Hey all! Hope you enjoy this one! I'm sorry about the late updates but you know how it is with school and all that jazz. Let me know what you think pretty please. :D I love reviews and I know you love giving them. This chapter is completely new, never before read scenes! ;) anywho... yeah, enjoy! REVIEW!

The Tango

Panting in an attempt to catch her breath she looked into the eyes of the overly concerned man in front of her. His breath was labored as well but not nearly as sparse as hers. She smiled in an attempt to reassure him that she was fine but a simple smile never distracted him, he always knew the truth. “I don’t think we should do this Serena. You’re clearly not healthy enough.” With that he sighed and wrapped his arms around her pulling her to him so that her head could rest on his shoulder which was slightly dampened with perspiration. “I’m sorry but I can’t keep going knowing that you might collapse on me.”

“I’m… fine… Dare… I… I just… got a little… winded… that’s… all.” She managed to say weakly between breaths. She heard a rumble travel through his body before he released her and stood up slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. “You’re… not stopping… on me… now… are you?” She asked her eyes growing wide. Could he really be that worried about her health?

He ran his hand through his hair almost confirming her suspicions. “I think this is too much for you right now Serena. You’ve been in and out of the hospital so much your muscles haven’t had time to recover.”

Oh, no he doesn’t! She stood and grabbed him forcefully by the front of his wife beater and pulled him close to her. “We’re doing this!” It wasn’t a question. In fact she was surprised by the strength in her voice. His wide eyes told her he was too. “Now… where were we?”

“You really want to go through with this?” Darien sighed and took her hand in his pulling her into the hold. She straightened her back and adjusted her arms then smiled with a nod making him sigh again. “Fine, but if you start to get winded like that again I’m putting a stop to this and you won’t set foot on a dance floor until I know you’re okay. Got it?” His stern words didn’t affect her in the least, partially because she was already in her own mind, going through the dance moves. “And… you’ve stopped listening to me.” He laughed and began the dance.

Oh the tango, how she loved it, the ultimate flirting game. An internal battle with your sexuality. He pulled her to him, their bodies pressed to one another so very tightly that she could feel him. Undoubtedly this was true for him as well. She smiled and began to move with him as he stepped into her, forcing her back as was the goal of the dance.

As they moved across the shining wooden floor perfectly in tune with one another Serena took the time to reflect back on their last competition. They had won the title with raving reviews. Professionals worldwide praised them for their precision, as they should have. The reason for praise was because if either partner was to move even a half an inch out of step they would both tumble to the floor. Experts from around the world marveled at them because they were so very perfect together, they had the right chemistry, and perfect technique.

She managed to break from her thoughts just as Darien spun her around and pulled her back against him before continuing forward. She gasp in surprise then regained her composure and slid down his body rolling her hips as she went. The large mirror in front of her reflected the performance making her smile, perfectly executed… and Darien played so well into their routines. He had closed his eyes and almost looked like he was in pain. What an actor. She thought.

As she slowly stood Darien held her arms to her side, pulling her to her feet all the while trying to suppress the shudder that threatened to rip through his body. Good God if she knew the affect she has on me in moments like these… he thought and began to step to the side bringing her with him.

Finally they finished their dance, both perspiring and breathing heavily. “We are so going to win.” Serena breathed and looked at her partner who nodded and sat on the ground. “You okay?” She ventured and touched his shoulder lightly hoping to pull an answer from him. “Darien?”

“I’m fine… I think it’s time to go home.” He looked up at the clock then jumped to his feet. “Oh no! Serena… I have a date with Raye in an hour!” He rushed to his bag which contained his cell phone and busied himself in making a call to her. Serena in turn, went to her bag and found her cell phone noticing that she had missed five calls. A few were from a number she didn’t know but she assumed it was Seiya because he was in an interview for the academy. Shrugging those ones off, she looked at the next two. One was Molly and the other was Jed. “I’ll see you in a bit. Bye Raye.” Darien flipped his phone shut and looked at Serena expectantly. “Come on, we have to go. I still need to get dressed to go out with Raye.”

“Why? What’s wrong with what you’re wearing?” Serena scanned him briefly admiring the way his wife beater clung to the damp skin of his muscular chest. “I think you look just fine.” He smirked and swung his bag over his shoulder before grabbing hers and walking out. “So… um… do you want to do the talent show with me or am I going solo?”

“I’m going to pass on the show.” He smiled as his Mercedes came into view. How he loved that damned car! “Hurry up, I really don’t want to be late.” His voice was stern as he put their bags into the car and got in. She followed suit and remained silent during the drive home.

Serena and Seiya stood on the front porch and waved as Darien drove away to go and get his date. “Where were you two so late?” Seiya asked blankly and turned his icy eyes on her. “I called you three times while I was in the process of going through my interview.” She smiled and walked back into the house with him on her heels. “Serena?”

“We were in the dance studio practicing for our upcoming competition. Why?” She paused and looked at Seiya. “You’re not honestly worried about me spending time with my brother are you?” She knitted her brow as Seiya continued to look into her eyes.

“You know I am. I know what you’re thinking when you’re around him.” He turned his back to her and began to walk up the stairs. “I don’t like you two spending so much alone time together, it’s not right.” Seiya paused and turned to her. “Come here sweet face.” He smiled making her smile in return. “I just worry about you that’s all.”

“You don’t need to worry about me around him. He’ll never let anything bad happen to me again. As for my own thoughts… well, he has Raye now so he’s always thinking about her.” Seiya narrowed his eyes but smiled nonetheless. “How did your interview go?”

“Splendidly! I’m in. I go to training right after Dairen leaves for college.” She smiled and walked to him seductively, moving her hips similarly to the way she had been in her dance. “Why? Want to congratulate me?” She nodded and pulled his lips to hers. It was a lie of course, she was actually using him, using him for her own needs that currently pulsed through her body.

“Feeling a little frisky?” Seiya grinned playfully and pulled her to him pressing his lips to hers. “I love you sweet face.” He whispered and lifted her off the floor before beginning to walk up the stairs with her. “How did rehearsal go?”

“Just as well as your interview I suppose. We’re practically ready to perform at a moment’s notice.” She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. He mumbled something under his breath then continued his slow ascent.

Darien stepped into the house and silently went upstairs, it was only eleven but Serena and Seiya had already turned in. He breathed a sigh of relief and went straight to his closed door pausing briefly as he heard something stir in Serena’s room. A few moments passed before he opened his door only to see Serena pull her door open and step out. “How was your date?” She asked with an air that was somewhat strained.

“It was fine… how was your evening… are you okay?” He asked as he brushed a few strands of her golden hair from her face. Something in her eyes made his heart ache. A smile graced his face as he pulled her into a tight hug. “What is it?”

“Nothing… I just… I don’t know…” He could smell Seiya’s scent in her hair… and he hated it. “I’m going to miss you when you go.” He smiled and squeezed her a little tighter. If there was ever someone who needed him it was the blonde in his arms. She was so very strong and yet so very fragile.

“That’s a long way off.” He cooed then noticed a shadow move into Serena’s doorway. He knew what it was, who it was. “You should go back o bed now Serena.” He smiled and released her chucking her chin lightly before retreating into his room.

“Ready for bed yet?” Seiya’s voice alerted her to his presence. “I am.” She looked at his dark figure filling the doorway, sending and ominous shiver down her spine. “Come to bed Serena.” She nodded and stepped into the bedroom feeling his icy eyes on her, boring into her soul as if to search her for the impurities he knew she hid. Pulling her onto the bed he trapped her in his arms so that she had to rest her head on his chest. “Tell me that you love me Serena.” She could feel the beating his heart, it was fast compared to normal.

Hesitating, she could tell he was growing impatient and annoyed with her. Why was it that lately, spending time with Darien was unsettling Seiya? “I love you. You know that.” She whispered against his deformed skin.

Seiya listened to her words and frowned. She had said the phrase but the emotion wasn’t as pure as he would have liked. Then there was the fact that she hadn’t said his name. That bothered him more than anything else, and as she drifted into her sleep he felt an anger wash over him. She hadn’t been tired earlier, or if she had she’d waited for Darien to come home. Typical, she’d been waiting for Darien for a long time; waiting for him to realize that she loved him. Seiya smiled; he knew, all the little secrets she’d tried to hide from him over the years were so obvious in his eyes.

It enraged Seiya to think about it. He loved her so very much yet all she could see was Darien. In that moment Seiya made a promise to himself; no more of this game. He would put a stop to the never ending game Serena and Darien were playing. If either refused then he’d make them stop.

Darien… wouldn’t like him intervening like that but he had to. The one thing Darien didn’t know was how much he was hurting her. Each time he’d hug Serena then turn around and walk hand-in-hand with Raye a little part of her would wither. She was practically dying from the inside-out because of his irresponsibility. Seiya knew that putting a stop to their relationship would be difficult but he was ready. Soon he’d be going away to CIA training… something he hadn’t told anyone. They could think he was a cop but he had strict instructions not to let them know anything else. Nonetheless, his training as a CIA agent would trump any knowledge Darien had and his superior strength would be nothing. “I’ll be the man you want Serena… I promise you I will be… and when I am I’ll take away all your pain and make him leave us alone.” He whispered to her meaning every word.

Serena looked in the mirror and sighed, the black gown she was wearing made her look so much older, more sophisticated. Poking her head out of her dressing room she looked at Darien. “Will you come and help me with this?” She was holding the front of the gown to her, unable to finish the dressing process. He nodded and stepped into the room surveying her briefly before moving around her and taking the top into his hands. She held her hair to the side as he fastened the transparent material at her neck then moved his hands down the dress as if to smooth it out. “Thank you.” She whispered and turned her head to look at him. “Do you like the dress?”

“It’s very nice.” He smiled and surveyed her again. The dress was fashioned as if the only thing holding the front together was a small lace and medallion at her left pelvic bone. The bodice was extremely asymmetrical, the top of the solid material was cut into jagged peaks, her right breast was done in a shimmering golden material that matched the golden gloves she wore. The jagged peaks were held up by sheer nude material that went to her neck and fastened with a rhinestone collar. The skirt was gathered and flowed around her, the split went from the floor to the medallion exposing her long, shapely legs. Her golden locks were piled atop her head and cascaded down to her shoulders in ringlets. “Are you ready?”

“Are you?” She smiled and scanned him. He was so very handsome in his black slacks with his black and gold chemise. He was stunning and she was breathtaking. They looked like the perfect couple, as they always had.

“Come on, let’s go.” He took her by the hand and led her out into the hallway then into the waiting area. Their performance was next and as they waited Serena felt herself getting excited. She couldn’t wait to be on the dance floor, her job out there was to flirt with him, something she would never get away with in everyday life. “I’m sure we’ll win.” He smiled and grew serious. The truth was that he was worried, not about the dance, but how he was going to handle it. In rehearsal he found himself becoming more and more aroused by her. He knew why, it was Seiya. Seiya was like competition for him, even if not much. He wouldn’t lie, he wanted her, and he knew, that she would never say no to him. She was his if he asked but how could he do that? All these years he’d been her protector, the person who kept her safe, even from herself at times. Changing their dynamic now would be… more damaging than beneficial, if only she could see that. No, he could never have her, and he knew he had to let her go. Seiya was a nice guy, and had so far, been a great companion for her.

The announcer cued their entrance and, as if on autopilot they moved on stage and took their places a few feet from one another. She stood with her back to him, her leg stretched just enough to the side that her entire leg was peaking out from her dress, her head was turned ever so slightly towards him, her eyes closed. She was so beautiful to him that it took every fiber in his body not to walk to her in that moment. If he did he’d ruin their intro scene.

As if the stage hands knew his thoughts the music started and he began his deliberate walk to her as she did her own little dance moves. She always made something up in the beginning and no two performances were the same, but that’s part of why he loved dancing with her. She knew what she was doing and would let you know it.

Finally reaching her he spun her around and pulled her to him into their ever so perfect and close dance hold. As they began to move Seiya watched them, while he sat beside Raye who was wide eyed. “I had no idea they were so good! They’re perfect together!” She breathed and leaned forward admiring the dancing couple. “I wish I could dance like that… Oh, Seiya, now I’m nervous about prom!” She grabbed his arm and looked at him.

“Don’t be nervous about that. He wouldn’t make you dance with him like this at prom.” His icy eyes never moved from the two. No wonder Serena had been so playful every night since rehearsals started, this wasn’t just a dance, it was a seduction. Darien moved her about the dance floor so smoothly, and with such control that it made Seiya furious. Never could he hold such command over her and she was his girlfriend! Not to mention the way they moved together; as if they were one. He hated this, hated watching this, especially when Darien’s hands slid over her as if they were lovers.

“Beautiful isn’t it?” Seiya jumped and turned to the seat beside him to see Ken sitting there. “They’ve always been perfect together.” Ken moved his eyes away from his children and looked at Seiya. “Be careful, Serena’s never been much for green eyes.” Seiya turned back to the dance floor and felt his hands tighten into fists. “Seiya, trust me, your jealousy is wasted on them. It will never happen.” Suddenly Ken became very interesting in Seiya’s eyes. What did he know about their dynamic? He was never around to see it.

“You have no idea what you’re talking about.” Seiya said flatly and glanced over at Raye who had since become entranced by the dance. How innocent Raye was to not see the carnal feelings ripping through the pair on the dance floor. Did she honestly believe it to be an act?

“I do have an idea. I know them Seiya, and don’t think I don’t. I may not be around as much as I’d like but I know them both. It’s my job as a father… the person I don’t know, and I don’t like, is you.” Seiya turned to him angrily and stared into the man’s brown eyes. “Serena may not see it, and Darien may be too trusting of you but I can see that emptiness in your eyes. If you know what’s good for you you’ll stay away from my daughter and leave my family alone.”

“I can’t do that Ken, I love her too much to stay away now.” Ken surveyed him for a brief moment then looked back at the pair who finished their dance. The entire crowd stood up and applauded. “I plan to marry her one day so you’d better warm up to me Kenneth.” Seiya smiled as he applauded.

“She’ll never marry you Seiya. She’s not that girl.” The blonde’s father defended. Who was Seiya to think Serena would ever marry? She was a free spirit and wanted to be able to do as she pleased. She didn’t want to be owned by some jealous man.

“I think you underestimate me sir.” Seiya glanced at Ken noticing the look of shock on his face. A smile spread across the young man’s face as he began to realize that Ken was a scared little boy trapped in a man’s body. He’d always loved his children but he’d been too afraid to raise them. “She will marry me, and when she does… she’ll never see him again.” Seiya smiled and watched the two take a deep bow then walked off stage smiling the whole way.

Raye suddenly grabbed Seiya’s arm and began to pull him to the backstage area, away from a very pale Ken. “Come on Seiya! Let’s go and congratulate them on a brilliant performance! I think they’ve won!” He let her drag him through the halls until they reached the hall and saw Darien leaning against the wall next to a dressing room door. He looked tired and drained yet still energized. It was a weird image of him to say the least. “You were so amazing!” Raye shouted and flung her arms around his neck pulling him into a large hug. Surprised, Darien looked at Seiya then wrapped his arms around her. “Amazing and sexy.” She smiled making him laugh lightly. Seiya only looked at them then opened the door and moved into the dressing room before anyone could object.

Serena was sitting in a chair staring at herself in the mirror as if in a trance. She didn’t even notice him. Seiya walked to her silently, his eyes fixed on the reflection of hers until her was standing just behind her. She was breathtaking. Where did she get that dress? He wondered then took her chin in his hand making her jump and swing her eyes to him as he turned her head. “You’re so beautiful sweet face.” He smiled but felt angry when she pulled away from him and began to touch up her make up. “No response?”

“I’ve always been called beautiful and breathtaking Seiya. For once, I’d like someone to tell me something else about myself… or is my brother the only one who can see more to me than my beauty?” An there it was. As if she had just smacked him in the face he stared at her slack jawed. Did she really think that he only saw her for her beauty? Of course not, in the beginning that was the first thing he noticed about her and wanted nothing to do with her!

“Serena, you know better than that. I love you for who you are not how you look. You were wonderful out there, I know I could never do any of that.” He smiled but felt resentment towards both her and Darien.

“I know that you do, but it’s nice to hear about something other than the obvious once in a while.” She sighed and looked back into the mirror. “Besides, no matter how beautiful I am it’s never enough… and it will never last.” She sighed.

What was she talking about? Suddenly she’s depressed? Had she and Darien had an argument just before this? “Ken’s here you know?” Seiya changed the subject as she stood up and walked to the door pulling it open. He followed her into the hall, glancing at Darien who held a confused look on his face.

“What did you say to her?” Darien snapped and grabbed his arm. Seiya looked at Darien with unease. Him? What had he said? Raye stood there looking at Seiya with concerned eyes. “Seiya, why is she upset?” Seiya didn’t answer. How could he when he didn’t know. “Fine.” Darien snapped and moved past him and down the hall after Serena.

“You didn’t say anything to her to upset her did you?” Raye asked silently watching Darien move down the hall with determination. Seiya shook his head. “I thought not… you think she acts like that so he’ll pay more attention to her?” She asked suddenly making him look at her with shock in his eyes. The thought had crossed his mind a few times. “I just feel that sometimes… I’m missing half of their conversations… so many seem to be nonverbal. They’re so used to one another… sometimes when Darien looks at me I think he’s trying to say something but I don’t know what. Then, he’ll get frustrated… as if I’m supposed to know his nonverbal cues as well as she does. It’s not fair… Does Serena do that to you?”

“I think she does.” Seiya nodded and looked at his friend. She was the only one who was feeling as lost around them as him. “I’m going to put a stop to it though. I think their relationship is too close and it needs to stop.” She nodded in thought then hugged him suddenly.

“I’m glad I’m not going through this alone. You’ve always been so good when it comes to this type of thing… thank you for being there.” She smiled and began to walk down the hall after Darien and Serena. Seiya followed unsure of how he was going to drive them apart, especially when Ken seemed so adamant about keeping him away.