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Beginning Daemonolatry

One must study successfully and know the basics of Daemonolatry before ever thinking about taking it up seriously. You should already know the basics of metaphysical religion and magick ( i.e. deity concepts, and what magick is, ect ). Daemonolatry welcomes beginners, but it helps to know several different systems of belief such as ceremonial magick, polytheism, etctera. Daemonolatry is not just magick. It is a religion-- remember that.

Things You Can Do As a Beginner
1. Start a journal.

2. Study Demonology books and sites, but take them with a grain of salt (most works of Demonology were written by Christians or from a Christian point of view).

3. Fully read and understand the Daemonolatry Primer. Write down what you think about the articles therein which are the basis of Daemonolatry---also write down anything that puzzles you.

4. Read about different pantheons, religious history, ceremonial magick, solitary magick, astral travel, psychic powers, tarot, Traditional Witchcraft, Satanism and what not. Question yourself constantly. Test yourself.

5. Another chapter in your journal, notice parallels between Modern Satanism and Daemonolatry. Notice how they are completely different.

6. Dedicate a page WHY you are interested in Daemonolatry and what you think it will do for you.

7. Write your conception of daemons, what you think they are. If you have the Christian conception of them,forget it!

8. Look at a list of demon names, note the one that seem to "stick out" to you.

9. Study the demons that "stick out" to you from the list.

10. Think about choosing a Patron/Matron and what this means.

Ritual For Beginners

1. Learn the Basic Altar Setup Gather tools and craft yourown oleums ect.

2. Meditate regularly.

3. Learn to create a balanced elemental circle. This comes with time. Do not rushinto Ritual if you do not know how to do it properly. You could end up with an imbalance.

4. Go outside and appreciate nature. If you are drawn to water, go near an ocean or a river. If you are drawn to Earth, go into a forest or where there are trees and foilage. If you love firey places, go to the desert. If you love windy places go somewhere that is windy.

5. Do not attempt ritual if you do not know about it. Study up on the principles first, remember the basic laws, ( erecting the circle, creating a balance, honoring the spirits (the Daemons ), and doing the main rite, then close (always thanking the Deities for attending. Remember, you can not go back and change things.

Your Dedication Rite:

1. Do not attempt your dedication rite as soon as you start studying. I'd say give it as long as you can, you'll know when the time is right. You need to be sure the Daemon you choose as your Patron/Matron is right for you, remember you can not go back and change things.

2. Be sure you have everything memorized- ( how to set up the circle and altar without reading it, the movements, chants and such).

3. You will never know what will happen during your dedication rite. I did not. When you don't expect much, you don't get much. Too much self-doubt can be destructive. Have faith in yourself, your abilities, and the Daemons.

4.Make sure you are prepared. Do not overlook anything- (tools, incense, sigils, ect.) Do not move out of the circle once it is cast. It breaks concentration.

5. Remember to strengthen the bond between you and the daemon you have chosen for your Patron/ Matron. Many Daemonolators get their Patron/ Matrons sigil tattooed on their body somewhere, as a gesture of honor to the Daemon. This is not required, but may help build a closeness to the Daemon.

Some Rules to Remember:

1. Do not boast, brag, or brow beat others.

2. Abide by Coven / Sect Law at all times, whether you are solitary or not.

3. Respect the spirits you work with.

4. Respect members of the Priesthood and Adepts alike.

5. Respect other students.

6. Most of all, respect yourself.

7. Go by gut instinct. If something feels wrong don't do it.

8. Speak little, listen much.

9. A still tongue makes a wise head. Silense is the key. (To know, to dare, to Will, to keep Silent)

10. Watch nature at all times, deep mysteries are contained therein.

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