WARNING: Very short chapter but a good one. Severe cliffhanger. There, now that that’s out of the way I can finally smile and be extremely happy that this chapter has come. It’s been a long awaited moment and I hope it’s worth it. I want REVIEWS!

Seiya’s Downfall

Serena sat in her daughter’s room. Staring at the young woman she’d raised from an infant. It was hard to believe that the playful child she once knew had been replaced by one of Seiya’s creations. She was sleeping peacefully but Serena couldn’t help but feel as though Seriah was watching her with those icy eyes, his eyes. “I can hardly believe it Dare… I mean… this is my little girl.” She touched the side of Seriah’s cheek and jumped as the girl’s eyes snapped open and fixed on her.

Darien pulled Serena away and safely placed her behind him. Daughter or no daughter, Seriah was dangerous and had to be treated as such. Her eyes seemed to be locked on her mother so intensely it was as if the girl was trying to place a curse on her. “Scared of me?” She laughed much like Seiya would and sat up. She went to stand and found her ankles and wrists tied to the bed. “I guess so.” She glared at Darien. “You really think you’re going to win? You think you’re going to stop us? No, my Daddy will come for her and when he does, he’s not going to be happy.”

“I know Seriah, but what do you envision you’re life’s going to be like after this? He’s going to lock your mother up, you’re not going to be a happy family. That’s not what he wants. Don’t you understand that? Seiya doesn’t care about you, the only thing he cares about is controlling your mother.” Seriah sneered and pulled at the bindings on her limbs and found them to be fairly poorly done.

“Derrick must have done this.” She looked at the ropes and smiled. “I see which side he’s on.” She laughed and glared at Darien again. “I hope I get to watch it… you know, as he kills you.” Her white teeth made her eyes seem even paler and against her black hair, it was frightening.

“Then you’re going to be disappointed. I’m not going to lose this fight Seriah. I love your mother, with all of my heart and I’m here to defend what I have, not take what’s someone else’s.” He then turned away from the teen, ushering his fiancé out as well. “She’s very ill Serena. We have to commit her somewhere. I’m sorry.” He wrapped his arm around his future wife and led her down stairs where he looked out the windows surrounding the front door. “Stay inside.” He stepped out the door suddenly and pulled a gun from behind his back.

Serena stared in shock as Darien walked out into the snow, holding the gun like a professional. “Derrick!” She cried and looked around the house. “DERRICK!” He rushed out of the living room and looked at Serena with worry on his face. “What’s your father doing?” Derrick looked outside and immediately paled.

“Seiya must be here.” He breathed and looked at her solemnly. “After Seriah tried to kill him last night he found a cell phone in her room and called Seiya. He challenged him to a fight, once and for all.”

“No!” Serena shouted and rushed outside, her large belly slowing her down. “NO! Darien NO!” She screamed and stopped at the beginning of the driveway just by Darien. Seiya was standing roughly one hundred yards away, his head slightly Down as he glared. There was a strong wind blowing the falling snow practically sideways. It was a scene straight from a horror movie. “Please, don’t do this.” She pulled on Darien’s arm to try and dissuade him.

“Derrick, please, take her back into the house.” Darien commanded without moving an inch. “I have to do this Serena. I won’t lose you again… I promise.” He smiled and moved his eyes away from Seiya ever so briefly.

“Then, you have to promise me I won’t lose you either.” She whispered sadly and waited for a reply, any reply would be reassuring. He simply nodded and softly pushed her to the side as he stepped forward. “I love you.”

“Enough chit chat! I didn’t come here to stand around!” Seiya shouted through the cold snow and crossed his arms angrily. “Why don’t you put the gun down and fight me like a man Darien?” Darien shrugged and walked closer to Seiya before pausing and frowning.

“You first Seiya. I don’t trust you to be honorable.” Darien watched as Seiya removed three guns from various holsters and threw them to the side. Darien, satisfied with the action tossed his gun to the side as well and stepped forward even more.

The two men were only twenty feet apart now, both unarmed and ready to fight. “Where do you want me sir?” A young masculine voice drew Darien’s attention to Seiya’s side. Practically blending into the white snow Peruru was waiting with an uneasy air to him.

“I don’t care Peruru, I’m busy.” Seiya waved the boy off. Peruru nodded and seemed to practically evaporate into the snow. “Hard to see him huh? That was one useful thing Diamond had going for him. In the snow the man was practically invisible.” Seiya laughed the looked at Darien defiantly. “I’m going to make you suffer through this. I promise you that. You’ve taken my wife and impregnated her, I will never forgive her for allowing you to do it either.” Darien growled and assumed a more offensive stance.

“Are we going to do this or are you simply going to yap at me you worthless piece of shit?” Seiya grinned and assumed a fighting stance as well. Darien sized him him, unsure of what to expect. Sapphire had always said Seiya was quick, but Diamond had been faster and Darien had beaten the albino man. The brothers had deemed him ready but Peruru had killed his father and if Peruru was following Seiya then this could be very dangerous.

Being impatient as usual Seiya made the first move by rushing to Darien and throwing a punch. So it began, the two physically throwing punches, blocking then doing it again. Serena watched in terror as the men fought, each one doing a considerable amount of damage to the other. “You’re good Darien.” Seiya laughed and spit some blood out of his mouth and into the snow. “I haven’t had a fight like this in… many, many years.” As Serena and Derrick watched Peruru snuck around them and went to Serena.

“Get away from her!” Derrick threatened as Peruru looked at him with a puzzled look. “I mean it you jackass…”

“Calm down Derrick. I’m not on Seiya’s side. Sapphire asked me to watch him. I’m here to make sure Seiya loses.” Derrick loosened a bit as Serena sighed. “Where’s Seriah? She can’t be trusted, she’ll help Seiya as best she can.” He looked into the house to see if she was anywhere in sight. “Don’t worry Serena, Darien will win.” He placed a hand on her shoulder and turned back to the fight at hand.

Darien and Seiya had resumed their fighting and both were looking pretty beat up but it wasn’t until Darien got a hold of Seiya arm that either man managed to obtain an advantage. In an instant Darien broke Seiya’s right arm and punched him in the face to hard Seiya fell into the snow, face up. “NO!” A loud shriek pierced the air as Seriah came running out from behind the house and knelt at her father’s side. “Daddy? Get up.” She willed him and helped him to his feet while glaring at Darien.

“Let me go.” Seiya commanded and Seriah backed away, shocked that her father had taken such damage. “You haven’t won yet Darien.” Seiya shouted and came at Darien again. This time he was much slower, the pain n his broken arm and the blood running down his face made it difficult for him to think and see.

“This is my cue.” Peruru nodded and began to move stealthily through the snow around the fight, making his way unseen to Seriah. Serena and Derrick watched in shock as Darien punched Seiya square in the face sending him back down.

“NO!” Seriah screamed as Darien held Seiya down and began to punch his face mercilessly. “NO! You MONSTER! You’re killing him!” She began to search through the freshly falling snow for something, as Seiya’s face became les of a face and more of a broken mess. By the time Darien was finished delivering the blows Seiya looked so bloody and broken it was sickening.

Blood was practically squirting from his face and he could hardly breath. The pain must have been unbearable to say the very least because he was trying to breath very hard and to make some sort of noise. The once proud, powerful Seiya could barley even gargle now and as Darien stood and surveyed what he’d done he felt somewhat sorry.

The way the man’s body seemed to writhe and twitch in the blood-stained snow was almost supernatural. Inhuman even. “Daddy!” Seriah rushed to him and pressed her hands over her mouth. “No… oh daddy no…” His icy eyes moved to her, full of agony and anger. She knew what he wanted her to do, he wanted her to kill Darien before he lost consciousness. She refused to let him suffer like this though. Handing Darien a gun Peruru stepped back into the snowstorm, disappearing once more. “Don’t let him suffer like this!” Seriah screamed at Darien. “Please! Just put him out of his misery! Look at him!” Darien straightened himself out and looked at Seiya blankly.

“I want him to suffer.” The small statement meant so very much. Seriah stood, shaking her head from side to side and covering her ears. “He made your mother suffer for so long, kept me from her, he killed Derrick’s mother, stabbed Sapphire in the back… he deserves everything he’s feeling right now.” Seriah looked at him in despair. She couldn’t believe how cold Darien was being. The man her mother had always talked about would never do this to any living creature yet there he was, standing there, satisfied with himself as another slowly bled to death.

“Fine!” Seriah pulled a gun from behind her and shot her father in the head effectively ending his life. Her eyes were full of tears as she looked down at her father’s broken body. “Now… it’s your turn!” She shouted and pointed the gun at Darien.

Serena watched the scene and began to rush over to them when Derrick pulled her back. “Stay back Serena!” Darien shouted and put his gun down. “Seriah… it’s okay, I know you’re confused and angry but we can help you.” He held up his hands and took a step towards her as she stepped back.

“I don’t want your help Darien! I want you dead! I want you and my mother dead!” She then stopped shaking and held the gun firmly whiled stepping back a few steps. “Who first Darien? You or her?” Darien felt a sense of dread wash over him as he realized Seriah wasn’t going to get any better. She’d just as soon kill them all before allowing herself to get better.

“I don’t want to hurt you Seriah… please, just put down the gun…” He stepped forward as she stepped back with an evil smile.

“One more step and I’ll shoot her.” Seriah turned the gun towards Serena and smirked. “Don’t get near me!” She commanded and glanced at Darien who had stilled and was watching her with fear in his eyes. “Move out of my way Derrick!” She shouted as Derrick shook his head and remained in front of the woman who’d raised him. “Please move?”

“No! Serena’s my mother and I love her. More than anything.” Seriah let out a breath of disbelief then pursed her lips and tightened her finger on the trigger.

“Then… you give me no choice Derrick. I really didn’t want to do this but… I see now that I must. As long as she’s around we can’t be together.” A shot rang through the air followed by Serena’s terrified scream.

OoOoOoOo... who got shot... what's going to happen? Remember, REVIEW! I think I deserve it.