OoOoOoOo… almost finished with this installment. Can you tell? Hehe, I hope you all like this. Please, REVIEW!

Oh, and check out my profile for the notes at the bottom and the poll at the top. :)


The Proposal

It was now December and Christmas was soon approaching. Serena’s stitches were healing quite nicely and her belly was growing bigger. Since the day Ilene hit her daughter they had returned frequently to the hospital. Serena’s doctor, Amy Muzino, an old friend from high school had been watching her carefully. At first it had been hard for her to believe that Darien was alive, and even more difficult to believe that Darien wasn’t Serena’s brother but here they were; together, it had to be true. “You’re looking good Serena… we should do an ultrasound to make sure everything’s okay with the baby.” Amy smiled at her patient and Darien.

“Yes, let’s do that. I’d like to start setting up the room for my little one.” Serena smiled and looked at Darien who was staring at the ultrasound machine Amy was wheeling over. Serena couldn’t help but wonder what it was like for him, those many years ago to stand there, like he was now, with a woman he didn’t love. What would it have felt like to look at a picture of your unborn child with a wife you didn’t love?

“Serena… are you all right?” Darien looked at her while taking hold of her hand. His blue eyes were darkened with worry as he spoke. “You seem a little, distracted. We don’t have to do this right now if you’re not feeling well.” She shook her head and smiled up at him. He was such a worrywart. “What?”

“You worry too much. I’m fine… I was just wondering what was going through your mind when you were here with Raye.” Amy looked between them and began to put the gel on Serena’s tummy.

“Can we not talk about Raye?” Darien said quietly and glanced at Amy who was pretending not to hear anything. “This is our moment Serena, our baby.” Serena nodded and looked at Amy expectantly.

“Okay.” Amy said softly and placed the tool into the gel and began to move it. The couple watched as Amy expertly navigated around Serena’s inners and stopped. “There’s your baby.” She pointed to the screen. “Here’s the hands, and feet, the head…” She hesitated as she studied the image. “Looks like a girl but you know how that is. Girls aren’t always girls.” Darien nodded as Amy put away the machine. “It has a healthy pulse though.”

“Thank God everything’s okay.” Serena sighed and lay her head back on the pillow. “You know… it’s hard to imagine being any happier than I am right in this moment.” She squeezed Darien’s hand and smiled.

“Well, that’s all I have for the two of you today!” Amy exclaimed and began to put the machine away. “You should come back in a few weeks so we can continue our check-ups. Okay?” She looked from one person to the next then said her good byes and left the room.

“I think we should go and look at some Christmas lights tonight. What do you think?” Darien asked as he helped Serena up and off of the examination table. The smile on his lips gave her a suspicious feeling but then again, lots of things Darien did warranted suspicion.

“Sure. Can we go up to the big house on the hills? I heard they’ve got a huge display.” She clapped and latched onto his arm as he nodded. “Yay!” She exclaimed then quieted a little and looked into his eyes with adoration. “I want to go home now.” She whispered and tugged him towards the door playfully.

“Serena…” Darien hesitated then laughed. Despite the fact she was so pregnant she still had the sex drive of a dog in heat. “I don’t think now is the best time to be rolling around together… I’ll tell you what though. I’ll make it up to you later.” She let her head fall down as she sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “I promise you I’ll make it up to you.” He added and pulled her chin up so she was gazing into his eyes again.

“Fine.” She sighed and let him walk her out of the hospital.

Derrick sat at the grand piano in the living room, surrounded by the large floor to ceiling windows, and sighed. The snow was falling to the already white ground, he loved the snow, and the view from the living room windows was breathtaking. The house sat on roughly two acres of wooded land and it was magical to see all of the trees covered in the cold flakes.

“You always did like the snow.” A feminine voice interrupted his thoughts and drawing his eyes from the scenery. “But you’ve always hated the piano… what’s up?” Seriah sat beside him on the bench and rested her fingers atop the keys ever so gently. “I’m sorry for the way I acted before but… I was… confused… and totally in love with you. I still am.” Her icy eyes were fixed on the ivory keys as she spoke, her soft voice gently echoing in her ears.

“I guess I can understand… it’s sort of why I’m sitting here. Like you said I’ve always hated the piano but it was because… it wasn’t that I hated the piano, just what it meant. Serena is so in love with him… no, they’re so in love with one another… she thought he was gone and tried to revive him in me. I hated that. I hated it all because I’m not him.” He sighed and touched the keys pressing one down so a note rang through the house. “Now that I know him… now that I know he’s alive… I don’t mind the piano so much because I know… he’s here and I don’t have to pretend to be so perfect.” By this time Seriah was looking at him, studying his features. He looked so much like his father she almost hated him. Her mother had praised this boy for looking like the man she loved but Seriah, who loved the son, saw the man she hated. It was confusing to say the least. “I’m sorry about your dad. I don’t think he wants to be evil… it’s just the way he was raised.”

“My dad is… sick… he needs some sort of help but he won’t accept it.” The two grew quiet before Derrick began to play the piano softly. Many times as a child Serena had asked him to play the Moonlight Sonata. He never understood why, until now. It was a beautiful song yet so very melancholy. That was how Serena had lived her whole life and that was how he felt in this moment. The world was beautiful but full of so much sadness and pain. Especially around them, and as he played Seriah listened and leaned her head against his shoulder.

She knew that she would have to make a choice. She would have to kill Darien in order to regain her family. She knew how she would weaken him but how to do it was the problem. She either had to hurt Derrick, or her unborn sibling. She closed her eyes and imagined the two scenarios. If she hurt Derrick, she wouldn’t be able to live with herself because she truly loved him; but then, if she hurt the baby she would be doing something so terrible she wasn’t sure she could do it.

After the song ended Derrick sat still, looking out the window again. He wasn’t sure what the future held but he was sure it wasn’t good. He could feel a storm coming and he knew he couldn’t stop it. Seiya would come. He would wait for the most opportune moment then come crashing into their new world. Derrick felt a shiver travel down his spine and a coldness wash over him. Why was Seiya waiting so long to strike? Then a thought occurred to him and he looked at Seriah. Her eyes were fixed on him and seemed so empty, yet… hateful. “They should be back any second.” He said with a cold tone and stood. Something about Seriah wasn’t right. He didn’t know how he knew just that he did.

“I’d rather them stay out a little longer.” Her eyes suddenly filled with love and a smile graced her lips. “You know I love you right Derrick?” He felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Though she had said it with meaning, it sounded just like her father had when he said that to Serena. “Do you love me?”

“Seriah… I don’t love you the way you love me.” He lied. He knew the truth, it was that he was in love with her. Only he was in love with the old her, the Seriah who was carefree and fun. The Seriah who didn’t act like her father.

“You’re lying to me… I can see it in those big brown eyes of yours.” She smiled and looked at the ground. “The question is… why are you lying to me?” When she looked back up her eyes seemed to glow with an iridescence that reminded him of a cat at night.

He moved away from her, pretending to look through the fridge for something to eat. “To tell the truth… I don’t trust you Seriah.” He could hear her moving across the hard wood floors and felt her presence just before she slammed the fridge door shut and pulled him into a forceful, yet passionate kiss.

In that moment Derrick somehow lost his logic and returned the kiss with his own passion. So many times he’d seen couples get lost with one another in what looked like a terrible battle for power. He wanted to know what that was like. He wanted to know what it was like to be in love and express that feeling; but this was not the girl he loved. Not anymore, yet, he couldn’t help but kiss her like this. He couldn’t help but want that connection.

“We’re home! Get ready for a night of fun and beauty!” Serena’s cheerful voice filled the house and sobered Derrick enough to push himself away from Seriah. Her eyes were surprisingly clear as she winked at him and walked into the foyer to greet her mother and Darien. “We’re going to the Pittock Mansion to see the lights! Isn’t that exciting?”

“Absolutely mom!” Seriah sounded as Derrick came around the corner to meet the knowing eyes of his father. “I think that will be fun! Don’t you Ricky?” She turned to him and smiled as if nothing had transpired between them.

“Derrick, before we go we should check the car. Why don’t you come out and help me?” Darien looked at his son pointedly and walked out of the house as the boy nodded and began to dress himself for the outside weather.

The snow crunched under his feet as he walked out to the car where Darien was waiting for him. He knew they weren’t going to check the car over. It was Darien’s way of telling him they were going to talk about something and he didn’t want the girls to know. “I don’t know if you’ll understand this but… something doesn’t feel right with her.” Darien said quietly as he looked towards the tree line. “I think Seiya sent her here to watch us… and I don’t want you getting attached to her because I think she needs to be committed somewhere.” Derrick nodded and looked at his snow boots.

“I know Dad I just… she… I miss the old Seriah. I wish she’d come back.” Darien looked at his son and sighed. He knew the feeling. Though Serena was still very much the same, she was also so very different from what she had been. The wildness to her was gone, ripped away from years of abuse. Seriah on the other hand, Darien could see something was wrong. It was as if the girl had multiple personalities. There was the sweet and loving Seriah, the innocent one that Derrick loved. Then there was the other Seriah. The dark and sinister side that seemed to have banished the good side. “I love the old Seriah and it’s hard… to look at her and not see…” Derrick grew quiet.

“You don’t have to explain anything to me Derrick. Just know that she’s not who she used to be. You can either accept that or live in a fantasy world. I need you to accept it Derrick, and stay away from her. I need you to steer clear of her or else… I fear you’re going to suffer greatly and I think everyone’s suffered enough… don’t you?” Derrick nodded and looked up at his father with teary eyes. “Now… get ready to go. We’re going to the mansion soon and I don’t want to be late.” Derrick smiled and slowly turned back to the house.

It wasn’t long before the sky grew dark and Darien loaded Serena in the car. Derrick and Seriah got in and the whole group drove up the winding hills to the mansion. Serena practically jumped out of the car the moment she saw the massive house with all its lights. “Oh my GOD! It’s so beautiful!” She squealed and got out as soon as possible, running towards the lights.

“Serena! Don’t run you’ll fall!” Darien rushed after her leaving the teens by the car. Seriah shut her door and began to look around with anger evident on her face. Derrick watched her carefully as she scanned the area then turned to him, her eyes ablaze.

“I don’t like this… no!” She shouted and kicked the car suddenly. “No no no no no!” She was hitting the car as violently as she could and in that moment Derrick realized what Darien had been saying. The way Seriah was hitting the car reminded him of how Peruru had moved that night at the camp. It was a disciplined movement and it was evident, Seriah had been trained. With a swift movement Seriah had turned towards the mansion and was rushing to where Serena and Darien had run.

Derrick ran after her. Afraid of what she was going to do and what was happening. “Seriah?” Derrick looked around cautiously when he saw his father and the pregnant blonde ahead of him but no sign of the raven-haired girl. Darien turned to him slightly, his hand holding Serena’s somewhat tightly as they walked. Looking around Derrick moved towards the couple and sighed. “I’m not sure where Seriah went.”

“I’m sure she’ll turn up.” Serena sung and continued to walk down the garden path that led to a tunnel of lights. It was beautiful and soon Derrick had forgotten about Seriah all together. “Isn’t this wonderful Darien?” Serena laughed as she walked into the tunnel. “Oh… it’s stunning!”

“Not as stunning as you.” Darien said softly and stopped in turn making Serena stop too. “You know Serena… I’ve loved you from the moment I saw you and that was when your parents brought you home from the hospital. I’ve been so very wrong… so terrible to you.” He took both of her hands making her breath catch. “If I could take all of your pain and suffering away I would. I would bear it all for you, I’d give my life for you… which is why… I want to give it to you.” Derrick realized what was happening when his father knelt onto one knee. “Serena… you’re the only one for me and I love you. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done but I’m hoping… that you love me enough to let me spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” He produced a small black box and opened it for her to see the platinum ring holding a large and pristine diamond.

Serena looked at him and blinked a few times. She remembered what Raye had said about his proposal to her. It had been almost a demand. It wasn’t romantic like this, it wasn’t heartfelt like this. He was asking her to spend the rest of her life by him and she couldn’t be more thrilled. “Yes…” She whispered with a slight nod and giggled as he stood and smiled. Gently placing a kiss on her lips as he slipped the ring onto her finger. As they broke apart Derrick could see Seriah standing at the other end of the tunnel. Her hands down by her sides and her head slightly down as she glared at them. Suddenly her hand twitched and she tilted her head the side as a large, chilling smile spread over her face.

Just like that Derrick could feel the storm arriving. He could almost hear the sound of a shot ringing through the air signaling that the war had begun.


Seriah stood in her room holding the cell phone her father had given her to her ear as she looked down into the living room. It was nearly three in the morning and the house was dark. Empty almost as everyone slept. Everyone but her.

She’d given her father the news of Darien’s proposal and she’d never heard such an unearthly sound in her life. He’d almost screamed his anger into the phone, pouring it into her mind, which was so ready to accept it. She saw the power her father’s anger gave him and she shivered to think that she had the same potential.

A sound pulled her from her thoughts and she watched as Darien walked into the loving room and sat at the piano. His fingers brushing the keys as he smiled. She couldn’t help but admire him a little. It was simply taboo not to admire him. There he was, sitting at the piano in only his boxers, his hair lightly tussled from screwing her mother, and his tan skin reflecting the moonlight. Sure, he was a beautiful sight to behold but she hated him all the same.

Quietly she moved to her dresser and removed the large dagger her father had given her. Then, quickly and quietly she made her way downstairs, following the soft sound of the music Darien was playing. Tonight was the night. Her father had ordered her to kill him, to stab the knife into the side of his neck, twist, and pull then wait as he bled to death and choked on his own blood.

She was so close now. Only three feet stood between her and victory. She would finally do what her father hadn’t so many years ago. He would be so very proud of her, he’d praise her constantly for completing the task. She was right behind him now and as she gripped the knife Darien stopped playing. “So, he did send you to do his dirty work did he?” The attractive man turned his head to the side and locked his eyes on her. “Well, if you’re going to do it…” He stood and turned to her, his broad, muscular chest only inches from the knife. “make it count.” She looked up at him with shock. He was just standing there, waiting for her to kill him.

“You don’t think I will?” She asked and pushed the knife against his skin drawing a small trickle of blood. “You stole my mother away from my father. All he’s ever done was love her and you just waltz right in and steel her away, impregnate her and get engaged?”

“I love her more than your father could even fathom. As for you… I know you won’t do it.” She sneered and went to slice at him only to feel strong arms wrap around her from behind and hold her back as Darien pinched a spot on her neck rendering her unconscious.

“I told you.” Derrick breathed as he lay Seriah on the ground. “I didn’t think she’d actually…” Darien placed a gentle hand on his son’s shoulder then picked up the teenage girl.

“I hate doing this but… I need you to go and get the tranquilizers out of the bathroom cupboard.” Darien then took her up to her room and waited. She had been stealthy, if he hadn’t known she was coming he would be dead. It scared him to think she could have gotten away with it. When Derrick returned Darien administered the tranquilizer and locked her in the room until he could have Sapphire come and remove her. “Derrick… I’m guessing tomorrow Seiya’s going to show up.”

“Why do you say that Dad?” Derrick asked as Darien held up a cell phone and flipped it open.

“Because, I’m going to tell him to.” Darien growled and hit the redial. He waited a little then the phone was answered.

“Did you do it?” Seiya’s voice sounded critical and amused at the same time. “Seriah, is he dead?”

“No you son of a bitch I’m not dead. She tried, came close too but let’s face it Seiya. If you want me dead then you’d better come and do it yourself. How about tomorrow?” Darien snapped into the phone making Seiya laugh loudly.

“Came close did she? Well, I’m not sure if that’s good or bad… sure Darien. I’ll stop by tomorrow and then we’ll see who really deserves her. I just want you to know that when I win… I’m going to have her locked up in a really shitty mental facility. I’ll have your child killed and Serena will never see the light of day again.” Darien ground his teeth as Seiya smugly spoke into the phone. “I hope you put up a good fight though. I’m looking forward to you actually trying to fight for her.” With that Seiya hung up leaving Darien fuming.