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Song of the Moment: "Wheres the Party At?" by Jagged Edge.

Site of the Moment:Still Caitlains Room since it wasnt up here for long.

clickity click

Hey Everyone! Welcome to Unconformity Version Washed out!If you are sitting there saying to yourself "what the heck is unconformity?" Well used as an adjective it means uncommon,or unique. I picked this name because i want my site to be unique and not like any other. Hope you enjoy it! =]
Last Update: 08/13/01-hey hey...finally getting to updating today.I went to the library today..woohoo go me.lmao anywho goto the news cause i got lots to tell about my O-town concert,and other stuff.Check Stuff for a new journal entry.
i'm a dork.
« © MyHeartSings:Hanging by a Moment © »

more cliques

i am in alot more cliques,but i accidentaly deleted that cliques page so i lost all the ones i was in a forgot them. If i am in your clique and dont have a code up.please e-mail me so i can goto your site and get one up. i tried to remember as much as possible.sorry.

Quote Of the Moment:
"We all dream; we do not understand our dreams, yet we act as if nothing strange goes on in our sleep minds, strange at least by comparison with the logical, purposeful doings of our minds when we are awake." -Erich Fromm, The Forgotten Language
Shout Outs-okay all you chickies and dudeies! i wanna give big shout outs to all my buddddddiiiies! hehe Okay here goes the list! Leah-you've been the greatest best friend ever. i cant believe you put up with all my shiz! lmao "PLANT GRASS!!" haha
Jake-you treat leah right or i'll bust a cap in yo @$$! haha no more yelling at nina! haha stay cool bro!
Danielle-hey advice giver!! haha you've always been my advice giver and i have no idea what i would do without you here for me! When we gonna start our rock group dudeie!! lmao stay sweet!
Nick!!!!- hehe i gots a song for you nick! be optimistic dontcha be a grumpy when the road gets bumpy just smile smile smile and be happyyy!!
Kelly-hey hey are awesome and a great friend! Tony Hawk Pro Skater RuleS!!! haha
-Friend of the moment-
-Online friend of the moment-

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