Okay all. Here's the second to last chapter. I hope you like it! Please let me know with a REVIEW!A Love to Die For

Serena listened patiently as Raye excitedly delivered the news. Anymore the beautiful blonde didn’t care. Raye’s news didn’t affect her in the least but for Darien’s sake she acted as if she was thrilled. “How far along are you?” She asked in that peppy tone that one would expect upon hearing news of a couple getting pregnant.

“Oh… the doctor said about two months! I was wondering why I was getting so fat!” Raye laughed. “I swear… your brother has the best timing in the world. I haven’t told him yet… he’s been busy organizing his campaign for DA… he’s being endorsed by the mayor and Andrew… of course… but if he wins he’ll be the youngest DA in the state’s history.” Raye was so happy it was sickening. “On the other hand… how are you?” Serena laughed into the phone almost as if she’d had a mental break down. She felt like she had but she wasn’t about to let Raye know it.

“I’m perfect Raye! I’m just so very shocked that you’d ask about me when your life’s going so splendidly!” Raye remained quiet on the other end of the phone as if she were thinking of something. “Oh! I’d love to stay on the phone and chat but I have to go okay? Say hi to Dare for me and I’ll talk to you later. Bye!” Serena hung up the phone before Raye could even breath. One and a half years had passed since Darien had proclaimed to her his love… she still hadn’t let it go. With each passing day she wondered what he was doing, wondered what it would have been like if he’d only said “I don’t” rather than “I do”. If he’d only pushed everything aside and chosen her things would be different. She wouldn’t feel so empty, the scenes where she had to pretend to love someone might be more authentic… though she’d been pretending to love people for many years. Even now, with Jed, she pretended to love him. Much like Darien had said that day, she was very fond of Jed but the black-haired Adonis was the only one for her. The worst part was that Jed didn’t deserve it. He deserved so much better than what she could give him.

She then frowned. What if Jed asked her to marry him? He’d been hinting at it for weeks now. Would she have the heart to say no? She’d never had the intention of marrying; if she couldn’t be with Darien then she didn’t want anyone. On the other hand… would it be so bad to make someone else happy for a change? Maybe she was being selfish… was that one of the reasons Darien married Raye? To make someone else happy? No, maybe he was just sadistic.

Picking up her phone she dialed Jed’s number and waited for him to pick up. He answered hesitantly making her frown. “Why are you so hesitant Jed?” He was silent. “Jed?”

“Sorry Sere… I’m shopping right now that’s all.” She could practically hear him smile into the phone. “I’ll bring dinner home okay?” She smiled gratefully, realizing she hadn’t eaten the entire day. “Chinese?”

“Of course.” She softened and sighed. “Raye just called… she’s pregnant.” Jed was silent on the other side of the line. “Oh, and Darien’s launching a campaign for the DA’s office. Imagine him parading around with a pregnant wife! That’s going to…” She froze and paled. Was Raye a campaign image? He’d dreamed of being a District Attourney for so long… she hadn’t thought to consider Raye as a campaign image. “He’ll get votes for that won’t he?” She snapped.

“For sure! But hey, Serena… I… I’ve got to um… go… are you going to be okay if I hang up now?” He asked kindly before she approved and hung up herself. Picking up the phone she dialed Darien’s number. She had to know. She needed to know if he’d picked Raye because she’d get him elected.

“Serena! I’m surprised you’re calling. Raye just told me the news, and that you were the first to know. That’s unfair isn’t it?” He laughed then became quiet when she didn’t respond. “Something tells me you intend to have a serious conversation.”

“I do. How brilliant you are Darien!” Her voice was dripping with so much sarcasm it was very possible that you could visually see it. “I need you to answer a question. I want an honest answer too… did you… did you marry Raye because she’d help you get elected and I wouldn’t?” His hesitation practically answered for him.

“I think you know the answer to that Serena.” His voice was emotionless. Typical, he didn’t really want to answer. He refused to lie and was trying to take the easy way out.

“Darien… I need an answer. Did you… have you done all of this just to become the DA… did you deny me because I’d injure your campaign?” Her voice broke slightly. Did she really want to know the answer? Truly know the answer?

“I’m not going to deny the fact that I did certain things to get where I am but I never thought you’d be an injury to a campaign… it’s just… Serena… what you’re thinking now is one of many reasons.” He then paused. “I was hoping you were over this.” She could hardly believe what he was telling her. He admitted it! Admitted that Raye was in-part, only a part of his campaign.

“You’re quite the actor yourself Darien… I’m shocked because… you’ve always been so honest about everything but now you’re… your whole life is based on lies Dare. Is your child just another part of the puzzle? Raye’s pregnancy a publicity stunt?” She was practically shaking. If it was true then it was still possible for him to leave her.

“Not entirely… though… I did time this right didn’t I?” The grin was evident in his voice. She blinked her eyes wondering when Darien turned into such a manipulator. He was good… very, very good. “If you’ll let me get off the phone I have an excited wife to deal with. I’ll talk to you soon okay? Bye Serena.”

“Bye Dare.” She hung up and stared blankly at the floor. It made so much sense… not that she agreed with him. It just made her feel better.

Jed glanced in his rear-view mirror yet again as he drove down the road. He was sick of all the paparazzi constantly following Serena and him around. They had seen him in the jewelry store and immediately started to snap pictures of him ring shopping. He smiled as he looked at the jewelry store bag with the engagement ring safely nuzzled by a velvet box.

He knew Serena didn’t really have plans to get married but he wanted to make her his. Even if she said no he wanted her to wear the beautiful trinket as a symbol of his love. He’d ask her right after dinner and he was fairly sure she’d say yes.

At the current moment he was only concerned about the car following him. It had been with him for a while and he was beginning to wonder why. “Maybe I’ll go by the police station.” He wondered aloud and turned to go down a steep and winding road. As he wound around the hill he noticed how dark it had gotten. “Damn it… she’s probably waiting for me… ugh! Damn paparazzi.” He turned the wheel to go around the next curve only to feel it loose. The car continued towards the edge of the road and consequently the long drop to the ground below. He immediately slammed on his breaks however; it was too late. The vehicle slammed through the guard rail and plunged into the dark abyss below.

The dark blue car that had been following him continued onto the bottom of the road and worked it’s way to the crash. Parking the car the owner stepped out touching shining black loafers to the ground. The man scanned the scene and smiled, his icy blue eyes sparkling with delight as he slowly walked to the car. The nose was smashed like an accordion into the ground and he could hear the engine struggling to remain alive. Jed, was bend over the steering wheel unconscious with a small trickle of blood starting at the corner of his mouth and reaching to his chin.

Slowly he began to wake, his eyes fluttered open and lazily looked around until he saw a figure standing just a foot away. His green eye scanned the man and, upon reaching his face, Jed paled. “S… Seiya?” His voice was breathy and his chest hurt to move. “Hey… can you help me out of here?”

Seiya knelt by the broken window and smiled at the blonde man almost wildly. “I could help you Jed; but I won’t. Your time with Serena has expired.” Jed let a large breath escape him as he sighed and let his head droop. “Don’t look so sad Jed. You don’t have to watch her run away with some other man like I have.”

“Seiya… please. Don’t do this to me. I love her and I was…” Seiya laughed again and stood making Jadeite pause.

“Dear boy, you need to be more careful. You were careless… not everyone following you around snapping pictures is a paparazzi. I know what your intentions were. I’m sorry Jed but I have to kill you. I don’t have a choice. You see… I promised myself years ago that I’d marry her. I can’t let you ask.” Seiya chuckled. “I just want you to know… you’re going to die for your love for her… but she doesn’t love you.” Jed let a tear fall from the corners of his eyes.

“She’ll never marry you Seiya. I doubt she’ll even talk to you. What makes you think you can just walk back into her life?” Jadeite smiled knowing Serena wanted nothing to do with Seiya.

“Oh… I think Darien’s going to pitch the idea to her.” Seiya smiled as Jed laughed. “You laugh but you see… I know where Darien lives. I know every entrance to that house… some he probably doesn’t know about. He has a lot to lose Jed. He has a wife, a baby on the way… a political career to look after… he will cooperate with me.” Jed shook his head vigorously. “You’ll see.” Seiya turned around and walked to his car calmly leaving Jed injured and alone. Once Seiya reached his car he got behind the wheel and picked up a small device with a white button on it. With a quick press, Jed’s car exploded then began to burn. Rolling down the window Seiya could hear the man’s pain filled screams as he attempted to free himself. “Rot in Hell Jed.” Seiya started his car and drove away and dialed 911. “Hello… I just witnessed a crash.” He gave the operator the location and hung up with a satisfied smile.

Serena sat in the living room thinking of Darien. The day’s revelations had soothed her greatly and now she wasn’t sure what to do. She wanted to move back to Washington to be nearer to Darien. Perhaps then, he’d consider having an affair with her… now that she knew his feelings it would be easy to seduce him and convince him to do it. No one would ever know. Her struggle was with Jed. She knew he was going to ask her to marry him, his trip to the jewelry store had been plastered all over the television. All she really had to do was wait.

It was nine when the door bell to the large flat rang and the maid, Hotaru opened the door to reveal two police officers in their uniforms. The young woman then lead them into the living room where Serena looked at them with surprise and stood. “Is something wrong officers?” She asked in alarm.

“Yes Miss Shields something is wrong…” The officer hesitated then sighed. “There was an accident and… a Mr. Jadeite Galet. The vehicle caught fire. Sorry Miss but he was gone before the ambulance arrived.” Serena sat on the couch with a sinking feeling in her stomach that something was wrong with this story. Jadeite was one of the most careful drivers she’d ever seen. “Is there anything you need us to do?” The officer asked politely.

“What can you do?” She sighed and looked at the men. “No, I don’t need anything. Thank you for your hard work… have his parents been told?” She stared into the carpet.

“Yes miss… they received the fall first and asked us to notify you.” She nodded and walked them to the door. She was in shock from the news but at the same time. She felt numb, as if it didn’t matter that he’d died. Slowly she returned to the couch, Hotaru following her closely.

“Serena… are you okay?” The dark haired woman asked with a concerned tone. She had been working for Jed and Serena for almost a year. They were the couple she aspired to be with her boyfriend. They were so happy and perfect together. This was certainly terrible news.

“I’m okay… I need to call my brother. There’s no point in staying in this city. I can always act, anywhere I go I can do that.” She said absently and picked up her phone. “Will you accompany me back to Washington Hotaru? No, you have family here.” Serena answered her own question and dialed Darien’s number.

“Serena… I don’t want to continue that conversation so if you’re…”

“He’s dead Dare.” She said blankly and listened to the silence over the line. He was deep in thought. “I’m going to come home and be closer to you.” She said with conviction. “I can act anywhere so… there’s no point in staying here. Without…” She paused then felt a wave of sadness his her. “He was going to ask me to marry him.” A tear streaked down her face. “It’s cruel Dare, it’s all so cruel. Who dies on the day they were going to propose to someone?”

Darien was silent for a few moments. Raye was sitting next to him on the couch looking at him curiously, making him self-conscience. “A lucky person. He died loving you. If he was going to propose to you today then today was the day he loved you most. He died at the height of his happiness because he knew… you’d say yes.” Darien looked at his teary eyed wife and sighed.

“What makes you think I’d say yes?” She asked blankly. “I made up my mind today. I wouldn’t marry him because. I love someone else and it’s wrong to let someone else believe a lie… and you know it.”

He chuckled then knitted his brow. “So, when do you plan on moving back home?” He asked the question nonchalantly even though he was secretly dreading it. Having her so close would be hell for him. It had been years since they had been close and he knew he wouldn’t be able to stay away from her.

“In a few months. I have find a place there, buy furniture, then I have to sell this place.” She bit her lip and wondered if Darien was excited. In a way she certainly was. “I also have to handle all of Jed’s things… which is going to be less than pleasant.”

“If you need any help… I’m here for you. You know that don’t you?” He smiled into the phone and looked at Raye. By the time Serena made it down he would already be elected and Raye would be so far along in her pregnancy… well he wasn’t sure what life would be like.

“Yes Darien. I know. You always have been and I expect nothing less.” She then said her goodbyes and hung up the phone with mixed emotions. She looked around the apartment and began to feel an overwhelming sadness. She missed Jed and felt an immense guilt accompanying her sadness. “I’m sorry Jed but… I have to put our life behind me.”