Hey all! I know it’s been a while on this one but I’ve been busy wrapping up the quarter. It’s all good though… the Sims 3 is out now so I’ll be busy with that for a while… anywho just letting you know. On the other hand… on with the fics now. The next few chapters are going to whoosh by because we’re experiencing this fic sort of through Serena’s life and when Darien’s not around things tend to whoosh by in her mind until the next time she sees him so yeah… there will be a few rushed chapters from here forward. Meaning… we’re not that far from the end… now… unlike last time I’m going to SEPARATE the sequel from this one. For you weathered readers of this fic… it ends at the sad… umm… heartbreaking part where um Darien… well… I’m not going to give it away. Then the sequel is where Seriah comes into the picture… get it? If not PM me and I’ll try and clear it up. Until another chapter happy reading and REVIEW!

Old Friends

Read the author's note at the top if you haven't allready. It's IMPORTANT! Ilene rushed through the halls toward her now graduated son. Ken and Serena struggled to keep up with her as she rushed to Darien and threw her arms around him in an enthusiastic hug. “My little boy’s all grown up!” She exclaimed and kissed his cheeks. Ken shook his head and rubbed the back of his head as Raye and Seiya approached followed by Raye’s parents.

“These yer folks kid?” John boomed at Darien looking at Ilene and Ken. Darien nodded and John stepped forward to shake Ken’s hand. “I can’t say enough how this young man’s impressed us, ya did a fine job bringin’ him up! A fine job!” Ilene smiled and shook his hand. “The name’s John, John Hino, this is my wife Mary. Raye’s our girl and I’m so happy she found a decent boy to go off into the world with.”

“What are you talking about?” Ilene knitted her brow. She knew Raye and Darien were dating but not much else. “Go off into the world?” She smiled at Raye in a way that showed approval and admiration.

“The kid’s ‘r movin’ in together. Going to university… surely you know that about yer own kid?” John looked at Ilene in shock then to Darien for explanation. Serena watched her mother’s face twist in an attempt to understand what was being said then she smiled widely.

“Well, I didn’t know that but I must say I agree with you John. The kids are perfect for one another, I was worried about my son finding a worthy young lady and he has certainly done that!” Ilene hugged Raye then looked at Serena. “Now, if only my daughter could do the same.” Seiya grabbed his girlfriend tightly and glared at Ilene, he knew her parents didn’t like him but it didn’t matter.

“Seiya’s a fine young man. I’ve known him for years!” John boomed in an enthusiastic voice. “Your daughter has found a fine young man, don’t you fret.” Serena could hear her father snort in disagreement. “Isn’t it amazing how kids grow? Why, I remember Raye in diapers trying to walk.” John laughed.

“Yes… I don’t know how our little man grew up so quickly.” Ilene dabbed her watering eyes with a handkerchief making Serena livid.

“Gee mom, it’s easy to let time pass when you’re not around to observe it.” Everyone looked at Serena in shock as she challenged her mother. Ilene turned red with anger and turned on her heels to walk away. “Way to go, run off.” Darien looked at the blonde with warning in his eyes. He didn’t like where this was heading.

“Run? I don’t run… and how dare you talk to me like that Serena! Your father and I worked our asses off to make sure you had everything your little heart longed for! Your lessons were expensive… all those years and money wasted!” She shouted at her daughter. “What have you done with them Serena? Party everything away then chase it down with a gallon of vodka?” Serena stared at her mother wide eyed, Darien in anger, and John with shock.

“I’ve done plenty with my talents! I’m a champion dancer, cellist, plus I can act and sing!” Serena shouted. “You can’t do any of that!” Ilene only sneered and leaned into her daughter lowering her tone.

“The only reason you’ve done any of that is because of Darien. You’re nothing without his influence and you know it. You’re worthless on your own and when he goes away to university with his charming girlfriend and Seiya’s away… you’re going to fall flat on your face.” Ken stepped in and looked at Ilene angrily. “You know it’s true Kenny, stop trying to protect her from the horrible truth!” He glared at her with a look that was unread by most. It was a look of extreme warning, as if he had something to say that she didn’t want known. “I’m done… Nice meeting you John… Mary… but I feel it is time to go home. Have fun at your graduation party you three.” Ilene looked from Darien to Raye then to Seiya before turning and marching away.

Serena and Ken excused themselves and began to follow Ilene as the graduates went to the bus waiting to take them to their party. Serena, though she was happy the three had graduated, she was hurt by her mother’s comments. “Don’t mind your mother, she’s upset that Darien’s grown up so fast.” She smiled knowing he was trying to make excuses for Ilene… the problem was that there were no excuses for what she’d said. Her mother aside though, she was also happy that Andrew and Molly were to visit in a week; their company would surely cheer her up.

“Get up you two! They’ll be here any minute!” Darien roused the sleeping couple and smiled when Serena opened her eyes enthusiastically. “Hurry up, Raye’s already here and now we’re just waiting for them.” Darien retreated allowing Serena to jump out of bed and dress. Seiya on the other hand was far more lethargic. He didn’t want to meet Andrew and Molly, especially not Andrew. From what he heard about Andrew he hated him.

“I’m so excited!” Serena exclaimed and pulled a pink sundress from her closet then pulled it over her head and threw Seiya a shirt and pants. “Come on, you’re going to love Andy! He and Darien are so alike!” she rushed out of the room and down the stairs almost running Raye over. “Sorry… but you were in may way!” Serena breathed quickly and stared out the front window.

Raye smiled and looked at Darien with wide eyes as if to ask the story of Serena and Andrew. Darien only shrugged then glanced upstairs as Seiya began to descend. “This had better be good.” He frowned and watched Darien’s smile spread. “Serena… will you not push your face against the glass?”

A few moments later Serena threw the door open and ran out of the house, to Andrew who had just exited his car, and jumped on him. “ANDY!” She squealed and hugged him tight as Molly made her way to them. “Molly!” She let the tall blonde go and hugged her close friend as Darien, Raye, and Seiya stepped out of the house. “I’ve missed you both so much!”

“I can tell Sere… next time you jump on me can you not wear a dress, I was afraid of grabbing your ass.” He winked making Seiya fume. Molly walked over to Darien and gave him a brief hug before looking at Raye and Seiya. “So! Are these the significant others?” Andrew smirked and approached Seiya with a skip in his step. “Hello, you must be Seiya! Heard a lot about you… and Raye, lovely young lady.”

Seiya could see how charming and suave Andrew was and it drove him insane. It was clear that Serena had a certain liking for Andrew that was more than friendly. “Yes, this is Raye and Serena’s boyfriend Seiya. Right Say?” Darien asked innocently making both Seiya and Andrew’s eyes widen. Andrew then narrowed his eyes and scanned Seiya carefully which was ironically what Seiya was doing to him.

Serena stepped up to Andrew and touched is arm softly. “How’s your arm Andy?” The tall blonde smiled and flexed his muscles making Seiya even angrier. “Looks like you’re all healed.”

“I am… looks like you are too.” He smiled and looked at Darien who was giving him a silent look that he knew well. Sighing he lowered his arm and looked at Raye. “So… congratulations, you’ve managed to land the biggest tuna in the sea.”

“Not yet, I just have him on the line.” She laughed making Andrew roar. “It won’t be official until we’re walking out of the church with rings on.” Serena looked from Raye to Darien with wide eyes. “Of course… that isn’t really an option yet.” Molly smiled.

“Yah no Sarenah, ah think ya picked uh cutie!” She looked at Seiya with a wide smile. “How’d ya two meet?” Seiya looked at Molly then smiled as if he were devising some elaborate lie.

“I think the story of our relationship is more interesting than the tale of how we met… Either way… it’s really not a big deal.” Serena watched him walk into the house in a clear show of disapproval. Fucking asshole… how can he flirt with Serena like that right in front of me? Then there’s her… what was she thinking acting like that towards him… she’s taken! He paused briefly then looked into the mirror. Maybe she was only dating him as a placeholder until Andrew barged in and claimed her heart… that was possible right? Of course! Once a whore always a whore. That was why Darien kept such close watch of her. He then turned around and looked out the window at the five people laughing. Then he noticed the look in Darien’s eyes and for once Seiya understood why Andrew wasn’t an option for Serena. Andrew was a threat! Andrew was so like Darien he was a threat. Fuck Dare… you’re so twisted.

Seiya sat on the bank of the river glaring at the carefree teens in the water splashing each other playfully. Specifically he was glaring at Andrew who kept flirting with Serena. Raye and Darien were more off to the side enjoying the water but would occasionally join in when Serena splashed them. “Come on Say! Get in here… no one cares.” Darien coaxed the angry man on the bank.

“No!” Fucking asshole… no way I’m letting Andrew know how better looking he is. Serena frowned and looked up at Seiya. “No.” He shook his head feverishly making his long hair fly from side to side like a whip. “You know why.”

“It’s only skin baby… come on. I wanna lay with you.” She tried to convince him. Andrew smirked and grabbed her by the waist lifting her out of the water. “Let me go!” She giggled. “Andy!” He ignored her and began tickling her. Seiya stood up and pulled his shirt off causing Andrew to drop Serena and stare at Seiya in horror. Raye turned to Darien and pressed her face to his chest in an attempt to calm her reaction. She had never seen the scars and now that she had she regretted it. Seiya jumped into the water with ease and surfaced right by Serena grabbing her by the waist. “Ph! Hi baby… you can swim really well.”

“Yeah… I can… can you Andrew?” Seiya turned his icy eyes towards Andrew with a malicious threat behind them. Andrew just looked at him with terror written in his eyes. “Have something to say?”

“What the FUCK? What are you?” Andrew backed towards Darien suddenly seeing Seiya as a dangerous threat. Someone who could survive something that would do that to their body was someone capable of unspeakable things.

“What happened?” Molly asked and touched Seiya’s shoulder lightly looking over his scars. To her surprise he didn’t feel her hand on him, rather he was glaring at Andrew then Darien who was looking at him with concerned eyes.

“My mother torched me as a child. I barely lived… I’ve lost almost all my ability to feel sensations in my skin… that makes my pain threshold far greater than anyone you can imagine…” He was staring at Andrew who was looking at Darien like he was an idiotic nut. “This is why I’m thankful I’ve found someone who can love me for who I am… not for how I look.”

A few hours were spent in the river before they group of six returned to the house. Andrew watched Seiya with a renewed sense of suspicion. Andrew didn’t like Seiya. The man was always so… tooth achingly good around Serena but he knew better. The long-haired man was up to no good.

“Ayndy! Are ya listenin’?” Molly tugged at her brother’s arm pulling his gaze from Seiya who was staring at him with his icy blue eyes. Serena was looking at him intently, obviously waiting for a response.

“No… I wasn’t what did you want?” He looked at his little sister with a smile. She giggled and turned him to Darien who had a wide grin on his face. Clearly it was Darien who had asked whatever question.

“I wanted to know if we were going to play a friendly game of football.” Darien laughed and looked at each person individually. Andrew looked at Seiya with hesitant eyes. Seiya was almost daring him to say yes. “Well?”

“Yeah, sure… why not?” Andrew sighed and waited for them to form their two teams. He, Raye, and Darien were on one team, Seiya, Serena, and Molly on the other. The began to play and just as he predicted Seiya took every opportunity to knock him down. “Stop it!” He yelled partially through the game and threw the football into the ground. “Touch me again and I’ll kick your fucking ass!” Seiya smirked and tilted his head to the side.

“You’re playing football… you’re SUPPOSED to knock people down. That’s how you win.” Seiya laughed and pulled Serena to his side kissing her forehead. “Right Sweet Face?” She nodded and looked at her blonde friend. “But if you can’t take it maybe we should stop?” Andrew balled his fists and glanced at Darien who knitted his brow.

“Bring it on!” Andrew shouted and moved everyone into a play. As soon as he had the ball he felt something hit him knocking the wind out of him. By the time he hit the ground he could see Seiya’s icy eyes glittering above him. Another successful tackle by the little bastard. “What is your problem?” Andrew asked in a low tone so no one could hear him.

“Look at my woman again and I’ll gut you. You have no idea who I am or what I’m capable of.” Seiya growled making Andrew’s eyes widen. “You may be Darien’s best friend but in a little while he’s going to be powerless to stop me… and you won’t be safe anywhere.” Seiya then stood and offered Andrew his hand. “Help up Bud?” He smiled making Andrew shiver. How could Serena not see the dangerous creature that rested beneath that mangled skin? Better yet why didn’t Darien see it?

Tenderly Andrew took Seiya’s hand allowing the smaller man to help him up. He frowned as he realized Seiya possessed quite a bit of strength. “Thanks.” Andrew withdrew his hand abruptly and looked to his old friend. “I’m… pretty tired… can we go in and go to sleep now?”

“I guess… It’s only nine though Andrew… you’re really that tired?” Darien asked with his eyebrows knitted together. Raye smiled and informed the group she had to be heading home then took her leave. “Well, you know the drill, girls in one room boys in the other.” He laughed and went inside. The group split allowing Serena and Molly alone time once again.

“Mah brotha doesn’t like yer Sayah. Ya know thayt right?” Molly sighed and plopped onto Serena’s large bed. “He keeps sayin’ ‘e’s evil… Ah’m not sure yet.” Serena rolled her eyes and sat on the bed to take in Molly’s form. It seemed like forever since they’d been able to talk. The past two weeks of her and Andrew staying she’d been so tired she just went to sleep after the day’s activities. “Do ya like ‘im or are ya just keepin’ ‘im fer now?”

“I like him Moll. He’s a great guy, sweet, nice… protective… a little too possessive at times but there’s nothing wrong with that right? He’s going to be a cop.” Serena smiled and lay beside Molly. “He’s my type of guy.” Molly couldn’t help but feel her heart sink. She’d always wanted Serena to date Andrew. They were so right for one another! “I’m going to miss him when they send him to the academy… I’ll be all alone… and it’s coming up so soon too!” Serena’s eyes began to tear up signaling to Molly that there was something more to the conversation and she was missing it.

“So… Raye seems like a nice girl! Do ya like her?” Molly’s voice quieted in caution causing her Jersey accent to wane. Serena smiled and nodded. “So… ya like her? That’s good. Ah think Darien does too. They seem right for one another.” Serena suddenly rolled over so her back was facing Molly. “Serena?”

“I hate her Molly… I hate the way she makes him smile… I hate the way they look like they fit together.” Molly paled as she realized that her suspicions were true. Serena was in love with Darien. So blindly in love that she didn’t notice Seiya’s icy stares. Molly had noticed them, the cold, unmoving, calculating stares Seiya threw at Darien. As if he were waiting for Darien to do something. Anything.

“I think Andy wants to go home tomorrow. He’s been hinting at it. So just in case… bye Serena.” Molly sighed and rolled over staring at the wall. “I don’t think Seiya wants us here…”

“I want you here!” Serena cried and sat up. “You’re all I have right now Molly! You’re the only one of my girl friends who knows me… please don’t you leave me too!” She cried and grabbed onto Molly’s arm. “The only people I trust are you, Andy, Jed, Seiya, and Darien.”

“Who’d Jed?” Molly turned and looked at her friend with new interest making Serena blush. “Ohhh… you like ‘im dontcha!” Molly’s accent began to return. “What’s he like? Tall… ‘andsome… what?” Molly bounced and looked into her friend’s eyes. “Come on!”

“Well… he’s just a good friend in drama… he’s… tall, blonde… green eyed… he has a temper but he’s so sensitive and sweet at the same time… he hates Seiya… too jealous.” Serena giggled and looked up at the ceiling. “He makes me want to leave Seiya… sort of.” Molly’s eyes widened. Serena had always been miss promiscuous but she thought the blonde had changed. “I won’t though. I like Seiya and Darien hand picked him to be my boyfriend.” Molly frowned at this, Serena should date who she wanted not who Darien picked out. “Don’t look at me like that. I trust Darien and Seiya loves me for who I am. I’m happy.” She smiled and lay down closing her eyes. I’m happy.