How you like this one, it's sort of intense... that's my opinion at least. Review okay?

Serena stepped into the halls of her new school and smiled. The halls were bustling with students who were greeting Darien warmly and incidentally introducing themselves to her. Seiya and Raye followed the pair closely until Seiya began to notice the looks on all the guys’ faces. Looks that he knew all too well. “Mind if I take her for a bit Dare?” Darien looked at her then nodded and let Seiya wrap an arm around her making many of the people in the hall gawk at them. Seiya’s eyes scanned the crowds with a calculated anger. That’s right, just gawk your fucking eyes out. He smiled to himself and slipped his hand slightly down to rest on her bottom.

“What’s my first class Dare?” Serena bubbled and looked hopefully at her brother. She knew she could trust Darien with her classes, he knew what she’d like to take. He winked at her and walked ahead making her anxious. What was he hiding? “Seiya, do you know my schedule?”

“No, sorry, he’d locked it in the vault apparently.” He chuckled lightly and tugged her closer to him as they walked by a somewhat large group of people who starred in awe. One person in particular caught Serena’s eye and made her smile. He was tall with blonde hair and green eyes. He was leaning against his locker watching her walk down the hall with a light smile. “Something interesting?” She could hear the annoyed tone in Seiya’s voice.

“No.” She shook her head and looked ahead in an attempt to avoid the other man’s eyes. “So you really don’t know?” She pried and tugged on Seiya’s arm hoping to pull him from his jealous stupor.

As he was beginning to open his mouth Darien turned and held a paper in front of her face with a large smile. “Here, had to find the paper.” She took it and opened the paper to read her schedule. “Don’t argue with me either.” He teased. She could hardly believe her schedule. The first class of her day was orchestra, then competitive dancing. After that she had creative writing, history, and French. Untwisting herself from Seiya she jumped onto her brother and hugged him tightly. “Okay, so I did a good job?” He laughed and winked at her.

“Of course! Are you taking Orchestra and ballroom?” She knew what his answer would be but she wanted him to confirm it. It had been so long since they’d played music together or danced. “Please tell me you are!”

“I am yes, I figured it was a good way to keep tabs on you… plus, I figured you could use the physical activity.” Serena allowed him to place her onto her feet before she returned to Seiya’s arms. “Oh, and I thought it would be nice to play together once again.” He turned back around and held hands with Raye.

“What am I going to play on Dare?” She asked now curious about the instrument she’d have to deal with. As far as she knew her parents had sold her cello before they moved. When he didn’t answer her Serena decided it was a matter of surprise and grew silent.

The group walked to their lockers and readied themselves for their days after which Darien took Serena by the arm and lead her to the music room where a full orchestra was beginning to assemble. “Stay here.” He prompted her and released her and walked to a storage area in the back of the room then returned with a familiar cello case. “I convinced them not to sell it.” He smiled and set the bottom of the case on the ground then leaned it towards her.

“Is this my new cellist? You’re in luck young lady! Today we’re doing evaluations to see who gets what chair.” A short, balding man grinned at her then looked at Darien. “You my boy know your place.” Serena watched her brother nod and walk calmly over to the shining black grand piano. “Here young lady, sit here.” The man led her to a chair and smiled. “Now, play this piece.” She looked at the music he placed before her and internally smiled. It was the cello suite number one, a piece she knew all too well. Readying her cello she positioned herself and looked at Darien for a brief moment. She always felt that their music and dancing were the ways she could express her love to him. He gave her a reassuring smile before she took a deep breath and began. The students who’d gathered to participate in the auditions were soon drown out and the only she knew in the world was her cello and the music flowing from it. With every pull of the bow she shivered, feeling the vibrations and imagining they were Darien’s words whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

Needless to say she was amazing and Darien had never felt so proud. She hadn’t touched her cello in years yet she was still every bit as skilled as Yo yo ma. It was this fact that made him smile as a memory flooded his mind:

Darien! I don’t want to do this stupid thing. I suck and they’re all going to hate me. I think this whole thing’s been rigged.” She’d shouted and stomped her foot on the polished wood floor of the stage. They had yet to be introduced and so they were waiting backstage but soon they were to leave that area and take their place in history. It was Carnegie Hall and any musician would kill for the performance they had obtained.

Serena…” He’d taken her delicate hands into his own and pulled her to him resting his head atop hers. She was eleven, he thirteen but they had worked so hard for this. He’d pushed her to her limits trying to empower her. The music performances, the competitive dancing, everything they did together had been his feeble attempt to pull them closer together. She was his life and anything that they could do together he would make her do. She would never argue, that wasn’t the way she was, but he wanted nothing more than to love her as more than he could. More than they would let him. “Just this one last time. We’ve come so far to turn back now. If you go out there with me tonight, I will never ask you to perform on stage again. Please?” He’d almost begged her but of course, Serena agreed far before that could happen.

They had played their song that night. It had been a dream and he’d spent hours and hours listening to the recordings of it. The song was Yanni’s Reflections of Passion and Yanni himself had been in the audience that night.

Serena’s audition ended before his daydream had and instead of coming back into the performance his eyes focused on Serena’s excited face only a foot away from his own. “Hello? Earth to crow head!” She laughed and waved a hand in front of his eyes. He smiled at the nickname, she hadn’t called him that since they stopped playing music together. “Did you hear any of that or were you dreaming about Raye with her top off?” Serena whispered with a playful yet angry tone.

“I was remembering Carnagie Hall.” He then looked into her eyes to see her excitement bubbling inside of her. “You got first chair didn’t you? Good, I wouldn’t expect anything less from my little world performer.” He winked and stood to look at the player now attempting to follow Serena. The conductor was looking at the pair with pride written over his every feature. “If only he knew how good we really are.” Serena nodded and glanced over her shoulder at the balding man. “I hope things go as well in dance class today. Everyone in there is training to compete… I know we’re ahead of the game… just a little but our teacher said she could use the training help.”

“You just wanted to get me into some easy “A” classes didn’t you?” Serena laughed and hugged him tightly. “You think the dance teacher will recognize us when we’re standing next to one another?” She asked slyly and batted her eyes playfully. Any dance teacher with competitive experience would, after all they had won the world championship competitive dance tournament only two years ago. He nodded and sat in a chair to await the end of class.

Serena giddily sat at the table next to Darien and jabbered away about the classes they had shared, Raye sat listening attentively with a smile on her face. Serena was so energetic, and despite the terrible things that Darien had said happened to her, she had yet to become broken. With that thought Raye looked around, wondering where Seiya was but then again she didn’t really mind that Seiya wasn’t there. He was nice to be around but his eyes bothered her. “So… Darien’s told me you want to be an actress… are you going to try out for the school play?” Raye chimed in as soon as Serena left some room to speak. As if by magic Raye’s friends appeared including Mina who immediately insisted that Serena audition for the play.

“I’m going to do it Serena. Come on let’s go and check it out! They’re next week and I think you’d be a perfect Cecily in The Importance of Being Earnest. What do you say?” Serena had jumped and stared at the fast talking blonde with shock on her face for a few moments but then looked at Darien as if to ask for permission. “He won’t mind.” Mina persisted. “Will you Dare?” Serena shot an acidic look towards Mina then softened. Her shortened nickname for him had apparently been widely accepted by many other people.

“I don’t know. It’s my first day, I’m already getting myself into things pretty deep… this all seems too rushed for some reason.” She knitted her brow and wondered why everything seemed to be slipping by her so quickly. Since the Fiore incident everything had flown by in a whirl.

As if reading her mind Darien leaned over and whispered into her ear. “It’s the sedatives.” She looked at him wide eyed for a moment and considered the possibility. She knew she’d been put on the occasional tranquilizer but she didn’t know she was on sedatives. The guilty look in his eyes made her realize he’d been slipping them to her somehow and trying to hide it. Typical, honest, Darien; he’d rather not say anything than lie about it.

“Hey! What are we all talking about?” Seiya took a seat next to his girlfriend and looked around the table catching Serena’s thoughtful face. “Sweet face?” He asked tenderly and touched her hand pulling her from her thoughts. Mina looked at her tray of food and began eating it eagerly in an attempt to avoid Seiya. It was clear she didn’t like him and it seemed that all three of Raye’s friends were uncomfortable with him around.

“What an endearing pet name.” Darien said with a slight edge making Serena look at him carefully. His eyes were dark, a sign that he didn’t like what Seiya had called her. She smiled to herself. Darien wasn’t one for pet names, or even nicknames in general. “How’d you come up with that one Say?” Serena’s eyes widened and she almost chocked on her food. Never has she heard Darien address anyone other than their parents, with something that wasn’t their name. Not even Andrew who’d tried for years to get Darien to call him Andy or even Drew.

“Well Darien, She has such a sweet and darling looking face. Pretty easy if you ask me.” Serena wasn’t sure if Seiya was being sincere or facetious but something between the two men seemed strained. Then it hit her, did Darien know about her and Seiya having sex? If he did it would explain his slightly cold attitude towards Seiya.

“I think it’s a darling choice Seiya.” Raye smiled and looked at Darien with hesitation. “Right honey?” Serena briefly glanced at Raye then noticed a slight twitch on Darien’s face before he suddenly grew blank in demeanor and smiled at his girlfriend with a nod. Serena watched him a bit more noticing his almost mechanical actions, as if hid mind had checked out for a moment and left his body on autopilot. “What class do you have next Serena?”

“History.” Darien answered for her with an empty tone and pushed a fork full of lettuce into his mouth. Raye looked at her boyfriend then sighed and turned to her friend Lita who was practically glaring Seiya down.

“Whatever.” Raye snapped and stood grabbing her tray and briskly walking towards the garbage cans. After throwing away her tray she grabbed her backpack and jacket violently and turned on her heels. Amy, Mina, and Lita all scrambled after her leaving Serena, Darien, and Seiya at the table.

“Wow…” Serena let out a breath then turned to Darien as she sighed and ran a hand through his black mane before standing and gathering his things to go after her. Once he was gone she turned to Seiya who was steadily staring at her with his icy blue eyes fixed on her intensely. “What?”

“Nothing.” He smiled almost victoriously and leaned back in his chair. “I love tension… ten to one Raye leaves him in a month or two.” Seiya laughed and tilted his head back before sitting up again and looking at Serena. She had a look of anger on her face making his smile broaden. “She will leave him eventually. You’ll see. You can’t love someone who isn’t there.”

“Isn’t where? She’d be stupid to leave him! Darien is the single kindest, loving, caring individual there is and if she can’t appreciate it then she can go to hell and leave him alone!” Serena shouted and looked at her icy opponent.

“He’s only those things to you Serena. You refuse to see the real Darien. Yes, he is honest and kind… to a fault even, but he has a side to him that you can’t see. Either you can’t or won’t. Take your pick.” Serena turned beet red and balled her fists. Who was Seiya to talk about her brother like that? Seiya, who’d only known Darien for a little while wasn’t qualified enough to make such observations.

“Shut up.” She snapped and stood up. “I don’t know what it is you and my brother are arguing about but you’d better resolve it before you come back over to my house… In fact, I don’t want you there tonight.” She said firmly making his face grow devoid of emotion. “I think my parents may come home tonight anyway.” She then left him alone at the table to think about his own demons. As she walked towards her next class her arm was caught by the boy she recognized from earlier in the morning. “Excuse me. Don’t touch me.” She pulled her arm away then paused as he smiled and nodded politely.

“Sorry but I don’t really know your name yet… I think It’s Serena… is that right?” She nodded making his smile broaden. “Hi, I’m Jadeite but you can call me Jed.” They shook hands and he sighed. “I hear you’re dating Seiya. That’s cool, I was wondering if he’d ever find a girl… but enough about that. I’ve talked to Raye a bit and she mentioned you want to be an actress… you should try out for the play. I usually get a role so we’ll be able to be good friends.” Serena looked into his soothing green eyes and felt a slight smile spread across her lips. If she’d met him in Virginia she’d be trying to seduce him now but as it was, she restrained herself.

“Well Jed. I think I might do that. Looks like my boyfriend and my brother are in some sort of argument and so I could use some getaway time.” Jed laughed in turn causing her to laugh. “It was nice meeting you Jed but I have to get to class before I’m late.” He nodded and said his goodbyes before leaving her to her own vices.

Walking away from her Jed looked back over his shoulder and felt sorry for the girl. She deserved so much better than Seiya, she deserved someone normal and yet it seemed like she was fairly content with him. “Stay away from her Jadeite.” Seiya growled making him jump and turn to see the dark haired man in front of him with those icy eyes fixed. “She’s mine.”

“Seiya, I don’t see how it can do any harm for her to have a few male friends. Sounds like she’s going to be joining drama so wouldn’t you like to know that she has a friend who would look out for her?” Jed kept his nervousness hidden from the critical teen in front of him. If there was one thing everyone knew about Seiya it was that he was extremely analytical. Jed also suspected that Seiya was dangerous, something that worried him.

“I’ll be watching you.” Seiya said sharply and shifted his eyes as he noticed Darien walking out of the hall with Raye beside him. “I’m watching all of you.” Jed turned to the direction of Seiya’s eyes and frowned. Of all the people to be watching Darien was hardly one to worry about; Especially because it was Darien who was supporting Seiya nowadays. “Excuse me Jadeite, I have a class.”

So the day continued on soon turning into night. Sure enough when Darien and Serena arrived home their parents were already in the house, their mother preparing dinner, something that bothered Darien to no end. “She doesn’t know how to cook.” He moaned and rushed to the kitchen in hopes of saving their evening meal.

“Hey princess! How’ve you been getting along with us being away for so long?” Ken greeted his daughter with a hug. “Darien making sure to keep the boys away?” Though his tone was playful in nature Serena knew what her father was asking. He wanted the reassurance that she’d changed.

“Actually, my new boyfriend has been doing that under the watchful eye of my brother.” Ken examined his daughter and frowned. He didn’t want his little girl to have a boyfriend already. “you’ll like Seiya Daddy.”

“What kind of name is Seiya? Is he even white?” Serena’s eye bulged out of her head. Had her father just asked her that question? What did it matter? “Don’t look at me like that young lady.”

“What if he isn’t hmm? What are you going to forbid me to date him?” Darien poked his head through the doorway of the kitchen and walked towards the arguing people. “Daddy just asked me if Seiya’s a white boy?”

“Yes father, he’s white. I hardly see how that matters though. My girlfriend has a little asian in her.” Ken turned to Darien with an overly shocked look on his face. “Yes, I have a girlfriend. Her name is Raye.”

“You… you two are impossible you know that? I leave you alone for a while and Serena has a full time boyfriend and you!” Ken pointed at his son with a jab of his finger. “You have your first girlfriend! What’s going on?” He then threw up his arms and walked into the living room to plop onto the couch.

“What the hell’s up with him?” Serena watched her father go then looked at Darien who had a serious look on his face. “What?”

“Where is Seiya tonight?” Darien’s words brought a little guilt into her so that she bowed her head. “Go get him. I don’t want him at his house. You know she’ll abuse him. Is that what you want? To punish him for some unknown reason? What, did he not do what you wanted him to?” The anger in Darien’s voice with the last question traveled through his body. “Serena?” He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “You’re in deep with him now. You’re not going to treat him like this.”

“So you know?” She pulled away from him and turned towards the door. How could she be so stupid to think Darien wouldn’t know about her and Seiya. She’d deliberately disobeyed him, no wonder why Darien was upset with Seiya. Seiya had gone against him as well.

“Of course I know. You think you can such things from me?” Pain replaced the anger in him that in turn made her feel extremely guilty. “Now, go over there and get him. I think the parents should meet your new lover.” She turned to him slightly upon hearing the work lover fall from his lips. It was foreign and bitter sounding coming from him.

“Okay.” She whispered and walked out of the house towards Seiya’s. Feeling her pocket vibrate she jumped as she suddenly remembered she had her cell phone with her. She pulled the electronic object from it’s spot and looked at it. One text message from Andy. She read it and smiled before realizing she missed Andy and Molly very much. They were so familiar and the little arguments Andy and Darien shared were familiar ones. Not like the mysterious situation now. She then dialed his number and pushed call, holding the phone up to her ear eagerly, she continued to walk.

“Hey Sere I miss you! How’s it all going?” She listened to his voice and began to break down and cry. The emotions she’d been holding back now rushing forth. She was angry that Darien had deemed Seiya worthy of her, she was sad that he’d claimed a girlfriend, but mostly she lost. She liked Seiya, so far there wasn’t anything not to like about him but something bothered her about him. Maybe it was the mystery but she had to talk about it. After her fit Andrew began to talk. “So… you both have significant others, you don’t think Darien loves her despite what it looks like, and this Seiya guy is somehow fighting with Darien even though Darien decided that he was your perfect guy? I don’t blame you for being confused Serena but right now you have to calm down and play this through. Molly and I are going to visit for summer break, play the part till then. Who knows… maybe I’ll be able to sweep you off your feet and away from this Seiya guy.” She laughed a bit over that and thanked her friend. “I have to go now, It’s late. Bye Serena, take care.”

“You too Andy.” She sighed and hung up the phone before realizing she was at Seiya’s front door. With a hearty knock she waited patiently for someone to answer the door. Another knock and finally the woman Serena knew to be Seiya’s mother Beryl pulled open the door her brownish black eyes narrowing at the site of Serena. “Um… is Seiya here?”

“Are you his new little whore?” She shot angrily making Serena step back. “Well? Are you deaf or just dumb?” Beryl watched Serena carefully then smiled broadly. “You are aren’t you? Came here to take him away from me did you?”

“I… I just wanted to invite him for dinner… my parents want to meet him and…” She stopped as Beryl laughed as if she was a witch, her head was thrown back and her entire body shook. Serena scanned her briefly and felt her stomach grow queasy; the woman was wearing a skintight purple dress that revealed far too much than was decent. “May I talk to him at least?”

“Afraid not little missy. He’s locked himself in his room, he won’t come out. Little prick doesn’t want to entertain his mother tonight. Not like he ever really has wanted to.” She laughed then grew silent and looked over Serena carefully. “On second thought, come on in! You can try and talk to him.” Serena stepped back not liking the glint in the woman’s eyes. “Yeah! Come on!” The woman grabbed her roughly and yanked her into the house, which was dark and smelt of alcohol and cigarettes. “Seiya baby! I have something for you!” Her grip tightened around Serena’s arm as she walked into the hallway and stood in front of a closed door. “SEIYA!” She shouted and moved Serena in front of her placing an arm around the blonde’s stomach and grabbing onto her jaw tightly. “Open this door!”

“No! I am not you’re little slave!” Serena could hear Seiya’s determined voice from the other side of the door. “I have a girlfriend now and she’s the only one who will touch me from now on. Understand me?”

“Absolutely… but what about someone touching her? Would you humor me to keep others’ hands off of her?” There was a silence from the other side of the door. “Kitten?” Serena felt her stomach wretch at the sexual name. Then she realized, his mother was going to do something if Seiya didn’t open the door. Unfortunately the woman’s hand was clamped so tightly on her she couldn’t speak.

“No one is going to touch her.” Serena could hear the dangerous tone in Seiya’s voice and shuddered. Feeling the motion Beryl pressed her lips to Serena’s ear.

“Was that a shudder of fear or pleasure?” Her breath washed over Serena, the strong smell of alcohol invading the blonde’s nose. “You’re the type that sleeps around aren’t you? How adorable, my son’s trying to turn a tramp into something she’d not… have you ever slept with an older woman?” The question made Serena’s eyes widen and her body squirm to get away from the stronger woman. Damn Fiore! His attack on her had caused her to rest for so long she wasn’t nearly as strong as she used to be. “Seiya, you’re little slut is right here in my arms… if you refuse to open your door I will have my way with her.”

“You’re lying!” Seiya’s furious voice shouted from the other side of the door. “No way you have her right now. She’s at home with her family! Plus, you don’t even know what she looks like!” Serena could hear the doubt in his voice.

“I’m not! Look for yourself!” Beryl shouted and angrily tugged Serena tighter against her. “But… you know… it’s been a while since I’ve played with another woman, this could be more fun.” Suddenly the door was opened and Seiya’s icy eyes looked at Serena with shock. “Ah! There you are baby!”

“Let her go!” Seiya commanded and pointed at his mother. “She’s not part of this!”

“She’s part of the family now. What’s yours is mine… you can return to your room and leave her to me.” Serena watched Seiya grow pale then he seemed to almost turn into the same creature she’d watch beat up Rubeus outside the café. “Oh… wanna be rough do you? I’ll snap her delicate little neck baby.” Serena felt herself being drug backwards into the house.

“Mom, release her! You’re not going to do anything to her!” Beryl laughed but quieted when the doorbell rang. “Fuck!” Seiya cursed loudly and glared at his mother. Serena immediately attempted to shout only to wince when Beryl tightened her grip. “Let her go.”

“You need to go and get the door.” There was a loud pounding that Serena recognized immediately. Darien. Why was it he always showed up right when she needed him most? She suddenly relaxed making Seiya realize who was at the door. “See? She’s warming up to me, you can go and get the door, I’ll start with her and you can have her when I’m done.”

“No mom… let go of her now. You may be my mother, I may have a hard time hurting you for your crimes but the person on the other side of that door will not. If don’t release her now the you will pay dearly for it.” Seiya said calmly making Serena wonder about him. She wouldn’t have a problem hurting her mother. It would be nessicary in this situation. “Last chance before I let the animal in here.”

“Animal? The only animal here is you my dear.” She laughed. “Unless your girlfriend is an animal in bed.” Seiya growled and turned away from the pair to rush to the front door. “This way my dear.” Beryl began to drag Serena down the hall. Not wanting to go where Beryl was thinking she Serena started kicking and struggling. It didn’t seem to matter to the older woman however. “Stop it!” She commanded and looked over her shoulder to watch where she was going. It was then that Darien appeared in the hall, his broad shoulders practically filling the small space. Pausing Beryl returned her head forward and saw the large man moving towards her.

“Let go of Serena now!” Darien’s voice boomed in the hall dominantly. Beryl looked at him with lustful eyes then held more tightly to her hostage. “I will hurt you.” Darien threatened.

“I’ll trade you. I’ll let her go if you come into my room with me.” Serena looked at him with wide eyes as he smiled and nodded. “Done.” She released Serena’s jaw and continued down the hall. “Follow me.” She beckoned.

“Darien! No! Don’t you dare subject yourself to this woman!” Serena cried desperately. Of all the people for him to lose his virginity to she didn’t want it to be this monster of a woman. He only winked.

“Darien hmmm? Interesting. Your name means gift… you certainly look like a gift from the gods.” Beryl laughed and kicked her bedroom door open then entered it dragging Serena wit her. “Come in and shut the door… lock it.” She commanded after he entered. “I have to ask… are you screwing her too? You came to pull her away from my little boy?”

“He’s my brother you sick freak!” Serena shouted and looked at Darien. He seemed so calm, so collected. So damn confident!

“All the better my dear.” Beryl laughed. “Maybe I’ll make you fuck her… I’m assuming she’s your little sister, thus the need to save her, protect her… how about that you want to fuck your little sister?” Darien smiled slyly and shook his head from side to side. “Sure you do, who wouldn’t. I’m not even a lesbian and I want to.”

“I guarantee you that under no circumstance will I ever fuck my sister as you so eloquently put it.” He then stepped closer to her. “Now, let her go, I’m here.”

“You may be, but you’re a strong boy and I want you to put your feet and hands into the handcuffs on the bed.” Serena’s eyes shifted to the cast iron bed with metal police cuffs. No way could Darien get out of that once he was in it. “Go on, strip down and get to it.” He looked at the bed and sighed then peeled off his shirt. Feeling Beryl loosen behind her Serena smiled. If Darien played this right Beryl would release her before he made it over to the bed. “How can you live with that and not do anything to it?” She whispered into Serena’s ear.

“Serena… one of us is going to have to go through something…” Darien looked at her. “The question is, would you be okay with this.” He pointed to the bed and looked into her eyes, his expression determined. She shook her head violently. “Then which one of us, is going to have a traumatic experience?”

“Me.” She whispered picking up on his words. They could get away from Beryl without submitting to her, the drawback was that he’d have to trigger her. There was no way Beryl could hold onto her when she was going through one of her episodes.

“Fine. Beryl, I’m sorry, I’m going to have to decline.” He sighed and put his shirt back over his head. Serena felt Beryl’s arms wrap tighter. “You’re not going to harm her either. He stepped towards the door and opened it so Seiya could step in. A few whispered words between them and Seiya looked at Serena hesitantly before nodding.

“I’m so sorry Serena…” Seiya said softly then looked at his mother. “You should let her go mom, she’s really, such…a… such a good girl.” Serena felt herself slipping from reality, the words resonating in her mind until she felt Fiore’s arms around her. As soon as Serena stared flailing and screaming Beryl released her allowing Darien and Seiya to jump to action. Darien wrapped his frame around Serena and began to softly speak to her as Seiya attacked his mother, knocking her to the ground unconsciously. “Why did I have to do it?” He asked breathlessly and watched Darien press her to him and whisper into her ear. “Darien?”

“I can’t trigger her Seiya, she trusts me too much to not recognize my voice.” He said softly, each word calming Serena a little more. “I’m the only one who can calm her… she’ll never trust you enough Seiya… I’m sorry but it’s true.”