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Links what only work if you Click

The Only Goth in Togiak
The Antichrist Superstar
Blue Man Group
Human Resource Center
Some photos...
A blog, for what it's worth
For those of you who like Van Gogh's Starry Night
Zombie Sheep
Band 1 - Unkaged
Band 2 - the Maggot Cabaret

This page is something for me to just write in. When I feel like it. Which is almost never. Which is kind of odd, if you think about it. Scads of important significant things have happened since I wrote in it last, but I haven't written in it in months. That's probably not much motivation to check it, but if you've gotten the address, the motivation is that occasionally there'll be spurts of posts, sometimes several in a day, so you never know. But you probably never cared anyway.

The main page is less a journal and more somewhere to base the pages for my movies and junk. Kind of like the center of a spiderweb.

Regret is one of the most powerful emotions, along with hate, love, and fear. Regret in love is only stronger.
Reaching into a person's life, touching them, stroking them and bringing them something and then...losing someone once said...don't ever get attached to something you can't fit in a backpack.


I've seen this twice live, once in the fifth row....fucking incredible. For the second time, go HERE.


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