Chapter 5

It had been a wacky three days. Serena and Darien had gotten suited in their suites and started exploring the ship. During their look over of the grandest ship, they met Captain Smith who did not know who they were. With some help from the future, Serena was able to eliminate the problem. As they continued their walk, Serena and Darien finally got to meet Rose and Jack Dawson. Then, Serena almost had a panic attack to learn that Firestar and Scirius were sick and they weren't able to work. At dinner Serena and Darien dined with the top millionaires and mistresses on Titanic. After dinner, Darien and Rose took a walk along the deck. Though they didn't know that they were being watched by Sati in the crow's nest. Now it is April 14^th and it is only hours before the iceberg hits, and the gang is in real trouble.

"6:00 in the morning. I am becoming real nervous now!" said Serena, while she and Darien were resting in the bed after a long night of walking and talking.

"Serena, you have your crystal charged up right? It is only matter of time before Sati shows her face and we will battle her to the end," said Darien.

"But so much that can happen between now till 11:40 p.m. I am just nervous about what will happen," said Serena.

"Don't worry, we will be fine!" said Darien.

"I hope so," said Serena.

Then there was a knocked and Rini burst in crying and sobbing.

"Mommy, I don't wan to die!!!" sobbed Rini.

"Sshh...It's all right Rini!" said Serena, as she cradled Rini.

"Rini, you are a scout, you will do fine," said Darien.

"I just don't wan to die!!!!! I don't want to be a part of the body count!" cried Rini.

Then another knock came from the door and in came Rose.

"I am sorry, but I saw Rini sobbing and I thought that there was something wrong. So I invited her in and she started sobbing even louder so I was worried and went to your room to find out what happened. I am sorry if I scarred her to death," said Rose.

"Well thank you Rose, but um... Rini read a book that said a liner called the Titanic would sink the early hours of the morning tomorrow, and she would be part of the dead. She isn't very fond of riding in steam liners, especially after reading that book," explained Darien. "Would you like to join us for breakfast? I hear that the café is so crowded in the morning, that I ordered ahead, and we are going to eat on the promenade deck. And I have ordered enough food for an army, so go and get Jack so we can have breakfast."

"All right! I will be right back!" said Rose.

As Rose left, Rini stopped crying but was still clanged to Serena's loving arms, and Darien breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did you think she would buy that? I mean it is about the liner, and it is happening tonight! Oh dam, she might tell Jack!" said Darien.

"I know Rose and she loves reading but she doesn't believe everything she reads, so probably, I believe, she won't tell anyone," said Serena.

"I hope your right!" said Darien.

But they shouldn't have worried about whether Rose believed what they said. They should of worried about who was cooking their food and preparing their drinks. In the kitchen, the cooks prepared first class, second class, and third class food. What they didn't know that they had a spy among them. Sati was dressed up as a cook, and had a special formula with her. She prepared the grape juice for the Shields family, and she knew that the Dawsons would be dining with them too. She thought this was the perfect opportunity to unleash her plan. She heard Rose and Darien talking about their marriages, and thought about what would happen if there were a cheater in the family.

"Ahh...take a bottle of sweet sugar and mix it with a rose and whala! A love potion made for two unexpected lovers!!!! This shall be good!!" thought Sati.

She opened up the vase and poured it in Darien's cup and Rose's cup. Sati got hair samples mixed with the potions so the hair DNA dissolved into the love potion so the potion would cloud the brain and make them fall in love with the person's hair DNA. Sati put the potion in and then got the cart ready with their other food. As she walked to their rooms, she changed into a steward.

"Oh here is our food, thank you steward,'' said Darien.

"Oh enjoy sir!" said Sati.

As Sati walked out, she started to laugh quietly. The families started to eat and talk at the same time.

"Did you hear that the Captain is retiring after this voyage?" asked Serena.

"It would be terrible if the ship had an accident!" laughed Jack.

All of a sudden, Rini started to sob.

"Oh darling it's all right!" said Serena.

"Is it what she read?" asked Rose.

"Yes, it is, but remember that was reading material. Most likely it isn't true," said Serena.

Then Rose and Darien drank their drinks and the potion went through their system straight to their brains.

"Umm... Whoa... that is some great grape juice, hey Rose, would you like to meet at the café at lets say 6:00 p.m.?" asked Darien.

"Oh yes I would love to," said Rose.

Serena eyed Darien very carefully she knew something wasn't right. She took Rini out of the room and went to the Allison family room.

"What happened?" asked Luna.

"Oh Rini must've read that book on Titanic and now she's hysterical that she will die right after the iceberg hits," explained Serena.

Rini was still sobbing and she couldn't stop. Luna came to her and gave her LunaP, Rini's personal toy that was given to her by Sailor Pluto. Rini stopped crying and played with the ball.

"Is something else wrong Serena?" asked Luna.

"Oh nothing... I am just concerned with Rini. Is it okay if she stays with you for tonight?" asked Serena.

"Of course, what about tonight?" asked Luna.

"Get her to a lifeboat immediately! Then I want you two in sailor form defending us against Sati. Got it?" asked Serena.

"Sure, we are three steps ahead of you," said Artemis.

At 6:00 p.m., Rose and Darien were dining away in the café talking away their troubles. As they walked out to the deck they felt so good of their selves.

"Oh Darien you are such a trip!" said Rose.

"Well I am always funny around girls," replied Darien.

"Oh something has come over me, because I feel like we were mean to be!" said Rose. "It's weird, but a good feeling!"

"Well lets make it last!" said Darien.

Then it happened, Rose and Darien locked lips and it was a long kiss. Serena was walking along the deck when she found them.

"What the hell??!!!!" yelled Serena.

After that, jack walked in too, and was equally shocked.


Though Darien and Rose didn't stopped. Serena couldn't watch it anymore and ran to the bar. Jack then followed her.

At the bar, Serena ordered brandies and sobbed and sobbed. Jack came in and comforted her.

"Serena, I am so sorry," said Jack.

"Oh it is no big deal, my heart has always been broken by him! So are you equally mad?" asked Serena.

"Oh yeah, but I don't know what to do. Care for a tequila? It's a new drink but it's loaded!" said jack.

"Bring it on lover boy!" said Serena.

After 12 drinks, both had the same, Serena and Jack were equally drunk and unsteady.

"So how about we go back to your stateroom and have some more drinks. Care to do that?" asked Serena.

"Come my beauty, lets go," said Jack.

Jack hoisted Serena in his arms, and they kissed and kissed. They got to his stateroom, and after that Serena went unconscious for a good half an hour.

Sailor Sun was concerned. It was 10:50 and Hichens was now where to been seen. Plus Serena was also gone and Darien was too M.I.A. So now he had to take control of the operation.

"Girls, come and meet me on the deck, and hurry!" yelled Sailor Sun.

"Jake what's wrong?'' asked Sailor Earth.

"Oh, nothing, but your granddaughter is nowhere to be seen! And it is closing in on 11:40! We need to find Hichens!!!" said Sailor Sun.

"All right, I will locate them," replied Sailor Earth.

In Jack's stateroom, Serena awoke in a bed with a terrible headache. She got dressed and went to the deck. She checked the time and it was now 11:20 p.m. She had to act quickly. Serena went up to the boat deck to view the scene.

"Jake I am present and ready for duty!" said Serena.

"It's about time!!" said Sailor Sun.

Then Darien came aboard and was dressed in his Tuxedo Mask garb.

"Where were you? I was worried!" said Darien.

"Right now I think we have more important things to do," replied Serena.

As the couple walked on the deck, Rose and Jack came on the deck holding hands as if nothing happened.

"Okay 11:39! Girls suit up!" said Sailor Sun.

"Inner Scout transform!!!" yelled the girls.

"Sailor Ancient Power Transform!" yelled Sailor Sun, Earth, Scirius, and Firestar.

"Moon Ancient Neo-Queen Make-Up Power!" yelled Serena.

Then all the girls were ready. The inner scouts noticed the iceberg and raced to the bridge with Sailor Sun closely behind.

"Open this door!!!" yelled Sailor Jupiter.

"Of course, come on in hiyahh!!!'' yelled Sati.

All of a sudden Sati burst the door opened and lunged a sword at them. The iceberg drew closer and closer, Sailor Sun attacked Sati with his golden sabers and the two were now dodging each other's swords. Sailor Mercury moved in and turned the wheel to the left to try and miss the berg, but Sati moved too quickly for Sailor Sun and hit Sailor Mercury.

"Guys the wheel!!!! She is spinning it to make it hit the berg hit on, making more ice fall off!!!" said Sailor Mercury.

Sailor Mars was able to move the wheel to the left but the girls then felt a shudder.

"Oh god no!!!" said Sailor Mercury.

At the deck below, Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask were watching the iceberg hit. They got really nervous on what might happen.

"Guys move now!!!!" yelled Sailor Moon.

As Rose and Jack ran away, the iceberg hit the deck and the ice just missed Rose and Jack.

"That was close!" said Tuxedo Mask.

Back in the bridge, Sati kept on fighting with Sailor Sun.

"You really think you can help the save the ship??" asked Sati.

"Yes we do," said Sailor Sun.

"Well your powers can fend off a fleet of ships!" yelled Sati.

"What??" asked Sailor Sun.

"Yes you probably didn't expect the other part of my plan!" said Sati. "Right now, the fleet is coming out of the time wrap, and it will then make the sinking faster!!! Rose won't be able to make it to a boat, and then the diamond will sink to the bottom of the ocean forever!!! Good luck!"

Then Sati spun some sand and she was gone. Now the berg had hit, now how to get out is the question.

"Serena, should I go and get Rini?" asked Serena.

"No, Luna will bring her up to load her on," said Serena.

"What will we do now?" asked Darien.

"I don't know, I just don't know," sobbed Serena.

Sailor Moon collapsed in Tuxedo Mask's arms and she knew that there was probably a not good chance that they would get off alive.

Continued in Chapter 5.