Welcome to Star Child's Secret!

Hey hey hey oh my brothers and sisters! Welcome to the randomness that is my web page. Feel free to wander. Keep all hands, arms, legs, kitty tails, etc. inside the ride while it is in motion. Ciao!

Updates, brought to you in part by Everclear, the greatest band of all time: April 11: Adding link to the newly-revived (sort of) Soap Opera on my old webpage

Summer's coming up in a few weeks, which means that I'm going to have to scan as many of the pictures I have as I can while I have access to a scanner. Grr. There's so much more I want to put up her besides pictures, but that's all anyone seems to care about. You need a picture of yourself and you're my friend? Just go here and you'll find something semi-useable.

Stuff to see on my site

Diaryland Just a sneak peek into my mind
Livejournal A more current view into my mind
The Soap Opera that used to not-be my life
Background to the insanity My mini-biography
Literature Page Some of my many many writings, being shown to the world.
Picture time! A photo album of plays I've done and friends I have.
Wannabe Boyfriends So many cute boys, so little time
Links page Get the hell outta here

If you have anything you want me to add to the site, or you just wanna say hi, email me!

Email: ncimino@goucher.edu