That night I sat at the end of my bed thinking whether or not calling Seiya was a good idea or not. I thought about it long and hard I had several reasons why I should and just one very strong reason why not too and it was because I was already in love with Darien. I wanted to try to get over Darien, I really did but I loved him. I just couldn’t let go of him so easily, he was my world and my one and only. I know what your thinking, why did I get all dressed up if I got a guys phone number and when I did, wasn’t going to use it? To be honest I thought I was ready to move on, to try to have some other kind of life with out Darien, but I cant. Maybe I forget that Darien is my life he is the reason I wake up in the morning, and spend hours getting ready he’s the reason im alive and have made it this far in life.

The Next Morning

I got up and took a shower, and while I was in the shower I realized something, something I should have realized quit a while back. I realized I was four months pregnant and should start shopping for some baby things. It really dawned on me, I had tried to prepare my self emotionally so far but not physically I didn’t have cribs, clothes, bottles or anything. I decided it was time to take out the credit card and get shopping. When I arrived at the mall I headed straight to Zellers in the baby section and began to grab anything that I thought was remotely cute. After I had spent over 200 dollars there. I continued my search for cribs and baby monitors. As I was walking to the furniture store I realized something else I was going to need more maternity clothes I had bought some but I still had 5 more months and I was going to get bigger. I continued to walk through the mall when I spotted Ray and Darien holding hands and kissing. It wasn’t something that I hadn’t seen before but it didn’t change how much it hurt. The thoughts that kept racing through my head where things I questioned about a lot ‘nothing about me has changed that’s why im here wondering what makes her so much better than me?’ I ran away before they could notice me as fresh tears fell from my eyes but my running was at a halt when I bumped into someone. When I looked up to see who it was it was Seiya.

Serena? Are you alright?”

Yeah sorry Seiya, im just fine”

Would you be crying if you where fine?” he asked

Im not okay, but I really don’t want to talk about it”

That’s fine, Want to grab a milkshake?”

Sure” I smiled

We walked to a little place called “Shakes” where we had our milkshakes and chatted.
I actually learnt a lot about Seiya.I learnt he was 19,was in school wanted to own a big store one day and that he lived with both of his parents. I don’t know what is wrong with me all the guys I meet seem to be so much older than me Darien was 21 and seiya was 19 there was huge age gabs there. He seemed like a great guy someone I could enjoy hanging out with, just not fall in love with. Although I continued to chat with him.

I continued to see Seiya, I probably would have started to have strong feelings for him by now, if I wasn’t so head over heals for Darien. I knew he wouldn’t ever be mine but there was a little part of me that truly believed that one-day, just one day he would be mine again. It had been a month now and Seiya and me were considered dating. He was always very sweet to me but when I kissed him I just didn’t feel the same sparks I did when I kissed Darien. One Night he came over and we rented some movies and just enjoyed each other’s company. Half way through our movie the doorbell rang. I went to the door to see who it was and shockingly enough it was Darien.

Uh hi Darien”

Serena, I tried calling your cell but no one answered and wanted to tell you something important”

Oh sorry, what is it?”

Well im leaving tonight on a business trip. I wont be back for about a month” he said

Oh” it was all I was able to say at the moment.

Will you be alright?”He asked

Yea, ill be fine really.” I said with a smile.

Okay good. Ill keep in touch and make sure you and the baby are alright”

Okay goodbye Darien”


When I walked back into the house and shut the door. Seiya was standing up almost right be side the door, which scared me almost half to death.

God, you scared me Seiya,” I said

What did he want Serena?” he demanded

Nothing, just to tell me he was going away”

I saw the way you looked at him”

I knew I always looked at Darien a certain way but it was intentionally I was just so deeply in love with him sometimes I forgot I was staring into his deep blue eyes.

What are you talking about?” I asked giving him a weird look

Your in love with him I know it “he yelled and clutched on to my right wrist

Seiya im not! let go of me your hurting me”

He then hardly shoved my body towards the wall and slammed me against it.

Listen here, your mine you got that? And ill do what ever the fuck I want to you”

Tears began to flow down the side of my cheeks. He was begging to scare me a lot, I didn’t understand what had gotten him to react in such a way he seemed like such a nice guy and he had turned from a good nice guy to a jealous boyfriend in a matter of seconds. I really didn’t want to cry in front of him, when I cried in front of other people I felt week and I hated the feeling of being week it made it seemed as if they won.

Stop crying like a baby, you little whore. Im getting out of here ill see you next weekend”

Uh huh” I silently said as I watched him walk towards the door and walk out and slam it with a huge thud.

one of the longest chapters I have ever done in my life.
People have mentioned if I took my time and

wrote longer chapters my story would be a lot better

and well that’s what I did on this chapter

so Review and let me know if a difference : )