I hope y'all enjoy this one... I'm not sure if you liked the last one or not because of all... what 200 or 300 hits there were like 5 reviews. *sobs* Just kidding but I do like reviews... Love reviews actually, especially when my readers are telling me what they love most about the story.

I want to formally thank all of my dedicated readers, I look forward to your messages and support. Please continue to read and review! Thank you!


The whole week after that Seiya kept Serena away from her brother as much as possible. It wasn’t that difficult though seeing that she was practicing for the talent show and doing her homework. He figured she was upset because the year was drawing to a close and every day Raye talked more and more about going off to college and living away from home with Darien and Andrew. Despite the fact that she didn’t know Andrew she was happy to know that he was going to be staying with her and Darien. “It’ll keep me an honest woman.” She’d laugh making Serena laugh so hard Seiya often thought she was going to fall out of her chair. Darien always looked at her with a warning in his eyes and she’d apologize half-heartedly. “Are you two going to prom?” Raye suddenly asked making Serena look up in shock.

“We… haven’t talked about it… Seiya you haven’t even mentioned going to prom!” Jed looked up from his text book and at Seiya. Darien didn’t seem shocked by her comment.

Seiya shrugged and leaned back in his chair eyeing Jed who was looking at him with resentment. He knew that if Jed were a Junior or Senior he’d ask her in a heartbeat. “I don’t really want to go to prom. It’s just a dance where everyone else judges you. It’s a competition without rules.” Serena seemed to wilt. If he didn’t want to take her to prom then he wouldn’t want to go with her when she was old enough to go.

“Don’t you think you should go anyway Seiya? I mean, Serena looks like she wants to go.” Darien said with an edge to his voice. Seiya smiled, he knew Darien was telling him to take her but he didn’t have to and he’d be damned if he was going to let Darien tell him what to do.

“She can go next year and the year after when she’s in the proper grade to go.” He shrugged and noticed how she seemed to wilt. He hated it when she did that. “I really don’t want to go to it sweet face.” He sighed.

“Then, don’t.” Serena smiled and stood to throw out her lunch. She then walked away and Jed jumped up after her glaring at Seiya as he went. After Jed was gone he could feel Darien’s furious eyes on him but he didn’t care. It was none of his business.

“You’re taking her to prom.” Darien snapped and leaned forward making the girls at the table bit their lips in anticipation of an argument. “You will not ruin this for her.”

“Ruin what? Darien, she has two more years to go to prom. Why do I have to go this year? I don’t want to go, I don’t enjoy dancing and it’s not my thing.” Seiya challenged what was Darien thinking?

“You’ll take her because it’s her thing. You will do this for her because I know this is your last chance to do something like this with her. After this year you won’t have the time to go to a dance with her. She’ll either wind up never going or with someone else. Do you really want to do that?” Darien stared into his eyes, dark blue to ice, they struggled against one another. “Do it or else.”

“What? Are you threatening me Darien? What do you have to threaten me with? Nothing! You can do nothing to me! I’m not going and that’s final!” Darien glared at Seiya and suddenly Seiya knew what he could do. One word from Darien and Serena would want nothing more to do with him. Darien held all the cards when it came to her.

“I’m not arguing with you Seiya. You either take her to this dance or you lose.” Seiya looked at him with shock. “You’ll lose her and you know it.” Darien offered an explanation then leaned back. “She’s already found a replacement who seems more than willing to step in.” Seiya’s eyes widened along with Raye’s. Both were shocked at his forward comments.

“Fine. I’ll take her.” Seiya snapped and stood up. “You’re such a fucking asshole Darien!” Seiya stormed away leaving Darien at the table with all of the girls. He was pissed, why should he have to take her to prom? Can’t he take her out to a romantic dinner or something? Dancing was their thing not his. Holy shit! He stopped in realization. Darien didn’t just want him to take her so she could go. Darien wanted him to take her so that they (Darien and Serena) could dance together! That manipulative bastard! Seiya was fuming as he found Serena sitting on a stone bench crying on Jadeite’s shoulder. “Beat it!” He snapped at the blonde teen next to Serena. Jed quickly left, glaring at Seiya the whole time. “Serena… I’m sorry, I thought about it and I want to go with you. I realized I was being selfish and not thinking about what you wanted.”

“You don’t have to take me because Darien told you to.” She attempted to wipe the tears from her eyes. “I just thought you’d want to go with me and show off to everyone.” Her words made him think for a moment. Show off? What was she talking about. “If we went to prom together then it’s clear that you, Seiya Kou, is dating the hottest girl in school. Don’t you want that? Isn’t that what you want?” He sat on the bench beside her. When did she start thinking like this? As if he didn’t really love her?

“No, that’s not what I want. I wanted to take you out to a romantic dinner or something not objectify you. I can’t dance so all of your talent would be wasted on me.” He smiled and held her in his arms. “When did you start thinking that I was using you for my own gain?”

“I don’t know but I don’t like feeling that way.” She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. “Actually… I guess I’m just… trying to transfer my sadness and anger onto you. I know you love me I’m just so… He’s leaving me Seiya, and you’re going to be away for a while. I just feel like… he’s giving up on me and that you won’t have time to love me.” He squeezed her tightly and thought about her words. She felt like Darien was giving up on her? Hardly. If anything, Darien was trying to pull her closer!

“You’re going to be fine Serena.” Seiya sighed and looked at her. “So… you’d better go and pick out a dress for prom. It’s coming up in only a week and a half… try to pick something appropriate for a high school dance. If you show up looking too sexy I’m not going to be able to dance with you.” He laughed making her smile. “I’ll buy it for you… at least I’ll try. I get my inheritance when I turn eighteen.” He smiled. “Not long from now.”

“Inheritance… from what?” She looked at him realizing that Seiya had more secrets than she thought. “How much?”

“How rude of you Serena… but if you must know… roughly five million.” She widened her eyes and breathed. That was quite a bit of money… with five million Seiya would be set in many ways. “My birthday’s in two weeks by the way.”

“Where am I going to get eh money to pay for my dress then?” She asked and frowned. She knew the type of gown she wanted and it would be a two thousand dollar dress. She sighed and dreaded having to ask her parents for money she knew they didn’t have. She was amazed that they were able to afford anything with the bankruptcy and all.

“I don’t know… you may have to get something less expensive…” He sighed. “I suppose you could wear the dress you wore to your competition… where did you get that one anyway?” He asked and looked at her expectantly.

“Darien found it somewhere… he just handed it to me and said that’s what I was wearing… he does that to me all the time. I remember one time he made me change before going to school. It was so embarrassing.” She laughed and looked into Seiya’s concerned eyes. Darien had picked out THAT dress for her? It had been so perfect for her and yet so overly seductive.

“Where’d he get it?” She shrugged and looked away. It was clear she didn’t know and didn’t care. That bothered him in itself but still.

“Oh! Look at this one!” Raye exclaimed and held a candy apple red dress up to her. Serena frowned. It was cheaply made and wasn’t meant to last beyond one night of dancing. True it was beautiful and the color worked wonderfully on her but it was wrong and Serena wasn’t about to let her brother’s date look cheap… even if no one else noticed.

“Yeah… but Raye… I don’t think any of these are good enough. I did some research and found a ballroom dancing shop close by… we should go there. Trust me.” Serena smiled and grabbed the red dress putting it back onto the rack. “Come on.” Serena pulled her out of the store and waited at the nearest crosswalk for the light to turn green. Standing there she fantasized about pushing Raye into traffic but Darien would know it was her if she did.

As they made their way down the street Raye attempted dance, making Serena laugh. Raye was a wonderful person really, mart, full of life, and so devoted to Darien. “I’m not very good am I?” She asked suddenly looking into Serena’s blue eyes. “Will you teach me to dance Serena? Not like you but just a little bit so I’m not blubbering all over the dance floor with your brother?”

“He wouldn’t do that to you Raye.” She laughed but paused for a moment. She could teach Raye a little something… for Darien of course. He loved to dance so much and having a dance partner that couldn’t dance would drive him insane. “I could teach you a little something… and Seiya too! Would you be willing to learn with him if I can get him to do it?” She asked becoming excited. She would teach them both to dance.

“Ummm… I guess.” She smiled and paused in front of the dress shop Serena mentioned. “Wow… these must be expensive.” Raye whistled and looked at the display dresses. “I don’t know if I can afford this.”

“Oh, just try!” Serena laughed and pulled the raven-haired girl inside. An older man approached them. One look at Serena and his eyes lit up. “Hello!” She greeted. “My friend and I need some dresses, nothing too expensive.”

“Anything for Serena Shields.” The old man smiled and lead the way to a rack of dresses. The two spent their time looking for dresses until Raye found one she liked. Excited she went to the dressing room and tried it on, it was stunning on her. The strapless bodice was a deep crimson red that gradually faded to black. Serena smiled. It was perfect. “Anything for you Miss. Serena?” The man asked.

“Not yet.” She frowned then turned and noticed a pink dress. With excitement she picked it off the rack. “This one!” She didn’t need to try it on; it was her size. “I have to leave mine here until my boyfriend comes and gets it… will you hold it?” She felt embarrassed by her wuestion but she had to do it.

“Yes. You miss?” He looked at Raye who shyly pulled out the six hundred dollars for the dress. He smiled and rung her up before wrapping the dress. The two girls then walked out to see Darien and Seiya standing there. Seiya looked a little pale by the appearance of the store and Darien was smiling an all-knowing smile.

“I knew you’d wind up here.” He laughed and took the dress from Raye’s arms then hung it in the backseat of his Mercedes. “Where’s yours Serena?”

“Inside waiting for Seiya to buy it.” She smiled and looked at Seiya expectantly. Darien only nodded and pulled Seiya into the store to the counter. The old man smiled in recognition and pulled Serena’s dress off of the rack he’d placed it on.

“Twelve hundred.” The man smiled and lay the already packaged dress on the counter. Seiya bit his lip. He didn’t have that much money yet, not eve close!

“No problem.” Darien smiled and pulled out his wallet.

“What are you doing?” Seiya grabbed his arm making him pause. “You can’t buy my girlfriends dress. I won’t let you. That’s my responsibility.” Darien looked at the store clerk then at Seiya with warning in his eyes. “I don’t care what you think. She can get herself something less expensive.”

“I don’t think so.” Darien laughed and pulled the cash out of his wallet making Seiya’s eyes go wide. “The one thing you’re going to learn about her Seiya is that she’s expensive.” Seiya could hardly believe Darien’s attitude, not to mention the depths of his wallet. “Don’t look at me like that. She doesn’t have to know I bought it.”

“I’ll know… besides, where did you get all that money?” Seiya looked at Darien who only smiled and took the box then handed it to him. “Darien?”

“I have my own money. Once again, she doesn’t have to know.” With that he walked out and waited for Seiya to hand Serena the box. “Looks like he had enough Serena. You’re lucky. Remember though, you need to be more mindful of his finances.” The large smile she gave him made him realize that she didn’t care. It wasn’t her job to mind his finances.

“So Serena, here I’ve spent all day with you and I don’t know what you’re going this week for the talent show. What are you doing?” She smiled trying to make conversation after seeing the glare Seiya threw at Darien.

“I’m singing a song and then dancing to another. They want us to do two acts for some reason… I’m not sure why.” She trailed off. Darien was looking at her with the strangest expression she could almost see his question.

“I haven’t seen or heard you practicing…” He knitted his brow then looked to Seiya for confirmation of this fact. Seiya nodded his head in concurrence. “What songs are you doing Serena?” She shrugged not wanting to ruin the surprise. If she told now then he’d try and convince her to change her mind and she was not going to change her mind.

“It’s a secret.” She winked and got into the waiting car making Darien growl. He hated it when she kept things from him. She smiled, he was going to dwell on it all day then bug her until she told him. She wouldn’t though; he could wait a few days to actually see the performance.

Standing backstage in her costume suddenly she felt as though she was making a mistake. Jed looked at her with concern, a usual emotion for him. She pretended not to notice but she did. She noticed him more so than most others. “I’ve been meaning to ask you… are you and Seiya having issues Serena?” He ventured and moved close to her.

“No… why would you ask?” She bit her lip knowing why he would ask. The song she was singing was more than enough reason to worry about her and Seiya but it wasn’t for Seiya and she certainly couldn’t tell him that.

“Well… I just… okay then.” He nodded and stepped over to the side of the curtain to peek out into the audience. “You’re up next Rena.” She blushed hearing the nick name. When did he start calling her that? “I hope you knock it out of the park that way when I win you’ll know it’s because I’m better.” She laughed and took her place behind the curtain as the girl currently onstage scrambled to get offstage.

The curtains opened revealing the audience and in it was Darien, Raye, Seiya, and… her father? When did he get home? She wondered and suddenly felt a weight press onto her shoulders. She couldn’t do this… shouldn’t do this. Unfortunately for her it was too late and she had to begin. And so she sung. (AN: Look these up on Youtube if you’re not familiar with them.)

The sound of holding on - almost a whisper
The sigh of broken hearts - a quiet cry
The rain upon your face
Brings gravity and grace
And softly you begin to breathe again

I don't have all the answers to your sad prayers
But if I could I'd give you angel's wings
To go where hope is found
With strength to reach beyond
And carries like a song upon the wind

Please don't give up
Please don't you give up
‘cause I believe
Yes, I believe
I still believe... in us

To go where hope is found
With strength to reach beyond
And carries like a song upon the wind

Please don't give up
Please don't you give up
‘cause I believe
Yes, I believe
I still believe... in us

The sound of holding on - almost a whisper
The sigh of broken hearts - a quiet cry
The rain upon your face
Brings gravity and grace
And softly you begin to breathe again

The crowd loved it and cheered as Yanni’s Almost a whisper ended and faded into Love and Attraction by Darren Hayes. She moved to the music easily putting her heart into it making the crowd go wild.

I do not want anyone, anyone who really wants me,

Every one that I desire, wants to be with someone else. . .

I find it so amusing.

Isn't that the way it goes?

I'm a blimp on someone’s radar

They don't even catch my eye

I want what I haven't got, even if it kills me trying.

I want her, she wants him, he wants me, I give in.

I want her, I want him, I don't want anything.

I started questioning, the rules of coupling.

This strip is Moebius, it's never ending.

Love and attraction.

It's like sex and passion.

It's two ends of a spectrum.

Are you a friend or a lover?

Now pick one or the other.

It's not easy to find, anyone who captivates me,

Anyone deserving time.

Must have somehow passed me by

Looking in the wrong direction.

She wants him, he wants me, I don't want anybody,

And everyone who wants me-

It's so amusing.

Love and attraction.

It's like sex and passion.

It's two ends of a spectrum.

Are you a friend or lover?

Now pick one or the other.

Everybody wants someone to hold.

Everybody wants to choose a role.

Ain't nobody willing to break the mold.

No hint of bravery.

Everybody chasing some ideal

None of it obtainable, none of it real

Everything falls between the cracks of

Love and attraction.

Love and attraction.

It's like sex and passion.

It's two ends of a spectrum.

Are you a friend or lover?

Now pick one or the other.

Love and attraction

It's like joy and sadness

It's like peace and conflict

You can chase them forever

Are they ever together?

Love and attraction

Love and attraction

Love and attraction

You can chase them forever

Are they ever together?

Everybody wants someone to hold.

Everybody wants to choose a role.

Everybody willing to break the mold.

No hint of bravery.

Everybody chasing some ideal.

None of it obtainable, none of it real

Everything falls between the cracks of

Love and attraction.

Love and attraction

Love and attraction

Love and attraction

You can chase them forever

Are they ever together?

Finally her performance was done and she took a deep bow. Making her way off stage she breathed and mode her way into the hall knowing that he was going to come and talk to her. She wanted him to, she just hoped Seiya didn’t come with him. Sure enough Darien appeared at the end of the hallway just in time to see her slide down the wall to the floor.

Taking a deep breath he steadied his erratic heart beat. How could she be so blatantly obvious with her performance, she was certainly lucky that Raye and Seiya didn’t realize what she was trying to say. He seemed the only one who knew her well enough to know it was her trying to get him to love her. He did love her but he just couldn’t be what she wanted. “Serena.” He sighed and knelt in front of her. “Very nicely done… now do you mind telling me what you think you’re doing?”

“I’m expressing my feelings in the only way I know how.” She smiled. “Well… not the only way… but the only decent way.” He sighed and looked into her eyes knowing that nothing he could say would change her mind.

“I wish you hadn’t done that.” Was all he managed to say. “Seiya loved it.” She looked at him sharply knowing what he was doing. He was trying to downplay what she’d just done, trying to pretend he didn’t know what she was trying to say.

“I hate you.” She whispered making him lean back in surprise. A look of pain slowly spread across his face just before he stood. Suddenly grabbing her arms he pulled her to her feet and stared into her eyes, almost challenging her to say it again. “Go on Dare, you’re missing the show… and I’m sure Raye is wondering where you went.” He squared his jaw and released her marching back towards the auditorium leaving her in the hall feeling sad and alone. She really did feel like he was giving up on her, as if he was shoving her towards Seiya and waving goodbye. “I hate this.” She closed her eyes and leaned against the wall.

Serena hurriedly rushed around trying to get ready for the prom. She was the only sophomore to be invited and she was nominated to be prom queen. How that happened she didn’t know but that small fact didn’t deter her at all. After her makeup was perfect she ever to tenderly plucked her perfect dress from the hanger. Seiya had spent his savings on it just so she could have it that day. He was so sweet and thoughtful. She stepped into it then brought the garment up and over her shoulders then admired herself in the mirror. The dress was remarkable, the bodice was make up of numerous dark pink, embroidered flower petals over a skin tone mesh base so it looked as though the petals covered her breasts then wrapped delicately around her neck, this continued to her upper thigh in an A-line fashion. At about her waist a cream piece of fabric wrapped around her in a parallel line with the bottom of the dress bodice. Below that fabric wavy sheer pink material draped down in four layers fading from the dark pink to the cream color. From her arms hung sheer scarf-like pieces of material that matched the dress and created a nice accent for when she decided to twirl. “Stunning.” Seiya smiled and took the metal zipper in his hand and moved it up her back.

“Thank you.” She smiled and turned to him. He looked good in his tux, so very becoming. “You’re not too bad yourself you know?” He only smiled and allowed her to tie his bowtie. “You have a few loose hairs though babe.” She laughed and took his long hair out of it’s pony tail and brushed it back into a fresh one. “There. Picture perfect.”

“I’ve been thinking about cutting my hair… what do you think?” She looked at him with shock. His hair was so long… how could he cut it? He laughed and pulled her into a light kiss. “You’re look says it all. I won’t.” He then took a curl of her golden locks between his fingers and smiled. “Ever think about wearing your hair differently?”

“I have… but I don’t know… Darien always told me I should wear my hair in my own unique way because I’m special…” She froze and realized just how starry eyed that sounded. She kept her hair in the spaghetti and meatballs to please him? What sort of crap was that? “Maybe I will cut it and wear it differently. I’ve been thinking about cutting it so it’s just to the small of my back… sort of like Mina or Raye’s. I sure like Raye’s hair…”

“I think you would look even more beautiful with your hair down like that… carefree and a little messy.” His icy eyes darkened for a moment then lightened once again. “Anyway Darien’s waiting for us.”

“Then we shouldn’t keep him waiting.” She smirked. Seiya offered his arm then proceeded to escort her down the stairs to where Darien was waiting in his tux that always made her heart pound. His tux was simple yet stunning, black slacks that made his legs look longer than they were, a white shirt, white vest and bowtie underneath his black jacket made him look all the more regal, and accented his “V” shaped body. She smiled inwardly noting the striking difference between him and Seiya. Seiya did not have the broad shoulders Darien did making his shape straighter and, as a result, his tux didn’t look as good even though the two tuxes weren’t so different.

“You both look great.” Darien nodded and opened the door. “Let’s go I really don’t want to be late to Raye’s. Her dad is trying to pick me apart.” He ushered them into the waiting limo and took his seat opposite to them. The ride to Raye’s house was short lived and as they pulled up to the house Serena felt herself grow envious of her. The house was large and well done; apparently Raye had some money. “I’ll be right back you two… behave.” Darien stepped out of the limo and knocked on the door waiting patiently with the wrist corsage he’d bought for her.

The couple watched as the door opened and out stepped a large Texan looking man who promptly grabbed Darien into a big hug and pulled him into the house. “That was John, Raye’s dad… he… really likes Darien.”

“Who doesn’t anymore?” Serena rolled her eyes and waited the twenty minutes for her brother to appear with his blushing date on his arm. Darien opened the door for her and she got in quickly.

“What happened?” Seiya prompted with a large smile as if he almost knew what had happened in that house. Darien looked as if he were trying to hold in his laughter peaking Serena’s curiosity. What could John have said to embarrass Darien?

“He told me to bring her back as innocent as she left… but, if I didn’t she’d better not be back until tomorrow morning and she’d better not be able to walk.” Darien laughed making Raye’s face even redder. Serena said nothing, only glared at the raven-haired woman at her brother’s side. He met her glare with a gaze that was equally as intense but with a different message. “Don’t let it bother you Raye. I’ll have you home by eleven.” He assured her.

“So you told daddy.” She whispered and looked out the window making Serena’s anger grow exponentially. Was Raye thinking that her brother was just some typical guy who took his date to prom then had sex with her afterwards? If so then she needed a serious wake up call. Raye’s eyes suddenly swung to Serena and scanned her carefully. “You’re quite stunning Serena… I’m afraid I can’t even begin to compete with you.” Darien smiled and shook his head as he looked out the window.

The ride to the restaurant remained silent in an odd stalemate as if everyone was afraid to talk for one reason or another. The conversation started on a light note during dinner but grew silent once again. Serena kept her eyes on the passing scenery but could feel eyes on her.

When the car finally stopped at the ballroom Darien slowly exited the vehicle and helped his date out before reaching back in to help Serena out. Seiya jumped out and glared at the dark haired man with malice. Seeing the anger Darien sighed and let Seiya help her out. Then, with a slow pace they entered the ballroom and were bombarded by the loud, fast paced music. Darien immediately looked at Serena, she only smiled and tightened her grip on Seiya’s arm before pulling him roughly onto the dance floor. “Great.” Darien rolled his eyes and looked at Raye with an annoyed look. “She’s going to go wild I know it.”

He was right too. Once on the dance floor among the droves of sweating teens she began to dance as she had at so many parties before this. Raye followed Darien’s fixed eyes to find Serena moving and grinding against the people near her. “Wow… she’s um… really good at that.” Darien emitted a short grunt then turned to Raye and smiled.

“I don’t suppose you’re up to dancing right now?” He held out his hand and tilted his head slightly forward making her blush. She nodded and took his hand then followed him onto the dance floor where they danced far less provocatively than Serena who was, for all intensive purposes, going a little wild.

After a few hours had passed Seiya finally pulled his date off the dance floor and to a table where he made her sit down. Her hair had fallen slightly out of it’s up do but still looked beautiful, her skin was covered in a light layer of perspiration and had a pink tint to it. As he stared at her sitting in her chair and breathing deeply he thought her to be the most beautiful creature in the world. “Almost time to announce the king and queen.” She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. “I’m more tired than I anticipated… before the incident I could have danced like that all night and then some.” Seiya laughed and pulled her close to him wondering if he could ever keep up with her. Her energy and enthusiasm could overwhelm the Looney Toons on crack.

The current song ended and the senior class president stood on the stage with a smile. Serena sat forward and looked at the girl with anticipation, she wanted to win, no doubt about that. “Ladies and gentlemen! It is time to announce the king and queen! May I ask that all those nominated please come to the stage, gentlemen to my left and ladies to my right.” Serena stood and gave Seiya a brief kiss before rushing to the stage. Why he hadn’t been nominated she wasn’t sure but she didn’t really care. Darien had been and that fact alone meant he would win, she just hoped she was his opposite.

Once all the nominees were onstage the class president took the announcement paper from one of her helpers and read it carefully. “Our winner for this years title of prom king is… Darien Shields!” The room erupted with applause and shouts of victory as he was crowned with a smile. “Now for the moment we’ve all been waiting for… this years prom queen is…” Everyone looked at her in anticipation as she hesitated. “Wow… this years queen is… Serena Shields.” The room erupted once again, this time with even more enthusiasm as she stepped forward and accepted her crown. “Never before in the history of our school has a non-senior won this title… this is a remarkable achievement Serena!” The girl smiled. “So now, I pronounce to you, this year’s prom king and queen, Darien and Serena! I also ask that we make way for them to take the dance floor for their dance as king and queen. He smiled widely and took her hand leading her to the middle of the dance floor.

“I had a hunch this would happen so I requested our song. What do you say we do that routine one last time?” He said softly into her ear as they assumed their position. She nodded and looked over at Seiya who’s eyes were blazing with anger. They stayed still until Yanni’s Reflections of Passion began to play, then they began to move together seamlessly. The routine was a waltz, their winning waltz, and it captivated the audience right to the end. When they finished they bowed respectfully. Seiya seemed the only one who didn’t find the dance amusing.

That’s it… that’s enough of them being so…close. His icy eyes fixed on Darien’s in a brief moment of challenge. If he’s trying to pull her away from me I’ll fucking kill him.