Lots of little scenes here... I hope you enjoy it. Let me know with a REVIEW!


Darien and Andrew stayed for two weeks then went back to their apartment near the university. Serena had noticed the tension between the men and wondered why everything was becoming so different. What was going on that worried everyone so much. What she didn’t know was that Seiya had been leaving every night to do missions. Seiya had been shocked at how quickly Sapphire had put him to work. “I’m not going to do it tonight… it can wait. Darien just left and now Serena and I get to be alone so…”

“Seiya… you don’t have the option of waiting. I’m your boss and you’ll do it tonight. If you can’t I’m going to have to ask that you leave your girlfriend and only focus on work. You’re my best guy now Seiya and I can’t afford to let you screw things up for some girl you’d rather fuck.” Sapphire’s words were harsh but Seiya knew where he was coming from. Sapphire had found out the hard way not to have any personal connections.

“Serena’s different. I’m protecting her, no one’s going to harm her.” He smiled through the phone his arrogance overly evident to Sapphire. “I’ll do the job as soon as she goes to sleep tonight.” Seiya felt like the idea was a compromise but Sapphire didn’t like to hear it. If Seiya was going to start to waiver this early in his career then Sapphire would be sure to bring him to the realization that he was no longer his own person. He was not property of the government and they would use him as they saw fit not as he wanted to be used. “Just chill Sapphire. Okay?”

“No. I will not chill. I’m going to have you followed and if you don’t do it by six tonight I’m going to have to take action Seiya. I know you think that you’re amazing, you are good, but you’re new and you have to realize the significance of your commitment.” Seiya wasn’t sure he liked Sapphire’s tone but what could he do against the director of the CIA Special ops unit? Nothing, that’s what.

Needless to say he left the house early, leaving Serena alone and fearing what he was out doing. He’d changed and she didn’t like it. His eyes were colder than they used to be, more devoid of emotion. He was a creature entirely different from the rest of the human world. The worst part was that she knew that he was out killing someone; that was his job now.

Feeling lonely she went up to bed early. Darien’s visit had ignited a longing in her she’d almost forgotten about. How easy it was to ignore it when he was gone. How easy it could be to just live her life as long as he wasn’t around. Yet again, it wasn’t easy at all. The safety that she felt while around him had dissipated, she felt vulnerable and almost like a child.

Just as sleep began to take her Seiya returned. Stepping into the house he sighed and walked upstairs. If this was how his life was going to be he wasn’t sure he wanted it. He wanted to be with Serena, not out killing people.

Months passed with the same schedule. Every day Serena went to school then to whatever else she had going on. At night Seiya would leave for his mission. Needless to say they didn’t get to see much of one another until the weekends.

“I’m done Sapphire! I’m sick of being at your beck and call!” Seiya shouted angrily. Sapphire only smiled lightly and looked at the men around him. Each one was well trained but Seiya could take them all down easily; he had become that skilled. Unfortunately that type of skill was also feared among the world of operatives. In the short time Seiya had been working he had become an untouchable legend and he knew it. “I refuse to keep living this way. I want to be with my girlfriend.”

“Well… why don’t you stop dating her. Then you won’t have a girlfriend… I’ve been meaning to talk to you about this… I don’t want you to see her anymore. I’m pulling the spies off of her so I can use them elsewhere…” Sapphire smiled at Seiya’s angry expression. The truth was that too many people knew about Serena. She was a weakness that could be exploited and he had heard wind of plots to do just that. “Seiya, it’s time to let her go before someone else takes her from you.”

“No! I won’t let anyone touch her!” Seiya shouted then angrily balled his fists. He’d done this to be close to her. To have the power to protect her from the evils of the world. “No one will take her from me and I mean no one. Not even Darien.” He muttered to himself causing Sapphire’s ears to perk up.

“Darien? How is that boy? I haven’t seen him in…” Sapphire paused as Seiya looked at him accusingly. “I know Ilene… never mind.” He sighed and looked at Seiya. “Look, if you don’t break up with her I’m going to have to take action and make you realize… how unsafe she is.”

“Fuck you Sapphire! I’m not going to let you threaten me like that… you really want to lose me Sapphire? I don’t think so.” Seiya huffed and began to retreat from his irritated boss.

“Seiya… one thing I’ve learned over the years is that you never keep people around you that could be used against you. Continue doing what I ask or I’ll kill Serena myself.” Seiya stopped and stared at Sapphire. There was no doubt Sapphire would do it he just didn’t want to believe it.

“Fine… I’ll keep doing it but leave her out of this.” Seiya slumped and looked at the ground. He knew that Sapphire would bring this up again but for now he had to devise a plan to keep her safe.

“I need you to do this Diamond. He has to learn his place.” Sapphire stood in the cold, dark, concrete room staring at an albino man hunched over his chemistry set. “This shouldn’t be hard for you.” Sapphire didn’t want to do it. It was wrong but at the same time he knew he had to. Seiya had to relieve himself of all his connections.

“What’s your sister going to say Saph? I honestly never thought you’d bring them into this… not after all these years.” The albino named Diamond looked up at his half brother with a large smile pulling at his lips. “Of course… if I do this… I do it my own way. If he does something amiss I will kill him.”

“Fine, do what you want but I want Serena relatively unharmed… I don’t think Ilene will know it was me… as long as you fly straight.” Diamond chuckled. It was always like Sapphire to try and hide things from Ilene. Diamond didn’t blame him though. Ilene was ruthless. “Remember… she is my half niece… she’s my family even if not yours.”

“I never thought your sister would have such a beautiful family…” Diamond drawled while looking at a photo of Serena. “Leave her to me Saph… I’ll take care of her… like you said… she’s not my family.” Sapphire shuddered slightly just thinking of what Diamond had in mind for the young girl. “Isn’t it amazing just how fucked up our family is?” Sapphire nodded and turned knowing that Diamond would do the job. If there was anyone as good as Seiya it was Diamond. The only drawback was that the man was an albino and couldn’t do missions without being seriously injured. “Go on Sapphire, run back to your desk and let me do my planning for this… I have to clean up if I’m going to have a woman over you know?” Diamond laughed as Sapphire left the room . It wasn’t often that Sapphire had a real mission for him but when the opportunity came he always took it. This one it seemed, was hardly a mission but an enjoyable outing. He hated Seiya and he’d never even met the man. Not to mention he hadn’t had a woman in a long time… this was surely going to be an enjoyable time.

With a renewed happiness Diamond set about cleaning his cement bunker and putting away his chemical concoctions. He wouldn’t want an accident ruining Serena after all… she was far too beautiful to harm. He smirked as he made the bed that rested in the corner of the room then shuddered slightly as he thought of her in it. “I’m so glad Seiya pissed Saph off.” He said aloud then dressed in his outside clothes. If he was going to kidnap the girl without having to get too physical he had to do some research. “I hope you’re ready my dear.”

Serena sighed as Seiya walked to the front door with his luggage trailing behind him. He didn’t want to leave her alone for a week but he had to. Sapphire had made that perfectly clear. “You’ll call me without hesitation if you need me right? Call me first… not Darien?” His icy eyes held concern for her but she only smiled in response. “Okay Serena… okay…” He nodded and kissed her tenderly before walking out to the blue sedan that was patiently awaiting him.

Just like that he was gone again making Serena feel lonely. She hated that he was gone all the time and if it were up to her he’d be there with her and not running around with his boss. At the same time though she was glad he had left. Without any men in her life she’d become more empowered. She knew she didn’t need Seiya, she didn’t need him one bit but she still wanted him around. Turning to go back in the house a silver car stopped in front of her house making her turn. The door opened and a man dressed entirely in white with a white hat stepped out of the car and looked at her. His eyes were brown in color and his hair white as his clothes. She marveled at him, he was so elegant looking; his hair caressed his shoulders lightly as he approached her. “Miss. Shields?” He asked with a soft and smooth voice that seemed to envelope her like silk.

“Yes? May I help you?” She smiled as he stopped a few feet from her. She scanned him once again noticing a slight pained expression on his face.

“I am here because I’m seeking a model for a photo shoot. I know it is short notice but I managed to get your name from premiere modeling… I hope you don’t mind…” She shook her head thrilled with the idea that someone had sought her out. “It’s a little unconventional really Miss. Shields…”

“Serena… please. Come in, you look a little warm out here in the sun.” She smirked wondering why he was dressed so conservatively. He smiled and stepped into the house behind her marveling at how trusting she was. No wonder Seiya wanted her watched. “What type of shoot is this?”

“I need an attractive young woman for a shoot I’m doing for a new product of mine… sort of a… serum.” He smiled. If it takes off I’m sure you’ll be quite sought after.” He chuckled at her excited squeal and clap. “It’s today though… so I would need you to come with me right away.” She nodded and stepped towards the door. “Great! He flourished his hands towards the door and opened it for her making sure it was locked. She stepped out allowing him to drop a not on the table in the foyer then stepped out and closed the door. “We’re off then.” He lead her to the car and put her in it then walked around to the drivers side and got in. “My name is Diamond by the way.” She shook his gloved hand and sat quietly as he began to drive down the road.

“So… what type of serum is this stuff?” She asked trying to make conversation and know a little more about what she’d agreed to. “And… I hate to be a spoil sport but how much are you going to pay me?” He grinned thinking of the best way to answer her.

“Well, the serum is a medical type of thing… a sort of anesthetic… as for payment… well… by then end of the shoot I’ll expect you to tell me what you think your time is worth.” She knitted her brow unsure of whether or not she liked his answer. The drive to the place was a fairly short one and as she exited the car she looked around shocked to find herself standing in front of a warehouse. “Here we are… follow me Serena.” She followed him inot the warehouse and down a flight of stairs to a long concrete corridor. He then stepped in front of a large steel door and opened it. She stepped into the pick black room and turned to Diamond with confusion as he stepped in then shut and locked the door. Flipping on she lights she winced then opened her eyes and looked around as he removed his gloves and hat.

“What’s going on… where am I?” She questioned suddenly feeling stupid and foolish for allowing herself to be convinced by this man so easily. “Diamond?” She asked shakily. “You’re not doing a photo shoot are you?”

“No… I’m not my dear.” He sighed and looked into her desperate eyes. She was surely beautiful. “I’m sorry for deceiving you however… I had to. I didn’t want to hurt you. I wanted you to come of your own free will.” He sat in a metal chair and removed his long sleeved coat revealing the whitest skin she’d ever seen. “I prefer not to have to get too physical you know? My skin doesn’t handle it well.” She looked at him then at the door which was clearly locked so that no one could open it but him. “Yes, I know… I’m holding you against your will but it’s to show that no good boyfriend of yours that he shouldn’t have weaknesses… right sweet face?” He asked with a smirk as she paled.

“You… you know Seiya?” She stumbled away from him and gulped. This was something to do with him being in the CIA and she didn’t like it. “I know nothing about what he’s doing so if you want information I don’t have…”

“My dear girl. I don’t want information from you… I want something far better than information.” He stood and walked to her cornering her against the wall. She winced as he placed a hand gently on her cheek and smiled. He was a handsome man; she wouldn’t deny it. “I want what you so freely give to him.” He leaned into her just as she turned her face from him. “Serena… don’t make me take it from you.” He sighed and stepped back. “I’m a reasonable person but when aggravated I’m the worst sort to be around. You don’t want to make me angry.” He snapped suddenly as she shook. “Don’t shake like a cowardice Serena! You should be ashamed of yourself! I kidnap you and tell you I’ll rape you if you don’t submit to me and all you do is shake? Where’s the determination? The motivation to protect yourself? Or do you always rely on that asshole to protect you? Does Seiya keep you safe Serena?” He shouted angrily making her blink. He was right of course. Here she was cowering away from him. “Oh I know your history little girl. I know you better than you know yourself even! I’ll give you a secret Serena. Seiya will come for you. When he does I’m going to kill him. I hate him. Sapphire only wants me to scare him with you but no… I need to kill that little bastard before he turns on us... and he will. His hatred for your Darien will turn him. Then what will you do? Will you cower in front of him?” She gasp. He knew about Darien… moreover he knew how she felt about Darien.

“Darien has nothing to do with this.” She stammered and looked at him defiantly. “More over Seiya would never hurt Darien because he knows I’d leave him.” Diamond laughed almost hysterically. “What?”

“Darien has everything to do with this. Seiya knows you tremble at the very sight of him and I’ll have you know Seiya hates it. He hates Darien and frankly… I wouldn’t be surprised if Darien were to walk through that door for you. Seiya’s good but you’re right… he cowers in front of Darien and always will… until he has something to use against him. Right now Seiya has nothing but you; and right now not even that because I have you. You’re mine until one of them comes to get you… and I’m going to do my best to make use of my time with you.” He approached her again only to be surprised by her kicking him swiftly between the legs. Temporarily disabling him she rushed to the door and fiddled with the lock to try and get away. Diamond was right. She was always the victim because she played the part so well. Not this time though. She continued to fight with the lock until Diamond roughly slammed her against the metal door and grabbed her by the hair. “That a girl! Fight with me, show me that you’re not as helpless as I think.” He growled into her ear while pressing his body against hers.

A few quick gymnastics movements followed by a few self defense moves Darien had showed her years ago and she was free of the albino. Without looking she dashed to the other side of the room and to the small kitchen area where she attempted to find something, anything that she could use to either get the door open or protect herself. She managed to find a knife and turned to see Diamond standing a few feet away looking like a Japanese horror movie character (you know like the ring chick?). Blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth, his head tilted forward and slightly to the left as he stared at her, his brown eyes looking very much black. “Get away from me.” She warned and held up the sharp object in her hand. He smiled showing the blood in his mouth and for a moment, she was proud of herself for doing a little damage. “I mean it.”

“Put down the knife and this won’t hurt nearly as much…” He cooed and stepped forward causing her to grip the knife tighter. “Serena… come on… do you want me to trigger one of your episodes? I know how.” He grinned as she wavered for a brief moment then gripped the knife even tighter. “I won’t trigger you… I want to inflict my own mental damage.” He laughed and moved so swiftly she didn’t have a chance to stop him.

He disarmed her and had her by the hair in one swift movement and was now dragging her towards what looked like chemistry set. She was screaming and flailing as much as possible to try and get away making him laugh. For the first time since Fiore she was fighting, a healthy sign at least. “Leave me alone!”

“No!” He growled and slammed her face down onto the stainless steel table next to the vials of the chemistry set. “Do you have any idea what’s in these?” He asked grabbing one and holding it against her face. “Trust me… you wouldn’t want to get any of this on you.” She yelped as he poured a small bit of the liquid onto the table. Almost immediately the liquid bubbled, eating a hole through the metal and exposing the concrete floor. “You want some of this on your skin? No? Didn’t think so.” He laughed and put the vial back in it’s holder. “No… I couldn’t mar your perfect skin… not like that foolish boy who attacked you… no…” He almost sung to himself as he held her firmly in place and reached for a syringe with a clear liquid in it. “As much as I like you fighting with me I’m afraid you took my words a little too far and have now bloodied my mouth. I can’t have you doing that again…” He then put the syringe into the side of her neck causing her to yelp. “This is my own special concoction. I’m a biochemical engineer you see and this…” He removed the now empty syringe and released her. She attempted to move but found that she couldn’t. It was as if she were paralyzed. She attempted to make some sort of noise but couldn’t do that either. “This will make you cooperate with me. As you can tell it renders your body useless… you’re like a rag doll Serena… unable to move, unable to speak… or scream.” He smiled and managed to pick her up carrying her towards his bed. “Strange isn’t it? You can’t move or speak yet you can feel everything, it’s such a burden really, the military would give anything for my little serum here but I refuse to share it. I only sell it to select few.” He lay her down and stood back for a moment before turning away and walking to a door she hadn’t noticed before. He opened it revealing a bathroom where he rinsed out his mouth then turned back towards her. “Let the fun begin.”