, this gives me an excuse to see him."

"See that wasn't too difficult was it?" she smirked.

Methos showed her to the lecture hall and excused himself to grab a cup of coffee. Sheatli looked at the hall, knowing at most the crowd would only fill a third. Sighing she made her way to the podium and began to pull up her visual on the lap top. Looking for the Smartscreen she had asked for, not spotting it she muttered a few choice words.

Methos had gotten his coffee and had headed for Blair's office, hoping to find the young man in. Opening the door and sticking his head in he found the young man engaged in grading papers. Blair had not glanced up to see the person in his office, assuming it was Jim Ellison he ignored the man.

"Give me a minuet Jim." he focus on the papers.

"Sorry, to disappoint you Sandburg," Methos stood there grinning. "but I came to see you."

Blair immieadtly recognized the voice, looking up he found Adam Pierson grinning like a fox. Blair smiled and put away the papers, looking for a seat for his friend.

"What brings you up here?" Blair asked setting the chair across from his own.

"The lecture on the tribes of the Russian steppes." Methos smiled sitting stretching out his long legs. "I thought you'd be going."

"I am, I was hoping to finish these papers but I don't think I'm going to get to it. Between this," Blair gestured to the papers "and the new case Jim's been assigned and the unexpected stuff I'm not sure I'll get anything done. How are you?"

"I'm good," Adam smiled "that new case Ellison has, it wouldn't be the murder case on the news would it?"

"Yeah, that's it." Blair took his glasses off "Its scary to think this guy is running around chopping people's heads off. What could possess a person to do that?"

"I wouldn't know." Adam looked down at the floor, feeling the Ivanhoe's weight more now. "Come on, I'll introduce you to the lecturer."

Blair grabbed his coat "You know Connally, I heard he's a recluse, doesn't lecture often."

Adam's smile broadened "Connally is a bit of a anti-socialist, but I wouldn't think that would make someone a recluse."

Blair and Adam walked over to the lecture hall talking about various things in the Ancient world. They had just entered the lecture hall when Methos felt the buzz, knowing who was the source he smiled. Blair was getting even more anxious as he talked more rapidly and gestured more. Methos was going to enjoy the look on Sandburg's face when he found out Connally was a woman, and a young looking one at that.

"I beg to differ that the Romans were advanced, the Incas and Aztecs were just as advanced." Blair grinned.

"Yes and I remember something about the Incas playing soccer with a human head." Adam said going down the steps.

"I hate to inform you Pierson," Blair followed him, "that was the Myans." Glancing at the woman who was speaking with one of the AV guys. "Is she Connally's assistant?"

Methos looked at Shealti who was irately gesturing to the fact something was missing, "Something like that," he waved to get her attention. "Katherine, I brought company."

"I noticed Old Man." she turned back to the other man and pleaded with him nodding he agreed with her and left. "Hey, how was the coffee?"

Shealti looked at the shorter man with Methos, assuming this was the friend he spoke about earlier. He had the most intense blue eyes, they rivaled Richie's baby blues. The young man was dressed in a white cotton t-shirt, over that was a red cotton one. Faded blue jeans, heavy boots, the jacket was a tan swede. He had dark brown hair that was as curly as her own, it was pulled back from his face. She noticed the choker he wore, was South American influenced with blue-green beads. He had a pair of dark swede hiking boots, most likely a name brand.

Blair was taking in Connally's assistant, she was Adam's height, maybe taller. Long red hair that was as curly as his own, and probably just as unruly. She was dressed in a black pin stripe suit coat and slacks, under the jacket was a dark violet cotton shirt which brought out her violet eyes. The silver framed glasses were similar to his own, smaller in size. He noticed the silver Ankh around her neck, she had an affinity for the Egyptians. Her shoes were heavy boots, doc martiens or combat boots he couldn't be sure.

"Not bad, Dawson's is much worse." Methos winked at her.

Shealti knew he was up to something when he winked at her, she smiled and gave a curt nod. "Who's the company?" she smiled at the shorter man.

"Blair Sandburg," He extended his hand seeming to be looking for someone else. "So where's Connally? I thought he'd be here by now."

Shelati knew exactly what Methos had done to the young man, he had let the young man's assumptions get the best of him."Dr. Connally is running late, at least his flight is running late, if he doesn't show up soon I'll have to give his lecture." she added to the assumption.

"Katherine," Methos grinned, "Why don't you finish setting up for the good Dr. Connally?"

"I would if I could, but the Smart Screen I asked for isn't here." she nodded behind her. "All my stuff is on the lap top."

"What ever happened to paper?" a voice behind them sounded.

This man was tall, dark brown hair was receding slightly. He had what Shealti had come to accept as standard issue clothing when one came to the Pacific Northwest. Dark blue jeans, a light weight black jacket, under that she saw a a faded hunter green plaid shirt and a heather gray t-shirt. His shoes were hiking boots, most likely Nike's or Reeboks. He smiled at Blair as he pulled his hands out of the jacket pockets.

"Jim," Blair smiled. "what's up?"

"Nothing, just stopping by to check on you Chief." he smiled at the two strangers.

"Oh, this is Adam Pierson, a fellow grad student, and this is Katherine, uh, I didn't catch a last name?"

Shealti smiled extending her hand to Jim "Connally, Dr. Katherine Connally."

"Jim Ellison." he smiled shaking her hand, a little surprised to find some strength behind her grip.

"Wait a second," Blair's mind working like lightning, glaring at Adam "you knew she was Connally, and you let me make an ass out of myself?"

"That's what you get for making assumptions Sandburg." Adam grinned.

"Adam," Katherine interceeded "that was pure meanness." she winked.

"Oh? I'm mean?" He raised a brow. "You didn't exactly clear that up, now did you?"

Jim and Blair stood back and watched the two of them argue, the similarities were amusing as far as Ellison was concerned. Blair smirked as she swatted Adam on the arm muttering something in Spanish. Adam looked outraged, taking a step back.

"Just because I don't speak Spanish well doesn't mean I'm not fluent in it." Adam shot back at her.

"That's not the only thing your fluent in." she smirked. "Your quite fluent in making an ass out of everybody else, except when it comes your turn."

"Why I ought to-" Adam began.

"What?" she advanced on him grinning "You ought to what?"

"Geeze, they're worse than us." Jim remarked.

"Man I though you were bad, I take everything back." Blair nudged Jim in the side.

Katherine chuckled at Adam and excused herself to finish getting ready. The man form the AV department had returned with the smart screen and had wheeled it behind the podium. Jim and Blair discussed a few things before Jim began to leave. Blair had invited the Sentinel to stay for the lecture. Jim thought it over for a moment and shook his head, but thanking his Guide for the offer.

Shealti had begun to go through the files on the lap top once the AV guy headed out. The maps came up and in full color, she moused through the Power point and images of some artifacts in various collections from all over the world. Blair had chosen a seat in the center of the third row, Adam choose the seat next to him.

Ten minutes before the lecture the professors and students as well as a few alumni filed in. Blair hadn't seen the President of the college in a few years and gave a small wave as he passed by.

Introducing himself to the young woman, the college president smiled and remained up front. Introducing himself he then went into how fortunate they were to have Dr. Connelly at the college. Turning the microphone over to her she proceeded to beginning by giving her credentials. Moving through her lecture Blair found she had some interesting therorys on the tribes, but most of her lecture held his interest.

Shelati was surprised to see the crowd, mostly students she reminded up front after she had finished. A few of the staff and Alumni as well as a few students came forward with a few questions. She awensered them as best she could without loosing her patience with one particular professor who was sure his theories were the correct ones. Glad when they finally left, she began to shut down the various programs she had pulled up. Blair and Methos were the only ones left.

"It was fabulous, "Adam stood up with a mock bow "I bow to your superior knowledge."

"Thank you," she smiled. "what did you think Blair?" she asked unplugging her lap top.

"It was interesting,"Blair smiled, "you have to remember that my domain is South American anthropology. It had good points, some great theories."

"Thanks," she smiled shutting the lap top down.

Shealti looked at her watch she had filled up the two hour period. It was lunch time, and she was starving. Looking at Adam he nodded and they had decided on a local place. Inviting Blair to join them, he declined and thanked them. Shaking hands with Katherine, she offered coffee to him at later date. Nodding he agreed, and parted ways with the two, heading back to the office and the stack of paper.

Shealti looked at Methos and smiled "We might as well head back to MacLeod's place, Richie should be there by now."

"What about the immortal?" he asked at they headed for the exit.

"I'll come back later to night, see what I can find." she sighed.

"I'm gonna call Blair on the way there see if he can give me any helpful info."

"Thanks Old Man." she gave grin.

Jim Ellison had stopped by to pick up Blair for lunch, but found the young man very interested in the tall redhead. Jim could have sworn he'd seen her name somewhere before. Racking his brain, he ran headed back to the station, glancing at the FBI's most wanted list. No sign of the young woman, checking the Cascade computers there was again nothing. He checked the state computers, he did find Connally was involved in a assault. Getting more info he found that she was one of several arrested for a bar brawl in Seattle. The young woman had held her own, she had managed to get out with no more than a black eye, while the two men that had attacked her had received lacerations, as well as bruised ribs, a dislocated shoulder and a cracked sternum.

"Well, now not quite the little scholar." he smiled.

"What are you up to Jim?" the baritone of Simon Banks rang.

"Just checking out a name." he smiled reading further. "Katherine Connelly, she's a Doctor of History, several dead languages, and it looks like martial arts."

"Bar brawl?" Simon snorted reading the physical description. "Sounds like Sandburg could best her."

"I'm sure he would like to." Jim grinned. "He introduced us."

"So you met Connally?" Simon asked taking a seat in a nearby chair.

"Briefly," Jim nodded closing the program. "she's got Sandburg all ready, he just doesn't know it."

"A looker huh?" Simon smiled. "I do have to admit, Sandburg does have an eye for the attractive."

"Well Simon," Jim smiled "I'd have to agree with him. She's tall, redhead, fair complexion, and violet eyes."

Simon let out a whistle,"There doesn't happen to be a mug shot?"

Jim shook his head grinning he remarked. He happened to hear Blair coming, and if Jim's sense of smell was working right, he had lunch. Jim smiled when his friend came into view with a bag of food from the nearest Chinese restaurant. Simon pearked up seeing the that plain brown bag had more than enough food in it for the two of them.

"Simon, just who I was looking for." Blair smiled setting the bag on Jim's desk.

"You do have the House Lo Mien in there?" Simon nodded to the bag.

"Of course," Blair pulled out the take out container, handing it to Simon "Jim, you do like Sezchwan beef?"

"Gracias Chief." Jim smiled taking the take out from Blair. "What did you get?"

"De nada," he took out the container. "I ordered the honey ginger chicken, with egg roll." he pulled out the foam box.

"Sandburg, you are a mind reader." Simon said pulling the chop sticks out of the bottom of the bag.

"Not really," Blair grinned "its been while since we ordered from the Pagoda."

"Hey Chief," Jim grabbed the plastic fork from the bag. "I took the liberty of checking out Dr. Connally."

"Jim," Blair took a seat on the edge of his desk. "Its not necessary, she's harmless."

"Yeah," Jim nodded "I thought so too, until I ran her name through the system. She's had assault charges filed on her."

"What?" Blair looked over at Jim disbelife coloring his features.

"She was in a bar brawl in Seattle about two years ago." Jim managed to get out between the food. "Seems as though two guys got all touchy feely without her permission, she gave them several lacerations, one a cracked sternum and the other a dislocated shoulder."

"Whoa!" he set the soda down. "Are you sure it was her?"

"Yeah," Jim sighed "I check the description, it fits. Listen Chief, just be careful around her until we get this murder case solved."

"Your judging on past experiences." Blair shot back.

"Considering every woman you been involved with, excluding Michelle, has tried to leave their permanent mark on you, then yes I'm judging on past experiences." Jim looked at Blair.

"Okay," Blair smirked. "there were a couple."

"A couple?" Simon snorted.

Methos was sitting next to Richie and Shelati as Duncan sat across from him. Duncan smiled and asked how things went. Shealti went over a few things and then returned to eating. Richie talked about how his classes were going and he was thinking about history. Methos chuckled and remarked that he might want to wait a couple of hundred years before he attempted that. Richie looked at Shelati and Duncan then rolled his blue eyes. The young man interrogated Shelati about how Rowena was doing.

"She's good," Shelati smirked. "misses your horribly, doesn't know how she ever gonna live another year without seeing you."

"Really?" Richie asked hopefully "That's great we'll graduate the same year!"

"Oh no," Methos sat the beer down "now I've got to think about what I'm going to get them for graduation presents."

"I've got Rowena's narrowed down, its a lap top or the Harley I'm restoring." Shealti said non-chalantly

"I'm dating a motorcycle chick." Richie smirked.

"You too?" Methos raised an eyebrow.

"We're not even going there, you should insert 'I have' in there." Shealti said spearing the asparagus on her plate.

"So what did you think of Blair?" Methos winked at MacLeod.

"Uh oh," MacLeod winked at Richie "is this serious? Am I gonna have to scare him off?"

"No," she smiled. "I admit there is some attraction, but he was nice, a little energetic, but nice."

"Nice?" Richie raised a brow. "Guys don't want to be nice," he chased a pea across his plate. "we want to be dangerous and mysterious."

"Speak for yourself kid," Methos grinned. "I'm settling with being wise and old."

"I'll agree with the old, the wise has issues." Shelati smirked. "besides, boys I've been around longer than all of you put together. I think I know a few things about the male species."

"Maybe," Duncan grinned like school boy "But that doesn't make up for the fact that we are men."

"All right I'll give you that." Shealti smiled as she lifted her fork.

Blair and Jim were out on the night shift until this murder was caught. Blair had been quiet as long as possible, Jim had told him to keep quite. Blair flipped on the radio, Jim gave him a glare.

"You just can't stand quite can you?" Jim took his eyes off the road only for a second. "Did you think I might be listening?"

"Sorry," Blair reached to turn the radio off. "You should have said something, I'm not a mind reader."

"Its all right Chief, I haven't heard anything in the past two hours." Jim said turning the corner.

Jim was just about to let his hearing go back to normal when her heard a clang. It was metallic, more of a ringing. The sound was similar to the sound effect they used in movies that had sword fights. Stopping the Explorer, he focused his hearing to the sound. Blair was asking him what he heard.

"Sounds like a sword fight," Jim's eyes closed. "about a mile that way." he pointed toward the south.

"A sword fight? See if you can get anything else." Blair guided.

"Its empty, " Jim said concentrating "the sound is echoing, may be a docking bay or a where house."

"There's a couple of where house a few blocks over." Blair remembered.

"Let's go get 'em Chief," He backed the SUV up, then pulled a three point turn. "Call Simon, tell him we're gonna need some back up."

Shealti had found the fool, she had tried to talk to him, but he had only listened to her for about a second. She had jumped back to avoid a slash to her midsection. The man was not more than twenty, he had no buzz, which meant that he was a mortal. Slightly shorter than herself, and very angry. His dark hair was growing out he had it spiked, his blue eyes were full of hate and anger. He was good, which meant that the victims had been immortals, and he knew about them, somehow.

"Why do you kill us?" She asked.

"Because its not natural to live for centuries," He ground out "you all need to die, just like my mother and father."

"Did an Immortal kill your parents?" Shealti focused on defending herself.

"What do you think?" he tilted his head at an odd angle.

"So why kill us all?" she advanced on him.

"My parents didn't get the chance to live, why should Immortals?"

"Not all of us kill," she side stepped his parry. "Its against our rules."

"Rules?" he asked laughing. "What rules are those? No one followed the rules when it came to my parents."

Shealti heard the car pull up outside, trying to get past him was the hard part. She stepped toward the left and he blocked her. Shealti tried the right and he again blocked her. Shelati knew the time was drawing near they would both be caught and she was bound and determined not to be. Advancing he moved to block her and she shoved him out of the way. The door to the where house opened, screeching and protesting as it did. Turning to look, her eyes spotted Jim Ellison and Blair Sandburg.

Jim made sure that Blair was behind him, he had his gun out and was sweeping the area when he saw the two of them half way across the where house. Raising the gun he spotted the taller of the two, Connally, and the other young man.

"Freeze!" Jim aimed the gun. "No body move."

Shealti thought about for a second and then spotted the stairs near her and she bolted for them. She heard the curse Ellison spat and shouted for Blair to keep an eye on the other suspect. Blair turned to find the other suspect had disappeared. Running after Jim he soon caught up with the Sentinel.

Shealti had climbed the stairs as quickly as she could, the detective was close on her heels. Bursting out onto the roof she looked for somewhere to go, it was to the next roof. Making her way almost to the other side she took off running past Ellison as he cleared the stairs. Landing with both feet on the other roof, she took off running for the next roof.

Ellison stood there debating on following her, Blair rose into view. Jim decided on following her. Taking the running start he cleared the gap between the roofs, trying to close the distance between himself and Connally. Reaching the third where house rooftop he found the ally below and found her rounding the corner. Aiming he tried to take a shot, but just as he got a clear shot she made it around the corner.

"Damn!" he holstered his gun. "Sandburg, tell Simon I'll be over to meet him."

"Okay," Blair turned to go down the stairs, then turned back. "Who was it?"

"Connally." Jim shouted seeing Blair's features go pale.

It took Jim Ellison a few moments to find his way out of the where house, making his way over to where all the squad cars were, lights going. Forensics was all ready at work and Blair was waiting with Simon, his face still a bit pale. Jim was not sure if it was because of Sandburg's fear of heights or if the fact that Connally was the main suspect.

"What the hell happened?" Simon's voice boomed.

"She got away." Jim glanced at Simon then looked at Blair. "You okay Chief?"

"Yeah," Blair ran a hand through his hair "yeah, I'm fine."

"What about the other suspect?" Simon asked Blair.

"I took my eyes off of him for one second, I was trying to find Jim. The guy fled, he was twenty at the most, about my height, maybe a little taller."

"Anything else?" Simon proded.

Blair shook his head "No, it was too dark for anything else."

"You get an i.d. on the woman?" Simon turned back to Jim.

"Yeah, Connally," Jim looked at Simon who shook his head.

"All right, I'll put everyone on the look out."

Narrow you list of suspects down by reading more.