*some sort of star..*

hullo, all.

this is my humble little page, for all you adoring fans out there. it shall keep me satisfied until i learn how to do even more html, and thus complete my master plan of fantastic.. html-ness.

so far, i've got pictures, poetry, and some other nifty things that are fun for the whole family, so check 'em out. i'll update when i can. until then, toodles, honeypots.

<3, nikki

last update: 2.08.02

go on, get outta here, kid.

yes, that's right, i *am* pure evil.
sticks and stones yadda yadda, but words are a girl's best friend.
it's list-mania! the new sensation that's sweeping the nation!
the music that warps my fragile mind.
2001: the year in nicole's music
*NEW* chunky clumps of creativity as they emerge from my brain.

Email: urbanmelodrama@aol.com