HAHA! You didn't really think I'd NOT update did you? I've just been sort of busy with work, then I'm reading The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Awesome story... it's actually VERY offensive but... oh well. I still like it. Anyhow. Yeah, here's a chapter that will answer many of your prayers to the gods. ;) I know it will. As you can guess the next one is going to be very good. Now, I want to see reviews on this one guys. Let me know what you think. Heck, predict the future if you'd like. Just let me know that I just made you smile. :D REVIEW!

Deep in the Forest

Derrick lay limply in the back of the black van as it bounced down what had to be a logging road. His body seemed to burn and, with every little motion sharp pains shot through his limbs. He hated that he couldn’t move, sure, now he had the use of his eyelids so his eyes wouldn’t completely dry out but what good did that do him? He needed to know where he was and where he was going or else he couldn’t get a hold of Andrew to tell him the plan had worked.

The van suddenly rushed to a stop causing his body to slide into the back door, hitting his head. If he could shout he would but, only a small noise escaped him because of the serum. He could hear the two goons laughing as they exited the vehicle and came around to the back door, throwing it open to grab his harshly. He hated not being able to move, to feel like a rag doll. From what he could see, he was deep in the forest, the ground was littered with pine needles and he could hear the sounds of the fauna.

The man dragged him, along a dirt path, bringing him closer to what sounded like someone chopping wood. The sound stopped when they got closer, followed by a melodic yet masculine voice that held a slight irritation. “Why are you two here?”

“We came here to give you a present.” The man holding Derrick’s right arm chuckled. “Well, would you like us to leave it here or take it inside?” Derrick strained to pick up his head so he could see but he couldn’t seem to manage quite yet.

“Take your hands off him!” The voice commended. “What have you done to him?” Derrick could hear footsteps coming towards them quickly. He felt the goons shrug in unison and drop him harshly to the ground making his body sting with pain. The two men quickly retreated, both chuckling as they got into the van and drove away. “Derrick?” The man’s voice was right above him now, it sounded soft and almost pained. Derrick then felt two large hands roll him onto his back. “My god… you smell like gasoline.” A frown formed on the face that had haunted many of the teen’s dreams. It was surreal, truly surreal to lay there, looking up at the face of his dead father yet, he couldn’t tell if this was real or not. “Let’s get you inside.”

Darien didn’t speak as he carried his sixteen-year-old son into the house. Partially because he had no idea what he would say to him. Sure, he’d thought about this day many times but now that it was before him, he felt ashamed really. “Dad… is that really you?” Derrick managed to whisper making Darien nod then set him on a worn leather couch.

“Yes, it’s me. I’m sure your probably pretty pissed at me but… I’ll answer any questions you have as soon as we get you through this. You’re blinking and talking so I’m guessing another hour or so.” Darien then sat in a chair close to the couch, his deep blue eyes troubled as he watched Derrick struggle with the pain. Derrick examined him, he looked older than the picture Serena had adored for so many years… not much older though. Derrick wondered if it was a family trait to remain young even when your age progressed.

Darien hadn’t changed in the sixteen years he’d been hidden away in the forrest. His eyes still held strength and determination, his hair was cut in the same fashion it always had been, his hair hadn’t grayed or thinned at all. If anything, one could say that the few changes evident in Darien were improvements. Derrick didn’t know it but his father was even stronger physically, than he was before.

The hour passed by quickly and as soon as he could Derrick sat up and stared at his father with as little emotion possible. The truth was that he was angry beyond all belief. His father, the perfect Darien Shields was alive. Did he know anything of the pain Seiya had inflicted on Serena? Anything at all about her desperate, and broken attempt to keep him alive? “Why?” A simple question that begged for a very large answer.

Darien sighed. He’d asked himself the same question so many times over the years. The answer was almost mechanical. “Seiya just knew how to play me.” Derrick remained emotionless. “He threatened me with you. If I made my presence known then he’d hurt you and I couldn’t let you get hurt.”

“So… you’ve let her suffer instead?” Derrick snapped and watched Darien close his eyes and lean back. He knew it was a touchy subject but he had to do it. He had to let Darien know just how much damage he’d caused. “He’s broken her! I watched her beg him to kill her today. She wants to die! Does that comfort you? She doesn’t deserve to be treated like that! While you’ve been hiding here… she raised me… she is the only parent I’ve ever had and I love her as my mother. For so long I’ve thought she was crazy, she talks to the air, convinced that she’s talking to you. She moves through life as if she’s a ghost herself and it wasn’t until recently… that I knew why. He abuses her, whatever he does I’m sure… is far worse than anything I can imagine but… today… today I saw her bruised face through her make up.” Darien was listening to Derrick’s rant carefully, thinking of everything his son was saying. “And you’ve let it happen.”

“There… there are no words to tell you how I feel, no words to tell you how ashamed I am but… what has happened has happed. Que sera, sera.” Darien sighed and looked at his hands. “I know how badly I’ve let her down… I know because I’ve let myself down too. That night when Fiore shot me… shot your mother… I was going to go to Serena and throw it all away. I didn’t want to live the lie anymore. I waited too long and Seiya called me on it. He took you from me, then he staged my death. He drugged me with what you just experienced. I could do nothing, I was in a casket, listening to my own funeral. The way she… I could hear Serena’s heart breaking… do you know what it’s like to go through that? To be right there, right in front of someone and know that they’re dying inside because of you? I do.” He closed his eyes to hide the well of water that had swelled. “After it was all over, Seiya came to me with the most evil smile stating that I could either keep up the lie and he wouldn’t hurt you, or I could choose to make myself known and he’d kill everyone. You, your grandparents… Serena… everyone. I know it’s sick and selfish but I… I couldn’t bare the thought of Serena dying. Derrick, despite whatever she’s said about me… I want you to know that I’m not the man she thinks I am. She always said I was perfect but I’m not. I’m jealous, selfish, cold… I’m not a saint.”

“You are to her. Dad… I know you had your reasons… I’ve seen how evil he can be… I understand now but I… I need to make it right. We need to get her away from him because all she’s ever wanted was to be with you.” Derrick smiled at the moral implications of his words but at the same time he didn’t care. If his father and aunt wanted to live together as man and woman not siblings who was he to judge?

“I know… and we have a plan.” Darien smiled as his son raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Andrew and I… yes, he knows. He’s known for ten years now… anyway… Serena will go to him for advice and he will lead her here. Then, I promise you Derrick. No one will ever hurt her again. Then you’ll get to meet the real Serena.”

“What do you mean?” Derrick knitted his brow. He’d lived with Serena for his whole life… how could he not know the real Serena? Darien stood from his chair and walked to the fireplace where a few pictures sat. He quickly grabbed one and walked to Derrick holding it in front of him. Derrick stared at the picture, amazed by the sight of it. It was a headshot of Serena from when she was acting. How different she was! In the picture she wore her hair up in the most peculiar style; two buns sat atop her head with long tails coming down from them. She had bangs that lightly brushed her forehead. Her blue eyes sparkled with a happiness and innocence. “Wow…”

Darien withdrew the picture and looked at it fondly. “I know she’s changed… I’m frightened to know how much but… Serena… she’s a magical creature really. No matter what she went through, after a while… she bounced back… I think I’m the only one who had that affect though.” Derrick stared at his father with a sense of amazement. If He could pull Serena from her depression… that would be amazing to say the very least.

“So… what was she like… before Seiya?” Derrick ventured making Darien smile broadly. If there was ever a question to ask his father it was clearly that one.

“There are no words to describe it really. Serena was a temptress with the body and soul of an angel. When she laughed the sun shone a little brighter and when she cried the world wept as well. Her voice was melodic and could capture you in its subtleties. She was heaven on earth.” Derrick watched his father carefully, admiring his romanticism. Clearly, the feelings Serena held for this man, were echoed back. “Enough about what I think though… let’s talk about what the future holds for us shall we?” Darien sat next to his son and sighed. “This will not be easy. When she gets here she’s no doubt going to demand explanations, after that she’ll most likely scold me like no tomorrow. We’ll play that by ear but what is of the utmost certainty is that… Seiya will come for her. He’ll be furious and will most likely come alone, and with a lot of firepower.” Darien hesitated. “I’m ready for him though.”

Seriah sat in her room staring out the window listlessly. It had been a week since her father had sent Derrick away and locked her and her mother away. She didn’t understand what had happened… one day he has her kind and gentle Daddy, a man who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Then, as if over night he’d turned into an evil and dangerous loon who beats his wife. It just didn’t make any sense.

She heard the lock on her door open just before her father stepped in. His face looking as calm and soft as it always had. “Morning sweetie. How are you today?” He asked and set a tray of food on her bed. “I was thinking that… if you and your mother are good little girls today, that we can all go out and maybe go shopping. I know you like to do that.” She nodded and sighed.

“Dad… why do I have to stay in my room? It’s boring in here.” She sighed and propped her chin on her hand. Seiya looked at her, his eyes cold and unmoving. The love and adoration she’d once seen in him seemed to have vanished and was replaced with a look of betrayal.

“You’re in here because I don’t know who you are Seriah, I thought I did but I was apparently wrong. How could you let that boy touch you in any way that was less than innocent?” He snapped suddenly and glared at her fiercely. “What is it about him that you could possibly consider him as a romantic partner? Why do you think he’s worthy of you?” Her eyes widened as her father uttered those words. Did he really think she was so precious that Derrick of all people wasn’t worthy of her? “Seriah, he’s the son of a man so… despicable that I should think he’s inherited some of the very traits humanity shuns.” Seriah twisted her face in confusion, what was he talking about? “Derrick’s only saving grace is that he has Raye’s blood coursing through him. If it weren’t for that he’d be lost to the world in a downward spiral that would slowly destroy him like it did his father. I can see what he was doing though. Darien did the same thing with Serena.”

“What are you talking about? I don’t understand one word you’re saying.” Seriah cried and threw her hands in the air. She knew he was speaking common English but it sounded foreign to her.

“Don’t you see how dangerous Darien was? Your mother is so in love with him… still to this day! He did that to her deliberately! From the time they were children he conditioned her to be the way she is. He made her love him and need him, the worst part is that he modeled her into the perfect woman for him. He did not treat her as a sister, ever. No, he saw a blank tableau, so willing and ready to be everything he wanted and he painted it. Every talent your mother possesses is a result of his influence. He want and need to create a woman to his taste. Unfortunately, he had good taste and there were many people in love with her.” Seriah stared at her father with her jaw slightly agape wondering if it was all true. Was her mother really the ideal woman for her own brother? If it was true… then her family was seriously messed up.

“I would like to go shopping today.” She smiled changing the subject to hopefully brighten his day. He sighed and nodded before turning and walking out. The lock clicked once again telling her that she would have to wait to find out if she was going anywhere.

Seiya in the meantime, walked into the bedroom he shared with his wife and smiled at her. The lashes covering her thighs and lower torso must have made it unbearable to walk because he had released her from all of her bindings yet she stayed in the bed, lying on her back, staring up at the ceiling with empty eyes. “Get up we’re going to go shopping.” He sneered and waited for her to respond. “Serena.”

“I don’t want to.” Her voice was empty as she spoke, it seemed as if her entire body was devoid of any feeling or emotion. He’d finally, completely, broken her spirit.

“Nonsense. Come on, get up.” He grabbed her by her long golden tresses and yanked her out of the bed so that she was kneeling on the floor in front of him. He held her tightly so that her head fell back and he could look at her swollen and bruised face. Despite it all, she was still beautiful and he knew that she could apply make up in such a way that barely anyone could tell how badly he’d hurt her. “Get dressed Serena.” He threw her to the ground then watched as she painfully stood and inched towards the closet. He could see the torture every step took but she still did it, still refusing to reveal to him how much pain she was in. “Clean yourself up too. I don’t want to have to explain to everyone how badly that nephew of yours beat you.” She looked at him both stunned and disgusted. “Well, that’s why I had to send him away. You know that don’t you?” He laughed and stepped out of the room. She looked at herself in the mirror, she hardly recognized herself, her skin was so bruised.

Mina jumped from her chair as her old friend walked into the reception area. “Serena… my god… I…” She stood there, shocked as Serena continued to walk past her to the double doors of Andrew’s office. It looked like the once lively, talented woman was in a trance.

Taking hold of the door knobs Serena threw the doors open, making a dramatic entrance into Andrew’s office where he was on the phone but quickly dropped it and stared at her. She wore a knee-length dress and barely any make up revealing the horrible damage that had been done to her delicate face. He scrambled to pick up the phone and get rid of the governor so that he could talk to her. “Serena…” he finally breathed as she sat calmly in one of his chairs allowing the dress to lift ever so slightly to reveal on of the deep lashes in her leg. Suddenly he felt sick and leaned over the desk, putting his head down to steady his nerves. “He’ll kill me…” He whispered silently to himself the picked his head up and looked at her.

“I need you Andy… can you help me in any way? He took Derrick away and I… I want him back. Do you have any contacts anywhere that can help me?” She began to cry, the pain from her injuries finally overpowering her. “Please Andy? I can’t live like this any longer.”

“Actually… I do know where he is and I can help you. You see… Sapphire contacted me years ago and I can ask him for help.” She sighed, not really caring how he knew Sapphire. “After you’re out of there… I’ll feel so much better.” Serena laughed, almost hysterically. “I will.”

“Well Andy, seeing as how you’ve never been all that concerned I should think you’d feel better than better.” Her cold tone shocked him to say the least. Did she truly think that he didn’t care about her? Of course he did. It was just that Seiya was such a powerful foe; he couldn’t do anything safely.

“Serena… I do care. It’s just… you know how he is. He could seriously ruin my career. You know how hard I’ve worked. I’m the mayor for Gods-sakes!” He cried and threw up his hands. “Look, Serena… I don’t like any of this and… look, here. Take this… I know it’s only the name of a road but this is where you’ll find Derrick. At the end in an old cabin. It’s a four-hour drive but if you’re serious about getting him back then you have to go there. She took the paper and nodded, wiping her tears from her cheeks. “You need medical attention Serena.” She glared at him then stood. Her dress was slightly stained with fresh blood. “Serena!” He cried as she turned from him and walked ever so slowly to the door.

“He’ll know I came here if I disappear for too long. I’ve pushed it as is.” She looked at Andrew fondly, knowing that, despite his inaction over the years, he did in fact care. “Thank you so very much.” With that she turned, leaving him in his office to marvel at her strength.

She barely made it back to the store in time to meet Seriah and Seiya. He smiled genuinely telling her that, for once, he didn’t know she’d snuck away. “Hey sweet face! Feeling any better?” He asked and wrapped his arm around her waist ever so gently.

“A little. I really just want to go home and rest darling.” She smiled and leaned her head against his shoulder shocking him. It was the first time in years she’d shown him any affection and he wasn’t sure what to do. Had she finally, after all this time, accepted him?

“I love you.” He whispered silently to her hoping to hear the words back. He had wanted to hear those words from her in so long he could feel his heart ache.

“I love you too Seiya.” She said it so convincingly that she felt his body loosen and a sigh escape his lips. She hated doing it, hated acting like she cared for him at all but she knew she had to if she was to escape him. He had to lower his guard. Seriah Stared at her parents with wonderment. She’d never seen them acting so affectionate towards one another and it was heartwarming for her. Maybe Derrick being gone wasn’t such a bad thing after all.