OOOOO... I bet you'll like this one all! I like it... It's a new piece for those of you familiar with the story. Oh and fair warning. Diamond shows up in the next chapter so you yeah, adding another character. I hope you all like it. Of course, I don't really know that unless you review... you know, by this point last time I had over 1000 reviews? I'm sort of feeling lonely right now but that's okay. I like meaningfull reviews. SO yeah, REVIEW!


Molly was right. The next day Andrew announced his desire to leave stating that he’d be back to help Darien and Raye with the move north. Being fine with this statement Darien had smiled and helped the two pack. “Finally!” Seiya growled as the two left making Darien turn to him. “Well… I want Serena to myself.” He pouted innocently.

“Those are our friends Seiya. We like visiting with them.” Darien snapped and looked up at the sky. “I’m going to go visit Raye for a bit she seemed upset yesterday.” Darien grabbed the keys to his precious Mercedes and paused to look at Seiya who seemed quite content. “Behave yourself Say.” He then got into the car and drove down the road.

No sooner was Darien out of sight then Seiya trapped Serena in his arms and drug her inside playfully. “I’ve missed you.” He cooed to her playfully and nibbled at her ear making her sigh. “What’s wrong?” He could feel the anger well inside him but he remained calm. “Sweet Face?”

“I miss them already… I really miss Andy.” Seiya growled and began to kiss her neck hungrily to try and remove Andrew from her thoughts. How could she be in his arms and thinking of another man? How could she so blatantly hurt him like that. “Not now Seiya.” She removed herself from his grip and began to saunter into the living room.

“What? You’ve… never said no to me before…” She didn’t answer him. “Serena!” He snapped feeling himself twitch. Storming after her he grabbed her shoulders and forced her to look into his eyes. “What’s the matter with you? I’m your boyfriend not him! Can’t you see you’re hurting my feelings?” His icy eyes begged her to realize what he was saying. Pleaded for her to forget Andrew… and Darien. “Serena… you tell me you love me but… I’m not so sure anymore.”

“I do love you Seiya. My saying no to sex isn’t me saying I don’t love you. It just means I’m not in the mood.” She smiled and looked into his eyes that for once held so many different emotions she couldn’t decode them all.

“I’m leaving in a week Serena… only one week… I haven’t been able to tell you they moved me up but… I… I’m not going to police academy… I’ve been accepted to a special CIA taskforce… and… I’m going for longer than I thought.” She took a step back from him and gasp. The CIA? Her boyfriend was going to be a CIA agent? More over… he was leaving her early? “I’m sorry.”

“You’d better be!” She slapped him then jumped back as he stood fast… unmoving and now, unwavering. He was angry, his instincts kicking in rather than his thoughts and emotions. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean…” He suddenly trapped her against the wall, her wrists in his hands and his face practically to hers. “You’re hurting me…” She whispered and turned her head from him slightly. He was so emotionless now, clearly a tick from his mother’s abuse.

“No I’m not.” He said smoothly and pressed into her his eyes filling with lust. “I could never hurt you Serena… not unless you wanted me to.” Her eyes grew wide just before he backed away from her and began to drag her upstairs. She struggled against him seeing that he wasn’t fully aware of his actions. “Come on Sweet Face.”

“I said no Seiya! Seiya!” She sat on the ground to try and deter him from dragging her up the stairs. “Stop this now! Seiya! I’ll tell Darien!” He stopped for a moment then smiled fiercely. “Seiya… what you’re doing could be considered rape… and you’re not going to rape me.”

“It’s not rape when I’m your boyfriend and you want it.” He chuckled and went to pick her up. She slapped him away then stood and began to run for the kitchen to grab the phone and call Darien. “No you don’t!” He laughed as if she were playing a game and tacked her to the floor making her hit with a considerable amount of force. Flipping her onto her back and pulling her to him he held her to the floor and kissed her forcefully.

“Stop it!” She shouted and struggled to get away from him. So far he hadn’t done anything but kiss her but she didn’t want to stay to find out what he was going to do in this state of mind. “Seiya!” As if on cue he was lifted from her forcefully and there stood Darien, as usual. How he was able to get her out of these messes she’d never know but she was thankful. The Seiya currently struggling against Darien was not the Seiya she knew or loved. Raye rushed to Serena’s side and helped her move out of the way of the men’s struggle. “Darien!” Serena gasp as Seiya managed to punch Darien in the jaw. The taller, stronger, male grabbed his opponent by the neck until Seiya’s icy blue eyes closed.

Darien dropped Seiya’s limp body causing him to crash into the tiled floor and hit his head. He then turned to Serena with darkened eyes and a stiff body. Not only was he angry but he seemed to be fighting with himself over the situation. “You okay?” He asked kneeling next to her.

“I’m okay. He just… got away from himself. He wouldn’t have hurt me…” She sighed and looked at Seiya’s form now resting on the ground. “Thank you.” She nodded at her brother then at Raye who nodded.

“It’s his trigger. You have yours and he has his… what did you do Serena?” Raye asked curiously. It wasn’t like Seiya to act like that. Darien said nothing but took Serena into his arms and hugged her tightly giving Raye a look that told her to back off. Clearly it wasn’t her issue and she should stay out of it.

“Whatever you did. Don’t do it again. I won’t be here to stop him for much longer.” Serena looked at her brother then nodded burying her nose in his chest and inhaling his scent. Only Darien could make her feel as safe as she did now. In that moment she was happy she triggered Seiya. This was the closest she’d been to Darien since prom and she realized how much she missed it.

“Molly doesn’t like him… I don’t think Andy did either.” She said softly into his chest and felt him tense up. “How can I date someone they don’t approve of?” She sighed. Raye knelt beside her and patted her back gently before stopping and staring over at Seiya’s stirring body. The long-haired man slowly rose up from the floor, his eyes closed until his back was firmly against the wall as he stood. He finally opened his eyes when he was fully standing. The icy orbs were fixed on her, steady, calculating.

“Thank you Darien.” Was all he could manage before beginning his trek up the stairs to the bedroom. The three watched him go then looked to one another hesitantly. Serena found herself wondering if this was a common occurrence. If so she was happy to know that Jed was always there for her.

The summer passed quickly. Seiya had left for the academy one week after the incident at the house relieving her father when he heard. Darien on the other hand, was very uncomfortable with the fact that Seiya was gone. “I don’t want to leave you so alone.” Darien stared at the empty house then glanced over his shoulder at his waiting Mercedes. It was time for him to leave to go to university and Serena had charged herself with being strong. She could feel herself breaking, every second that passed she felt her invisible wall crack ever so slightly. With both Darien and Seya gone she would become queen of her domain, she would be her own person. Free to do as she pleased. The issue? She didn’t want it. If she had to live a life without her brother then she didn’t want to live. “Well…” He hesitated standing only a foot from her.

“You have to go… I know you do… and… and… you’re only… three hours… away.” Her tears began to fall from the corners of her eyes causing Darien’s face to twist in pain. “I’m cool.” She tried to conceal her emotions but she knew that he could see through her. He always could.

“You certainly are.” He smiled and reached for her cheek and wiped her tears away with his thumbs. “Like you said I’m only three hours away… I’ll come down any time you need me Serena. I promise you.” He stepped into her and leaned his head against hers allowing a new flood of tears to burst from her eyes. “Stop that. It’s not like I’m abandoning you.” Even though I feel like I am. With that he moved away from her and walked to his car feeling his own tears well against his eyes.

“I’m going to miss you.” She cried and threw her arms around him. She didn’t want to let him go, she didn’t want to release him. “Okay… okay… bye Dare. Call me often okay?” She sniffed and let him remove her tears once again. “Go…”

“Okay.” He nodded and got into the car. It came to life and began to move down the road, carrying the now crying Darien away from the only person he truly loved. “I hate to make you cry Serena… I truly do.” He sighed and licked his still dampened thumb tasting the saltiness of her tears. He loved the way she tasted and he hated himself for hurting her like he was. He wanted to turn around, he wanted to throw it all to the wind. Damn the world, damn everything! He didn’t want to leave her behind, despite Seiya’s love for her Darien didn’t feel like she was safe enough. “Please forgive me Serena… I’m doing this for your own good.” He sighed and continued on down the road, away from her, allowing the distance between them to greaten.

“AGAIN!” The tall blue-haired man instructed his students. The look of utter disgust on his face spoke volumes to his disappointment in the group. His only comfort came with a single member of the academy and with a quick pace he walked to the young man and smiled. “Seiya… I think you’re ready to move past this point.” The students around him continued with their exercises but stared at him with envy. “You’re my best student and I want to fast track you through this.” Seiya stopped his exercises to stare at the man.

Sapphire was his name. Seiya smiled, he wasn’t sure if the name was made up or real but he didn’t really mind either way. Sapphire fit him perfectly because of his sapphire blue hair. Of course, having such unique hair was an interesting thing for a CIA operative. Agents were supposed to blend in, not stand out… but then again if you were as good as Sapphire it didn’t really matter. “What am I moving on to sir?” Seiya smiled and looked his boss square in the eyes.

“Something that takes far more skill than any of these people have… how would you like to be a special operative? I need a good one.” Seiya knitted his brow. He had no idea what Sapphire was asking him but he was sure he didn’t want to turn it down. Sapphire leaned into him and smirked. “I can make you into anything you want Seiya. I want to make you into a ghost… a trained killer so skilled that no one in the world could stop you. How does that sound to you?” Sapphire whispered softly making Seiya’s eyes widen. “You are an amazing person Seiya and all the things you’ve been through make you perfect for this.” Seiya looked at him while thinking of Serena. If he had the skills Sapphire was offering to teach him… he could get rid of Darien. Serena would be his and only his for the rest of their lives.

“What’s the catch?” Seiya looked into Sapphire’s deep blue eyes uneasily. He didn’t want to be trapped in something he couldn’t get out of. There had to be some type of stipulation, something. “If I agree… I want a few things promised to me.”

“Depends on what you want Seiya. I am a powerful man but I cannot move mountains without others noticing.” Seiya nodded and thought for a brief moment. He wanted to be the most skilled person in the world, he wanted to be all powerful and unstoppable. Only then would Serena see him as worthy, only then could he truly capture her heart. “It’s a girl isn’t it?”

“Yes… if I agree… I want to be able to call in a favor from you and… I want her watched… for safety reasons.” Seiya thought hard on the matter. If he was going to be the best then he needed to be sure no one would try and harm her. He needed to be sure that she was safe and disconnected from the life he’d be living.

“Fine. I agree to those terms as long as you agree to not let her stand in the way of your success. I will give you everything I have to offer but I warn you Seiya. Stab me in the back and I will destroy you.” Seiya smiled knowing the Sapphire had to offer that last bit of information. He didn’t blame the man, it was an important thing to know you can trust the people you are giving power to.

“You have yourself a deal Mr. Sapphire… now… when do I start?” Seiya shook Sapphire’s hand then paused as Sapphire gave him an odd look before smiling.

“Right now but first… you must choose an operative name for yourself. It’s very important that you have one and use it instead of your real name.” Sapphire smiled then released Seiya’s hand. “Well?”

“Specter… I want to be known as specter.” Seiya grinned then thought of all the things people would say about him when he was the best. His grin widened even more when he thought of what Darien would say. Sapphire nodded then motioned for him to follow. Seiya followed behind the older man with his chin held high, this was a great day.

“You are amazing.” Jadeite smiled and placed a hand on Serena’s cheek lovingly. It was only a play but the words he spoke rang true to his heart. She smiled and leaned into his hand as the script denoted then began to lean into him for the kiss.

“Cut!” The director sounded and bounced up to the stage giddily. “Now that was a moving scene! Did you see the emotion?” She asked her class and smiled at her veteran actors. “Keep an eye on these two they’re going to go far.” With that the bell rang sending the students out while Serena gathered her bag.

“Great scene Jed.” She laughed and swung her bag onto her back. He blushed lightly then bit his lip to contain the confession that threatened his lips. “Are you going to try out at the community college?” She asked innocently as they walked together to their next class.

“Probably… but um… how are you doing?” He asked wanting to know about her. He’d been concerned. Each day she seemed more and more lonely. Half of the year had gone by and she was beginning to show signs of despair. He knew that she missed her brother, perhaps more so than she missed her boyfriend.

“Oh, I’m fine.” She lied and looked ahead of her trying to think of the last time she was happy. She missed Darien, the fact that he wasn’t around was killing her, sure, he called every Friday but what good was that? Seiya had been at the academy learning who knows what. He called every night to talk about her day and bid her goodnight. Neither of them were close and she was beginning to feel so empty. Jed was the only guy in her life now, Jed was the one she looked forward to seeing each day. “I just miss them.”

“I’m sorry Serena. Isn’t Seiya supposed to be back soon?” He asked with faked interest. If he had his way Seiya would be out on the curb already but Serena clung to the hope that Seiya was the one.

“Yeah… next month… but it’s too far away and even then I don’t know how long he’ll be staying.” Jed knitted his brow. He knew Seiya wasn’t at just any ol’ police academy… he had to be doing something bigger; Especially when Serena was talking about him leaving so often. “I can’t wait though.” She laughed and spun around in a carefree fashion. Oh how excited she was.

The month passed with little interest to her. She had starred in three plays so far and talent scouts were beginning to notice her. She was approached everyday with a new offer to go and do something, modeling, singing, acting, you name it. She’d taken a few jobs here and there getting her face out there but she wanted more. She needed to finish school and then go out into the world.

She was at a photo shoot for some ad when her phone rang signaling it was Seiya. Excited she grabbed the phone and eagerly talked into it. “Hey baby! Are you home already?” She asked with a hopeful tone.

“Yeah… where are you sweet face?” Seiya looked around the house critically, noticing it’s weaknesses. He’d been careful to hide his new personality from her, the new thoughts that told him so much more about the world than he had thought possible. He was dangerous now; a feared man and she had no idea.

“I’m at a photo shoot, I’ll be home in an hour.” They ended their call shortly after then she finished the shoot and went home in her new car she’d managed to buy. He was waiting for her in the living room, sitting calmly on the couch playing with his long hair. “Hey!” She ran to him and threw herself around him straddling his legs. “I’ve missed you.”

He smiled and looked into her cerulean blue eyes, ones that were so happy to see him. He chose to say nothing but rather pulled her into a loving kiss. She tasted just as he remembered. “I’ve missed you too.” He breathed and kissed her again only this time with more demand. He hadn’t seen her in seven months and he wanted her. He wanted to take her upstairs and show her just how much he’d changed.

“Wow… Seiya… you’ve bulked up.” She smiled feeling his now muscular chest through his sweater. “I wanna see.” She slowly lifted the bottom of his shirt only to have him swiftly pin her to the couch and tear his shirt over his head. She giggled and looked up into his icy eyes before moving them over his torso. The same mangled skin remained only now it covered a stronger, improved Seiya. She shuddered as Darien’s chest flashed briefly in her mind. True, Seiya was more buff now but he’d never measure up to Darien. She groaned and wrapped her legs around his waist then kissed him again.

He smirked, finally his body aroused her, not just the thought of them together but his form. He felt his excitement grow as he moved his hands up her bare legs, under her shirt, and to her hips to pull her firmly to him. Oh how she’d changed. Her body had developed even further, she was now eighteen and her curves had become even more perfect, her legs longer and more defined… just everything about her was amazing. Unable to control himself he demandingly kissed her and tore her lace panties from her, he needed her in this moment. He didn’t even care that they were on the living room couch. She moaned and arched her back as he kissed her neck while unbuckling his pants and letting them fall to his knees. “I’ve been waiting for this…” He moaned into her neck and pushed into her feeling an overwhelming pleasure pulse through him. She cried out as he realized that she hadn’t had sex just as long as he hadn’t. The result had tightened her which in turned thrilled him even more. “My God Serena… you’re soo…” He couldn’t finish his sentence before he felt the urge to drive into her again. She cried out making him shudder. They continued, making love on the couch, eventually her cries quieted as she became more used to his body in hers once again. “I sort of liked you crying out like that.” He grinned making her laugh lightly. She’d never really been one to cry out, she didn’t like her partners knowing they held any sort of control.

As if on cue the front door opened making Serena freeze and stop Seiya. They remained still as they listened for the person in the entrance way to do something. “Serena?” Her face lit up as Darien’s smooth voice filled the house. Seiya growled angrily and pushed her into the couch, consequently pushing him further into her as if to protest Darien’s very presence. “Hey!” They heard him step through the entryway towards them.

“Get off of me.” She whispered almost desperately and looked towards the arch way. Seiya growled again and drove into her once again making her look at him with surprise.

“I’m not stopping just because he came home.” Seiya smirked and kissed her neck again, this time biting her lightly. She watched the archway and realized that Darien was hesitating. He wasn’t stepping into the archway even though he was just one step away. She went to call for him only to have Seiya press his lips to hers and begin to move within her again. She struggled lightly trying to convince him to stop but he refused.

“Excuse me.” She could hear Darien’s furious voice growl from the archway. “What the hell are you doing?” Seiya smirked and lifted his head, making eye contact with the furious man. “Hello?”

“Hi… how are you Darien?” Seiya didn’t cease his deliberate movements and instead covered Serena’s mouth so she couldn’t speak.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Darien practically yelled at the man in front of him who was so blatantly disrespecting him.

“What’s it look like I’m doing Darien? I’m fucking my girlfriend.” The smirk on Seiya’s face broadened as Andrew stepped in and grabbed Darien roughly pulling him back into the foyer. “Now… Back to my princess.” He lowered his lips to hers again and released his hand. She could hardly believe what Seiya had just done! It was disturbing, sick, and overall, just plain rude.

“Darien… calm down…” Serena could hear Andrew trying to calm her brother but she knew it wouldn’t work. Any moment now Darien would come bursting back into the room angry as hell.

“Seiya, stop, get off of me. We can do this later.” She tried to get up only to have him hold her down. “Please Seiya don’t make me call him in here to stop you.” He covered her mouth and quickly finished his task finally getting up he winked at her and fixed his pants then threw his shirt on. She sat up quickly and grabbed her ripped panties then glared at him and rushed through the living room, past a very irate Darien, and a very worried Andrew, up the stairs, then into her room. She was both embarrassed and ashamed at the current moment and didn’t want to face any of them. That’s when she heard the yelling start.

“What is wrong with you?” She could hear Darien’s fury clearly making her worry. “Have you no shame at all?” She had never heard Darien so angry before. It was as if the entire house was trembling. “Answer me!”

“She’s my girlfriend, I don’t see what the big deal is.” She could hear Seiya’s calm voice respond. He was so cool and collected it was hard to believe. Normally Seiya would have been yelling back but then again… normally Seiya would have stopped when Darien walked through the door.

“That was disrespectful and rude Seiya! Honestly! I’m going to be talking to her in a few minutes because she should know better! I did not come home to watch you have sex with her!” She could just see the look on his face. It would be contorted in such a way that even the devil might fear him.

“She does know better but that’s not the point Darien. The point is that you interrupted us. There was no point in stopping just because you showed up. Oh, and I don’t appreciate you’re tone with me Darien.” She winced as she heard Andrew shout in a clear effort to keep Darien away from Seiya. She could hardly believe what her boyfriend was saying. He was the one out of line here and he was telling Darien to watch his tone? What was going on? She listened to the silence then jumped in fear as she heard the unmistakable sound of Darien’s foot steps pounding on the stairs.

She scrambled to her bed and quickly crawled on top of it and moved into the corner pulling the blankets with her for protection. There was no knock, rather Darien burst through the door and slammed it behind him moving menacingly towards her. She pressed herself into the wall and held tightly onto the blanket hoping that he might be a little nicer to her. “Serena.” He growled dangerously. She looked at him with wide eyes.

“Darien… I…” He held up his hand then moved onto the bed until he was sitting on his knees in front of her, his eyes dark and threatening. Never before had he looked at her in such a way… it scared her. “Dare… I… He… he wouldn’t stop.” She shook and noticed his face soften a bit then harden again.

“You mean to tell me that you wanted him to stop doing what he was doing and he didn’t?” She nodded making him growl once again. “Why didn’t you say something?” She looked down with sad eyes unsure of whether or not she should tell him the truth.

“He covered my mouth… I mean… it’s no big deal, what’s done is done and we’re all okay… I’m sorry you had to see that but…” He leaned forward so his face was only inches from hers allowing her to notice the improvements since she last saw him. He was even more perfect than before.

“You’re saying that he practically raped you with Andrew and I in the next room. How is that not a big deal Serena?” His voice was edgy telling her that he was about to do something. He was furious and trying to hide it.

“I… It’s okay, really, he’s been sex deprived for seven months what do you expect?” She smiled but then grew serious when he didn’t.

“I expect some control and respect. I don’t care what he thinks he is. If he doesn’t clean up his act I’ll throw him out myself. I’m getting angry with him Serena and I’m beginning to rethink this. I’m not sure I’m comfortable with this anymore.” She gasp and watched his eyes darken even more. “I love you too much to allow this to keep happening. I mean, he’s been gone for so long and now he does this?”

“With all do respect Dare… you’ve been gone for a long time too… and now you’re doing this.” She said quietly and looked down as he leaned back with a look of shock on his face. She was right and he knew it. He was being overly protective and Seiya was being overly needy. Neither of them were allowed to act the way they were acting.

“You’re right… I’m sorry.” He hugged her and kissed her forehead. “It’s good to see you though.” He smiled. “Looks like you’re all grown up now, and you don’t really need me around after all.” She shook her head in protest and hugged him tightly.

“Even though you’re an ass at times I’ll always need you around.” She laughed and looked at her door. She knew Seiya was on the other side listening and she knew that he wasn’t happy. His demeanor had changed when Darien had walked in and she didn’t really like it. Perhaps that was because Seiya was a different man now… he knew how to do things to people that she didn’t want to imagine. He was dangerous and if he was beginning to dislike Darien… she feared what was going to happen.

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