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News (and whatever else i feel like)

January 31, 2002 -
well heyheythere!! so let's see...whats for nick, he's in baltimore still...saw him a bit around christmas...he's going to college in mass next year, after sticking around for awhile this summer, so maybe he'll do a little music! miked is looking for a good band to join in orono, so if anyone knows of anybody, sing the guestbook!! last time i talked to harold, seems he was still looking at his options (ill get back to you on harold :). as for me, im looking for solo >a href="">gigs and planning to record SOMETHING this summer/fall (whatever that something may be). as for a scj reunion, who knows...i seriously doubt it. i'm sure we'll all get together and jam once or twice this summer (if harold sticks around), but we probably wont play any shows. if we do, we'll be under the name "geezer" and we'll play nothing but weezer, the cars, and the who covers. ooooh yeah rock on. might be posting ol SCJ lyrics soon. later
September 2, 2001 -
hey there! i was looking over these concert reviews from a contest we played in a long time ago, and i thought i'd post some quotes:
"i really liked the bass parts..."

"i really like your jokes they were cute!"

"your guitar player is incredible" :D

"you guys rock my world!"

"the image could use some grooming as well as stage presence"

"in the future, learn to look at the crowd more than the guitar"

"I also liked the weezer/live/radiohead feel"

"i got drifted into their lyrics of love and such"

"the singer should definately pursue music"

"low self esteem (they put themselves down a lot)"

"if you tell the crowd you are a bad band, they'll believe you"

"the drummer has some creative ideas"

"i like the harmony should do them more often"

August 6, 2001 -
i posted sometihng here about the cd a month ago, that has been deleted. i wrote some very cruel things about the pondering judd sound crew that would now like to apologize for. i was confronted by one of the members about this, and soon realized how incredible stupid and immature that statement was. was the recording usable? no. did they say it would be? also, NO. i owuld like to very sincerely apologize to the pondering judd sound crew and everyone who had to read that load of crap i wrote here. that message did not represent noble high school, or even the rest of the band. it was nothing but me being bitter because i didnt have our stupid recording. the guys for pondering judd are good people...i was just being stupid. sorry guys
June 27, 2001 -
id like to encourage anyone and everyone to pick up the soundtrack to the tim burton movie "edward scissorhands". danny elfan scores all of burton's movies, and this has to be by far the best ive ever heard him do.hearing music like this inspires me to go to new pop and emo, as great as they are, can only last me so long until i hear this stuff and i remember why i was ever a music fan in the first place. anyway, i highly recommend picking this up. and if you think this is pansy music...well...i feel sorry for you. before you even think of buying our cd, buy this. i hear the new "air" cd is great, although i havent heard any of it yet..
June 25, 2001 -
flu strikes again. jim got it, and now the cd is delayed again... this time until for everyone who wanted a cd, they should be available starting monday :P
June 24, 2001 -
well, everyone loves a good rumour. anyone remember No Jargon?? another band i was in for a while...kind of an improv alternative grunge thing. anyway, since we're trying to put a smith comma john reunion show on for the 4th, we decided why not put on a no jargon reunion show, too?? so if this thing works out, the lineup will be:
No Jargon
The Fall Semester (my band)
Compost Shark
Smith Comma John
and who knows, there could be more. ill keep ya posted
June 21, 2001 -
there's been delays on the cd due to the flu :P. Also, me and mike d have decided to probably wait till around the 4th of july to start selling copies (for many reasons, including the reason that nick and harold dont know anything about this yet lol). well, stay away from the flu, and if any of you see nick or harold...could ya tell them we have a cd comming out??? :D
June 17, 2001 -
raise your hand if you want a smith comma john reunion show 4th of july!!! *raises hand*. i sure do. who knows if it will happen, but im gonna try. who knows, maybe compost shark and my unnamed band will play, too. in fact, maybe others will play also!!! waddaya think!?!? the cd should be ready by tomorrow, so be sure to nag us about buying your copy!! :D:D:D. did i mention im gonna see radiohead AUGUST 14!?!? WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!! :D
June 11, 2001 -
SMITH COMMA JOHN LIVE CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am going into the electric cave with jim tierny (who i worked with solo a couple months ago) to mix a concert SCJ played a couple months ago at noble high school. after the cd is mixed, we're going to burn some copies and probably be selling them shortly after. i dont know how much they will will be able to buy them from me, harold, or mike, and my new band will probably be selling them at shows. here's whats on it...
1. hey there
2. i dont know
3. God bless you
4. you are in me
5. when i talk to you
6. ruth
7. electric words
8. heart thats bigger than the world
9. that song there
10. killer robot girl
11. the far away song
12. jared left his lights on
June 3, 2001 -
compost played in my garage last night, lots O fun :D:D:D. they played Kahtleen TWICE!! WOO HOO!!! :D;D:D. i think thats a really great song, dont you? anyway, thanks to compost shark for playing, and to dave for playing the mazzy star song with me and sam for holding the lyrics. well, yes smith comma john is over. nick leaves for baltimore tomorrow :(:(:(. we'll miss you nick, good luck with everything and dont stop rocking!!!!!! im very excited about my new band, but it just wont be the same. well in case anybody who visited this site has no interest in my new band :), have a great summer and thanks to everyone who ever saw our band and was able to sit through an entire strange irritating set. well have fun kids!!!!!!!!!!
May 20, 2001 -
the sonic assembly cd that im on is out now. if you're interestred in buying a copy, you can email me or go to bull moose music in portsmouth.
May 16, 2001 -
new rem and weezer rock!! woo hoo!! so, a lot of people have asked "j$, whats gonna happen to the page when SJC breaks up??" good question!! its probably gonna turn into the site for the emo/fuzz band im starting very very very very VERY soon :D. by the way, check the shows page!!
May 13, 2001 -
new rem and weezer tomorrow :). wow, im tired :P
May 11, 2001 -
the show last night was LOTS of fun, even though there were some technical difficulties :). i wanna thank the line of people skanking in front of the stage during KRB. not pictured did a great job and of course good for life rocked the house. all i can say is, i seriously hope that this isnt our last show. we're thinknig of having a party before nick leaves and we can play a set with maybe compost shark....??
May 10, 2001 -
*still hasnt heard new weezer*. im listening to the second radiohead album "the bends". this is my favorite album of all time, and its the first time ive listened to it in months. why not? i have no idea. i think i save it for special occasions ;). anyway, show tomorrow in dover. should have some fun, so come over if you want. 7 PM, Dover Worship Center in Dover. anyway, goodnight. by the way, thanks for those who liked our stuff the other night and also to those who didnt. hehe it was fun. although two unidentified females (possibly killer robot girls we dont know) stole our guitar picks after the second song. aw well, keep em ladies buy guitars, learn how to play them but dont play creed or anything else that could damage ears. instead, by a compost shark cd and learn how much you can REALLY rawk!! by the way, "kathlene" or however you spell it, is an awesome song :D. good ol fashion hippy peace everybody
May 6, 2001 -
howdy. so, not much goin on. the sonic assembly cd that im on should be out in a couple weeks...and...we have a couple gigs this week. also, i STILL have not heard the new weezer song. isnt that sad?? however, some very good news. RADIOHEAD AUGUST 18TH!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!! :D
April 28, 2001 -
mike d was awarded an award for best bass player from the people at the rock-off show we played in portland on march 10th. rock on mike :D
also, thanks to everyone who saw us play last night. it was such a fun was recorded on ADAT, and as soon as we find someone to mix it, we'll be selling CD's. here's the set list, in case anybody cares:
1. hey there
2. i dont know
3. God bless you
4. you are in me
5. when i talk to you
6. ruth
7. electric words
8. heart thats bigger than the world
9. that song there
10. killer robot girl
11. the far away song
12. jared left his lights on
April 25, 2001 -
Well, "THE SHOW" is commin up this Friday. i encourage you all to go cuz, well, nick is moving soon and we wont be around for more thna a couple more months. i might be playing some stuff with mike this summer, and harold might do something else. so, if you wanna come, i promise it will be a good time. if you dont, we'll still have fun :)
April 24, 2001 -
i heard the new radiohead album today, since its out on napster...its stuff like that that makes me respect music. only musicians like radiohead can pull some of this stuff off. i think music should be about nothing but fun intil it gets in the hands of the talented musicians. otherwise, arent you just recreating something that millions of people have heard millions of times before? i guess what im trying to say is, there are some things that should never be taken too seriously until you hit an area that raises an eyebrow. after that, go all the way. but until then, just have some fun. well, thats my useless jargon for today. thank you and goodnight
April 20, 2001 -
so, i felt like writing something here's this, for everyone who has heard the band, email me and tell me your thoughts, maybe ill make a page out of it or something. "yeah jared, its called a guestbook". ok, ok, enough with the sarcasm already!!write your favorite song in the email, too. i really wanna know.
April 15, 2001 -
happy easter. God bless
Luke 24:1-8
April 9, 2001 -
jared's album of the week: garbage - version 2.0 (NOT THAT I SUPPORT ALL OF THE LYRICAL CONTENT)
April 5, 2001 -
i just wanted to talk about how cool practice was today. sometimes, bands come together very well. other times, they do not. today was a lot of fun for me. i cant wait for some of our more "hidden stuff" to be heard...even if its not #1 on carson daly's gay little talk show, i think we enjoy playing it. and thats what counts, right? anyway, im excited about playing it soon and i hope you guys like it. we should be debuting some tracks like "God bless you", "that song there", "i dont know", "jared left his lights on" and "killer robot girl" at "THE SHOW"...although we havent actually decided yet. ok, im gonna go now.
April 1, 2001 -
first of all, sorry that i havent posted much about the band lately...we're just trying to practice so we can put on some good shows later in the month.we also wanna do some home recording soon..
for those of you who may have heard my solo music and liked it, i am looking for three more musicians (keyboard/synth, bass guitar, acoustic/electric guitar) to play some gigs with starting late spring/summer. so if you're interested, let me know.
March 30, 2001 -
i recorded with jim at the electric cave last night. went great and i had a good time. jim was great to work with. btw, as anybody seen my mazzy star cd???
March 26, 2001 -
i have a serious problem. i seem to ba addicted to my jimmy eat world cd.
March 25, 2001 -
thats right folks. you heard it here first. nick salata actually got a new guild acoustic guitar. and shes a beauty. also, i will be going into the studio this thursday to record one solo track.

main news info listen pics booking shows links
see the guestbook
sign the guestbook
