Welcome to Spam's site 
on absolutely and positively anything that he feels necessary, idiotic, or funny   


  Here is what my delicious menu has to offer :

Top Lists - Top 10, 20, 100,  etc... mostly funny *not done!

Duct Tape - A guide to solve life's problems using only a roll of tape Highly useful

Pictures - "A picture is worth a thousand laughs...." *not done!

Optical Illusions - Some cool optical illusions... pretty challenging

Useless Facts - Interesting stuff that you never wished you knew

Links - Links to the coolest and most useful pages on the web, plus a place where you can post your own links 

Services - Stuff I do for you. Sounds great huh? AHAHA TOO BAD!!! *not done!

Confucius - The famous philosopher gives some words of wisdom

Once-a-day - This little diddy I wrote is nicely made to be visible, you guess it, once a day.


Does this page look like crap? probably because you're using a bad browser.
- You should try Internet Explorer 4.0+ 
- Or set your resolution to 1200x800
- Or Get a better computer, you cheap-ass

*This site has absolutely nothing to do with Spam, or the company that makes spam.
Why would you think that in the first place?


I have no copyrights whatsoever, cause i probably stole this stuff from you
2001 Sam Lidester