ANGEL Season 3 Guide

season 3 cast


::disclaimer:: ::3-1 heartthrob:: ::3-2 that old gang of mine:: ::3-3 that vision thing:: ::3-4 carpe noctem:: 
::3-5 fredless:: ::3-6 billy:: ::3-7 offsrping:: ::3-8 quickening :: ::3-9 lullaby:: ::3-10 dad:: 
::3-11 birthday :: ::3-12 provider:: ::3-13 waiting in the wings:: ::3-14 couplet :: ::3-15 loyalty:: 
::3-16 sleep tight:: ::3-17 forgiving:: ::3-18 double or nothing:: ::3-19 the price:: ::3-20 a new world :: 
::3-21 benediction:: ::3-22 tomorrow:: 




heartthob- 09-24-01

Written & Directed by: David Greenwalt

A lovesick vampire tears out his heart to get revenge on ANgel for stalking his soul(less) mate. New lawyer Gavin Park goes after Angel-with building violations
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That Old Gang of Mine- 10-01-01
Written by: Tim Minear
Directed by: Fred Keller

The gang that's out doing thrill killings of harmless demons turns out to be Gunn's old gang. Caritas gets trashed again.
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That Vision Thing- 10-08-01

Written by: Jeffery Bell

Directed by: Bill Norton

Lilah has Cordy tormented with False visions to blackmail Angel into rescuing a bad guy from eternal fire. Angel meets an affable demon named Skip.
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Carpe Noctum- 10-15-01

Written by: Scott Murphy

Directed by: James A. Contner

A randy old man switches bodies with Angel so he can live the playboy life forever. Lilah and "Angel" get impulsive on top of Wesley's desk.
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Fredless- 10-22-01

Written by: Mere Smith
Directed by: Marta Grabiak

Fed's parents come for a visit, so Fred runs away. A big bug gets splatted on a bus windshield.
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Billy- 10-29-01

Written by: Tim Minear & Jeffery Bell

Directed by: David Grossman

The creep that Angel freed for Lilah in "That Vision Thing" starts spreading his misogynistic mojo. Under his influence, Gunn & Wes attack Fred.
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Offspring- 11-05-01

Written by: David Greenwalt
Directed by: Turi Meyer

Darla shows up at the Hyperion carrying Angel's baby, and Holtz shows up in the 21st Century..
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Quickening- 11-12-01

Written by: Jeffery Bell

Directed by: Skip Schoolnik

Everyone from Wolfram & Heart to Holtz to a cult of demon monks is after the unborn baby. When Holtz wipes out W&H's entire commando force singel-handed, you can almost like the guy.
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Lullaby- 11-19-01

Written & Directed by: Tim Minear
Darla tires to get rid of her baby, and the warm feelings the Baby's soul is making her feel. Caritas gets demolished yet again.
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Dad- 12-10-01

Written by: David H. Goodman

Directed by: Fred Keller

Monks, demons and W7H soldiers lay siege to the hotel, but Angel's biggest problem is how to get his infant son to stop crying.
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Birthday- 1-14-02

Written by: Mere Smith

Directed by: Michael Grossman

Or "Its a Wonderful Life, Redux". The Powers That Be take Cordy's astral body to an Astral Mall, to show her what her life would be like if she hadn't joined Angel.
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Provider- 1-21-02

Written by: Scott Murphy

Directed by: Bill Norton

Angel's obession with providing for Connor leads to a mega-successful marketing campaign. Fred almost loses her head over a demon puzzle
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Waiting in the Wings- 2-04-02

Written & Directed by: Joss Whedon
A century-old romantic triangle in a ballet troupe exposes a couple of romantic triangles in Angel Investigations. Gunn puts on a tux and morphs into a balletomane.
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Couplet- 2-18-02

Written by: Tim Minear & Jeffery Bell

Directed by: Tim Minear

Angel lets Groosalugg move in on his girl, his clothes, and his favorite swrod. A talking tree left over from the "Wizard of Oz" casues some touble.
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Loyalty- 2-25-02

Written by: Mere Smith

Directed by: James A. Contner

Holtz recurits an army of vengeful fanftics to help him kill Angel, while Wesley consults a giant hamburger about the prophecy that Angel will kill his son.
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Sleep Tight- 3-04-02

Written by: David Greenwalt

Directed by: Terrence O'Hara

Father/son vamp cannibalsism, a demon band, two kidnappings, an attempted murder, too many betrayals to keep track of, and a hell dimension breaking loose in L.A. We need a hug!
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Forgiving- 4-15-02

Written by: Jeffery Bell

Directed by: Turi Meyer

Angel kidnap W & H's Linwood, conjures Shjahan back into kickass flesh, and tries to stuff Wesley's pillow down his throat. Lilah needs Angl's escort to get int W & H's "White Room". That's gotta bite!
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Double or Nothing- 4-22-02

Written by: David H. Goodman

Directed by: David Grossman

A demon Repo Man comes to collect Gunn's soul in payment for an old car loan.
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The Price- 4-29-02

Written by: David Fury

Directed by: Martia Grabiak

Glow-in-the-dark water-sucking slugs discover the hotel has a poll; and Cordy flashes some new demon power. Word of the day: "Thaumogenesis".
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A New World- 5-06-02

Written by: Jeffery Bell

Directed by: Turi Meyer

The Miracle Child formerly known as Connor meets his real dad, shows some cool martial arts talents, and collects and ear for his trophy string.
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Benediction- 5-15-01

Written & Directed by: Tim Minear

Angel and Connor go back to back against a vamp gang; Lilah puts her moves on Wesley, and Holtz finally reveals his real plan for vengeance on ANgel.
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Tomorrow- 5-22-00

Written & Directed by: David Greenwalt

Cordy rises to a new plane of existence, Connor sinks Angel to the bottom
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This page houses Season 2 Episode guide for Joss Whedon's Angel the Series. Each episode will be labeled by number, in order. Each will also include a original air date, who wrote the episode, who directed each episode and a brief description. This is just for entertainment purposes, and no money was made from this.