Updates and News

1-7-01: Page created

1-7-01-1-18-01: Added and subtracted things to enhance the page

1-20-01: Gave the page a Sublime theme

1-28-00: Found my new best friend-Ebay

1-29-01: Didn't do much with the site, but got tickets to the Barenaked Ladies show at the Baltimore Arena. Floor seats!!!!!!!

2-10-01/2-11-01: Looking for new ideas and pics to add on here, haven't updated the page in a while cause I've been working and actually going out and doing things. I can hardly contain myself! more stuff to come incase anyone cares

2-15/16-01: On Tuesday I'm going to Florida on a last minute decision trip so there won't be any updates for at least two weeks. I hope I have fun, I dunno. But, hey, it's Florida!

3-9-01: Got back a few days ago. Anyway, I'm working on the sight looking for new ideas and crap like that. This page still isn't much but I'm getting there.

3-18-01: changed the background, link colors, and the ending message, the Barenaked Ladies show is tomorrow!!

4-8-01: Ok, I forgot to update the updates page. I'm an asshole. whatever, anyway..i updated the quote and rant pages and the barenaked ladies show was WONDERFUL and i cant wait until they come back around!

4-25-01: Got my HFStival tickets on presale!! Haha losers that have to wait until the 28th

4-28-01: Listened to HFS all day cause it's cool and I'm a poser. I haven't done shite with this site but update this page, I don't care, I have a lot going on but I'll try to update as often as possible. 4-28-01 4-29-01: Went house hunting in Delaware..yeah, that's it.

5-01-01: Well, it's really 5-02-01 but whatever..I'm trying to update everything, I don't even think anyone comes to this page anymore..if you do, sign the guestbook!!!!

5-29-01: Well the HFStival was cool, but it's over. I can't wait until next year. The Warped Tour is coming up, and guess who's gonna be there?? Thats right, Bob Barker. Not really. Happy Birthday Grandad

6-04-01: My page is updated in a girly fuck you kind of way. So, yeah..there ya go.

6-21-01-6-25-01: I'm 19, and Happy Birthday Mikey, I Love You and Miss You :o(

7-04-01: Happy 4th

7-05-01: I'm not doing much with this page but I figured anything is something.