Guess what? Just guess! Oh, okay… fine… don’t tell me then. Lol. Okay, so, last chapter here. REVIEW! And read the AN at the bottom. ;)

End of the Nightmare

“Shh… It’s okay…” Peruru whispered into Seriah’s ear as she began to slump over in his arms. It had taken him all this time to develop it but he’d made an extremely fast acting tranquilizer that wouldn’t have the adverse effects his father’s had. He pulled the syringe from Seriah’s neck and set her in the snow as he whipped out his cell phone and dialed his uncle’s number. “It’s done.” He said sternly and walked over to where Darien was pulling Derrick away from Serena.

“Derrick! Derrick!” Serena was shouting and trying to stop the bleeding from his gunshot. Just as Seriah had fired Peruru had stabbed her in the neck with the syringe. The result was Derrick getting shot in the upper leg. Though the way Serena was acting you’d think he’d been shot in the heart. “Oh God is he okay?” She grabbed onto Darien as Darien scooped his son up.

“I want to know if you are?” Darien snapped at her sternly as she stood up. When Derrick had been shot he’d fallen onto his pregnant soon to be stepmother, sending her to the ground.

“I’m fine Dad, I swear.” Derrick smiled and looked at his beaten up father. “You look terrible.” Darien smiled and looked at his son as Peruru joined them. “Thanks Peruru.”

“Just doing my job. Sapphire’s on the way and he’s bringing some medics.” Peruru followed them into the house and looked around. “It may be a bad time to ask but… Sapphire will be here soon and… well… I want to know if… can I come and live with you all?” Serena looked at him softly and smiled. Her eyes then turned to Darien who seemed to be weighing the pros and cons. “I have nowhere else to go. I could go with my uncle but he’ll want me to continue doing all this agent stuff and I don’t want to. I want to be a psychologist.” He looked at the ground.

Serena lay a hand on Darien’s arm gently and nodded. “Sure Peruru, you can live here.” Darien nodded and sighed. “It’s been a long day.” He put Derrick down on the kitchen counter and waited for the medics.

“I can’t believe it’s finally over.” Serena sighed and leaned against her fiancé. “Now Seiya Kou’s just a name. A meaningless name.” She closed her eyes and smiled. “I’m so happy.”

Peruru stood in the kitchen nervously looking around. His green eyes took in everything, from the grout of the tiles to the texture of the ceilings he memorized it all. Finally, the sound of the front door opening and a troop of footsteps drew the groups attention. Sapphire came first, his blue hair now faded and mixed with white. “Well done by boy!” He shook Darien’s hand enthusiastically and smiled at Peruru. “You too. My goodness what would I have done without you?”

“I’m sure you would have thought of something.” The white haired teen shrugged and shuffled his feet a little. Sapphire watched him then snapped his fingers for a medic to have a look at Derrick.

“What of the girl?” Sapphire asked blankly as he watched the medic treat Derrick’s bleeding leg. “I believe we can all safely say she needs to be institutionalized. I know of a place. It’s expensive but it’s the best care you can get and it’s maximum security. Serena felt herself growing sick as she thought of her daughter locked in a padded cell all day but at the same time, she knew that her daughter was gone.

“Take her.” Serena whispered and looked at Sapphire sadly. “She needs more help than I know how to give.” Darien wrapped an arm around his fiancé and sighed. It had been a trying day but at least it was over. Never again would anyone fear Seiya. His reign of terror was officially over and maybe, with Seriah in a mental facility, he and Serena could live. Truly live.

“Very well.” Sapphire nodded and smiled at everyone. “Well, I cannot thank you enough. The position Seiya took from me is returning to it’s rightful occupant and maybe…” He looked at Darien. “You would like to join me in business?” Darien profusely refused the offer and held Serena tighter. “Well then it’s just you and me bud.” He then put a hand on Peruru’s shoulder. “Well, you, myself, and Helios.”

“Helios? You have my brother and you didn’t tell me?” Peruru growled and pulled his shoulder from Sapphire. “What are you making him do?”

“Calm down Peruru. Your brother’s in my custody and has been for a while. I have him running technical schematics. He has a real knack for it. Stealthy little bastard just like you and your dad.” Sapphire laughed then inhaled deeply and shrugged. “You don’t want to come with me though do you? You two could be a great team you know?”

“I don’t want it. I think I’ll stay here and have a real family for once.” Sapphire nodded and looked around the house. “Thank you for the offer though uncle Sapphire… thank you for everything.”

“Yeah well, I’ve never failed to bring hell onto those who cross me.” Sapphire then looked at the team of men following him. “Well boys, you know the drill. Clean up the mess and get ready to transport the girl.” The men nodded and scrambled to do the jobs they’d been instructed to carry out. “Maybe you two can finally find some happiness.” His deep blue eyes examined Serena and Darien before dropping to the floor. “I could have been happy years ago but… I refused to quite. I couldn’t let my career go and because of it… she left me. She was an agent and wanted to quite. She wanted me to go with her. Disappear essentially and dear lord she was good at that.” Sapphire’s dreamy tone then died away as he smiled. “You two though, you know what you want… but do me one favor. I want to be at the wedding.” Darien nodded as Sapphire gave a small salute and turned away. “I’ll see you around.” The blue haired man then left, the sound of the front door closing signaled the official end of the nightmare.

“It’s so wonderful to feel free.” Serena sighed. “How’s the leg?” She looked at Derrick who only shrugged. “Well, I don’t know about you guys but I’m damn tired. I’m going to bed and I don’t want to be woke for any reason!” She then pulled away from Darien and walked to their bedroom with the gait of a pregnant woman.

“I’m tired too but something tells me I need to clean up.” Darien laughed and looked at his blood crusted hands and clothes. “I never want to do that again.” The two teen boys laughed as Darien went into the master bedroom to take his shower.

Derrick lowered himself from the counter and looked at Peruru. “Welcome to the family.”

“Thank you… No matter how screwed up it may be, I’ve always wanted a real family.” Peruru smiled and looked around the house. “So… where’s my room?”

Ken Tsukino, formerly named Ken Shields, stood in the long hallway nervously biting his lip. This felt like the most natural thing in the world but something inside of him didn’t like this. She’d always been his sunshine, his little girl, despite the fact he wasn’t around. He’d wanted to be but Ilene had forbidden it; and when you’re trapped in a marriage you didn’t want in the first place you had to see it through. He’d missed so much but as he looked at the little face peaking from the pink blanket Peruru was holding he smiled. He had another chance, his granddaughter would want for nothing, if her father didn’t spoil her, he would.

“Sorry Daddy! I’ll be out in a few minutes!” He heard Serena squeal from the other side of the door, her excitement clearly evident in her voice. “Moll! That hurt!”

“Sorry Sarenah, gosh chill will ya?” He could hear the bickering among the two long time friends and shook his head. Even after all these years his daughter acted like a teen. Granted that now she was a little more mature, she was still a teen at heart.

“Hey! You two need to get a move on! People are going to start leaving if we don’t get this show on the road.” Andrew pounded on the door and nodded an apology to the frazzled father in the hall. “Sorry, but I know your daughter… and my sister. Come on!”

“Shut up Andy! Do you have any idea how much fabric is here?” Serena’s snippy voice pierced the air. “Why don’t you go and pester someone else?” Ken chuckled as Derrick shook his head and walked up to the door.

“Mom, come on now. You’re ready and the longer you stay in that room dad might change his mind.” All the men in the hall laughed, Darien included.

“You have to take your time with Serena.” He said softly and leaned against the wall. He tucked his hands into the pockets of his tuxedo jacket. “She is blonde after all.” He offered with a smile while closing his eyes as he heard Serena begin to growl.

“You jackass! I may be blonde but I’m certainly not an idiot… and I’m not slow! Appologize!” She screamed through the closed door which made the men laugh even more. “Darien!”

“Well, I’m going to start this thing with or without you. Come on guys, let’s get in our places.” Andrew, Darien, and Derrick all walked away from the door. Ken sighed and put one hand on the knob just as it was pulled open suddenly and a smiling Molly moved out of the room. Behind her was a sight from the heavens.

Serena was standing in the room with a wide smile on her face. “Well Daddy?” She held her arms out to the side then brought them back together, holding the cascading bouquet of pink roses in her hands. He could hardly speak, she was so very beautiful in her ivory colored wedding gown. The dress was so perfect, it was a princess cut dress; the bodice was formed to her body until the waist, which gave way to a full skirt and a five-foot train. The whole dress had pink beaded embroidery and made her look even more like the princess she was, the princess she deserved to be.

“Beautiful.” He nodded and offered her his arm. “We can’t keep them waiting though.” She smiled and took his arm before looking over at Peruru. The pale teen gave her the broadest smiled then held the bundle in his arms at an angle. Serena smiled as two big blue eyes looked at her with such glee it was hard to contain.

She put her bouquet her other hand and placed a gloved finger on her new daughter’s cheek. “I’ll be right back Rini… I promise.” She then moved with her father to the doors of the chapel and held her breath. This was it, the beginning of her life as Darien’s wife. It was what she’d always wanted and though she’d always shared his last name, she couldn’t wait to introduce herself as Mrs. Shields.

“Are you ready?” Ken asked as he patted her hand.

“I was born for this Daddy.” She smiled as the doors opened to the wedding march. The chapel was filled with people, some she hadn’t seen for sixteen years and others for even longer.

She wasn’t looking at them though, the only person she could see, was the only one who could make her feel safe. When he said he’d always take care of her she hadn’t imagined life would turn out the way it had. There had been so many ups and downs, so many twists in the web. So many lies yet so many truths.

That was the past though, and as she reached the altar she smiled and took Darien’s hand. It was time to let go of everything, time to forget the bad and start over. It was time to begin spinning a new web, and it would start now. The new threads would be so strong, made of love and happiness. Yes, that’s what was to come, the spinning of new threads.


Okay, so obviously, the last two paragraphs allude to the final piece of the saga. Keep your eyes open for “Spinning Threads”. Hope you liked it. Let me know!