Hey all! I hope you enjoy this chapter. I enjoyed typing it. :) I wanyed to put it up yesterday but I wasn't able to because was having issues. Let me know if you like it with a REVIEW!


Derrick was outside chopping wood as the sound of gravel crunching under someone’s feet hit his ears. Turning slightly he saw Seriah walking slowly, holding her side painfully. “Seriah!” He dropped the axe and ran to her just as she looked up and fell to the ground her hair spilling out around her. “Seriah!” He rolled her onto her back and gasp as he saw her left side bleeding. “Oh God… um… okay… DAD!” He turned towards the cabin. “DAD!” Darien rushed outside and quickly went to the teens.

“What happened?” Darien knelt down and looked at Seriah who had seemingly passed out. Derrick relayed what little he knew then bit his lip. “Okay… go inside and keep Serena distracted. I don’t want her to see this. Understand me? She doesn’t need the stress.” Darien scooped Seriah into his arms and turned towards the cabin. “Looks like she learned her lesson the hard way.” Derrick nodded then rushed into the house.

“Is everything okay?” Serena asked from the couch, her eyes closed as she lay flat on her back hoping to vanquish a headache. It was late November now and Serena was three months pregnant, her tummy was slightly pooched, a clear sign that the baby inside of her was growing nicely.

“Yeah, everything’s fine… how’s the headache?” Derrick walked around the side of the couch and knelt beside her with a smile. Serena opened one of her eyes and smiled a little. Behind them Darien entered the cabin with Seriah in his arms and made his way upstairs. After Darien was out of sight Derrick made his way upstairs to the spare room where Darien laid Seriah down and was inspecting her side.

“That sick bastard… how could he do this to his own daughter?” He looked up at Derrick with anger in his eyes. “Go and get me some bandages and rubbing alcohol.” Derrick nodded and did so. “Let’s try and wake her.” The two began to call her name.

“What?” She moaned and opened her eyes slightly. “D… Darien? Ricky?” She then smiled and closed her eyes. “I didn’t think I was going to make it.” Darien chucked and began to dress her wound. “I’m sorry I was such a brat… I… I just… I don’t know…”

“I know. It’s hard to believe one of your parent’s is so sinister but you know now don’t you.” Darien frowned. “I just thank heavens you’re alive. Looks like he whipped you pretty hard then… did this.” He looked at the deep gash in her side. “I can hardly believe he did this. He’s even worse than I thought.” Seriah nodded and studied Darien’s movements carefully then looked at Derrick. “I could never hurt my own flesh and blood… I think I’d rather die then allow one of my own to get hurt.” Her icy eyes fixed on him sharply. That was the key then, either hurting her mother or Derrick. One of the two would have to happen.

“I know there’s something going on. I can feel it!” Serena shouted as she came up the stairs. Darien looked at Derrick and quickly slipped out of the room and shut the door. “You boys are hiding something. What is it?” She tried to look past him and frowned when he wouldn’t let her. “Darien…” She pushed him tot eh side and stepped in. Covering her mouth when she saw her shirtless daughter laying on the floor with lash marks all over her and a freshly bandaged side. “Seriah!”

Seriah’s eyes scanned her mother and immediately fell to her slightly rounded stomach. “Mom! You’re… wh… when did that happen?” She felt her shock give way to anger. Her mother was obviously pregnant with another man’s child. Her father would go ballistic if he knew that small little fact.

“Oh… three months ago… isn’t it exciting?” She leaned against Darien’s body and placed a hand over her stomach. “Our own little one to love…” Darien wrapped his arms around her and looked at Seriah cautiously. He wasn’t sure how Serena’s first born would act but so far so good.

“It’s… very exciting mom… do you know what it is yet?” Seriah stood slowly and pulled her shirt over her head. Derrick stood as well and watched Seriah even more carefully than his father was. “I didn’t think you could have any more…”

“Well, looks like I will be. I’m so happy. Now we’re all together! Honey, do you want to go house hunting with us tomorrow? We were going to go today but I had a headache and… well, obviously it was so we could be here when you got here. Did you bring anything?” Serena looked from Derrick to Seriah then to Darien.

“No mom… I ran away. I didn’t have the time or strength to pack a bag. Peruru helped me as far as he could without being discovered but he can more than hold his own against dad.” Derrick snorted and looked at the ground. “I know you don’t like him Ricky but he’s been a good friend.”

“He’s working with your dad. He’s rotten and I know it.” Seriah glared at Derrick then softened herself and sighed. “How did he wind up working with him anyway? Wasn’t he following his father’s footsteps in a way?”

“No.” Seriah said flatly thinking of the stories Peruru had told her about his father Diamond. “He didn’t want to be like Diamond. Diamond was sick.” Serena looked at her daughter and nodded slowly. “After Perry helped us his father was furious and they fought… Perry won. He then went looking for my dad and found him. Now he’s working for him. End of story.”

“Hopefully Seiya’s story will come to an end soon. I’m tired of trying to live with him prowling around on this planet. He’s a lunatic and I don’t want my unborn child to live in a world where he’s a threat.” Darien growled and held Serena tightly. “That’s why we need to get out of here. We need to get back to civilization.” Serena nodded as Seriah smiled a secret smile. “I’ll be honest Seriah. I don’t know if I can trust you after what you did. How do I know you’re not just as crazy as he is?” Darien looked at the young teen in front of him.

“Darien!” Serena cried. He ignored her and stared at Seriah. “Darien, she’s my daughter.”

“Maybe so but she’s also HIS daughter and I don’t know if we can trust her. After all, he did have her in his grip for a while. Maybe he brainwashed her and she’s here to cause trouble.” Serena paled and looked at Seriah with desperate eyes.

“I know you don’t trust me and I don’t blame you… I’ve been terrible but I have learned… I have nowhere else to go.” She looked up at Darien with the most pathetic eyes she could muster. Darien was a man of mercy and she knew it.

“I say she’s lying out her teeth. We should throw her out and keep her as far away from Serena as possible.” Derrick growled and stared at his father. “It’s not worth the risk. I mean… we’re going to start a new life… add another family member… I say we throw her out. Even if she is telling the truth we can’t trust her.” Seriah stared at Derrick with disbelief. The person in front of her was not the person she grew up with. Derrick was like Darien, merciful. Serena and Darien both looked at Derrick and considered his words. “Look, if anyone knows Seriah it’s me and I’m telling you she’s lying! There’s no feeling in her eyes. Can’t you see that? She’s a drone here to do Seiya’s dirty work.”

“I’m sorry I wronged you Derrick. I really am. I don’t know what came over me but you know that I love you. You know that.” She looked up at him and saw his resolve waiver for a brief moment. She knew it. He did have feelings for her. Feelings she could exploit and use against him. “Please Derrick… I’m begging for your forgiveness. I love you.” He balled his fists and closed his eyes.

“Do what you think is right.” Derrick looked at his father and walked out of the room. He knew it was a dangerous road to travel but if he had to he’d accept her back into the family.

“Please momma, Darien?” Seriah looked at the two of them then at Serena’s growing tummy. “I’ll be the best big sister ever.” She heard Darien make a sound deep in his throat. To tell the truth Seriah wasn’t sure Darien was going to allow her back and in her current condition she could do nothing to injure him.

“Fine. You can stay but if I think you’re acting the least bit like Seiya you’re gone. Understand me? I don’t mean gone as in back to your father either. I mean gone, either you’ll go to a high-security mental facility or I’ll end your life. It’s your choice.” Seriah stared at him with wide eyes. He’d just threatened to kill her and her mother did nothing. “Don’t make me regret this Seriah… oh, and stay away from your mother until further notice.” He then gently lead Serena from the room and downstairs.

“We’ll all have to pay for this.” Derrick whispered as they descended to the living room “I can just feel it. You know? This won’t end well.”

Peruru sat in front of Seiya as the man’s icy eyes scanned the paper in his clenched hands. He could see Seiya’s fury growing with each passing second. When he finally put the paper down he stared at Peruru for the longest moment then calmly folded his hands in front of him. “Sir?” Peruru dared to venture. “What’s the news?”

“They’ve moved to a house here in town. Not that far really but it is somewhat secluded.” Peruru could see the strain in Seiya’s neck as he spoke. “I’m done Peruru. I’m done with that two-timing bitch.”

“What’s wrong sir?” Peruru was almost afraid to ask but he had to. It was his job to watch Seiya carefully and report back to Sapphire. “Why would you give up the woman you love?”

Seiya leaned back in his chair and smiled. It wasn’t a smile that held amusement, no, it was pure insanity behind that smile. “I refuse to accept a woman who’s carrying my enemy’s child.” Peruru could feel a sense of dread and urgency wash over him as Seiya spoke. “If I can’t have her no one can. I know that sounds corny but it’s the truth. People are instinctive animals Peruru. We want what other animals want… stability and a dedicated mate. Serena’s far from dedicated to me. For her whole life it’s been all about him… about Darien. Now she’s baring him a child? I don’t think so. I’ll kill all of them before I let that happen.” He paused and looked at Peruru. “Can you imagine it; a child born from their… shameless obsession with one another? It’s disgusting.”

“Seriah’s with them now though Sir. She will do her job. She’ll kill Darien and then you can retrieve your wife. Derrick won’t be much of a threat. Then you can have your family back.” Peruru was trying to reason with Seiya. If he didn’t, then Seiya might go haywire and kill everyone now. Darien and Sapphire wouldn’t have a chance if Seiya did that.

“I don’t want my family back. I want my woman! I want Serena! Are you stupid or just simply ignorant? I don’t want Seriah. I never did. The girl’s a burden and a royal pain in my side. I sent her in there… not to win, but to lose. He’ll kill her Peruru, and when he does Serena will see that he’s no better than I am. Just every bit the monster I am, only he’s still in denial. He still tries to hide it but you and I both know he’s a sinister, and evil bastard.” Peruru nodded and looked down. Seiya had truly lost it. He was a man detached from reality; and that was a dangerous thing. Men who couldn’t grasp reality usually didn’t have power but Seiya did.

“I’m sorry sir. I’ve misunderstood your goal… what of Ilene? She has yet to discover that Darien is alive… won’t she interfere with you? Won’t she send my uncle after you?” Seiya laughed hysterically and looked at Peruru with amusement.

“Ilene’s not a threat. Sapphire even less of one…” Seiya looked at the phone and smiled. “Though… I’m sure Darien would love a visit from his “mother”… I should call and tell her what her little boy’s up to shouldn’t I?” Seiya picked up the phone and dialed Ilene’s cell phone number.

“Why are you calling me Serena. I’ve told you many times that I have no desire to see your little brat. You may send Derrick over to me but that’s it…” She was prattling on and Seiya let her. “Are you listening you ungrateful little bitch?”

“So good to hear your voice Ilene.” The woman quieted immediately. “I see you still refuse to make amends with my dearest Serena.” He heard a snort on the other side of the phone and grinned. “I have some news for you… Darien’s alive.”

“WHAT? My son’s ALIVE?” Ilene practically screamed into the phone. “When did you discover this?” He looked at Peruru, his eyes full of satisfaction.

“Oh, a while ago. You see, I’ve kept it a secret for many years because that’s what Darien seemed to prefer. Of course… when Serena found out she left me and ran to him and we all know Darien. He welcomed her with open arms. All the years you spent trying to keep them apart and now they’re together… in fact. I hear she’s pregnant with his child.” He could hear Ilene’s breathing become erratic as she processed the information. She was falling right into his plan.

“Where are they? I’ll set that little bitch straight. I did NOT spend all those years keeping them apart for him to wind up with her. I thought they would grow out of it, I thought he’d heed my warnings but he didn’t. You know I had them watched?” She growled. “I want the address and I want it now Seiya. You know how good I am at tearing my daughter apart. She’ll come crawling back to you when I’m done with her.”

Seiya grinned. “I plan on it Ilene.” He then gave her the address of Darien and Serena’s new house and hung up the phone. “Predictable.” Seiya laughed and closed his eyes. It was so satisfying really. The whole family was crazy and it was so easy to play upon all the little emotions.

“Finally.” Serena smiled and sat on the loveseat in front of the new fireplace. “Isn’t this perfect?” She cuddled up to Darien as he sat next to her and looked up to where Seriah was hanging a curtain in her room. The new house was nice, and open. Seriah and Derrick’s rooms both opened to the living room below by way of open sections of the wall. Seriah didn’t like that too much so she was hanging black curtains. Derrick had loved the open concept and was happily unpacking his room.

“It is perfect isn’t it?” Darien smiled and leaned his head onto Serena’s and rested a hand on her tummy. The baby was growing. Slowly but surely. It had been a month since Seriah had re-entered their lives and so far everything was working out. She seemed happy, everyone was happy. “God I love you…” He leaned in to kiss the beautiful blonde.

“Ewwww! Not while I can see you!” Seriah pulled the curtain shut making Darien and Serena laugh. “That’s gross!” She yelled and cringed at herself. She hated acting like that. She really wanted to go down there and bash Darien’s face in.

Darien chuckled and continued to close the distance between his lips and Serena’s. Just as they were about to kiss the doorbell rang. “God damn it. I swear to God I’m going to hurt someone.” Darien growled making Serena giggle. “I’ll get it.” He walked around the fireplace to the front door and froze. Through the glass pane of the door he could see Ilene and Ken standing there. “Great.” He growled and looked up to the open walkway above him where Derrick and Seriah were staring down at him.

Gritting his teeth he opened the door and smiled. “Darien! It’s true!” Ilene threw her arms around him as Ken reluctantly stepped into the house and looked around. The wood floors glistened and as he looked up at the chandelier above the door he saw two young faces looking at him. “Why haven’t you called? It’s been… what… sixteen… seventeen years?”

“I had my reasons.” Darien untangled himself from Ilene and smiled genuinely at Ken. Ken had always been his favorite. The man, though seriously afraid of his wife, had never lied to Darien. “Hey. How are you?”

“We’re just fine honey! We want to know how you’ve been? Where have you been?” Her voice was cheerful but Darien could hear the underlying question. He knew this visit was the handy work of Seiya. There was no other explanation then again… why would Seiya send Ilene to them? “Where’s my handsome grandson?”

“Ilene. Why are you here?” Darien asked frankly. “Let’s stop playing this game. I’m not your son and he’s not your grandson. You have a granddaughter.” He offered and looked up at Seriah and Derrick. Ilene followed his gazed then sharply looked back into his eyes.

“So… it’s true? You have my sorry excuse for a daughter living here with you? I expect more from you Darien.” She growled and looked up at Seriah. Studying her features carefully. “What an unnatural looking child.” Seriah felt her blood boil. No wonder her mother never wanted Ilene around.

“I don’t know why you’d expect anything other than this Ilene. It was you who put us together and left us alone so very often. You had to know that eventually I would decide not to listen to you.” Darien shrugged as Ken ventured past them and into the living room to greet his daughter.

He stopped in his tracks as he saw her. His daughter sitting on the loveseat, her eyes wide with fear and her tummy bloated by what he knew was another life growing in her. “Serena.” He sighed and rushed to her. Wrapping his arms around his daughter had always brought him joy. She was beautiful and he had made her.

She stood and hugged him fully, feeling his arms around her, comforting her. “I’ve missed you daddy… Why don’t you just leave her? I know you want to.” She sighed as he pulled away from her gently and looked at her belly.

“Why didn’t you leave Seiya?” She paled and looked into his brown eyes. She knew the answer. She had been afraid of Seiya. Was Ken actually afraid of Ilene? “Your mother’s talking with him now… is this… are you two finally an item? He told you the truth?”

“Yes Daddy… he told me the truth. It’s his.” She answered the question in Ken’s eyes and smiled. “Why didn’t you tell me? All those years…” She sighed and looked at him. “Nevermind… I know why. It wasn’t your place to tell me.” She smiled.

“WHAT?” Serena heard her mother scream and winced as she stormed into the room and glared at the petite blonde. “You good for nothing little whore! You’re a married woman and here you are running around with the man we raised as your brother! You really are a piece of work.” Ilene went off on her daughter. “Get out of my way.” She pushed Ken aside and glared at Serena who only stood there. Her blue eyes defying her mother like never before. “He deserves more than you.”

“I don’t care.” Serena said quietly and looked at Darien with a smile. “I love him and I want to have his child. I always have loved him and it wouldn’t matter if he was my brother. I’d still be standing right here today.” Ilene was practically seething as she absorbed Serena’s words.

“You’ve brainwashed him. I know you have. You’ve been trying since you were little. I will not allow this. You are not going to keep this child and you will not continue to live here. You’re going back to your good for nothing husband.” Serena stood her ground and continued to glare.

“I don’t have a husband. I’m not Seiya’s wife and I don’t want a thing to do with him. I love Darien and I’m not going to leave so… screw off mom.” Ilene stood there, practically twitching as her daughter spoke the words of a strong and proud woman. Before Serena could move away Ilene brought her hand sharply across Serena’s face sending her to the floor. As she went down her head hit a side table then smacked against the ground.

“Of course! You don’t have a husband because you’re a whore. If you could keep your legs shut for two seconds then you’d realize you don’t have one because everyone sees you for what you are!” Ilene growled then stumbled back as Darien forcefully pulled her away and knelt down to Serena who was about to fall asleep.

“Don’t fall asleep on me… please.” He cradled her in his arms as Ilene snorted in disgust. “Serena…” Her head was bleeding and upon seeing the red liquid on his hand he gritted his teeth and lay her on the couch. “Ilene… you don’t know what you’re talking about. You never have.” He turned towards her with a dangerous glare. “She’s not a whore, she’s the love of my life and she can keep her legs shut. For the past sixteen years she’s been trying to but that son of a bitch raped her! He raped his own wife every night and you did nothing to stop him! What kind of mother are you?” Darien’s voice began to raise. “Get out.”

“Excuse me? You’re throwing me out? I don’t think so.” Ilene laughed then stepped back as Darien advanced on her.

“I said… get the FUCK OUT!” Darien shouted. “You’re a worthless piece of flesh you know that? You’re nothing but mud on Serena’s shoes. She’s ten times the woman you are and one hundred times the mother! You know… I’ve always hated you. Actually HATED you! You never loved her! You always left her alone with me. You left US alone and now you’re angry because we’re in love? What sort of hypocrisy is that? I love her and she’s going to have MY child! You’d better bet your ass you’re never going to see that child either!” He was yelling at Ilene so fiercely the house was practically trembling. “We’re going to raise our baby together and we’re still going to roll around under the sheets because we like to. I savor making love to your daughter and I will continue to for the rest of my life! Now get OUT you fucking hag!” Derrick listened to his father curse at Ilene and could hardly believe his ears. “Ken, you’re always welcome in my house as long as you don’t bring your wife.” Darien turned towards Serena.

“I’m not leaving! You ungrateful boy! I raised you as my own and you treat me like this? I’m your mother!” Ilene grabbed Darien’s arm. Unfortunately for her Darien had finally reached his breaking point. He could no longer stand idly aside as she put Serena down.

“Get the FUCK out of MY house you bitch!” Darien then threw her off of him, smacking her in the process. “Get out and don’t come back. EVER!” Ilene scrambled away, holding her cheek, which was beginning to bruise from the force Darien had put into it. Ilene and Ken then left while Darien hovered over Serena who was barely conscious. “Derrick! Get the car ready!” He cradled Serena again as Derrick rushed downstairs and out to the car. “Are you coming with?” Darien asked Seriah. The girl nodded and rushed out to the car.