I think this may answer a few questions. I think you'll appreciate this chapter really. I like it. Anywho, for those of you wondering why this isn't a part of Twisted Webs like it was originally it's because the original was a combined version. This story was always meant to be in more than one part. So, like always let me know if you like it with a REVIEW! Oh and... for those of you asking about Darien... chill! Okay, I promise it's all in the story. I will leave no fabricated stone unturned!


Serena was in the kitchen preparing breakfast and talking to her ghost of a brother. When Seriah came down. Being quiet she hid and listened to her mother’s voice. “I can see it Dare… the past week they’ve been gazing at one another more and more. I think they’re following in our footsteps… no… no I don’t think they know anything about it...” Serena whipped her head to the side as if she was shocked. “You stop it! I don’t need those thoughts rushing into my head. Remember? You didn’t come back when you promised you would so I don’t believe you any how.” She then giggled and visibly blushed. “Don’t say that Dare. Someone’s going to hear you.”

The conversation bothered Seriah to say the least. She’d never seen her mother acting like such a playful, and flirty child yet, there she was, alone in the kitchen apparently having a very intimate conversation with the air! Clearing her throat she stepped into the kitchen making Serena freeze. “Morning Momma.”

“Morning baby.” Serena smiled, her brilliant white teeth almost glittered in the light. “I’m making cheese and ham omelets for your father… would you like one?” Seriah nodded and sat on a stool at the breakfast bar. Serena returned to her cooking and began to hum. “So… summer camp?”

“Oh… yeah… but um mom… I want to know more about uncle Darien.” The request surprised Serena a little, making her spin around. “Please? I’ve never asked and… I don’t know I’m sort of curious.” Seriah smiled at her mother then looked at the counter. “If you don’t want to tell me about him I can always ask Daddy…”

“Your father wouldn’t like you asking that question. He always hated Darien, despite what he says…” She sighed and turned back tot eh stove. “Your uncle Darien was an amazing man… I know it sounds crazy but… I was in love with him. Truly in love with him, in fact, the night they died he… never mind about that.” She laughed and thought for a moment. “Well… Dare was… well… he was tall, dark, handsome… he had the deepest blue eyes that could delve into your soul so easily it was as if he knew every inch of you. From the time we were children our parents were never around and so he took care of me. He raised me really, always protected me… even against myself. He was also very talented. He could play the piano like no other, dance like a god, play football like a pro, and I swear he was the smartest man in the world.” Seriah closed her eyes trying to put her uncle together and somehow try and fit all those traits into the photo that was hung everywhere. “When he hugged you… it was as if all the evil in the world was banished and only he existed. He was so very sensitive too, though he tried to hide it.” She smiled. “He couldn’t completely hide it from me… it’s a strange thing to grow up with someone and know them so very well that you can have entire conversations without words.” Seriah knew how her mother felt. She had that with Derrick, and it puzzled many of their friends.

“When you said you loved him… what do you mean by that Momma?” Seriah was almost afraid to hear the answer but she waited patiently for it. Serena smiled and closed her eyes.

“Seriah, it is a sad fact that he was my soul mate. No one else can claim the part of my heart he held. I loved him… so very deeply… and not as a brother. The day he died… he took my love with him.” She opened her eyes with a sigh and looked over her shoulder at Seriah who’s face held disgust and anger.

“What about Daddy? Don’t you love him?” The girl stormed showing just like her father she was. It was something that had always worried Serena and with every passing day she saw more of Seiya in their daughter and less of herself.

“I did once…” Serena then put the omelets on plates, gave one to Seriah then walked out of the room to Seiya’s office leaving Seriah to seethe. She hated her mother for this. Why the hell did her mother marry her dad if she didn’t truly love him? Why? There had to be a reason.

She quickly ate her eggs and rushed up to Derrick’s room to tell him her discoveries. He’d never really been interested in anything to do with Darien but she wanted to tell him why her mother held on. He was playing a game on his computer when she walked in. “Hey.” He greeted and tossed some of his hair from his face. She quickly sat on his desk and stared at him as he played his game. It made her wonder, did she love Ricky as more than a cousin? Maybe she did. Whenever she was around him she felt safe, like her mother had around Darien. Then there were the silent moments that they both seemed to know what the other was thinking. “What?” He asked and paused his game.

“Mom was in love with your dad. I mean really in love.” Derrick knitted his brow and stared into her eyes carefully, unsure of how to react to the news. “She just told me that she doesn’t love my dad either! Isn’t that terrible?”

“Yeah, real terrible… I hate to say it but sometimes I get the feeling that your dad’s a bad guy. I just… I have this feeling that he’s the one making your mom look crazy. I don’t think she is… she’s just… trapped. You know? I think he’s holding her prisoner here… and he drugs her to keep her from running.” Seriah’s eyes widened in disbelief. How could Derrick think such a thing of her father? The man was an insurance salesmen… there was nothing sinister about him in her eyes. “After what I saw yesterday… I’m not so sure your dad’s not beating her.”

“Daddy wouldn’t beat her. He loves her. You know that Ricky.” She sighed and looked into his dark brown eyes. She couldn’t deny that she felt a fondness for her cousin that, perhaps, bordered on attraction. There was a jealousy in her that surfaced when she saw Derrick flirting with girls at school; it was something she had pondered many times. Could it be that her mother passed along some sort of genetic defect that allows one to be attracted to other members of their family? “Ricky… what if… what if whatever’s wrong with my mom… is wrong with me?” He looked at her cautiously and paused his game.

“What are you talking about? Seriah, I honestly don’t think there’s anything wrong with Aunt Serena. I mean, look at how gifted she is! She’s an actress, dancer, singer, musician, gymnast… she’s so many things… you can’t be crazy and be talented like that.” Seriah knitted her brow as she thought about Derrick’s words. “As far as my dad… well, I get the feeling that everyone was in love with him. Except your dad.”

Seriah sat on the desk admiring Derrick as he continued to play his game. His black hair kept falling over his face causing him to tuck it back behind his ears almost instinctively. When his hair fell forward the next time she reached over quickly and brushed it away making him freeze like a deer in headlights. Just as he began to turn towards her Serena opened the door and smiled lovingly at the two. “Guess what? You’re both going to camp!” She then floated into the room and sat on the bed, spreading a few pamphlets out. “Which one would you like? I was thinking this music and sports camp… that way you cam both play your music and get some exercise. What do you think of that?”

The two teens looked into her cerulean blue eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. Smiling, Derrick stood, walked to the bed and sat next to her to admire the pamphlets. Despite the fact that she constantly tried to mold him into his father he had always loved Serena dearly. She was the only mother he’d ever known and to see her living her life, day to day, trying so desperately to hold onto her fantasy world, saddened him. He meant what he’d said to Seriah, he just didn’t buy that Serena was crazy. “I like that one… how about it Seriah?” She shrugged and looked towards the window with a sigh. “Sounds great Aunt Serena.” Derrick smiled as the blonde hopped up and looked between the two teens.

“Okay… I’ll call and get you two all signed up. I went to many music camps with Dare. We made everyone jealous… I loved it and he was always proud of me…” Her voice trailed off. “We should go shopping for some clothes for the both of you. Would you like that?” Her smile seemed forced as she glanced from one teen to the other.

“I’d like that.” Derrick stood with a smile. “Then maybe afterwards I should get a haircut. It’s getting sort of long.” He tucked his hair behind his ears just before Serena took gentle hold of his chin. Turning his face slightly from side to side she smiled and nodded. “Thank you Aunt Serena.”

“You’re welcome… be ready to go in an hour.” She then walked out of the room and down stairs where Seiya was waiting for her. “I’m going to take the kids shopping for clothes in an hour.” She announced while walking past him then winced as he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her close to him.

“What stores are you going to?” His icy blue eyes examined hers critically. He could see the fear behind them and smiled. “Answer me Serena.”

“I’m not sure. I was going to take them downtown. Make a day of it… you know. Things I like to do.” She said softly as he snarled and pulled her closer to him. “Seiya, I don’t know what you’re worried about. It’s just a shopping trip. Since when did you get antsy over a shopping trip?” She looked at the ground sadly. “If you’re concerned about me running you can forget it. I have nowhere to go. You’d find me anyways.” He smiled and released her.

“That’s my girl… now you run along and have fun with the kids. I probably won’t be back when you get here. I’ll be home for dinner though.” He turned away from her and walked to the table by the front door to retrieve his keys. “I’m in the mood for casserole... think you can’t handle that sweet face?” His voice had an edge to it that told her he would punish her if she didn’t make what he wanted.

“I’m pretty sure I can.” She said numbly then watched him walk out the front door. Turning to look at the stairs she paled as she saw Derrick standing at the top with a grave look on his face. “Derrick… honey, how long have you been standing there?” She was visibly frightened by the idea of him knowing about Seiya’s abuse.

“Long enough… Serena.” He quickly walked to her and hugged her tightly. “I know you’re not crazy… does he abuse you?” She stood perfectly still, unsure of what to say or do. “Does he? What does he do? Hit you?”

“It doesn’t really matter honey. I’m fine, you’re fine, we’re all okay. I learned a long time ago not to argue with him… or fight back…” He watched as her eyes filled with tears. “I’ve never told anyone… not even Andy… I think he knows though.”

“You mean to tell me… that Seiya’s been abusing you, uncle Andy knows it… but doesn’t do anything?” Derrick’s face reddened with anger. “They have places you can go… leave him!” Derrick demanded and stomped his foot. “Or go to my grandparents. Grandpa John loves you and he’ll make sure you have somewhere to stay.”

“I can’t… there’s no getting away from Seiya. The only place I could ever go would be home but… Mom hates me.” She sat on the stairs and put her face in her hands. “I’ve tried so hard to hide it all from you kids. It’s important that you never see the monster he really is… I was stupid, I shouldn’t have married him but… I had to.”

“Why? Why would you have to marry him? I mean… if you didn’t want to why did you?” She looked at the ground sadly. “Because… I had to get married in order to keep you. Darien wanted you to be with me but I couldn’t legally take you unless I got married. I was so stupid… I thought he’d changed… I thought… everything was different… that he would be nicer because your father was gone… but he was worse. He’s so much worse.” She let the tears fall from her eyes. “When your father was around Seiya wouldn’t dare hurt me.”

“Why does it make a difference? Why does he think it’s okay to hurt you now that dad’s gone?” Serena could see the same rage building in him that used to plague Darien. “It’s not okay… I’ll hold him accountable… I don’t want him to hurt you. You’re the only mom I’ve ever had…”

“You can’t say a word about this. Ever… if he knew… Oh Derrick please don’t say anything!” She practically begged him. It was an odd feeling to have a much older woman begging him to keep a secret. “Please?” She sobbed lightly causing his heart to sink. He’d taken classes where he’d learned about women suffering from domestic violence. So often they were terrified to leave, mostly because they had nowhere to go. Serena though, she could leave, she had all the money she needed, she was strong. Yet, she didn’t leave, she stayed and took the abuse.

“Fine, I won’t tell him. I’ll call the police.” He moved towards the phone making her cry out and grab it from him. She held it in her hands, desperately grasp the object making her knuckles white. “Why won’t you help yourself?”

“Because… you don’t understand. I hope you never do. I have nowhere to go, no one to help me because he’ll always hunt for me. He’ll do anything to keep me his prisoner.” She shook and set the phone down. “Now… we’re going shopping so… please go and get Seriah.” He nodded slowly and walked up the stairs to retrieve his cousin.

Derrick quickly slipped into the large glass building being careful not to let Serena or Seriah see him. Walking across the large lobby he pushed the button to the elevator and waited for the box to reach him. Twenty floors later he stepped into a small lobby where a beautiful blonde woman sat behind a desk with a headset on. She looked very much like Serena. The woman looked at him with a smile. “Hello, do you have an appointment?”

“No… but um… look, my name is Derrick Shields and I…” He hesitated as the woman nodded slowly and pushed a button on her phone. He felt nervous as he stood in front of the large mahogany doors because he’d never visited Andrew at work.

“Go on in.” The woman encouraged. With a gulp he opened the door and crossed the room to Andrew’s desk. The blonde was on the phone and was cautiously watching him and speaking in a low tone.

“I don’t know… look, I’ll call you back later.” Andrew then hung up the phone and smiled at the young man standing before him. “Hey! What a surprise! Sit down.” He motioned to one of the chairs by his desk. “What can I do for you?”

“What do you know about Seiya and Serena’s relationship?” Derrick leaned forward and fixed his eyes on Andrew intently, much like his father would have. The resemblance made Andrew slightly uneasy. “Okay… how about this… did you know he’s abusing her?”

Andrew leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes as if he were struggling with himself. “Yes… I’ve had my suspicions for a while.” He breathed and opened his eyes. “I assume you’re here to try and save her from that freak she calls her husband?” Derrick nodded. “It’s not as easy as you think it is Derrick. You have to understand that… look… I’ll call a few people and try to get something going but… we’re not dealing with a regular guy here… but I need you to do something. If you want to end this you have to take action.”

“Anything.” Derrick looked at the man that had been his father’s best friend and waited for orders. Andrew looked as if he were deep in thought then sighed. “What?”

“We need to piss him off. More specifically you need to. I know this is going to sound odd but… has Seriah seemed… interested in you at all?” Derrick slowly nodded thinking of that morning. “Okay… well, I want you to flirt back.”

“What?” Derrick jumped out of his chair and looked at Andrew like he was crazy. “She’s my cousin! I’m not going to flirt with my cousin!”

“Then you condemn Serena to live with Seiya for the rest of her life. Derrick… you’re the reason Seiya has so much power right now. If we can trick him into sending you away… and he will if you act like you’re attracted to his daughter… anyways, if he no longer has you then… we can save Serena.” Derrick looked confused as he sat down. “Derrick… Seiya’s not an insurance salesman. He’s CIA and he’s an evil bastard. He keeps Serena at bay because he threatens to hurt you. He’s serious Derrick. He killed Jadeite, a man who was going to propose to your mother, then he… let’s just say the reason you’re living with Serena now is because of him.”

“He killed my parents!” Derrick shouted angrily. “You’re telling me he killed my parents to make Serena marry him? What’s wrong with you? How can you say that and just sit here doing nothing? What kind of friend are you?” Andrew looked down at his desk and sighed. “I’ll do it but I’m not going to like this. I don’t like playing with people’s hearts.”

“None of us do but it’s something we all do.” Andrew nodded and sat back in his chair.

(Just a reminder to read the AN if you didn't already. It frustrates me when people don't.)