OOOO... Chapter eight and getting into it now. I know, I know I'm goign to have a few grumblers with this chapter but calm it down. You're just going to have to wait things out a bit aren't you? Let me know what you think okay? PLEASE REVIEW! Because I reallllllyyyy love reviews. I do, especially the long ones with predictions and stuff.


The kiss that started as innocent soon changed into a struggle of power between tongues. The struggle ended as Seiya pulled away from her panting. His eyes ablaze with pure lust he stepped back and stared at the carpeted floor. Serena bit her lip and stared at him. Where had he learned to kiss like that? She’d never run into a guy his age that could excite her with only a kiss… actually, she’d never run into anyone like that. Save for Darien… but he didn’t count because one look from Darien could make her orgasm. She knew it was weird but she wanted this mysterious man in front of her, something about him made her want to date him. Truly date him. “Seiya?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to go so far.” She knitted her brow. He thought that kiss was going too far? What kind of guy kisses like that but thinks it’s too much. “I… I’ll go and get Darien.” His icy eyes had regained their emptiness when he returned them to her. She shuddered wondering what his eyes would reveal during sex. He suddenly turned towards the door making her jump up from the bed and grab him.

“Wait!” She cried then turned him to her to kiss him again. Slowly he sunk backward into the door taking hold of her elbows and lifting them so her hands were wrapped around his neck. She growled a little and tore her arms away from his grasp instead moving her hands down his torso and taking hold of his sweater.

“No.” He snapped suddenly and grabbed her hands away from the fabric and swung her sharply into the wall next to the door. The connection of her back against the wall didn’t hurt, it even excited her a bit. “No.” He breathed and grabbed hold of the doorknob. “Did I hurt you?” She shook her head making him relax a bit. The relief was short-lived however as a sudden urge to move from the door hit him. Quickly he jumped back as the door flew open and Darien’s massive figure filled the doorway. The man’s dark blue eyes moved from Seiya to Serena slowly then back to Seiya as he moved towards the blonde.

“You okay?” His voice was soft as he stood in front of her. Seiya could see Darien’s hands on her face tracing the tear streaks with his thumbs. Seiya couldn’t help but become enraged by the sight, he had just removed her tears the same way only moments ago. Then another thought hit him. She’s said yes to his offer. Serena had agreed to date him! Slowly Darien greatened the space between himself and Serena then turned to Seiya with stern eyes. “Let’s make a few things clear here. You may date her but if you lay a hand on her in a sexual manner you will be forbidden the sight of her.” Seiya felt his blood boil.

“So, only you can touch her then? Is that what you’re saying?” Darien’s lips twitched briefly before he smiled. “I know that’s not what you’re saying Darien. That would be ridiculous.” Serena observed the two for a moment and closed her eyes. They looked as though they were in a standstill slowly testing one another.

“That’s not what I meant. I mean to say, no sex as long as I’m here. I know you Serena.” Darien held up his hand before she could say a word. “I hope that you two can respect me enough to refrain from such activities while I’m here. Right?” Seiya nodded numbly making Serena’s face turn red with frustration. “Also, treat her gently, her wounds are healing well but not if you’re rough with her.”

“Okay, I get it. No rough sex.” Seiya smirked playfully making Darien laugh. Serena could feel the air lighten as the two men stared at one another. To her this was ridiculous, if Seiya were anyone else right now Darien would be pounding him for even kissing her! What the hell was it with Seiya that Darien was fine with? What made Seiya different than say… Andy?

“Anyway, dinner’s done. Raye’s joining us.” Darien pointed out and held the door open for Serena to exit. “Ladies first.” He smiled then looked pointedly at Seiya before he walked out. Seiya stood in the dark room for a few minutes brewing to himself. Darien was the one who wanted him to date Serena yet he couldn’t do what he wanted with her? What the hell type of logic was that? Seiya quickly walked down the stairs and into the electrically charged dining room where Serena sat glaring at Raye as if she were the devil. “Serena, if you don’t stop that I’m going to have to send you back upstairs.” Darien scolded making her smirk.

“Yes daddy.” She challenged making him glare at her. She smiled and leaned back in her seat then winked at Seiya. The kiss still lingered on her lips making her want him even more. “After dinner can we go for a walk around the neighborhood? I need some exercise… I feel weak.” She moaned and slid down in her chair like a child.

“That’s a wonderful idea Serena! I think that would be quite lovely. Then we can walk to the coffee shop down the road… you can meet my friends.” Raye smiled at the blonde who only snickered. “Oh, I think you’ll like them. They’re only a year ahead of you.” Serena could tell Raye was trying to be as civil as possible.

“Oh yay.” Serena looked at Seiya who looked down at the plate of food Darien had brought him. The war Serena was waging on Raye was both hilarious and sad. He looked at Darien briefly who was sitting opposite from Serena and noticed the equally amused look on his face. “Then let’s get this over with.” Serena then dug into her food and began stuffing her mouth.

The group walked down the road silently. Serena was glaring daggers at the back of Raye’s head and had even growled when the raven-haired girl reached for Darien’s hand. Before he’d laced his fingers with Raye’s Darien had glanced at Serena to see if she was going to do anything more. Instead she’d grabbed Seiya’s hand almost violently and pulled him to her side placing his hand on her hip. “What are you doing?” Seiya asked quietly. He knew the answer, the ugly green being named jealousy had invaded her eyes.

“Are you complaining that I’m letting you walk with your arm around my waist?” He smiled and shook his head no. “Then shut the hell up.” She snapped. The awkward walk continued all the way to the coffee shop where a group of three girls sat at a table talking. Raye quickly pulled Darien over then motioned for Serena to follow.

“Hey guys! So… you remember my boyfriend Darien?” Raye smiled and pulled on Darien’s arm playfully as he chuckled. The three girls nodded. “Well, this is his sister Serena… and of course you know Seiya… I think they’re dating.” The three girls smiled tentatively at the blonde and her new beau before the blonde member stood.

“Hi! I’m Mina! We’ve been waiting to meet you. Darien talks about you all the time. I just know we’re going to be great friends!” She shook Serena’s hand enthusiastically then, as if she had drank a whole case of energy drinks she jumped to the side and continued. “This book worm is Amy. She’s going to be a doctor one day. That’s Lita, she’s like the BEST cook ever!” She then turned and pointed to a couple of girls at another table. “Those are our friends Amarah, Michelle, and Trista. They’re all sophomores in college. Other than that… yeah!” Serena stood in front of Mina with a look of shock.

“Wow… um… wow!” Serena bubbled suddenly forgetting her sour mood about Darien and Raye. “I’ve never heard anyone else talk that fast! I do that all the time and I thought the only person who could understand me was Darien!” The two blondes suddenly hugged immediately making friends. Raye smiled at her “boyfriend” and nodded in accomplishment.

“Hey! What the fuck are you doing here freak?” Rubeus’ voice cut through the happy chatter. “Hello? Look at me!” The group turned to see Seiya deliberately ignoring Rubeus. “Hello?” Rubeus grabbed Seiya’s shoulder turning him. “I ask you a question.”

“I’m here with my friends.” He snapped. Serena watched Rubeus’ brown eyes swing towards her then fixed back on Seiya. “Just leave me alone.” Seiya turned back to the group and looked at Darien with warning.

“I told you not to come here. You’re not welcome.” Darien stepped towards Rubeus who only sighed. “Look, Darien, this isn’t your fight. I know you’re all for equal rights and all but he’s not equal to us. He’s a freak, a psycho, mother-fucking monster.”

“What did you call me?” Seiya shouted and lunged at Rubeus. The only obstacle was Darien’s powerful arm. “Move Darien. This ends now. I’ve had enough of his shit!” Serena and the group of girls watched with wide eyes at the scene they were creating.

“No fighting. Rubeus, I don’t know what your issue with Seiya is but try and be civil. Seiya… calm down.” Darien’s words did little to calm the raging Seiya. Rubeus laughed and looked at Serena then winked and licked his lips making her step back in disgust.

“Darien!” Raye screamed as Darien grabbed Rubeus by the collar and drug him outside. Practically everyone filed outside to watch Darien throw Rubeus down on the ground. Seiya was right behind him like a wolf staking its prey that’s only temporarily safe.

“I told you to leave Serena alone.” Darien growled. “A look like that is not only disrespectful but it’s disgusting!” Rubeus laughed again and looked at Serena once more before Darien turned away from him and stepped past Seiya pausing for only a brief moment. “This is out of my hands.” With that Rubeus scrambled to his feet only to be punched by Seiya. Of all the things Serena had seen Darien do, watching Seiya avoid Rubeus’ punches and delivering his own lethal jabs frightened her. Darien, who was powerful, fast, and skilled, was a completely different animal than Seiya. Darien only reacted when he was furious, each of his movements instinct. Seiya however, was cold and calculated Seiya was a more dangerous animal.

It wasn’t until Darien pulled him off of Rubeus that Seiya stopped and seemed to recognize his surroundings. His icy eyes immediately swung to Serena. He walked to her with coolly and took her hand. The display still shocked yet she felt safe; if Seiya could defend her like that always then she had nothing to worry about. “Sorry… I just don’t like being called a monster. I have my triggers too.” He whispered into her ear.

“We’re leaving. I can’t believe your actions Seiya.” Darien half laughed at his own words. He would have done the same thing, actually, he had wanted to kill Rubeus when he looked at Serena again. That’s WHY he’d stepped away and let Seiya go. “Raye… are you coming with us?”

“Ummm… no. I think I’ll get a ride to my car then go from there. It’s not you Seiya I promise.” She smiled with sincerity and Seiya knew the truth in her words. Darien, Seiya, and Serena quickly walked to the house going inside immediately.

“I’m so tired now…” Serena leaned against Seiya only to be gently pulled away by Darien. He was the one who took her upstairs to her bed and tucked her in. “Night Dare.” She closed her eyes and soon fell into a deep sleep. Darien sighed and looked at her figure in the pale moonlight. Catching a sparkle on her lips he went to her and knelt by the side of the bed. He inhaled her scent and inched his face closer to hers.

“Tell me I’m doing the right thing.” He whispered to her and brushed a few strands of hair from her face. Once again his eyes caught on her lips and before he realized what he was doing his lips were on hers, his tongue gliding over them tasting the little bit of saliva that rested there. Suddenly coming back into reality he jerked away from her. Standing up he steadied his breath and opened the door stepping into the living area where Seiya was waiting. “She’s sleeping now.” Darien smiled and went into his room leaving Seiya to the pull out couch as usual. Seiya watched him retreat with a glare. He hadn’t wanted Darien to pull him away from Rubeus.

Serena woke the next morning to the sound of Darien’s Mercedes leaving the driveway. As she looked out the widow watching the car retreat she felt a twinge of excitement rush through her. Darien was gone, he wasn’t in the house… that meant she could do whatever she wanted. As if Seiya realized her thoughts the door opened and he stepped in with a large smile on his face. “Hey… Serena I wanted to tell you something before this goes to far so please let me speak okay?” She nodded and eyed her new boyfriend. “I wanted to tell you why people call me a monster… When I was young, I was an angry kid. I didn’t understand why my father had left me with such an angry drunk. You see my mother’s an abusive drunk and so, I often spent most days outside, alone. I was ten maybe and I had discovered that I would burn ants with a magnifying glass. So that’s what I was doing and mom came outside and began yelling at me. She accused me of being cruel and mean, she told me I was an evil little demon for destroying something so much smaller than me… She then asked me if I enjoyed burning things and I said no. Apparently it was the wrong answer because she drug me into the house… dumped kerosene on me then… lit a match. The pain was hellish Serena, by the time I had thrown myself into the hot tub I was so severely burned… my body… that doctors were frightened I would die. I was lucky though. Here I am today… True I don’t have much feeling in most areas but… it’s worth it to be alive right?” She nodded then looked at his sweater now fearing what could be under it. Had he pulled away so violently because he was deformed? “Remember what I said about you not being a monster? Well, I am one. I hate people calling me that because it’s true… and besides that… my mother…” He paused and took a deep breath. “My mother sexually abuses me and has since my father left. Everyone knows it but no one does anything because she’s mental. As soon as I’m eighteen I’m out of there.” Serena looked at him wide eyed. So that was how he knew how to kiss so well!

“I want to see you.” She whispered and took hold of the bottom of his sweater. She closed her eyes and lifted the garment over his head. Without her eyes she reached for him, placing her hand on his smooth chest. What she felt made her cry out and open her eyes. Gasping she retracted her hand and covered her mouth, her eyes wide in horror as she looked upon Seiya’s deformed body. “My God!” His skin was red and rippled much like Freddy Kruger’s skin. Some of the marks looked somewhat fresh as if he’d been whipped. “Oh… Seiya… I’m so sorry.” Her eyes watered remembering her own reflection in the mirror after her night with Fiore. Immediately removing her shirt she let Seiya gaze upon her own wounds now barely visible if at all. “I know what it feels like to have your body violated and mutilated. Those twenty men raped me… then carved into my body with a surgical scalpel… You’re not a monster Seiya.”

He smiled and shook his head knowing better. He knew better than anyone else the evil thoughts that flew through his mind. “You’re wrong.” He said silently then crushed his lips to hers pushing her back into the bed. He knew many men had come before him, he knew Serena had been with so many men he couldn’t even fathom the number but no longer. If she allowed him to take her now she would forever be his. He would never allow anyone else to touch her again, never let anyone else see her undressed again… especially Darien.

She moaned and gasp beneath Seiya’s body, his smooth, rippled skin stimulating her in a way she would have never imagined. He stripped her of her clothes and soon did the same. His hands roamed her, each touch making her arch and pull him to her. “Seiya… take me.” She practically begged and wrapped her legs around him pulling his manhood to her.

“You have to promise never to allow anyone to touch you like this again. Only me. Only I can see you nude, only I can share a bed with you. Promise me.” He whispered against her neck making her shiver.

“Okay!” She gasp then moaned as he continued to resist. “Okay! I promise you I’m all yours.” He smiled; satisfied with her plea he pushed into her. He groaned in ecstasy feeling her against him as if she was made for him. He thrust into her making her cry out, which please him but not enough. She hadn’t cried out his name, she’d only sighed. As he pushed on she continued in the same manner until he stopped and looked at her. “What?” She gasp and looked into his icy eyes. Sure enough they showed emotion but it wasn’t the emotion she wanted to see. She saw frustration.

“Say my name.” He prompted her and pushed. To her the request was unnatural because the only name she would call out was Darien’s. “You’re not going to are you? He watched her carefully. “You’re thinking of him aren’t you?” He snapped and began to get up.

“What are you talking about Seiya? Please, don’t stop… I’ve just never called out names… it’s unnatural for me. That’s all!” He paused and looked into her eyes as though to see through the façade she put forth.

“I believe you.” He smiled and kissed her lips tenderly before continuing on.

Raye sat across the table staring at Darien as he clenched his coffee cup so tightly it looked like it might break. She looked at her own cup feeling his eyes staring right through her. “Darien?” She dared to venture and touched his hand lightly pulling him from his trance. His blue eyes focused on her and were suddenly full of sadness. “Are you okay?”

“I need to go home… now.” He suddenly stood and placed his cup on the table. “I’m sorry but I have to go… something’s come up.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek before running out of the café leaving her to stare out the window at his retreating figure.

Darien rushed out and into his car, down the road towards the house his stomach in a twisted knot. Stopping under a tree he gasp for air and looked at the house, which was now only a few hundred feet from him. Of all the times he’d physically had a reaction to something Serena was doing it had never felt like this. He’d never felt as if his internal organs were being ripped from him but in this moment it did.

It was his curse, something he’d suffered from since childhood, he had a strong link with her, so strong that his body always reacted. That was how he always knew where she was, always knew her feelings. Though he knew she wasn’t hurt or sad at the moment he felt as though he was dying, as if some part of her was dying and he could do nothing to stop it. He could do nothing to stop the actions of her and Seiya, actions he knew of when he left the house.

He stared at her bedroom window then closed his eyes and leaned into the steering wheel to wait out his ailment. He began to think of Raye and how she must be feeling in this moment. He’d left her alone in the café without an explanation, it was true he liked Raye, she was a beautiful young woman. She was kind and intelligent; she was the type of woman Ilene wanted him to see. She was the type of woman many wanted him to be with. He could live in peace with her and he knew it. Was that what he wanted though? Did he really want to live his life with a woman he didn’t truly love? With a woman who knew he didn’t love her romantically? “Darien… I’m not asking you to love me with all the passion in the world… I just want to know that you care for me and that I’m not wasting my time. Am I?” She’d asked. He’d told her the truth. She wasn’t wasting her time; the part he hadn’t told her was that he’d made his decision. She would be the woman he’d ask to marry him, the woman he’d have by his side. He’d also decided something even more important. He’d decided Seiya would be the one for Serena. Seiya had a mind of his own, he was fast to defend what he felt needed to be defended and after Serena’s episode, she’d risen on his list.

So… you think Seiya’s a good match for your sister?” Raye had asked shortly after Darien had easer her mind. He’d nodded sending her into a detailed bio of Seiya that both frightened him and made him feel better about his choice. “Seiya’s a good guy, he has a temper and is extremely analytical but he’s a good guy. His mother’s been sexually abusing him since he was five… she’s a nasty drunk you see…” She’d taken a deep breath before continuing. “No one knew, he was such a carefree and happy kid, I can remember him saving kittens from bullies and everything like that… then one day. He disappeared for a few months. It was after those few months that Daddy began to see him professionally. Seiya’s mother had apparently doused him in kerosene and lit him on fire. His body was severely mutilated by the fire and… after that the abuse he’d been suffering was made public. People haven’t been very kind to him since then… he needs someone Dare so I think you’ve made a good decision.”

Darien smiled an empty smile as he leaned his head against the steering wheel. He had a feeling that the only reason Seiya was so attracted to Serena was because of her fragile state of mind, because they were both so broken. The feeling finally subsiding he started the car again and pulled it into the driveway and walked slowly to the front door. You made the right decision Dare… you did. He chanted in his mind and opened the door stepping into the house and coming face to face with a stony faced Seiya. “Hey Seiya.” He smiled as genuinely as he could.

“Hey… you look terrible Darien… feeling well?” Seiya followed him into the living room. He listened carefully as he walked in an attempt to hear Serena moving around upstairs but no such luck, there wasn’t a sound, not even Seiya’s footsteps behind him could be heard.

“I’m a little under the weather.” Darien sighed and sat on the couch to closely examine Seiya’s appearance. If what Raye said was true Seiya hid his injuries well which meant he was good at hiding other things too. It was already clear that Seiya hid his emotions from the world but what else could he be hiding?

Seiya watched Darien carefully then smiled and tilted his head to the side. It was a habit Darien noticed when Seiya wanted to know something or was thinking deeply. His icy eyes locked onto Darien’s as if he was trying to peer into Darien’s soul. A light laugh almost infuriated him, he could tell Seiya knew the source of his discomfort and yet he laughs? “Hey Darien, wanna play a game?” The amused yet dark tone Seiya used worried Darien.