Here we are, a little bit of conflict and insight. Enjoy and REVIEW!

Friends and Foes

It had been a week of Darien’s ever so critical watch system and Serena had grown resentful of the whole thing. One little incident hardly constituted being treated like a prisoner. At least that was her opinion and as she sat in her physics class staring at the clock she pondered the possibility of escaping. What can I do to get out of this? Hmmm… he’s going to watch me like this until he finds a suitable boyfriend… She puckered her lips and balanced a pencil between her top lip and her nose. It was useless, there wasn’t a soul around worthy of Darien’s approval. That’s why he didn’t have a girlfriend. None of the girls were good enough and he knew it… at least she thought he knew it. As she thought about the possible hopefuls she noticed Andrew approaching her classroom. Andy. She smiled inwardly and watched him lean back against the window, his broad shoulders falling ever so slightly telling her he was sick of this routine as well.

“Okay class! We’re done here. I want you all to go home and do every other odd in chapter two.” Serena smiled broadly at her teacher causing the slightly aged man to blush and avoid eye contact. He was the only male teacher on campus who hadn’t shown a significant interest in her. In fact he tried to avoid her all together. She then stood and walked out of the classroom catching Andrew by the arm and pulled him close to her. “Hey Andy.” His green eyes briefly shifted to her with uncertainty and warning before he responded with a tired sigh.

“Yes Serena? What do you want?” He had hoped she wouldn’t begin playing her seducing games until much later however, it was clear she was getting sick of Darien’s watchful eyes. He didn’t blame her either, he’d hate to be monitored by Darien twenty four seven. Darien was a good guy and all but at times his high IQ and critical perception was a little too much to handle.

“More than likely the same thing you do… have you ever thought about what a great couple we’d be?” Andrew bit his tongue in order not to respond too quickly. Of course he’d thought about it! What guy wouldn’t? Serena was an amazing girl, her long blonde hair, captivating blue eyes, her body, and all of her talents made her the perfect woman. “So, you’re not going to answer me? Come on Andy! Let’s just go for it. We’ve known each other since grade school and you’re Darien’s best friend. Why can’t we date each other?”

“You said it yourself. I’m Darien’s best friend. That’s why we can’t date. He’d kill me.” Andrew shook his head and frowned knowing that he was losing this battle. Damn her for playing on his emotions! “It just wouldn’t work out.”

“Sure it would. Your sister’s my best friend, we’re practically family already and Darien likes you. I know I like you.” She pulled at his arm and flashed him her temptress smile. Andrew sighed and placed one hand on the back of his head so he could twist his golden locks. With this action Serena knew he was almost to his breaking point. “Andy…” She pouted and rested her head briefly on his shoulder. “I’ll take care of my brother. I promise.”

“Fine, you’re the one starting this so you ask him. I warn you though if he hurts me during practice today I’m not going to be happy. He gets… I don’t know… weird when guys ask about you and I have this unsettling feeling that he’s going to be none too thrilled about this proposition.” Andrew began to walk towards the lunchroom in order to deliver Serena to the man in question. They were already late and he didn’t want to delay them any further, especially when he knew he should leave campus for the siblings’ talk.

Serena’s step gained a little jump as they proceeded to the lunchroom. The idea that she may actually acquire a steady boyfriend excited her. Not just any boyfriend either, but Andrew! The only guy she’d ever truly been interested in… other than Darien.

As they rounded the final corner to the lunchroom they spotted Darien standing in the middle of the bustling hallway with his arms crossed showing the toned muscles of his forearms. “Here you are Dare! Safe and sound… I’m going to go out for lunch today… I’ll see you at practice.” Andrew then pulled his arm away from the prisoner and turned towards the front doors. Serena laughed lightly at Andrew’s sudden and nervous actions. She’d never seen him move so quickly off the football field.

“What did you say to him?” Darien growled with narrowed eyes. “Perhaps more importantly… what are you about to say to me?” With a smile she twisted her body slightly to the side and tilted her head making him straighten and stare at her with suspicious eyes. “No.”

“I haven’t even said anything yet!” She cried and threw her arms out in front of her. “What the hell? Darien, why not? He’s your best friend!” She then pouted her lips and looked at the tile floor hoping to appeal to Darien’s weakness. He was usually softened by her pouting however, this time he seemed as strong as a concrete wall. “Fine, if you’re going to be that way our little deal is off and I’m not playing this game anymore. I’ll do whatever and whoever I want!”

Darien uncrossed his arms and began to lessen the distance between them, his eyes dark and foreboding. “Serena, you don’t need to date Andrew. He has his own issues and I don’t want either of you two to get hurt. Understand me? He’s going to be a politician, he doesn’t need your wild behavior pulling him off track, and inversely, I don’t want his bad judgment to ruin your life.” By this time Darien was practically pressed against her and was making her quite self-conscious. The hallway was empty save for them and she couldn’t help but feel she needed a witness.

“I’m going to date him and you’re going to get off my case.” She whispered venomously. “Leave me alone from now on Darien. Let me live my life MY way!” Her voice began to rise as she spoke unaware of the stiffness taking over Darien’s frame. “You can’t control me, you’re my brother, not my dad, not my boyfriend… my brother! Brother’s are supposed to be supportive of their sisters. I’ve always been supportive of you! You’ve always gotten what you wanted! ALWAYS! I’M the one who has to suffer under YOUR shadow Darien. So leave me the FUCK ALONE and stop acting like some know it all God!” Her voice ended with a frustrated scream as she turned away from him and began to walk towards the lunchroom for her food.

In a matter of milliseconds she found herself with her back against the wall and Darien’s face only centimeters from her own. His dark eyes bore into her own speaking volumes of the fury raging inside of him. Feeling slightly more than frightened she pressed herself into the wall and held her breath. This was a position she was used to however, never in a threatening way. “Don’t talk to me like that Serena. Without me you’d be dead by now and you know it. I raised you! I’ve been the one keeping the criminals away from you. I’M the one who takes care of you when YOU mess up. I DEMAND a little more respect form you Serena and if you can’t bring yourself to listen to me I’ll make you listen. I know you better than you know yourself Serena and I’m no longer warning you. I’m telling you to stay away from Andrew. I’m also telling you to behave yourself and think about the consequences of your actions.” She watched his eyes blaze through emotions and his arms flex in response to her facial features. “I told you before I’m not letting you destroy yourself.”

“Why are you so angry with me Darien? What have I done to you?” She asked and attempted to push him away from her but to no avail. He was far stronger than she was and far more determined to keep her there than she was to escape.

“I’m… angry because you just aren’t listening to me. I can’t help you if you won’t help yourself. I’m scared Serena. I don’t know how many times I can say it but I’m scared.” He loosened and backed away from her, freeing the shaken girl. “Please Serena… please stop. I can’t take much more of this… I thought this was going well.” He pinched the bridge of his nose between his eyes. “However, if you feel so adamant about me leaving you alone I will. I’ll let you do whatever you want… maybe you’ll learn your lesson then.” He turned away from her looking drained from the conversation. “Just keep away from Andrew.”

“Darien, Darien, Darien, are you terrorizing your poor defenseless sister again?” Serena turned towards the foreign male voice with new interest. The attractive teen was surrounded by his group of friends and wore a large smile on his face. “I knew you were a bully.”

“I’m not a bully Fiore.” Darien turned on his heels and retraced his steps so he was near the petite blonde once again. “I’m not bothering you so why don’t you go away and mind your own business Fiore?” Serena noticed a certain tension between the two and slowly examined Fiore. He was almost as tall as Darien with a thin build. His hair was died blue and had pink highlights at his temples, it was shaggy and accented his brownish red eyes. Overall she found his rogue appearance appealing.

A wide smile spread across Fiore’s face as he looked from one of his friends to the next. They each smiled and waited for him to take action. “You know Darien… I don’t like you… you on the other hand…” Fiore stepped forward and looked into Serena’s eyes. “I think you’re well worth my time. I don’t know why you listen to him.” Fiore shook his head and shrugged lightly.

“Don’t talk to her.” Darien snapped and turned from Fiore pulling Serena with him. Fiore’s laughter filled the hallway soon followed by a chorus of his friends. “Stay away from him Serena. He’s bad news and I’m not kidding about this one.” She looked over her shoulder and watched as Fiore returned to his friends. “I mean it.” Darien snapped and pulled her chin so she was looking forward.

“Chill Dare. I’m not doing anything.” She chuckled and wondered what Darien would do if she went on a date with Fiore. From what she could see Darien and Fiore disliked one another very much. I wonder why…

Andrew stood on the bleachers next to Darien feeling awkward. Practice had just ended and Darien had yet to say anything about Serena’s earlier proposal. “Sooo… what’s up? You’ve been quiet.” The blonde ventured to ask his friend who seemed contemplative.

“I’m not very happy right now.” Darien said with a slight edge to his voice. “You couldn’t say no to her could you? It’s one syllable Andrew and now… now I think she’s got her eyes on Fiore Casinean.” Darien then turned to his friend and stared into his eyes. “You’re not going to date her though.”

“Why not? Why can’t I? You trust me don’t you? I mean how long have we been friends?” Andrew sighed and face his friend hoping the direct approach would be best. “I care about her. I’m not just some guy trying to get in her pants. I don’t understand why you don’t want me to make her an honest girl.”

“You’re not good enough for her Andrew. I’m sorry but your not. You’ve had far too many bad judgment calls. I’m not letting you get my Serena into trouble and I’m not letting her ruin your dreams of becoming a politician.” Darien sighed and looked down at the football field.

Andrew felt his face go red with anger. Good enough? He wasn’t good enough? Who the hell was Darien to stand there and say such things. “Your Serena? She’s not yours to control Darien. She’ll never be yours because you’re her brother. Oh, and by the way I am good enough Darien. I honestly don’t think you’re good enough to make the call for her either! I’ve always worried about you Darien, everyone sees you as too good to be true but I know better. There’s something wrong with you and I’m eventually going to find out what it is.” Andrew threw his arms in the air and glared at his friend who was beginning to get angry. “For your information… I don’t think anyone’s ever going to be good enough for YOUR Serena because I think you want her yourself. I’m convinced you’re out to get her and I’m not so sure she’s opposed to the idea.”

“Shut up Andrew. You have no idea what you’re talking about. I understand you’re angry and lashing out but I don’t deserve this sort of talk from you.” Darien tried with all his might not to raise his voice. Andrew began to open his mouth but Darien went first. “Watch what you say to me because depending on what it is I’m going to get very pissed off.”

Andrew smirked, anymore Darien was always pissed off. It was getting to the point where Darien was losing sight of other emotions… not that he had ever showed any other emotion. “I think you’d feel a lot better if you just did it Darien. Seriously. I won’t tell on you.” Andrew’s smirk soon faded as he noticed Darien had somehow drifted dangerously close to him. “Um… you know I’m just playing right.”

“No… Andrew… you’re not.” Darien looked into his eyes making Andrew back up slightly. “You’re trying to get what you want by attacking me… tell me Andrew. Is it working the way you hoped?”

Serena lay on her bed waiting impatiently for Darien to come home. She wanted to apologize for treating him so poorly and assure him she wouldn’t go after Andrew. Darien had been right. It was best for them to remain friends, otherwise things could get awkward. For what felt like the hundredth time she looked at her digital clock and frowned. Darien was late, very late. As she sighed her phone rang, Molly. “Hey Molls what’s up?”

“Mah brotha’s in tha hospital!” The red headed girl screamed into the phone making Serena gasp in horror. “He fell down tha bleacha’s aynd broke ‘es ahm!” As the girl talked on her speak became more and more incomprehensible. “Thaynk ‘eavans yer brotha was thayr ta ‘elp ‘em.”

“Molly… I can’t understand you when you talk like that… I’m coming there.” She hung up the phone and felt guilt wash over her. Adrew didn’t fall down the bleachers. He wasn’t that clumsy. It had to be Darien… they had to be fighting over her and Darien must have hurt Andrew. “Oh God… Andy I’m so sorry…” She began to cry as she went down to her car. “You don’t deserve this… but… I’ll make him pay. I promise you I’ll make him pay for this.” She drove quickly to the hospital and rushed through the halls to see Darien standing outside the hospital room talking with Andrew and Molly’s parents. His yes shifted to her briefly as she passed him before returning to the conversation. Once inside she saw Andrew laying in the hospital bed with a bruised face and a large cast on his arm. Molly was sitting beside him scolding him about his carelessness. “Hey…” Serena smiled as she approached the foot of the bed. “How’s your arm?”

“It’s okay, hurts a little but other than that I’m good. I look worse than I feel. I promise you Sere.” He attempted to smile but soon abandoned the idea in favor of a flinch. “Okay… so I’m in a little bit of pain. No biggie… I get to go home tonight so it’s not bad at all.” His green eyes connected with her blue ones revealing the lie. He was in a world of pain. “I was being stupid. I’ve learned my lesson though. Don’t be so careless.”

“Ya think!” Molly shouted and stood up. “Ya coulda died! Yer just lucky Dayrien was there ta ‘elp ya.” Serena snorted and looked away making Andrew’s face drop slightly.

“I’m sure he helped all right… probably helped you all the way down.” Serena looked out the window into the hall as Andrew’s parents began to walk in. Darien was leaning against the other wall of the hallway looking at her. “I’ve got to go home Andy… fell better and I’m sorry this happened.” She then smiled and walked out to meet her brother with a fierce glare. “You did that to him didn’t you?”

“Serena, he was being foolish and wound up tumbling down the bleachers.” He shrugged and looked through the window at the family crowded around the bed. “He’s fine.” The words Darien were true enough however, what bothered her most was everything he left out. “Don’t look at me like that.” He sighed and pushed off the wall hugging her tightly.

“So… you going to beat everyone up Darien? Hmmm?” She snapped into his chest hoping to upset him. In her mind Darien deserved to get hurt for this. Darien deserved any sort of pain she could inflict on him. She wanted him to be in as much pain as Andrew was and she knew just how to upset him. She would get Fiore to ask her out, she would go on a real date with him and prove her brother wrong. Fiore’s first impression on her was that he was a nice guy, after all his friends seemed devoted to him. Nonetheless, dating Darien’s rival would put him into place. She just knew it.