Sorry all, I've been reading fics lately and trying to motivate myself. I know, bad me because I wasn't doing a daily update but yeah... hey, at least I've come up with a few ideas for more fics and have started them even if I'm not publishing them. :) I'm honestly going to try and finish all my open fics before starting another but... we'll see where the wind takes me. Here's another chapter and another new part. Some of you will love this. Anywho, enjoy and REVIEW!


Darien sat on the bed silently staring at the floor. She was angry. Of course she was angry! What did he expect, that she’d smile and shrug it off? Sighing he let his head fall into his hands as he thought. This was not going to be easy but he was ready for this. He was ready to wade through the turbulent waters of her anger. Silently he stood and walked down to the living room to retrieve the articles of clothing they had discarded.

Serena on the other hand lay in the bathtub with her ears underwater so she could drown out everything but her own thoughts. She wanted to hate him, she wanted to blame him for everything that went wrong in her life… but she couldn’t. That’s the curse of loving someone. No matter what they do wrong, no matter how horrid they are, if you still love them, you forgive. Why should she though? It was his fault that she’d suffered so much over the years. He could have told her long ago and they would have been happy together. She knew it was most likely her mother who’d forbidden him to say anything but why did she get to dictate so much when she was never around?

She closed her eyes and submerged her head in the heated water. Why did everything have to be like this? Nothing was ever simple, nothing was ever easy. As she held her breath in the water Darien stepped in, kneeling beside the tub and admiring her. Small bubbles floated to the surface from her petite nose and he couldn’t help but smile at her.

Finally she brought her body up, her head tilted back as she wiped the water from her face and opened her eyes. “What Darien?” She growled and leaned back while glaring at him. He simply shrugged and watched her eyes change from one emotion to the next as she struggled with herself. “I’m angry at you for lying to me.” He nodded and sighed, folding his arms on the side of the tube he rested his head on them and smiled.

“Perhaps… but you know what? I can handle that… he paused then grinned wickedly. “Hey! I have something for you that’s I’ve been meaning to return. I managed to get Sapphire to get it from the house after Seiya sent me away… I hope you don’t mind my taking from you though.” He stood and stepped out of the room, returning shortly with a large black VHS tape. Kneeling again he turned the tape so she could read the label that was so clearly printed in her own handwriting. Her eyes widened as she realized what he was holding. “I figure, since you’re already mad…”

“YOU took this?” She stared at the tape now mortified by the implications. “I thought… I thought the movers… DARIEN!” She stood and grabbed a towel quickly moving around him. He’d taken that tape so long ago… and, he’d watched all the others too! “You… you’re really… sick and twisted aren’t you?” She grinned. She wasn’t sure why that made her more attracted to him but it did. The idea that he had kept one of her sex tapes for all these years… maybe he’d been viewing it on and off too!

“Yes, I guess I am… you’re shocked? Serena… I practically raised you! Who did you think you got it from?” She blushed furiously and stepped back as he began to approach her. “I don’t want you to be mad at me Serena. Can’t we just put the past behind us and begin a new life together?” She bit her lip and held her towel a little tighter as he placed his hands on her hips. “Don’t ruin this because you want to be stubborn.”

“I’m not stubborn!” She growled as he laughed. “I’m not! It’s just that… well how would you feel if I did that to you?” She growled as he pulled her to him and moved his lips to her neck. “I mean really Darien be reasonable!” She shivered as he placed a kiss right below her ear.

“I would be thrilled that I could finally have you and you’d done your homework. Come now… I don’t want to argue with you…” She could feel him becoming aroused as he kissed her, moving his hands under the towel to touch her wet skin.

“Darien…” She groaned and moved away from him. “I’m not that girl anymore.” She sighed and looked at him. “I’m not ready to forgive you and hop right into bed. Not yet.” He smiled and pulled her to him again pressing his lips to her, attacking her senses in the most effective way he knew how to. “Darien… she attempted weakly. Stop.” He sighed and moved away from her.

“Okay… I won’t push it. Just know that I love you more than anything else in this world.” He then stepped past her and walked out the door to leave her in peace.

“I’m so glad to be out of that place!” Seriah sighed and fell back on one of the double beds in the hotel room. She was exhausted by the day’s events but not so exhausted that she wasn’t thinking of him. “So…” She suddenly sat up leaning make into her arms and pushing her chest forward. “Are you still in love with me?” She smiled and winked at him making him sigh.

“Riah… I just don’t know how I feel right now. I mean… our parents… are… well… you know.” He rubbed his forehead trying to block out the mental image he got when placing Serena and Darien in the same room alone. It was in their eyes that morning, lust, longing, loneliness. He knew they were together.

“No, I don’t know. I certainly don’t care either. Let them do what they want and focus on us.” She caught him off guard, pushing him onto the bed and pinning him down. “I just want you.” She lowered her lips to his ear and kissed lightly making him jump up pushing her away. “Don’t deny me again Derrick!” She growled and pushed him down again and assaulted him with forceful kisses making his head spin as he tried to reason with himself to push her away again.

Of course that seemed to be the weakness of men and somehow, Seriah knew it. She knew the key factor in bending men to her will: get them sexually aroused and you can do anything with them. “Damn it Riah… stop it!” He attempted to grab her wrists only for her to capture him and press his hands to her chest while she kissed his neck. Derrick! Get her off of you! Your cousin’s actually going to rape you if you don’t! His mind screamed at him while another piece of his consciousness told him to stay. “Please Riah… I don’t want this.” He tried again weakly, his resolve breaking. She giggled against his neck then looked into his eyes with all the danger of a python. Her eyes were narrow making her look very much like a snake about to strike. Her black hair was loose from its ponytail and was now cascading over her shoulders and to the bed in heavy waves. He’d forgotten just how long her hair was but in the moment it looked like a black cloak against her pale skin. “I mean it.” He added and began to push her back. Her icy eyes were fixed on his, stabbing into him like knives. “Don’t look at me like that… it freaks me out.”

“You’re such a scardy cat! Come on Derrick. Grow a pair!” She growled and got off of him, her anger practically glowing in her eyes making them seem almost iridescent. “If I was mom and you were your dad this wouldn’t be an issue and you’d be happy right about now.” She rolled her eyes and lay on her bed with her arms stretched out to the sides. Much to Derrick’s dismay, with a large sigh she sat up and began to remove her clothing to go to bed. “I just don’t get you.” She chuckled and stood by her bed in only her undergarments and her hands on her hips. “Your mind does too many flip flops.” She then reached around her back to unhook her bra making Derrick close his eyes and lay face down on his bed to try and ignore her. He knew what she was doing and he didn’t appreciate it.

Seeing his obvious discomfort she removed the last of her clothing and lay next to him on her back. Her hands brushed through his hair, tickling him and sending shivers down his spine. “No.” He grumbled into the blankets. “I won’t and you can’t make me change my mind.” She giggled and rolled onto him, pressing her nude body to his clothed one. “Riah!” He growled and stood up looking away from her. “You know what… I’m just going to get my own room.” He began to walk out only to stop when she laughed. “What?”

“You want me so badly that you have to get another room? Well, if you do that, I’ll just follow you down to the lobby as is.” He turned to her, his eyes wide with shock. Was she threatening him? “In fact… maybe I’ll turn on the water works and say you were trying to do bad things to me.” She pouted her lips, tears beginning to form.

“You wouldn’t do that to me… stop… stop acting like your dad!” She shrugged and moved towards him. “I mean it. You can black mail me all you want but I won’t... I don’t love you like that. I just don’t.” She chuckled and pressed her body to his still one and leaned her lips to his ear.

“You will when I’m done with you.” She whispered and nibbled on his earlobe. He paled as he realized he only had one option to avoid this. So, turning on his heels he walked out of the room and into the empty hall. His pace was quick but he knew she’d be right behind him, and she was. Rushing into the hall completely nude, she rushed after him as her eyes watered with fake tears. She wasn’t going to let him get away without a fight. If he was seriously going to turn her down she would make him pay for it.

Ducking into the stairwell he rushed down to the lobby and to the counter where the woman stared at Seriah in horror as she exited the stairwell. Derrick glanced at her over his shoulder and paled. It looked like she’d been through hell! She’d obviously messed her hair and… thrown herself against the rails on the stairs because she had several large red marks beginning to bruise. “I think she needs help miss.” He said with a touch of concern as Seriah rushed to the counter, her nose beginning to bleed.

“Help me!” She shouted at the woman and hugged her own body tightly as if she’d been violated. “He tried to rape me!” She pointed at Derrick who looked at her as if she were crazy. “Please!”

The woman at the desk cleared her throat and looked between the two teens cautiously. “You really want to do this? Don’t forget my dad’s a lawyer and a damn good one too.” Derrick whispered to his cousin then looked at the woman at the desk. “Fine, call the police. I did nothing wrong and my cousin here is mentally ill.” Seriah looked at him angrily then pushed him onto the ground.

“DON’T CALL ME CRAZY!” She screamed and began to slap and claw at him until security pulled her away from a very shocked Derrick. “I’m NOT! Get off of me!” She screamed and kicked at the guards who were very timid about holding a naked fifteen-year-old girl. “My dad will kill you! He’ll get all of you just wait!” She screamed as the guards pulled her towards the police who had just arrived. The officers cuffed her and put her into the back of the squad car before returning for Derrick.

“Come on kid. You have to go too. Regardless of who’s story is correct we have to investigate both claims.” Derrick sighed then let the police drag him to the police station where they promptly put him in an interrogation room. He stood by the door, leaning against the wall as he thought about Seriah. She had to be insane to do what she did at the hotel. She just had to be.

“Sit down will you?” A female office who looked very stern snapped at him as she entered. He refused and the woman glared at him. “So, you think it’s funny to try and rape a younger girl do you? Your cousin nonetheless!” His mouth fell open as the woman looked at him pointedly. “Well?”

“I… I didn’t do anything to her! If anything she was trying to rape me! I was going down to the lobby to get a separate room!” He had to admit he was worried. Sickened really. If Seriah was able to convince them… that would be terribly bad.

“How do you explain all of the bruising on her then young man? Did you beat her first? Try and make it so she couldn’t fight back? That’s what it looks like. Besides, no girl would run into a hotel lobby looking the way she did if something wasn’t terribly wrong. My understanding is that you spent the entire day with her… then you checked in at a hotel. What else were you planning to do tonight?” Her eyes narrowed on him letting him know that this woman had done this many times before. “You know what I don’t like about kids like you? You’re good looking so you think you can get away with anything you want. Well, not in this town you can’t.”

“I think… I need a lawyer.” He said and straightened. “You can’t prove anything because I didn’t do it and if I have to call my lawyer I will.” He growled. “So let me have my phone call.” The woman looked at him with shock in her eyes. As if she didn’t expect him to call a lawyer. “Well?”

“Come with me you little prick.” She grabbed him roughly and tore him out to the phone. He picked it up and dialed the number to the cabin. He was glad that Darien had made him remember it.

“Hello?” Darien’s voice filled the phone and held a hint of frustration and sadness. Derrick frowned wondering why his father would be unhappy.

“Dad… I need you to somehow come and clear something up for me.” Darien was silent on the other end of the line prompting Derrick to continue. “Well… I refused to… have sex with Seriah so she made a scene in the lobby and is accusing me of attempting to rape and beat her. I’m at the police station.” A heavy sigh and a slight growl escaped his father and he knew he’d be taken care of. “Thanks dad.”

“Yeah, not a problem.” He hung up the phone and looked at Serena who had stepped into the room and looked at him expectantly. “The kids are at the police station… we need to go and get them apparently.” He knew Seriah was up to no good and this proved it. She’d either gone bonkers or she was just like Seiya. Either way it wasn’t a good sign and by the way Serena was looking at him. He knew she was thinking something similar and she had no idea what had happened.