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Welcome to the Brisbane Witches Online Community

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Brisbane Witch is a discussion circle for Witches, Pagans and their friends living in Brisbane, Australia and surrounding areas. The purpose of the list is to bring the local community together for sharing of ideas and energy without personal agendas. Many local elders and groups are represented on this list and we are fun, friendly and democratic! Newbies and oldbies are all welcome. Regular social events are organized, and this is a great networking and learning/teaching group. No one person is the "leader" here, making us different from other local email groups. We welcome intelligent, independent seekers and practitioners. Pull up a chair and say hi!

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We would also like to invite you to browse through the following pages which will give you information about local Groups, Gatherings and Regular Events and to review our Guidelines

[ Home ] Resources ] Guidelines ] Moderators ]

© 2001 Brisbane Witches Online Community