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   The Geek Zone

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3/25/01- Oh's been way too long since I updated my site.  School has been getting the best of me, but now I'm on spring break!  So what do I get to do?  Get caught up on my school work- doesn't that suck?  Anyway, not much has changed to the site other than this, so come back soon to see any new stuff that I might add this week.

2/10/01-  I've been slaving away at schoolwork all day and now it's time for a break.  I've updated the links section, but don't even think it's done yet :)  I'm gettingmore and more hits to my site everyday...thanks everyone for your support! Coming soon- What does a collegewithout a football team do for homecoming?  You might be surprised...comeback later to see what it is!

2/6/01-  Thanks to all the good folks of the AMDMB SETI@home team for giving me some hits to my site.  I've updated my Pictures page, not to mention the grand opening of my very small downloads section!

2/4/01-  So much for opening a new site, just been way too busy.  I have opened the Links  section, however...go    check it out!  More to come later.            
2/2/01-  I can't seem to stop bein busy.  This week was hell but I made it through in fine style and now it's the weekend!  I plan on making some major revisions to my site (and possibly opening a newone...hehe).  Come back often and check them out!

1/27/01-  Boy have I been busy! I finally moved back to school...infact, I've been here for 3 weeks. I've been doing a lot of studying and such,you know, all of that school  crap.  I got my Ghetto Plexi Project donefinally, head on over to Geek Stuff and checkout the pics.  I'm gonna start updating more regularly so come back oftenand see what's new!             
12/18/2000- A lot has has happened in the pastcouple of days.  I saw Amber :)  I went to Home Depot and got theplexiglass for my Ghetto Plexi Project. Hmmm...what else?   Oh yeah, I got caught up on my Christmas shopping! I'm working an awful lot this week...third shift at the Texaco and Bugle Boy, so I won't have any time to get working on my Ghetto Plexi Project, but I will soon...expect something within the next couple of weeks.  I'm looking forward to going back to school!  My links page should be up before you know it...come back soon and check it out!

12/16/2000- My girlfriend was supposed to come tonight...the weather's too bad and she couldn't :(  Going to get the plexiglass for my Ghetto Plexi Project tomorrow.  A piece that's about 18"x24" will set you back a measley $4.50 at Home Depot .  And they'll even cut it to the right size for you :)  Look for updates soon!  

12/15/2000- Updates to the Ghetto Plexi Project are coming soon.  I just bought a 50 foot crossover cable...don't really have a use for it right now but you never know when you might need a really long crossover cable :)

12/15/2000- It just rolled over to midnight and I was bored so I thought Iwould update my page...sorry if I got your hopes up for something good, likeupdates to the Ghetto Plexi Project.

12/14/2000- I finally made it back from Tennessee ...I've got my creative juices flowing, I should be starting the ghetto plexi project soon.  Come back often and see how it's going.

12/13/2000-  Check out the newest edition to Geek Stuff-  how to add a "Ghetto Plexi Window" to your computer...more on this to come later.


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