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The road is long but the story is longer, we are the dreams that scribes speak of by long candle lit nights. Aelsial was born in an elven woodland village, she grew up learning like any other though her heart yearned to journey, and that she did. Her parents let her go with their fondest wishes and hopes that she would return to them when the time bid her to come home.

Within her travels she was taken in by the AoS where her skills as a healer proved most useful to them. For the time things were good, then her King was called off to war and the AoS banded with the shadows. Years passed and she returned to her travels once more. Before she knew it the King of the AoS had returned and called upon her once more. With honor she accepted once more. Upon returning this time she joined the ranks of master archer.
Once more the tides of war have called her King away, and she has returned to the woodland village where she grew up. For now her travels are done and she has her own hidden secrets.

Name: Aelsial
Height: 5 ft 7
Eye & Hair color: Dark Brown and Auburn
Weapon: Bow

Aelsial and Gianni