Okay, here we go, you get three chapters today. Two chapters and an Epilogue. Yes, it's over and even though I'm sad to see it end I'm also very happy. :D Enjoy!

Act Now

Serena sat on the edge of her bed, her body stiff and her eyes staring straight ahead blankly. Occasionally she could hear Helios' angry voice shouting various threats and warnings but beyond that the house was quiet. She couldn't take this, couldn't handle the idea of waiting to see what information Derrick managed to scrounge up. We must act now! She bitterly pursed her lips together.

Standing up, Serena walked into the great room and glared at the three men sitting at the table. The white haired twins faced her while her husband's body faced the other way. Even at a glance she could see the devastation ripping through the man's body. Darien wasn't one to relinquish possession of anything and the fact that their daughter was so close to danger was more than likely driving him to the brink of his civility. "Dare… we have to go and get her."

Helios stood and looked at Serena with sorrow as Darien shook his head from side to side. "Serena… you're not going anywhere." Darien said softly and looked up at Helios who only nodded his agreement. Peruru nodded in turn. "So help me you're not participating in this."

"This will never stop! As long as there are people out there who are loyal to Seiya… this will never stop! Even now… he's seeking revenge!" Darien turned in his chair, his deep blue eyes furious and dark.

"Serena! You are NOT going to do anything about this! This is MY responsibility." He stood as the blond balled her fists in defiance. Peruru looked at Helios, this was an argument waiting to happen. "You are going to stay in this house and be safe. I will call whoever I need to in order to keep you here." Though Darien's tone warned anger and danger Serena could see the fear nestled deep in his eyes. "The boys and I are waiting for Derrick to come back, when he does, we'll learn what he knows then we're leaving…" The defiance in Serena's eyes was enough to know that she would not listen to him. "Fine, if you're going to be stubborn then I'm calling Sapphire to baby-sit you… and Andrew for good measure."

"Excuse me? Baby-sit!" Serena screamed angrily. "I am not sixteen any more Darien! You're not going to have me watched as if I'm a prisoner, I'm you're wife! Rini and Seriah are my children! I'm going with you." She crossed her arms as if to solidify her statement just as Darien's phone began to ring.

Hesitating for a brief moment he looked at the caller ID and answered the phone. "What did you find out?" Darien eyed his wife carefully as Derrick relayed all of the information he knew.

"Dad, the guy's name is Imit, he's the best imitator out there… I remember him shadowing Seiya… the guys nuts dad. I'm pretty sure he's in love with Seriah and mom… Yaten says he's gone to great lengths to become Seiya and because of that… anything you would expect from Seiya, you can expect from Imit. I'm betting Seriah's no longer running the show here, I bet she's just a pawn that he's playing and he's likely to have back up. If you go over there now… I'm betting it's going to be an ambush. I don't know what to do dad… I'm freaking out here." Darien listened to his son relay the information and felt a familiar twinge of fear strike him. Derrick was right, this Imit character was really a nut if he'd altered himself so drastically in order to obtain another's life.

"Derrick… I want you to come home and watch your mother. I'm calling Sapphire to see if he can help and I'm going to ask Andrew to come over and make sure Serena doesn't leave the house. Helios, Peruru, and myself are going over there to get your sister and put an end to this." The silence throughout the house and over the phone was deafening. Everyone seemed uneasy with the plan but that was what had to be done.

"Dad… I want to go with you. I know I don't have any training or anything but… I… I want to help get Rini back. It's my fault she was taken." Darien shook his head and walked away from Serena and into the library where he could speak without her hearing.

"No Derrick. I need you to be here… you understand… that when I go over there, they won't let me leave. I'm not going to make it out of there alive, Peruru and Helios might. I don't plan on coming back because I know… I can't win this without sacrificing myself. I'm getting on in the years you know, and this… loon is your age." Derrick was speechless, to hear his father confess that he would most likely die in the hands of a madman… well, that's something that kills a conversation.

"Dad… don't think like that. You have to come back… mom will kill herself if you don't come back." Derrick closed his eyes as he imagined Serena's lifeless image surrounded by blood. "I don't think you should go."

"I have to go Derrick. Now, I have another phone call to make. Please, take care of her… okay? Rini too." With that Darien hung up the phone and dialed Andrew's number. A few short moments later he was dialing Sapphire who promised to come to the house in half an hour with six armed men ready to go with him to get Rini.

"I always knew I made a good choice in training you. It's turned out rather useful." Sapphire sighed. "I know what you're doing and I'm going to ask you to reconsider."

Imit stood in the office and calmly looked out the window with his hands clasp behind his back. It had been easy, so very easy. He was now completely in control here, Seriah was like putty in his hands and Rini, well, she was more of a bartering chip than anything else. Outside he could see the dozen or so men ready to apprehend the enemy he knew was on the way. This was all going to be so easy, too easy. Imit growled and swiveled on his heels to glare at the family picture that set on the desk. "You were too easy Seiya!" He shouted at the man in the picture. He had expected a challenge, becoming the great Seiya should have brought something difficult but no. "Maybe we've overestimated you Seiya… it's easy to be you, you control everyone, manipulate them using force… you thrive off of fear." Imit sneered and threw the photo against the opposite wall. "I wanted more!" He then heard the sound of an angry little girl shouting and smiled.

Stepping out of his office he walked to the living room and saw Rini at the door, trying to pull it open as Seriah bounded down the stairs after her. "You little brat! See if I try to feed you ever again!" Seriah grabbed Rini by the hair and pulled her from the door. "I'm going to hurt you so bad your Daddy's going to feel it!"

Imit stepped forward and grabbed Seriah's hand just before it made contact with the young girl's face. "No." He growled sternly. Seriah seemed to tense a bit, the command clearly unwelcome. He looked into Rini's defiant eyes and smiled. "Rini, you know better than to try and run off, now, go back upstairs and eat your food, your Daddy will be here soon and you can see him… but only if you're a good girl." Rini observed him for a few minutes before looking at Seriah then back.

"Really?" She asked skeptically. "Daddy's coming here?" Her blue eyes shone with hope and love. It was endearing to see her that way.

"Yes really, your Daddy's coming to get you so you should go and eat, get cleaned up. You know, look pretty for your Daddy?" Rini nodded and quietly walked up the stairs. Imit smiled and stood up, he felt so empowered at the moment. For once, he had manipulated someone without force.

"What the fuck was that?" Seriah growled and turned her furious eyes on him. "So suddenly you're being nice to her? That's not the Seiya I knew, my father would have beat her and taken her back to her room without so much as a word!" Imit surveyed Seriah for a moment then shook his head.

"I'm done with this, being Seiya was too easy. I'm up for a new challenge now, a new life." He could see the anger and confusion in Seriah's eyes but chose not to address it. "Besides, wouldn't you prefer to be with a man who didn't look like your father?"

"Wait… you're telling me… that… you… you want to change yourself to be someone else? But you've worked so hard to become my dad!" Seriah threw up her hands in exasperation. "Who are you going to be next? Who's better than my dad?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Imit smirked and pulled her to him suggestively. "Does it really matter who I feel like becoming?" She uneasily looked at him and bit her lip. Of course it mattered! "You're just going to have to wait to find out. Now, go and get dressed up nice, we have company coming over."

Andrew arrived at the same time Derrick and Sapphire did. His green eyes scanned everyone briefly before he walked to the house. It was hard to believe that this war had been going on for so long. Before he reached the door Darien opened it, his usually soft face was now hardened with a regretful expression. "Good to see you Andrew." He let a smile touch his lips as he pulled his long time friend into a hug.

Andrew smiled sadly and nodded before pulling away and looking his friend in the eye. "Good to see you too Dare… too bad it has to be like this." Andrew then walked into the house and to the living room where Serena was sitting on the couch. "Hey there beautiful, how are you?" He quickly walked to her and sat next to her.

"I'm fine." She smiled and turned her blue eyes onto his. "I'm just fine Andrew, thank you for coming, I appreciate it." He frowned, why in the world was she so at peace at the current moment? Then it dawned on him, maybe Darien hadn't told her that this was a suicide mission. Maybe Darien was keeping it from her!

"Okay people listen up!" Sapphire shouted as everyone assembled into the living room. "Darien, I have two teams here, Alpha and Bravo, you think it's too cliché you can kiss my ass." He smiled and winked at Darien who only shook his head. "Okay, both teams move on your command Dare, you are the one in charge here. I already know that Helios is going to do his own thing so Peruru, that leaves you with being Bravo's team leader. Darien, obviously Alpha will be on your tail every step of the way. I'll be here, I'm not going to have any sort of contact in this and so teams… this is where you get out from under my wings." Everyone nodded and looked at one another. "I say good luck and try to not get yourselves killed. Remember, we're dealing with a bunch of nutcases so tread carefully, and don't do anything stupid. I want everyone wearing a vest… that includes you dipshit." He looked pointedly at Helios who simply narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. "I mean it. I want everyone back here in one piece." With that he stepped up to Darien and whispered something in the man's ear. They both nodded and Sapphire backed away.

"Okay everyone, outside now! Load into the van and get ready to go!" The entire room began to clear as Darien walked over to Serena and smiled. Kneeling in front of her he took her hands into his and looked into her eyes. "Stay safe and don't do anything stupid. I love you." He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers in a very chaste but meaningful kiss. "Hey, keep her safe you guys." He looked from Derrick, to Andrew, then to Sapphire. "I've got to go. Bye Serena." He kissed her once again and quickly left the house.

"If he thinks he's not coming back he has another thing coming." Serena snapped and stormed into her room. Andrew shook his head and followed her. If there was one thing he knew about Serena it was that she would do whatever she wanted unless she was watched closely. "I'm not going to sneak out Andy, I promise you." She met him at the door with a stern face. "I'm not sixteen okay?"

"Fine, I'll trust you but if you betray that trust I'll never forgive you." Andrew smiled and hugged her before turning away and walking back into the living room. "She'll be fine." He then paused as he saw Sapphire cleaning a very powerful looking handgun. "What the… why do you have a gun?"

"In case that bastard shows up… why else?" Sapphire shrugged. "Honestly kiddo, you have to chill out, no wonder you're a politician." Andrew felt his face redden but let the comment go. He'd learned that it wasn't a good idea to aggravate a man with a gun.

The two teams moved swiftly towards the house that Darien remembered so well. It had been a Trojan horse of sorts. Seiya had built it knowing that one day, it would be more than simply a house. Looking upon it now he realized just how well thought out the structure was. It was fairly secluded from the rest of the neighborhood, the house had a solid construction and the visibility of the yard from inside the house made it a hard target.

Anyone who attacked the house could be seen long before they got there. "Bravo, stay put, I'm going around back, and Helios go get my daughter." Darien commanded powerfully as he moved around to the side of the house. "Men, fall back." He said quietly and began to advance without the team. Moving forward he peeked around the side of the house and into the empty back yard, he didn't like this, it was too quiet. He carefully moved along the house and into the back. The gun in his hands gave him hope that maybe he would make it out alive so that he could go back to Serena. After all, it was time for their happily ever after.

From inside the house Imit watched Darien move stealthily into the back yard. He smiled, he had to admit, for a man beginning to age, Darien still had it. "Come on… just a little further you idiot." Imit whispered more to himself than anyone else. Just as he was about to give the signal for his men to move in Imit heard gunshots out front and a thud from inside the house.

Seriah dropped to the ground, blood pouring from her side. "God Damn it!" She shouted and looked towards the kitchen where Imit was. "Peruru shot me!" She screamed and waited for some type of response. "Imit!" She waited but realized that he wasn't going to give himself away.

"Ruru!" Rini's happy voice filled the living room as she came bounding down the stairs. She stopped when she saw Seriah on the floor bleeding. "Nehelenia?" Seriah's icy eyes locked onto the girl as a cold smile washed over her.

"That's right Rini… yes, that's right." Seriah stood while holding her side. "That's who I am… Nehelenia." She held her gun firmly in her hands and pointed it at Rini. "Now, get back upstairs before I shoot you." Seriah paused then smiled. "Actually honey… come here." She motioned for Rini to come closer to her. Rini hesitated then jumped as she heard a triumphant cry resonate from the kitchen.

"Rini, come here!" Imit shouted happily. "Your Daddy's here!" Rini quickly rushed into the kitchen and was immediately scooped into Imit's arms. "Let's go see him." Imit moved onto the back patio with Rini and smiled at the man currently in the hands of three well-trained men. The small team of men that had been tailing Darien were also in custody but nothing was quite as satisfying as seeing Darien kneeling on the ground with his hands tied behind his back. "Well well well, Darien, so good to see you!" Darien's dark blue eyes immediately shot up. That defiance was absolute.

"Okay, I'm here, let my daughter go!" Darien shouted then paled a bit when he saw the gun in Imit's left hand. "You don't need her!"

"You're right… I don't… I now have you… then why should I keep her alive?" Imit cocked the gun and held it to Rini's head. "You'd be proud, she's just like you." Imit squeezed the little girl tightly against him and pressed his cheek to hers. "She's so precious."

"We got the others sir!" The rest of his men announced and brought Peruru and his team around back as well. Helios hadn't been caught, a promising fact.

"There's one left somewhere." Imit frowned also not spotting Helios. "Find him." Imit smiled as he stared Darien down. He could see the despair setting in on the man but didn't let that fool him. As long as Helios was loose, he could lose.

"No need." Imit spun around to see Helios holding Seriah as a human shield. Her side was bleeding and it was clear that the two had struggled against one another before Helios had overpowered the woman. He was currently holding a gun to her head and smiling wickedly. "I'll trade you, Seriah for Rini."

"How quaint, I don't think you'll do it." Imit smiled and tightened his finger around the trigger. Helios' eyes shifted to Rini's briefly before he pursed his lips and tightened his hold on Seriah. "I have everyone, you're the only one left without a gun to his head Helios, what makes you think you can win?"

Helios smirked and cocked the gun in his hand. "I will shoot her. This bitch should have died years ago and everyone knows it." Imit simply shrugged as if to challenge Helios. "You really don't think I'll shoot her?"

"No, I don't. I have no reason to let Rini go… Seriah serves as a romantic interest to me but soon I'll have Serena and when I tire of her… I'll have Rini." Helios' face contorted into one of pure rage. "Shoot her, go ahead, do it. Let precious little Rini see what you're really capable of." Imit's voice was dark, mocking Helios. "If you're not going to do it then step aside and release her."

Helios looked into Rini's frightened eyes and felt his finger loosen on the trigger. He couldn't shoot Seriah with Rini watching. The little girl smiled at him then closed her eyes. Oh how wonderfully intelligent she was! With newfound courage Helios pulled the trigger sending a bullet into the side of Seriah's head. He felt her body go limp as he felt her blood begin to seep into his clothes. Imit was smirking! "I told you I would!"

"Yes, you did… and you're a fool for doing it too." Imit then pointed the gun at his enemy and sighed. "You're an idiot Helios. To actually think I needed that woman, she was a ploy, and an amusing girl to manipulate. Men, detain Helios here and bring Darien inside. I need to have a conversation with him."