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words flowing out of your mouth
running together all at once
what is it you're saying?
i don't understand
looking at you, staring blankly now
lost, confused, unsure of what to say
how to react to all those mumbled words
maybe it's just that i'm not listening
or i'm not paying enough attention
but why should i?
do you deserve my attention?
you never respected me and in doing so,
you lost my respect for you.
now, you talk still, just going on and on
like i'm listening....
can't you see? foolish doll
all your talk, it means nothing
none of it ever did, but you can't see
why are you so blind?
can't you understand you've lost your daughter?
you lost her years ago, with your foolishness, lies and
stupidity. how could you let this happen?
how could you let me go?
10:15 p.m.

clouds overcasting
sunny skies no longer showing
smiles fading slowly
disappointment, shame
not moving on, stuck in your existence
yelling, glares, music blaring
innocent victims caught in your hate-filled game
what are they to do?
swallow everything, fake for everyone, act happy
that's what they always were told
all know how they feel, the pain, the lies
why should they hide it all for you?
what did you ever do for them?
anything they appreciated?
do they love you? yes, somewhere deep inside
this hate, this open wound grows as the days pass by
and as they do, with them, their lives, withering
no longer children, but adults in a child's body
you can't see the truth, but I can
for I am one of them, one of your bittered children
your selfishness has blinded you.
10:02 p.m.

dying in the shadows"

during the witching hour of the night
on this forsaken day
i lurk among the shadows
watching your every movement
waiting to feed on your soul
i hide in the darkest corners
in the smallest cracks and crevices
under rocks and in bushes
so that you cannot see me
you are oblivious to what will happen next
i pounce on you when you least expect it
tear you to shreds with my teeth
as I lick the warm blood off your bones
i feed on your heart still beating in my hans
while you lie there silently
with a terrified look on your lifeless face
as fast as I arrived, I leave for fear of being seen
once again, I hide in the darkest corners,
lurking in the shadows
watching and waiting for my next victim
