I know, another short chapter. :) I just want to get to the good parts... and trust me... There are some good parts coming up very soon. You're going to love it. I know I will... anyway... REVIEW!

Oh, and btw, thank you guys so much for all of the support!


“Look at this place Ricky!” Seriah squealed and grabbed onto Derrick’s arm pulling him close to her. Seiya eyed the pair then shoved a suitcase into the boy’s arms. “Ow! Daddy! You got my hand!” Seriah whined then pouted making Seiya chuckle.

“Sorry baby.” He smiled and looked at Serena. “So… where are they bunking?” His icy eyes examined her closely as she looked at her miniature map of the camp then began to walk towards the small cabins. Following close behind Seiya, Seriah, and Derrick wove through the crowd until Seiya stopped and looked around. They’d lost the beautiful blonde. “Serena!” He snapped loudly causing a few people around them to stop. “Serena!” He growled angrily.

“I’m right here. Are you going blind?” She snapped back, her blue eyes holding resentment. The dark-haired man visibly ground his teeth in an attempt to hide his rage. A week ago Derrick would have thought it a cute argument but now he knew the severity of every word passed between the two. Undoubtedly Serena would pay for letting him lose sight of her but for the moment she was safe because of the crowd around them.

Serena turned around and began to make her way towards a cabin, this time at a slower pace so her family could follow her. Seiya seemed to be analyzing everything, the people, the buildings, even the forest surrounding them. It was something Derrick had always noticed but never wondered about. Suddenly Seiya’s head snapped to the side as something caught his eye. Derrick tried to follow his stare but saw nothing but a crowd of people. “Here honey… will you… carry your own bag? I need to go check something.” Seiya then handed her the suitcase and walked in the direction that had caught his eye.

Serena continued to lead the kids to their cabin then sighed when they arrived. “Where’s your father?” She asked looking around with an annoyed glare. “I hope he doesn’t come back.” She murmured then turned to the cabin. “Here we are kids! I got you your own private cabin so you don’t have to worry about roomies. I know I preferred my own cabin when I was your age.” She opened the door to reveal a surprisingly large cabin with two bedrooms, a bathroom, living room, and galley kitchen. “Very nice!” She smiled and clapped her hands. “Well?”

“It’s great mom!” Seriah rushed into the cabin and disappeared into a bedroom with her suitcase. Serena stood silently in the doorway, looking at the cabin. Derrick admired her strength greatly. He and Seriah were scheduled to be at camp for two weeks, meaning Serena had to stay at home, alone with Seiya for a full two weeks. It was hard to say what he would do to her but at the same time he had a suspicion he didn’t truly want to know.

“I don’t know what you’re up to but… I know it’s something.” She said softly without looking at him. “I just want you to know that… if… if anything goes wrong and something happens to me…” She quieted as she heard Seiya walk into the cabin. “Did you find anything interesting dear?” Her tone was cold and drained.

“No… I thought I saw something but… I guess not.” He chuckled lightly. “You kids okay?” Seiya looked at Derrick suspiciously.

“Yup, we’re fine!” Derrick cheerfully walked to the other bedroom, dragging his rolling suitcase across the floor. He didn’t want Serena to leave but he knew she had to. “You guys go on ahead. We’ll be great.” Seriah poked her head out of her room and nodded enthusiastically before retreating again.

“Good… well sweet face, let’s get going. I have all sorts of fun stuff planned for us.” He laughed heartily making Derrick shiver. Serena smiled and nodded politely then looked back at Derrick with sad eyes. “Okay. By kids. Have fun!” With that Seiya pulled Serena from the cabin leaving the pair of teens alone.

“Thank God they’re gone! I thought they’d never leave!” Seriah sighed and came out of her room wearing short shorts and a tank top that exposed her midriff. “Let’s go out and explore!” She grabbed him by the hand and tugged. Seeing her outfit Derrick had firmly plated his feet to the ground and refused to move. How could he allow her to go outside, where a bunch of teenaged guys were running loose? He couldn’t. “Ricky! Come on!”

“Not with you dressed like that. Will you put some clothes on?” He asked feeling himself redden with embarrassment. A sudden thought hit him, this would be a perfect time to start flirting. “I mean really… you don’t want me to get jealous do you?” She looked at him with wide eyes and smiled.

“So… you think I look sexy?” She asked and batted her eyelashes seductively. He could hardly believe the way she suddenly changed. It was as if she’d just turned into a prowess. “Do you?” He nodded then released her hand. “Well… good! I do want you to be jealous!” She laughed and rushed outside playfully glancing back his way.

“Seriah!” He shouted after and rushed outside to see her skipping backwards being completely oblivious to the people behind her. “Hey! Watch out!” He shouted and watched in slow motion as she slammed into a white-haired boy carrying a suitcase. The teen quickly maneuvered himself and his suitcase so he had safely caught Seriah saving her from a trip to the ground.

“Hey, you should be more careful.” He laughed as he stood Seriah up then set his suitcase down gently. “Hi… Name’s Peruru.” He smiled and held out his hand. “You are?”

“Um… Seriah.” She looked at Derrick then back to the peculiar teen and smiled. He was quite odd looking but attractive at the same time. His snow white hair had two pink streaks making him seem very eccentric. His green eyes held her icy ones almost captive.

“Nice to meet you Seriah.” He then turned to Derrick who was standing in front of them with his arms crossed in a clear display of annoyance. “You the boyfriend?” Peruru smiled with a cocky grin.

“Maybe.” Derrick huffed and looked at Seriah. “I told you to be careful. What’s wrong with you that you don’t listen?” Peruru looked between the two and laughed heartily. “What are you laughing at pinky?”

“Nothing, just your overbearing rants. Do you really think you can control her so easily?” Derrick paled. That was the last thing he wanted to do. “’cause if that’s what you want to do… you’re going at it all wrong.”

“I’m sorry… I didn’t catch your name. I’m Derrick.” Derrick held out his hand for Peruru to take. “So, you have pretty fast reflexes to catch Riah like that and not drop your bag.”

Peruru laughed hysterically then quieted as if he realized something. “Trust me, you wouldn’t want me to drop that bag.” Derrick’s face dropped as he wondered what Peruru meant by that comment. “Ah, forget it … really.”

“I’m counting on you Peruru.” Droned a white haired man sitting in the corner of the small cabin. “Don’t fail me, you know how important this is. I want that little fucker gone.” Peruru nodded blankly as the man stood and walked to him to watch the teen over his shoulder. “So. Tomorrow night we act. If you don’t follow through I’m going to do it myself, and if I have to do that I’m going to make everyone regret it.” The albino man stared critically at his son.

“She seems like a nice girl… why do we have to do this?” Peruru asked desperately. “I mean… can’t you do this without…”

“Peruru, don’t do this. You have to learn to be ruthless. You need to understand that if he could use you against me he would. Seiya Kou is evil and his daughter will be soon enough. I know it. You’ve never seen me on top of my game Peruru… but I’m nothing to sneeze at. Seiya’s the only one who’s escaped me. Him and that…” The man shuddered remembering Serena.

“Dad… I think this is just plain stupid. Those two know nothing of Seiya’s real job… so why do you insist on this? Maybe he won’t come for them.” Peruru attempted reverse psychology even though he knew it most likely wouldn’t work.

“He will. Trust me. I know what it’s like to want to protect your child.” Peruru looked at his father sadly. Diamond’s rage had blinded him to everything beautiful in life, and it was sad. He didn’t want to be hovering over the chemistry set creating his father’s serums but he was. “I think you’re done kiddo. Dispense about… 20 cc’s into the syringes then put them into their cases.”

Peruru did as his father said then walked out of the cabin to return to the camp. He could hardly believe the lack of security around Seriah and Derrick. It was too bad really, Seiya should have more sense to guard his family. Walking past Seriah and Derrick’s cabin he paused, his conscience getting to him. He didn’t want to hurt either of them. It was wrong because they were both innocent. Sighing he knocked on the door and silently waited.

Inside the cabin Seriah jumped to her feet, abandoning Derrick on the couch. Sighing he paused the movie and watched as she enthusiastically threw the door open and stopped. “Hello Peruru.” She smiled and pulled him into the cabin making Derrick stand. He didn’t like Peruru and the fact that he’d been flirting with Seriah didn’t help either. Derrick couldn’t put his finger on it but ever since Andrew had given him the mission to flirt with Seriah he’d become jealous of anyone else around her. It was insane, but true. “Why are you stopping by?” She smiled and touched his arm suggestively.

“Yes, why indeed?” Derrick snapped and stepped closer to his cousin. Peruru smiled then shrugged as he looked around. “Well, if you don’t know then you don’t need to be here. Right?” Peruru fixed his green eyes on Derrick then smiled wholly. He could hardly believe it but it was there, history repeating itself so very blatantly.

“Oh this is priceless.” He chuckled and stepped closer to Derrick. “Jealous much?” Seriah looked at Derrick with surprised eyes then smiled as if she’d won some sort of competition. “You’ve got that insecure boyfriend feeling to you Derrick… you in love with her?” Derrick squared his shoulders and balled his fists to keep himself from shouting at the white-haired teen. “Okay… okay, I’ll go for now but I’ll see you two tomorrow.” Peruru walked outside leaving the two teens alone.

“Are you in love with me?” Seriah asked with wide eyes making her look almost cat-like. Seriah had always looked like a rare yet dangerous beauty, her pale white skin and icy blue eyes contrasted so sharply with her long black hair some had teasingly called her a vampire. “Derrick?” She stepped forward, staring into his dark eyes.

“I think I am.” He breathed and stepped into her taking her hands into his. “Do you love me?” He knew the answer before it left her lips. It was evident in the way she’d brushed his hair from his face. Obvious in the way she looked at him. She nodded just as he closed the distance between them and kissed her tenderly on the lips. It was the first kiss for both of them but neither felt awkward about the moment. I just seemed so natural.

Removing her hands from his, Seriah moved them up to his face and felt him place his on her hips. Almost automatically she shoved him back and onto the couch then promptly moved to him and straddled him on the couch to continue kissing him. He was shocked to say the least and as she began to lift her shirt he came into reality and grabbed her hands. “What?” She snapped angrily.

“I think we can stop now.” He pushed her to the side then stood to look at her furious face. “Seriah, we’re not ready for that.” He sighed and began to walk to his room to avoid her hateful glare. “Stop glaring at me!” He growled and shut his door, leaning against it he hung his head wondering if he did the right thing. Is that what his father would have done? He wasn’t sure but he felt like he had done the right thing.

Seriah on the other hand, glared at the door. Why would Derrick stop her? Was he lying when he said he loved her or did he just not find her attractive enough? She sneered, maybe that was it. She’d always thought he was attracted to her mother… what if he didn’t want her at all? What if he wanted her mother? The thoughts began to swirl through her head, sure, she knew they were unreasonable but as she repeated that to herself she realized that nothing was unreasonable. Serena had been trying to groom Derrick into becoming his father for years… and Serena loved Darien. Romantically loved him. That was reason enough for her to be insecure.

Standing up she went to her room and lay on her bed wondering what the next day would bring. Maybe she could convince Derrick that he was ready for that level of commitment. Why not? They’d lived with one another their entire lives. What was the big deal?