
::disclaimer:: ::3-1 anne:: ::3-2 dead man's party:: ::3-3 faith, hope & trick:: ::3-4 beauty and the beasts:: 
::3-5 homecoming:: ::3-6 band candy:: ::3-7 revelations:: ::3-8 lovers walk:: ::3-9 the wish:: ::3-10 amends:: 
::3-11 gingerbread:: ::3-12 helpless:: ::3-13 the zeppo:: ::3-14 bad girls:: ::3-15 consequences:: 
::3-16 dopplegangland:: ::3-17 enemies:: ::3-18 earshot:: ::3-19 choices:: ::3-20 the prom:: 
::3-21 graduation day (Part 1):: ::3-22 graduation day (Part 2):: 

Anne- 9-28-98 Vampire kill(s):1
Written & Directed by: Joss Whedon
Angel's banished to Hell, Giles is a basket case trying to find his runaway Slayer, and the mortal members of the Scooby Gang are trying their best to keep vampire activity in Sunnydale at bay. Trying to forget her past, Buffy tries to lose herself by setting up camp in L.A. and slinging hash as a waitress named Anne. With hordes of street kids disappearing and seriously creepy dude named Ken luring those who remain into his cultish Family home where they'll be "cleansed," it soon becomes clear that slaying is just more than a occupation- its part of who she is. When old acquaintance Lilly recognizes Buffy (They met when Lilly went by Chantrelle in "lie to Me"), and asks for her help in finding her missing boyfriend, Buffy discovers that, as Pat Benetar says, Hell is for children. Creepy ken's cleansing process involves shoving the runaways into a goo pit that is actually the portal to Hell where they perform a life time of hard labor. Of course, time moves much slower down there than on earth, so when they're too old to work, they get returned to the streets as horrifyingly elderly shells of their former selves who wander the streets muttering "I am No one." Buffy Literally goes to Hell and back to put an end top the scheme, and in the process realizes that she belongs back at home in Sunnydale.
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Dead Man's Party- 10-6-98 Vampire kill(s):1
Written by: Marti Noxon
Directed by: James Whitmore, Jr.

The problem is that when Buffy does come home, no one is really sure how to treat her. Joyce is afraid she'll run way again, Willow(who has begun practicing witchcraft) and Xander are hurt that she could blow off their friendship so easily and Oz wrestles with the notion of weather they should have a gathering, shindig or hootenanny to welcome her back. What Buffy really needs is some quality time with her friends to explain where she's been and what drove her to leave in the first place. Before that can happen, however, the gang settles on a shindig and with scores of students crowding Casa de Summers, Buffy feels out of place and unwanted, so she packs her bags again. Catching her in the act, her mom and friends trade their awkward politeness for fury when they see she was thinking of leaving again, But with their true feelings finally out in the open, they begin to make amends. Meanwhile, a again of zombies arrives to eat the brains of the partyers, drawn to the house by an ancient tribal mask Joyce brought home from the museum. Buffy diffuses the threat by attacking the zombies's eyes. The real threat in from Snyder, however, as it will be up to him to determine if Buffy gets re admitted to Sunnydale High. Luckily, Giles is on the case, assuring the Slayer's place back in class.
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Faith, Hope and Trick- 10-13-98 Vampire kill(s):6
Written by: David Geenwalt
Directed by: James A. Contner

Beware of black limousine in the Happy Burger drive thru. Mr. Trick, a click techno-savvy vampire from Washington, D.C., and Kakistos, a vampire who's so old-school that he's cloven hooved, didn't come to Sunnydale just for a diet soda and a extremely rare quarter pounder. They're looking for the Slayer, so Kakistos can rip out her spine, eat her heart and suck the marrow from her bones. He's not exactly a Happy meal kinda guy. Buffy, meanwhile, is having a recurring Angel dreams and meeting with a shrink as part of her deal to be re admitted to school. On the bright side, she's not the only Slayer the out of town vamps are after. Enter Faith- a slayer activated upon Kendra's death who has been on the run from Kakistos since gouging out his eye and seeing him murder her Watcher. A tough-talking free-spirit, she and Buffy square off at first, but quickly bond over experiences that only Slayers can share. They join forces to defeat Kakistos, and Faith agrees to stay in Sunnydale under Giles's tutelages. Buffy also tearfully admits that the spell to restore Angel's Soul was successful, but came too late for her not to kill him.
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Beauty and the Beasts- 10-20-98 Vampire kill(s):0
Written by: Marti Noxon
Directed by: James Whitmore, Jr.

Its the beginning of a full moon cycle, so the gang is guarding Oz in his library cage. When Xander nods off during his shift, Oz escapes and a student turns up mauled to death in the woods. All signs point to a werewolf attack, but another suspect emerges when Buffy discovers Angel has returned, finding him with blood on his lips and acting extremely primal. Both Oz and Angel are cleared when a similar attack on the school psychologist occurs during the daylight. Linking both of the deceased to Debbie, a new friend of Buffy's who happens to have an abusive boyfriend, Pete, Buffy and Willow confront her and discover that Pete isn't like other boys. Ingesting a formula to boots his machismo, Pete becomes a Jeckyl and Hyde killing machine. Focusing on his hyper -jealous sights on Oz, who he'd seen talking to Debbie earlier in the day, he makes the mistake of confronting the mild manner musician just before sundown. As Oz's werewolf within takes over, Pete flees the library to the maintenance shed where he and Buffy scuffle-until ANgel puts and end to his rages once and for all.
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Homecoming- 11-3-98 Vampire kill(s):1
Written & Directed by: David Geenwalt
Cordelia thinks she's a lock for Homecoming Queen, but when her snooty attitude gets to be too much for Buffy to take, the SLayer awaken her prom queen with in and launches a campaign to compete with Cody for the Sunnydale tiara. The two pull out all the stops to sway votes their way, simultaneously driving their friends insane. ALl the while, Buffy is begin stalked by some mysterious figures in a van who turn out to be part of Slayerfest'98- a Most Dangerous Game-style event organized by Mr. Trick which has attracted assassins from around the world (including Lyle Gorch) to finally do away with Sunnydale Slayers Buffy and Faith. As tensions peak between Cordy and Buffy, a limousine pick up each of them for the dance. Thinking it was et up by their friends to get them together and make nice, they soon discover that the driver is a demon leading them to the slaughter (they've mistaken Cordy for Faith). Working together, Buffy and Cordy literally fight for their right to party and make it to the dance in time, but neither looks like a queen. It also seems that more than the tracking devices were buzzing as sparks of romance begin to fly between Xander and Willow.
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Band Candy- 11-10-98 Vampire kill(s):4
Written by: Jane Espenson
Directed by: Michael Lange

Buffy is scrambling to secretly nurse Angel back to health while her mother and Giles keep her under 24-hour watch. The parental and Watcher reigns suddenly begin to loosen, however, around the same time some tainted candy sold to raise money for the band has the adults acting like kids. Worlds collide as the Bronze is over run by stage-diving parents, Snyder compliments Oz's hair and Ripper and Joyce can't keep their hands off each other, which seriously wigs-out Buffy. The gang discovers the candy is part of a devious plan by Mr. Trick, Ethan Rayne and the Mayor to divert the parental attention while the vampires kidnap babies from the maternity ward to offer as a tribute to the sewer-dwelling, baby-eating snake demon Lurconis. Buffy eventually torches the demon, but effects from the flames if passion that overwhelmed Giles and Joyce (twice) will continue to felt in future episodes.
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Revelations- 11-17-98 Vampire kill(s):2
Written by: Doug Petrie
Directed by: James A. Contner

A new Watcher, Gwendolyn Post, has been dispatched to tutor Faith and evaluate Giles, who the council believes has become too American. As Faith and Post bond, the relationship between Giles and Buffy is shattered when its discovered that she has been secretly seeing Angel. The gang is furious with Buffy for harboring the vicious killer, and they stage an intervention in the library to confront her about it. Xander later informs Faith of Angel's whereabouts, and they immediately set off to dust them. All the while, Angel has been working with Buffy to destroy the Glove of Mynigon before the demon Lagos can get it and reap the vast power the wearer of the glove will possess. Lagos is defeated, but another threat remains: Post, who turns out was actually removed from the Watcher's Council for use of dark powers, has been plotting to steal the glove all along. She arrives at the mansion just before Faith, Buffy and Willow, and as the Slayers duke it out over weather Angel should live or die, Post slips on the glove and makes her intentions known by shooting lightning blasts at everyone in the room. Angel scores points by saving Willow from a horrible, flamey death, but Faith feels foolish fir being duped by Post and becomes further withdrawn.
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Lovers Walk- 11-24-98 Vampire kill(s):4
Written by: Dan Vebber
Directed by: David Semel

Heart broken and drunk to the gills Spike returns to Sunnydale for some compassion, a little mayhem and revenge on Angel, who he blames for his split with Drusillia. SPotting Willow at the magic store where she's looking for an anti-lust spell to keep her and Xander apart(Spike's looking for a spell to give Angel leprosy), he follows her to the school where she and Xander are mixing the ingredients for the spell. Spike abducts them both, locking them away in the basement of the burned-out factory until Willow casts a spell to make Drusillia love him again (she said he wasn't demon enough for her). Needing more ingredients, Spike goes out to get them, but not before stopping by Buffy''s place to cry on Joyce's shoulder over some hot cocoa. Angel and Buffy arrive in time to find him there and accompany Spike to the magic store and eventually to where's he's keeping Willow and Xander. The Mayor, meanwhile, becomes aware of Spike's presence and, knowing he's a loose cannon, dispatches troops to eliminate him before he draws any undue attention. SPike, Buffy and Angel do some serious dusting, which works out to be just what Spike needed to snap out of his depression. He tells Buffy and Angel where to find their friends, but not before Cordelia and Oz have arrived at the factory to find their significant others engaged in passionate lip lock.
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The Wish- 12-8-98 Vampire kill(s):4
Written by: Marti Noxon
Directed by: David Geenwalt

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, especially a woman like Cordelia. Trying to forget her cheating boyfriend and his spooky entourage, Cordy tires to catch on with her old clique, but gets rebuffed for dating a dork like Xander. Deciding that all of her troubles started when Buffy moved to Sunnydale, Cordy wishes she'd never met the Slayer. Her wish turns out to be her new friend Anya's, a new girl who also happens to be the patron saint of scorned women in disguise, command. Cordelia is whisked away to a Sunnydale without Buffy, where the Master rules and the Hellmouth is wide open. The few students still alive rush home before sunset and wear drab colors to avoid vampire attention, the Bronze is now a blood sucker haven, and Willow and Xander have become the undead minions of the master. Giles, Oz and a rag tag group of brave souls form the White Hats, an outfit which battles vampires, but they are obviously losing the war and it isn't long before Cordelia herself is drained. Through it's too late to save Miss Chase, a much darker angrier Buffy is summoned (from Cleveland) to help the White Hats in a battle which see just about everyone she cares about turned to ash.
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Amends- 12-15-98 Vampire kill(s):0
Written by: Joss Whedon
Directed by: Joss Whedon

As everyone else prepares for Christmas, Angel is being stalked by the spirits of his victims. Still angry and distrustful of the vampire, the Watcher reluctantly invites him into his home and offers to help, but Angel is overwhelmed with his guilt when he sees the apparent ghost of Jenny Calendar shows up again at the mansion, however, its clear that this is more than just a mirage. Buffy also sense something is wrong as her dreams become more vivid, violent and linked to Angel's, and she, too goes to Giles for help. They suspect it is the work of the Bringers, a trio of evil monks are known to re animate the dead. Calendar's ghost is the embodiment of their evil, which is resurrected Angel from Hell to kills the Slayer by urging him to blame her for pain he is feeling. Tracking the ministry to a cavern beneath a Christmas tree lot where the tannenbaums are dying up faster than a staked vampire, she promptly disposes of them. Meanwhile Angel, convinced that he's slipping close to harming Buffy, he decided to off himself at sunrise. Buffy desperately tries to convince him that the threat is gone and her life, and with time running out and the sun about to break over the horizon, a freak snowstorm blows through Sunnydale, miraculously blocking the sun to spare him.
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Gingerbread- 1-12-99 Vampire kill(s):1
Teleplay by: Jane Espenson
Written by: Thania ST. John & Jane Espenson
Directed by: James Whitmore

When Joyce pays her Slayer daughter a visit in the park, they discover two murdered children. A symbol found tattooed on each of the slain kids has the towns folk convinced it must be part of an occult sacrifice, and at a candlelight vigil held for the kids, a rumor begins to circulate and pick up steam. Willow and her coven of Amy and Michael seem to be prime suspects-Buffy even finds a doodle by Willow of the same symbol found on the kids-but it's the ghosts of the children who turn out to be the real culprits behind the madness. They speak to Joyce, urging her to avenge their death and hurt the people who hurt them. What no one seems to ask, however, is who the children are. No parents have come forward, yet photos of the brother and sister are availableto newscast and adorn billboards. Forming Mothers Opposed to the Occult (M.O.O.), Joyce rallies the adult population of Sunnydale and spearhead a Salem-like witch hunt and book burning. Paranoia hits a fevered pitch as Willow and Buffy find themselves being burned at the stake by their own mothers. Meanwhile, Cordelia is incensed that her mom destroyed all her black clothes and scented candles, so she alerts Giles-who has discovered that the same mysterious kids are actually the fabled Hansel and Gretel and have been discovered every 50 years dating back to 1649- to City Hall, where he exposes the demon.
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Helpless- 1-19-99 Vampire kill(s):3
Written by: David Fury
Directed by: James A. Contner

As a very special birthday present from Giles, Buffy gets just what she's always wanted: she's a "normal" girl with no super powers and no slaying ability. Unfortunately, Giles is required to keep mum about stealing her skills, and she's got an even bigger surprise waiting for her. As part of her Cruciamentum-a-rite-of-passage for all Slayers required by the watchers' Council-she's to be locked inside a house with a captive vampire and must slay him without her powers to help her. It doesn't seem as though whacked-out Zackery Kralik wants in on the party, however. He escapes from his captivity and kidnaps Buffy's Mom. With this unexpected development, Giles is compelled to spill the beans to the house to fight Kralick has trapped Joyce in a room covered in creepy Polariods of her captivity-he's even crazier than the standard-issue vampire. Giles and Buffy manage to take out the vamp and save Mom, but the victory doesn't come with out a price. While the Council if impressed with Buffy's performance, they aren't as satisfied with Giles. He's fired from his position as Buffy's Watcher because he's developed a fatherly love for her.
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The Zeppo- 1-26-99 Vampire kill(s):0
Written by: Dan Vebber
Directed by: James Whitmore Jr.

What a night for Xander. Reinventing his image as the rest of the Scooby Gang scramble to research the Sisterhood of the Jhe's plan to reopen the Hellmouth, Xander and his cool new wheels (on loan from an uncle with multiple DWI's) are sent out on a pick up dognuts- his only use in this mission. Catching the eye of a gear-head hottie, he never gets back to the library- he's out for a night out of his own adventures. Unfortunately, his night out leads him straight to knife-wielding Jack O'Toole and his rowdy zombie gang. Eager to initiate Xander into their gang by killing him and transforming him into a zombie as well, Xander narrowly ditches the undead misfits, spotting Faith just in time to help her defeat a Sisterhood demon. Charged-up after as usual after a kill, Faith over takes him at her hotel room and the two dance the horizontal mambo. Meanwhile, the zombie gang has set up a bomb in the school's basement- and since Buffy and friends are busy with the Sisterhood, it's up to Xander to eliminate the Zombie threat on his own. While the gang narrowly snatches the world from the jaws of the Hellmouth, Xander single-handedly busts zombie butt and intimidates JAck into diffusing the bomb- just before Jack becomes werewolf food for Oz.
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Bad Girls- 2-9-99 Vampire kill(s):8
Written by: Douglas Petrie
Directed by: Michale Lange

With the firing of Giles, it's time for fresh blood in the Watcher's post, which arrives in the form of Wesley Wyndam-Pryce. Neither Slayer is thrilled, but Buffy enlists his help in discovering the background of two sword-wielding vamps that the Slayers battled the night before. The swashbucklers are part of the El Eliminati, a cult of vampires with swords who served the demon Balthazar is back and in needed of an ancient amulet from Sunnydale cemetery. Faith and Buffy manage to swipe the amulet from the vamps while Wesley inspects it for clues, Buffy prepares for a chemistry test, which is interrupted by the arrival of Faith. SLowly Buffy becomes seduced by Faith's wild lifestyle, invading vamp nest by day and partying hard by night. Meanwhile the Mayor and Mr. Trick are preparing the needed supplies to cast an invinciblity spell on the Mayor, in preparation for his up coming ascension. Buffy enjoys partying and slaying with Faith, until they begin to step over the line and attract the attention of the Sunnydale police. Faith's accidental murder of the deputy mayor, Allan Finch, during their pursuit of the El Eliminati offers Buffy a harsh wake up call. With Angel's help the gang defeats BAlthazar and sets the captured Wesley and Giles free, while across town, the Mayor's invinciblity spell succeeds and makes him impervious to destruction for 100 days. Buffy attempts to talk Faith into confessing to the murder, but she's already disposed of the body and shows no signs of remorse.
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Consequences- 2-16-99 Vampire kill(s):3
Written by: Marti Noxon
Directed by: Michael Gershman

The Part is over . . . and its time to deal with the fallout. Buffy is racked with guilt over Faith's murder of a mortal. However, FAith refuses to admit her crime and seems to have no remorse over the death. The Sunnydale police show up, taking and interest in Faith and Buffy as suspects, while Cordelia takes an interest of a more amorous nature in Wesley. The gang decides that someone should talk to Faith about her issues, and since Xander presumes his recent romantic liaison with her has brought them closer together, he volunteers for the job. When Xander visits Faith, she wigs out on him, pins him down on then bed and begins to choke him. Only when Angel's timely arrival-and his skill with a baseball bat-saves Xander. It seems that Faith has acquired a taste for murder, and she's hungry for more; Angel and Faith share a heart-to heart on the topic while she's held captive in his mansion. Wesley and a few lackey arrive on the scene to deliver Faith to the Watcher's Council for judgment, but she handily escapes and head for the docks, where Buffy catches up with her. As they share a moment, a cadre of vamps led by Mr. Trick appear for a snack and are take out by the Slayers, including the Trickster himself. FAith's heroic rescue of Buffy leads Buffy to believe that there may be hope for Faith, even as Faith inquiring with the Mayor about the opening in his evil band left by Mr. Trick's dusting.
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Dopplegangland- 2-23-99 Vampire kill(s):4
Written by: Joss Whedon
Directed by: Joss Whedon

The mortality-bound demon Anyanka returns, desperate to retrieve the lost amulet that grants her power over reality. She tricks Willow into employing her budding magical powers to open a rift into the alternate Sunnydale so that Anya can snatch back her prize. Unfortunately, the spell misses its mark- bringing Willow's vamped-out evil twin to Sunnydale instead of the amulet. It doesn't take the Vampwill long to figure out that this isn't the Sunnydale she knows and loves. Vampwill quickly convinces a few local vamps to join her cabal as she sets out to restore chaos to the town. Meanwhile, the Scooby Gang thinks that one of their own has fallen to the vampires and mourns Willow's death, until the living Willow arrives in the library. Buffy, Angel, Xander and Giles head off to the Bronze to stop the vamps, while Willow lags behind. Just then, the Vampwill arrives in the library, where Good Willow manages to capture her evil twin with the helped of Buffy and places the switcheroo where the Evil Willow and lure the vamps out of the Bronze and into the gang's awaiting stakes. Meanwhile, Coredelia inadvertently sets Vampwill free and Anya and the vamps have discovered Willow's plan. Good Willow screams, Evil Willow attacks, the gang arrives on the scene and both Willows narrowly escape death. . .at least in this Sunnydale.
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Enemies- 3-16-99 Vampire kill(s):0
Written by: Douglas Petrie
Directed by: David Grossman

Faith has been cleared by the Watcher's Council to resume her slaying duties, and returns to work with Buffy. No one discovers that Faith has actually sealed a dark pact with the mayor to report back to him as a double-agent. The two Slayers discover a demon offering the Books of Ascension for sale. Buffy reports the books and the demon to Giles and Wesley the next morning, unaware that Faith has already delivered the same news to the Mayor. Seemingly distraught with guilt after returning to kill the demon, Faith seeks solace in Angel's arms and is rebuffed. She reports to the Mayor that she has failed to give Angel the moment of happiness that will once again free his soul and transform him into evil. The Mayor then cuts a deal with the mysterious figure to rob Angel of his soul using witchcraft. Faith and the Mayor seem to succeed at bringing back Angelus, and Faith and Angelus pair up to trick Buffy into imprisonment at the mansion. Yet the tables spin once Faith reveals that the ascension is coming on graduation day-turns out Angel has merely been tricking Faith into revealing more information about the ascension. Buffy and Faith then have a battle to a stand-still, with Faith then fleeing into the night. The plan seems to have worked, and the gang has won a crucial battle against the Mayor, but the scheme is not without casualty. Distressed by even a false return of Angelus, Buffy puts her relationship with Angel on hold until she cans sort through her mixed feelings.
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Earshot- 9-21-99 Vampire kill(s):0
Written by: Jane Espenson
Directed by: Regis Kimble

While battling a very gross and mouthless demon, Buffy gets some of the creature's blood on her and she becomes infected with it. She reports the infection to Giles, who discovers that exposure ti demon blood can cause anyone infected to exhibit "an aspect of the demon". Fearful that this might mean that she'll take on the demon's nasty looks, Buffy dips into a flunk, which is somewhat lifted when she discovers what she's inherited from the demon: the power to read minds. Despite the fact that it really weird out her friends-especially the horomonal Xander- she has a grand time listening in on everyone's thoughts until she over hears someone in the cafeteria mentally plotting to destroy the school. She immediately puts the Scooby gang on red alert to find the potential assassin, even as she slowly begins to descend into madness because she can no longer block out the medley of voices in her head. Willow leads the gang in a through investigation of the most likely suspects ranging from the disgruntled school newspaper editor to the surly lunch lady, but they have no luck. That is until a letter discovered by Coredeila reveals yet another suspect with murder on his mind. Meanwhile, Angel arrives in Buffy's room with a part of the demon's heart, which she has to swallow in order to rid her of the demon aspect. She recovers in time to race over to the school and stop who she thinks is the killer . . . but this suspect only plans on hurting himself. Its Xander who unwittingly uncovers the real sociopath.
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Choices- 5-4-99 Vampire kill(s):3
Written by: David Fury
Directed by: James A. Contner

The Mayor's relentless drive toward Ascension Day continues, even as Buffy and the gang face college and the choices that will shape their futures. Faith is dispatched to retrieve an item that will be crucial for the Mayor's ascension, the Box of Gravoc. At Sunnydale High, Buffy has decided that she might be happiest leaving Sunnydale for college and only fighting major evil while on breaks. Giles and Wesley decide that if she can stop the Mayor's ascension, the two will consider her request. The gang then hops onto the offensive against the Mayor's plans, invading his inner sanctum in an attempt to retrieve the box. They snag it from the Mayor, but also lose Willow in the process, who is held captive by Faith in City Hall, Faith is prepared to kill Willow, but Willow manages to keep her occupied long enough for the Mayor to arrive with good news- they're going to trade Willow for the box. When the forces of good and evil meet up in the cafeteria to make the exchange, they get an unexpected surprise: Principal Snyder and a pair of cops. One of the cops opens the box unleashing the spider creature onto him. Buffy and Faith fight off the spiders while the MAyor escapes with Willow. IN the end, the situation is right back where it started- the Mayor has the box and the gang has Willow. But Willow's managed to tear a few pages from the Books of Ascension, which will aid the heroes in preparing for the final battle yet to come.
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The Prom- 5-11-99 Vampire kill(s):1
Written by: Marti Noxon
Directed by: David Solomon

Prom night is supposed to be a special night for seniors, but it doesn't seem to be shaping up too well for Buffy and her friends. Cordelia can't afford a prom dress because her family is newly poor, Xander is forced to accompany the mortal demon Anya to the dance and Angel breaks up with Buffy over their frustration in sustaining a relationship. Angel then dreams that he and Buffy are getting married, but when the newly weds step into the sunlight on their happy day, it isn't Angel that burns up but Buffy instead. As if all these problems weren't bad enough, a madman has trained a pack of Hell Hounds to attack anyone wearing formal wear, and he intends to release the hounds on prom night. The gang all pitches in to help Buffy find the owner of the hounds and she sets off to the dance while the rest of the group head off to the dance, with Cordelia decked out in anew prom dress paid for by her former beau Xander. Buffy makes short work of the hounds and heads for the prom, where all her friends are having a wonderful time. She's voted Class Protector and is surprised in the end by ANgel's unexpected appearance, decked out in a tux. In spite of their intense past together, the young lovers dance and find comfort in each other's arms.
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Graduation Day, Part 1- 5-18-99 Vampire kill(s):3
Written by: Joss Whedon
Directed by: Joss Whedon

The big day has finally arrived, in more ways than one. Buffy, Xander, Oz, Willow, and Cordy will graduate from high school. The Mayor is preparing for his long-awaited ascension. And after its all said and done Angel will leave Sunnydale- and Buffy- forever. The single lingering wild card is Faith, who is send by the Mayor in the days leading up to the ascension to slaughter a college professor who may have been crucial clue to help Buffy defeat him. The Mayor is also preparing his big commencement address- not only will he ascend on graduation day, but he'll do so at the ceremony itself. The gang gets a big break in their investigation when Xander discovers Anya has actually attended an ascension about 800 years ago. She describes the ceremony as a demon taking pure form on earth, unlike the impure demons who usually occupy the mortal plane. Ayna quickly decides to leave Sunnydale, and Buffy also manages to convince her mome to seek safe shelter elsewhere while she faces the Mayor. As Buffy and Angel Investigate the dead professor's apartment, Angel is stricken with a poison arrow fired by Faith, and he must drink a slayer's blood to survive. When the Watcher's Council refuses to help Angel- their business isn't toe help save vampires- Buffy quits the council for good and heads off to bring Faith's blood to Angel, by whatever means necessary. The two engage in one final battle, resulting in Faith getting stabbed and falling off the building into a truck below. The truck drives off with Faith inside . . . along with the blood Buffy needs to save Angel.
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Graduation Day, Part 2- 7-13-99 Vampire kill(s):5
Written by: Joss Whedon
Directed by: Joss Whedon

Buffy flees the scene of her altercation with Faith just as the Mayor arrives with a cadre of vamp henchmen. Meanwhile, Angel is fading fast. Buffy arrives to save Angel through the only means at hand- he has to drink her blood to clean the poison from his system. TA first Angel refuses, but Buffy attacks him until his vamp persona is forced out, and he drains the Slayer's blood. He then takes her to the hospital, where he informs the doctors that she was bitten by an animal. As Angel watches over Buffy, the Mayor has discovered Faith in another room where she's slipped into a coma. Buffy recovers quickly and instructs the gang to prepare for a massive battle at graduation. Everyone is enlisted in the plans from Larry and Harmony to Percy and Wesley. They prepare a trap for the Mayor as his honor enlists the vampire populace to strike during a solar eclipse at the graduation ceremony. They have to hold back the students as he feeds on them, or else his transformation into a demon will not last. During the Mayor's speech, the ascensions begins, and he transforms into a 60-foot-long-snake demon. But he faces an unexpected opposition-from the student body of Sunnydale High, who are equipped with stakes and flame thrower. An epic battle ensues between the vamps, the Mayor and the students. There are many casualties, but in the end the Mayor is slain by a bomb in the library set off by Giles. Angel and Buffy have on final moment together before the two part, and the gang heads off into the sunset.
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This page houses Season 3 Episode guide for Joss Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Each episode will be labeled by number, in order. Each will also include a original air date, who wrote the episode, who directed each episode, vampires slayed and a brief description. This is just for entertainment purposes, and no money was made from this.
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