Hey all! Okay, so firstly you’re going to LOVE this chapter. Secondly, I DO write this story all by myself. Every one of the stories on my profile is my original work and no one else touches them. The ones I co-write are on the other author’s page. Just thought I’d let you know since there was a question.

So anyway, enjoy and REVIEW!

At Long Last

Seiya sat in his living room fuming. Seriah had managed to call and tell him where they were. Darien, of course she’d wind up finding him; and with Sapphire’s help too! He sneered, Sapphire was an idiot for thinking he could save her, yet, he tried. “What are you going to do?” The young man with white hair asked while looking into the icy eyes of his father’s enemy.

“I’ll tell you what we’re going to do. You’re going to manufacture some of that serum for me. Then I’m going to go there and drag my woman and our daughter out of there kicking and screaming. I know Seriah will cooperate. She’s always loved me more… but Serena. Serena may not come unless I kill her. I know he won’t let her go… I should have killed him long ago.” Seiya shook his head and eyed Peruru carefully. It was strange to think that this boy killed his father, but then, if that was true then he couldn’t let the boy go. Peruru could very well be greater than anyone before. The only problem was that the boy seemed to have a soft heart. “Will you help me?”

“I have nowhere else to go.” The boy lied. He had indeed killed his father, it came down to a fight. Diamond was furious about him telling Seiya about the kids but he had to. After he’d done it he called Sapphire and begged for help. Sapphire of course, had a plan. Watch Seiya, act as his protégé, then help to destroy him.

Seriah stared at the gorgeous man hatefully as he carried her mother to the dinner table. Sure, he was good looking, seemed nice, gentle, and kind; but he was that way only because he was playing a part. “Stop it.” Derrick whispered and glared at the girl.

“I demand answers Darien.” Serena finally said after he’d put her down. “Real answers.” She added as he sighed and sat in a chair. “Why did you let me believe you were dead?”

“I had to. Seiya threatened to kill everyone. Derrick, you, Ilene, Ken, John, his wife Karen… even Andrew and Molly. I couldn’t let that happen.” She looked at him suspiciously.

“How did Andy find out about you?” She snapped angrily, the betrayal she felt finally showing itself. He looked down. Yes, it was wrong for him to have asked Andrew to keep it from her but he had to. He knew she’d try and find him before they were ready. “Darien!”

“Sapphire found me first and asked me to do something. I agreed but I wanted you to be looked after. He suggested Andrew because he was already around. Of course… I didn’t know how little he actually checked on you. I called him once a week to get updates and each time he lied to me. I’m not sure why. Maybe it was fear but I’m seriously going to talk to him about this. I didn’t know you were treated so terribly. I’m sorry.” Seriah eyed him carefully. So Andrew had been a spy for all those years? It was disturbing to think. Then again… it was a good idea. Use someone already around to spy on the enemy.

“In his defense Derrick and I didn’t know either.” Seriah said softly with a smile. “Uncle Darien… my dad kept his abuse secret… I had no idea… until recently… and… I sort of think in a way, that he brainwashed us both. He was always the perfect dad when we were around.” Darien looked at Derrick who sat nodding quietly. “He had us convinced mom was crazy. I’m just sorry I didn’t know sooner. Even Yesterday I was angry that mom was leaving but… I get it now.” Darien eyed her, he wasn’t sure if she was being genuine or not. It was hard to tell with her icy eyes. “I just want to be happy.”

“I’m afraid though Darien. Despite the past what about the future? You know he’ll come for me… what then? He’ll kill you… this time for good.” Serena shook and grabbed his hand tightly. “I lost you once all ready don’t ask me to do it again.”

“I won’t. Sapphire’s been training me. Diamond too… I know they don’t have the best track record, especially Diamond but I trust them.” Darien smiled just before Derrick jumped up. “Sit down Derrick. If you recognize the name it’s only because Diamond’s pretty self righteous and wants to destroy Seiya himself. His son Peruru would never allow him to hurt you.”

“Diamond fathered a child? With who?” Serena smiled remember the twisted yet charming albino. Something about him had appealed to her. In a way she was proud of him.

“A woman named… Emerald I think. She was taken with him… lord knows why.” Darien paused for a few moments. “Anyways… I’ve been trained in everything Seiya has and more. I can take him.” Darien smiled slyly. “I’ll thoroughly enjoy it too.”

A few weeks passed without word from the outside world. Serena was healing nicely and had seemingly returned to her normal self, surprising both Seriah and Derrick. Seriah had lightened her mood and become much like her mother, playful and loving. Things were shaping up to be perfect in their world and as Serena got up early one morning she smiled and snuck downstairs before everyone else to begin breakfast. She set about happily making crepes and wondered if everything would continue to get better for them. Seriah and Derrick seemed so happy together, they often went to the nearby lake and splashed around lovingly. Truly it was a young romance.

“You’re up early.” Darien stepped into the dinette, his hair still messy from his nights sleep. “And cooking… I’m impressed. Do you really feel that much better?” She nodded, turned her head slightly, and winked. “Don’t you wink at me missy.” He laughed playfully then quieted as Seriah grumbled her way into the room. “Grumpy bones.”

“So?” She growled and slapped herself down in a chair. “It’s too early.” She hit her forehead against the table in protest. “But I can’t go back to sleep. I’m so bored… I want to go and DO something. Is there anything to do around here Uncle Darien?”

He sat down at the table as Derrick joined them and looked at the stove expectantly. “Well Seriah… in town there’s a bunch of things to do… It’s an hours drive but worth it if you’re up to going.” Darien smiled as Serena put a crepe on his plate. She remained next to him, leaning over to give Seriah her food while brushing his shoulder with her hand. “You kids can take the Mercedes.” He said suddenly as if he’d been pinched in the side and wanted to avoid more torture. Derrick eyed him and shrugged.

“Sure… I’ll drive! I have a permit.” Derrick smirked sweetly as Seriah paled. “Afraid?” He challenged her making her shake her head in denial. “So… I get the car… what else?”

“I think they’ll need some money Dare.” Serena smiled and sat down at the table next to Darien who was staring at her in the oddest way. “Stop staring… it’s impolite.” She offered and looked at him pointedly. “I should think a thousand should be good, in case they want to stay over night and really make a trip of it.” Derrick suddenly seemed to catch onto Serena’s tone and blushed.

“Yeah… I think we should…” Derrick looked at his cousin with a smile. “How about it Riah? You want to stay over night in the city?”

“Dear God yes! I don’t like all the animal noises around here.” Serena giggled to herself slightly and looked at her daughter with a broad smile. “What? What did I say?”

“Ignore your mother. There’s something wrong with her.” Darien said with an amused tone. “Here.” He reached into his pocket and produced his wallet. He then counted out one thousand dollars and handed it to Derrick. “There. The keys to the car are by the door. Have fun.” Darien continued to eat his breakfast as Derrick sped through his and kept reminding Seriah how long the drive into town was.

Serena sat in her chair, silently eating her breakfast and listening to the two teens argue back and forth. Darien was silent as a grave, rightfully so too. She’d noticed how he’d shuddered at her touch earlier and smiled at herself. He most likely hadn’t had sex for sixteen years. She suddenly laughed out loud suddenly as she thought about how much fun it would be to torture him. She’d never had the power to hold any over him but something told her she could certainly manage to use her sexual powers against him. “What?” Darien looked at her with the intense, lust filled eyes she’d seen that night so long ago.

“Just thinking of what I’m going to spend my day doing.” She laughed then looked at Seriah who had raised one of her eyebrows inquisitively. “No worries, you and Derrick go and have your fun. I’m just going to spend my day relaxing and thinking of funny ways to bother others.” Seriah looked at Derrick, completely puzzled over her mothers mood.

“Okay… I’ll go up and pack and overnight bag.” Seriah stood, leaving her plate on the table. Derrick went to pick it up on his way out when Serena stopped him. He looked at her then rushed out of the room and upstairs to retrieve a bag.

“What was that? He was going to clean up.” Darien attempted a conversation only to have her shrug. “Serena… what are you doing?” His voice had a tortured edge to it making her grin wickedly. “Hello?”

“You know Darien… since you never finished the dishes like you said you would I think you can take this small job can’t you?” She asked sweeping her hand over the table. “Or… is that too large a task for you?” His eyes darkened a little more as he smirked and nodded.

“I think I can take care of the dishes. You just do whatever it is you think you’re going to be doing today and I’ll catch up with you in a bit.” He began to clear the table wondering how he wound up with her being so devious.

“I want to dance a little… I trust you have music of some sort around here?” She asked making him still and look at her. “That’s okay. I’ll find the radio or whatever myself.” Derrick appeared with Seriah in the doorway. “Bye!” Serena kissed them both farewell and watched them go.

Darien soon finished the dishes and joined Serena in the living room which was now engulfed in music. “So… you want to dance huh?” He asked and stepped up to her. “What would you like to dance?” She looked at him then flipped the music to a song perfect for a rumba. “I’m not so sure you’re strong enough yet Serena.” He sighed rethinking the situation.

“Darien… just dance with me.” She sighed and held up her arms hoping that he’d comply. She loved the Rumba… much like the tango it was a seductive dance, only this time, she didn’t plan to end it with a bow. “Please?” She asked making him sigh and pull her into a hold. Their bodies fit together even more perfectly than she remembered. “Haven’t you buffed up a bit?” She laughed a little then stepped as he moved into her beginning the dance.

“You’re teasing me Serena.” He stated with a smirk. He knew what she was doing and he loved it. He moved her easily around the room, the few steps she took slowly was mainly due to the pain in her legs. “I think we should stop now.” He breathed as he felt himself become aroused.

“Okay.” She smiled and turned to him so she could press herself into him. “You’re not fooling anyone Dare.” She wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss that was long overdue. In that one kiss held the pain, and sorrow of over a decade of abuse, loneliness, and deprivation. Their tongues fought with one another mercilessly for power, neither one surrendering.

Darien knew he should stop but he had gone far past the point of no return and for the first time in his life, he wasn’t in control. This would be the day he would make her his, he would make love to her until he couldn’t anymore. A small voice in the back of his mind told him to stop, told him that it wasn’t right to take advantage of her like this but he ignored it and continued, his hands roamed her body as hers returned the favor. He marveled at how her delicate hands had always sent a fiery passion coursing through him so effortlessly.

Serena was far more conscience than he was, so she was able to move him around the couch to a chair where she backed him up until he sat. He pulled her down with him so that she straddled him as she kissed and lifted his shirt over his head revealing his flawless, muscular chest. Raking her nails down his chest she quickly undid his pants before he could protest. She moved her lips to his neck then to his hear as she suckled it making him moan and grip her hips a little tighter and pull her down further so her core was pressing against his manhood. “Hey…” She cooed and lifted herself slightly, making him growl lightly. “I’m the one running the show Dare… not you. I’m the veteran one between us.”

“Don’t remind me.” He moaned as she began to trail kisses over his torso. By the time he fully realized what she was doing she had removed his faded blue jeans, pulled his body down so he was sunken in the chair, and removed his boxers. She was still wearing every piece of clothing which frustrated him. “This is hardly fair.” He smiled and looked into her eyes as she continued to kiss his toned stomach.

“We’ll see about that.” She grinned and kissed her way further south. Coming upon his hardened manhood she grasp it and moved her tongue across the tip causing him to moan loudly and clutch the arms of the chair. She smiled and took him into her mouth.

At this point Darien had absolutely no doubt in his mind what drew so many men to her when they were younger. The sensations coursing through his body overwhelmed him and she was only using her mouth! “Serena…” He moaned and moved one of his hands to her long golden locks. “You have to stop.” He attempted to stop her only to feel her teeth nip him. “Hey!”

“Then shut the hell up and let me finish what I’m doing. One more protest out of you and you’re not getting anything else from me.” She smiled as he bit his lip, closing his eyes as he leaned back sot that she could continue. It was the first time in her life that she’d ever enjoyed this but the way he moaned and shuddered thrilled her. Sure, others had acted like this but he was more addicting. His actions were almost as if this was the first blowjob he’d ever gotten. Then it occurred to her. Maybe it was! Raye did not seem like the type to go down on a guy.

When he finally released into her she was pretty thrilled with herself and slowly kissed and licked her way back up his torso to his lips, which quickly claimed hers again. He seemed even more desperate to have her; the carnal instincts rushing through him couldn’t be any more animalistic if he tried. She smirked and pulled away from him slightly then stood. “Okay… I’m done.” She turned from him and began to walk past the couch.

It took milliseconds for Darien to process her words and jump up after her. He was NOT done with her! “The fuck you are!” He growled and grabbed her by the waist then pushed her against the wall with him pressed to her back. “I’m sorry but you’re not getting away that easily.” He whispered in her ear making her shudder. His lips were soon on her neck, one of his hands cupping her left breast while the other moved under her dress in the front, traveling towards her panties. His aroused member rested happily between her legs as his fingers pressed against her barrier then invaded her. Making her moan and move her head back so that it was resting on his shoulder allowing his lips full access to her neck.

“Darien!” She cried and tried to move only to find he had such a demanding hold on her it was impossible. She almost had a pleading tone. He let a low growl travel through him and wondered if he could make her plead for him to take her.

“What?” He asked almost nonchalantly. “What do you want?” She moaned and tried to push away from the wall. “You’re not getting away from me.” He gently squeezed her breast making her cry out.

“Stop it!” Her tone was far from demanding. “Please… Dare…” She was pleading! The experienced, knowledgeable, venerated sex goddess was pleading with him to stop what he was doing. “Darien… Stop teasing me!” He smirked. Had he done this to Raye everything would have been over by now but Serena, no, Serena demanded to be ravaged.

“Okay…” he let go of her and stepped away from her like she had done to him. “I’ll stop.” She turned and looked at him with lust in her eyes. “What?” He shrugged.

“Th… that’s not what I meant…” She breathed. “You know that!” She growled as he turned away from her. “DARIEN! Get back here and screw me like a man!” Her angry yet challenging tone made him chuckle. Did she really think he was just going to stop and walk away? Yeah right he’d been waiting for the moment for well over twenty years! When he turned back she realized he’d pulled the same joke she had. “I mean…” She gulped and went to run from him only to have him grab her ripping her panties then lifting her into the air, and pushing her against the wall forcefully.

“You’re so gullible at times.” He smiled and kissed her as he lowered her onto him making her gasp and wince in pain. She wrapped her legs around him tightly, arching her back to try and get used to him. The only man she’d been with in the past sixteen years was Seiya and he wasn’t nearly as endowed as Darien was. “I could stay here all day if you need.” He smiled and kissed her lips gently as if to offset the discomfort he was causing. “Little more that you’re used to?” He had to ask, his male pride welling within him.

“Yeah.” She breathed and relaxed as the pain subsided. “Well, let’s see if you know how to use what you’ve got hmm?” She laughed then cried out as he thrust into her. The movement sent electrical shocks through both of their bodies.

And so finally, there, against the wall of an old cabin in the middle of the woods, Serena and Darien expressed their love and sealed their fates. It was the most passionate of all the love in the world and it was beautiful. As he drove into her she screamed his name in utter ecstasy again and again until she climaxed in the most insatiable of orgasms. When she came down from it she opened her cerulean blue orbs and looked into his thrilled eyes with a love that could never be expressed by words. “You okay?” He asked softly as she nodded. “Good, because I’m still not finished with you.” He then carried her upstairs to continue on in his bed.

Once he lay her down he slowly moved over her, kissing her stomach and moving north to suckle on her firm breasts. She moaned and arched into him, unsure of just how much passion she could endure in one day. It had been a long time and she wondered if she’d survive. Then again, it didn’t really matter if she lived or died at this point, either way she’d die while experiencing heaven. “Oh… Serena… I have something I want to tell you…” He lowered his lips to her womanhood and lightly kissed her.

“What?” She moaned wondering what in the world he would want to say in this moment. If it was anything about the past she just didn’t care. She was in the now, and she wanted him, still!

“I’m…” He moved away from her just enough so that he could escape her quickly if need be. “I’ve been lying to you your whole life… we’re… I’m… I’m not your brother Serena.”

“WHAT?” She shouted and shot up. Her blue eyes furious. “You’re not WHAT? You better explain this to me right NOW! Right fucking now Darien!” She moved away from him on the bed and pulled the sheets around her. It was fine for other people to lie to her but she’d always trusted him! He was the only person she’d ever trusted and now what? Her entire relationship with him was a lie? In one sense it was great because she hadn’t done anything morally wrong by having sex with him but then… that hardly outweighed the lifetime of him letting her believe she was morally wrong.

“It’s a long story Serena… but… if you insist.” He took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves. He was beyond aroused but he had to tell her. Should have told her before this but hadn’t. “Your parents worked at a little company called Shields International… way back when. My parents, Laura and David Shields owned and operated it with their two closest friends your parents. At that time Ilene and Ken’s last name was Tsukino.” He looked at her to see what her reaction would be. “Anyways… so, my mom got pregnant with me. Your mom, according to the doctors couldn’t have any children so she became a sort of second mother to me. Well, after a few months, your mom decided that she wanted to keep me. She wanted to be my only mother so she had my parents killed by blackmailing Sapphire. Your parents changed their name and moved across the country and restarted their lives… completely restructuring the company so that no one knew what really happened. As you can guess… you were a bit of a shocking discovery. Ken was thrilled, Ilene not so much. She’d risked everything by getting me and she’d killed her best friend. She didn’t want you but Ken made her keep you. Threatening her that if anything happened to the baby he’d leave her and tell the authorities everything.” Serena could hardly believe the story. All these years, her parents had kept this from her… her mother bitter because of everything she’d done. It wasn’t that she hated Serena… it was that she hated what Serena reminded her of. “Serena… are you okay?”

“NO! I’m not OKAY! YOU… you lied to me and… you let me believe… you denied me for all these years… for NOTHING!” She screamed hysterically. “No wonder you waited until after you fucked me to tell me! You spineless bastard! I…” He silenced her with a kiss, holding her firmly in his hands. “How could you do this to me?” She began to cry.

“Serena… I’m so sorry. I really am…” He tried to comfort her but something told him this had hurt her more than anything else he’d done. “I never lied when I said I loved you though. I never called you my sister. I just let you believe your mother’s lies.” He sighed and held her to him while she sobbed. “But hey… now we can be together and not have to worry about having deformed kids.” She didn’t find it humorous, instead she pulled away from him and walked to the bathroom where she poured herself a bath and tried to come to terms with what her life had become.