Yami is Sailor Moon. The Egyptian symbols are from Earth during the Silver Millennium and I would rather not reveal more right now. I’m planning on incorporating everything later on in the story and reveal everyone’s past and the significance of the main relationship (which hopefully you can already guess if you watch the show and/or read the manga). And if Yami and Tuxedo Kamen are both male (I can guarantee you that) then how could Mini Moon come into play, who is Usagi and Momeru’s daughter? Two men cannot have children, if my memory from Advanced Biology class serves me right. I already have all of the characters planned out and I don’t plan on going any further than the end of the first season of Sailor Moon.

And I really don’t want to see Honda in a mini-skirt, lol. And I don’t think Jou would have Neptune’s patience or violin-playing skills. Why did I make him a villain? Why not? Someone had to be Jedite.

Here are some of the speech thingies.

“someone talking”

‘someone thinking’

a dream

As for this chapter, it is based on Japanese episode three and American episode 2, with some bits and pieces of my own imagination.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Yu-Gi-Oh, Sonic the Hedgehog, or Sailor Moon! SO NO SUING ME! Besides, I’m broke, lol. I want to buy volume one of Chobits…

Chapter 2: “I Can Say It In My Dreams”

“Hey Yami! Wait up!” Yugi yelled as he rushed to meet the other on the street. Yami turned and smiled, letting the other catch up to him. It was rare for them to talk on Sundays, when Yugi was usually helping out at the store and Yami was usually sleeping.

“Hi Yugi.” Greeted Yami when the smaller teen caught up to him.

“Hi.” Yugi then noticed something hiding behind one of Yami’s legs. “Yami, what’s that?” He asked, pointing to it. Yami sidestepped and revealed a small black cat.

“This is my friend Mahaado. He followed me home a couple of days ago and I decided to keep him.”

“Awww. He’s cute.” Yugi bent down and let Mahaado come up to him and sniff him. Mahaado purred as Yugi petted him. “Poor thing’s got a bald spot.”

‘People these days are so rude.’ Mahaado thought. Yami just laughed.

“It’s not a bald spot.”

“Sure, Yami. Sure.” Yugi stood up. “So where were you going?” Yami stuck his hands in his pockets.

“Oh, I just thought I’d stop by the arcade and play that new Sailor V game. It looks kind of cool.”

“Do you mind if I go with you?”

“Must you ask me that? You know the answer is going to be ‘Come on then.’”

“Just making sure.” Yugi joked.

And so they walked to the arcade, chatting about miscellaneous topics such the weather, their families, and the like.

All in all, it was a perfect day to get out of the house. The sky was a beautiful shade of blue and the birds had come out to sing, occasionally making wonderful white stuff to drop on people, but that was beside the point.

When they got to the arcade, they were greeted by an employee they had never seen before. He was tall and had long black hair that was in a ponytail behind his head. His eyes were greener than emeralds and a small dice earring hung from his left ear. The nametag read “Otogi”.

“Hi! Welcome to Crown Game Center.” He said happily. “Can I help you with anything today?”

“Umm…yes. Can you show me where the new Sailor V game is?” Yami asked him.

“Sure! Right this way!”

Otogi showed them where the game was and was now instructing them on how to play it, for the betterment of Yami because he had never played it before, but he quickly got the hang of it.

Yugi smiled. Otogi was a very nice person and it would be great if they could become friends with him.

Atemu tossed and turned in his sleep.

Buildings burning.

People screaming.

The stench of death.

It was all happening so fast, he could barely keep up with anything.

But he did hear a piercing laugh. And saw pained figure flying uncontrollably in the distance, holding out a hand towards him.

“NNNOOOOOOOOO!” Yami sat up in bed, cold sweat dripping from him, wondering why he was trying to catch his breath.

“Yami?” He heard. He looked up to see Mahaado staring up at him, worry filling his eyes.

Yami just stared blankly, a tear slowly making its way down his face.

Atemu Yami walked into class late, again. He was thankful that Ms. H was very, very late today.

“Ms. Haruna’s late?” Yami asked, confused.

“Yeah. Weird, isn’t it?” Rebecca responded.

“Sure is. Oh well! Lucky me!” He said as he plopped down in his seat and pulled out his lunch. Yugi rolled his eyes and smirked. Yami never changed.

About ten minutes later, Ms. Haruna walked in the door, and everyone was shocked at her posture; she was very sluggish and was leaning over heavily. Yami saw an unusual purple flower on the flap of her jacket. When she reached the podium at the front of the class, she just yawned and fell asleep.

“…okay…” Yami blinked a few times, shrugged, and then went back to eating.

Yugi glared at Yami.

“How could you just sit there and eat when something is obviously wrong with her!” Yugi yelled at his best friend, who was now staring wide-eyed at him.

The entire class was now at the window as they watched Ms. Haruna be loaded into an ambulance.

“Is it that exhausting to be a teacher?” Yami asked.

“I hope not.” Rebecca replied.

“Y’know,” Yugi spoke up. “I’ve heard about this new disease going around. You go to sleep, and you never wake up.”

“Really! You mean I get to stay in my dreams forever!” Yami now had a large dopey smile on his face.

Yugi and Rebecca just glared at him.

“What? You know I’m right! What’s so wrong about dreaming forever?”

FM No. 10. One of the coolest radio stations in town, listened to by the young and old alike.

They were also receiving mail for a show they’ve never heard of.

“President, we’ve received more of this ‘Midnight Zero’ mail.” A man said, dumping off a whole box of letters all addressed to Midnight Zero at their station.

“Why are we still receiving mail for a show that doesn’t exist?” The president asked his subordinate. “Just throw them away.”

A lady walked from behind the corner and smiled happily. “I’ll take those off your hands.” The subordinate smiled.

“Thank you.” He gave the box to her and she grinned evilly, her eyes flashing red for a brief moment.

“So Yami, have you heard of this radio show called Midnight Zero?”

“No, I haven’t, Yugi.” Yami replied. They were on their way to school, Yami actually on time thanks to Yugi. “Why do you ask?”

“Because I heard a rumor that Ms. Haruna was on there two nights ago.” Yugi replied, stressing the word because.

“That’s interesting, but…umm…Yugi, what exactly is Midnight Zero?” Yami pestered, making Yugi blush.

“Midnight Zero is the hottest show on the airwaves, because they read the letters you send in, and they’re dedicated to your true love.” A girl said from behind them.

“ACK! Rebecca, don’t sneak up on us like that!” Yugi and Yami yelled. Rebecca just giggled.

“Just trying to see if your heart is working properly. Wouldn’t want it to fail on you, now would I?” She blinked, and then ran off towards the school holding a small box in her hand.

Yami rolled his eyes as Yugi began running too. Yami then noticed the time on his watch. He had five minutes to the bell, and he was quite a ways from the school.


“Hey Rebecca, what’s that you have there?” Amy Rose asked her when she noticed a small box that Rebecca was holding in her hands.

“It’s a package I received in the mail this morning. I got it from writing a letter to Midnight Zero.”

“That WAS your letter last night!” Amy exclaimed, getting the attention of most of the class as well. “J-Dite read your letter so beautifully!” Rebecca blushed. “What are you waiting for! Open the package up!”

Rebecca did just that, to reveal a beautiful violet flower. Yami turned around at just this time and raised his eyebrows in confusion. That was the flower Ms. H had on yesterday!

Rebecca pinned the flower to her shirt and she began to laugh and joke around with the girls around her, until all of a sudden she felt so tired that when she laid her head down she immediately fell asleep.

“Umm…Rebecca? Are you okay?” Amy asked, a little scared. “Okay, this isn’t funny! Wake up, Becca!”

Yami walked over to the now-panicking girls. After all, it wasn’t normal for people to instantly fall asleep and not be able to wake up. He shook Rebecca a few times, asking her to wake up, when he felt tired as well.

He heard someone yelling for the nurse when he fell and hit his head on Rebecca’s desk.

Atemu Yami was hovering above the clouds, a full moon in the sky. He felt warm arms encircling him from behind. Yami fell back into the embrace, relaxing his head against someone’s chest.

Do you think that we’ll survive?” Yami asked.

I know we will. It’s impossible for us not to.” The person behind him said with a voice that was pure ambrosia to Yami’s ears. It sort of reminded Yami of Tuxedo Kamen, but he wasn’t sure.

Wait. Why was Yami relaxing comfortably against another guy? That chest did not feel like a woman’s. But Yami felt at home here…something he really hadn’t felt in a long time…

He turned around to look at the other man and discovered that it was Tuxedo Kamen!

Yami blushed, and then cursed the female hormones that must have come from turning into Sailor Moon.

His mouth seemed to function without him just fine, as he continued talking to Tuxedo Kamen.

How can you be so sure?”

Yami’s masked savior smiled.

Because I believe that our love will guide us through all obstacles.” He lifted the blushing Yami’s chin gently. “I love you.” He whispered, his lips so tantalizing close to Yami’s…


Yami blinked as he felt Mahaado’s fangs sink into his arm, and then screamed in pain.

Mahaado smirked. “It’s about time you woke up.” He said, licking the blood from his teeth. Yami narrowed his eyes.

“Have you had any shots recently? Cause if not, then I is going to need them.” Yami glared at the poor kitty.

“For your information, that was the only way to wake you up. You’ve been asleep all day! Everyone’s been trying all sorts of different ways to wake you up, but you wouldn’t wake up no matter what they did! So after they all left, I decided to wake you up the old-fashioned way, biting the hell out of you! I’m glad to see that it worked.” Mahaado smiled devilishly. “Now I know what to use to get you to wake up in the morning.”

Yami just blinked as all of this sunk in. He was asleep all day? He looked around to see he was in a modest hospital room, being shared with one other person that was hidden by a curtain surrounding their bed.

“Who’s that?” Yami asked Mahaado.

“That’s a girl that also fell asleep during class. I believe you collapsed trying to help her.”

They heard someone walking down the hall.

“Hide!” Yami whispered to Mahaado, who jumped somewhere out of Yami’s sight.

The door opened to reveal a kind-looking middle-aged male doctor.

“Ahh…Yami-san, I’m glad to see you’re awake now.” He smiled and went to go check Yami’s vitals.

“Well, nothing like waking up from a nice dream.” Yami mumbled.

Once the doctor had verified that Yami was in relatively good health, he asked how Yami had passed out.

“All I remember was that Rebecca had fallen asleep and no one could wake her up, so I shook her. I heard someone yelling for someone else to get the nurse, and the next thing I know, I’m here.” Yami explained.

“And why did you yell out in pain?”

Yami blinked. Oh crap…

“I did?” Yami quickly asked, trying to act clueless.

“Yes, you did. Hey, your arm’s bleeding!” The doctor finally saw the wound that Mahaado had made a few minutes ago.

“Oh yeah.” The doctor raised an eyebrow, then proceeded to bandage Yami’s arm.

After the doctor finally left, Yami hurriedly changed out of the hospital gown and put on his school uniform, which had been left on a table near the bed. When he finished, he walked over to the other bed and pulled back the curtains. Inside laid Rebecca, seeming to sleep peacefully.

Something was wrong, Yami could sense. When he had passed out, he had felt his energy leave him. That reminded him of a few nights ago, when he was fighting some monster that had zapped Yugi’s strength, or so Yugi said.

“Could it be another monster?” Yami asked Mahaado, who was sitting on the floor.

“More than likely. We should go visit this radio station.” Mahaado suggested. Yami nodded, looking back at Rebecca one last time before leaving.

“Ugh! Stupid guard won’t let me in!” Yami yelled as he leaned up against a building. “We need to get in there to make sure that no one else’s energy is taken away. If not for the entire city, then for Rebecca.” He felt like slamming his fist into the wall. “She’s an innocent person! Why would she be targeted! I can’t take much more of just waiting around! She’s gonna die if we don’t do something! Mahaado, I can’t let that happen! I won’t!” The bald-spot on Mahaado’s forehead began to glow. Yami backed away, his eyes widening in amazement as the cat jumped into the air and a small pen appeared and fell to the ground.

“What the hell did you do, Mahaado?” Mahaado just smiled.

“Your will to help your friend was so great that you helped me pull an item from your soul that will help you.”

“Couldn’t you have made it less girly?”

“…It was in your soul…” Both Mahaado and Yami blinked for a moment, and then Yami bent down to pick up the small pen.

He had to admit, it was beautiful. Five stripes came up from the bottom in pink, blue, red, green, and yellow outlined in to meet at a diamond at the top. The background was a beautiful white.

“I believe you can use it to disguise yourself. Why don’t you hold it up and shout Disguise Power!”

“Okay.” Yami felt a little more than silly whenever he held up the pen and shouted “Disguise Power!” He felt the magic of the item begin to wash over him, but it left a lingering question.

What do you want to be?

“Change me into a hot radio DJ!” As with his transformation, Yami’s eyes were forced shut as he spun around, feeling the magic change him into something different. When he was allowed to open his eyes, he growled.

“Damn it! I’m a girl again!”

“At least you look, what was the word you used…wasn’t it hot?”

“Oh shut up, Mahaado.” Yami glared as she stalked off, her pink long-sleeved shirt, short skirt, and stiletto heels quite the opposite of what she wanted the disguise pen to make her.

‘Oh well, at least I have cool shades.’ Yami smirked as she continued walking. All of this came to a crashing halt, however, when she stepped wrong on her heels and plummeted to the ground.

“Damn it! Stupid…”

Mahaado laughed as Yami swore like a sailor.

“Serves you right for telling me to shut up.” Mahaado walked by swishing his tail evilly.

“Damn cat…” Yami grumbled as she tried to get up.

“I can’t believe they let us in.” Yami commented as she and Mahaado walked around aimlessly.

“Yes, after you flirted with him and gave him your number.”

“Desperate times call for desperate measures. Besides, that wasn’t my number I gave him, it was the new pizza place in town's.”

“…You’re hopeless.” Mahaado sighed.


Yami’s eyes widened as she suddenly felt a dark presence nearby.

“More Midnight Zero letters!” A man exclaimed.

“Yes sir, but I don’t know why we keep getting so much mail for a show that doesn’t exist.” Another male nervously answered.

“I’m getting fed up with these letters! We should make a public announcement to say Midnight Zero doesn’t exist.” The first pondered.

“Why? You know I’ll take care of the letters for you. I always do.” A new voice, a woman’s, said, almost seductively. Her voice sent chills down Yami’s spine.

“If you say so.” The second guy said. Yami flattened herself against the wall as the sound of footsteps came close. A woman that reminded him of the monster that appeared to be Yugi’s mom walked by carrying a box of mail. She turned and entered an elevator. Yami watched as the numbers on the display went up, and then stopped on the thirteenth floor.

He looked down to Mahaado who nodded and they called the elevator back down to follow her.

“Dang it. What door did she go in!” Yami growled.

“I have no idea. Why don’t you try looking in that glass window in the doors?” Mahaado replied.

“Great idea!” Yami smiled and then walked to the first door on the right. “Hey, it’s her!”

Mahaado jumped up and landed on Yami’s shoulder. “What’s that guy doing?” Yami looked deeper into the room and saw one very deceptively gorgeous man with blonde hair and honey-colored eyes inside, holding up a flower while talking into a microphone. Yami’s eyes widened as she recognized the flower as the one Rebecca and Ms. Haruna wore.

‘I’ve got to stop him.’ With a newfound burst of confidence, Yami slammed the door open and walked straight into the recording studio.

“Hey! You can’t go in there!” The woman yelled, but her words were lost on the Sailor Senshi as she sat down into the seat opposite the man who claimed to be J-Dite.

“Attention all listeners. This is a Public Service Announcement. Please don’t send any more letters to Midnight Zero. They send back flowers that are toxic and dangerous to your health. If you receive any, please burn them immediately.”

“What! That’s not true!” The guy screamed.

“Yes it is! The people who have suddenly fallen into a coma lately are in the coma because of the flower Midnight Zero sends out!” Yami yelled back.

Yami noticed a red light blink off above the window.

“I don’t know who you think you are, but how dare you interfere in my business. However, now that you’re off the air, I’ll take your life.” Yami’s eyes widened as the guy’s eyes narrowed evilly.

‘The enemy…’ Yami just realized.

She screamed as J-Dite lunged for her, narrowly missing her by mere centimeters. She got up and ran as fast as her heels would let her, and then she saw the woman turn into an ugly purple monster.

“Crap!” Yami screamed as the monster threw energy bombs at her, propelling her out of the door.

“Run, Mahaado, run!” The monster threw more energy bombs at them, and sent them flying.

“Transform!” Mahaado yelled. Yami raised her puzzle into the air.

“Moon Prism Power, Make up!”

When the smoke finally cleared, Jounouichi saw a girl wearing a sailor outfit, except with a skirt.

“Who are you?”

“I am the defender of love and justice, Sailor Moon. In the name of the moon, I’m going to shut down this radio show and kick your ass!”

“Really? I’d like to see you try. Go my faithful servant, destroy her!”

“Oh crap…” Sailor Moon muttered as the monster charged towards her. She turned around and started running up the stairs that led to the roof.

When she got to the top, she jumped on top of the doorway and got her weapon out.

“Moon Puzzle…” she trailed off, not wanting to release it just yet.

‘Man, when is that monster gonna come out?’ Sailor Moon wondered as the time passed by.

“Looking for someone?” Sailor Moon gulped as she turned her head and looked at the monster behind her.

“Action!” She shouted, and let the puzzle fly at the monster, who laughed as she easily dodged it.

‘No!’ She mentally panicked as the monster began to approach her; she had nothing to defend herself with. However, that was when she also noticed a large spinning puzzle still floating in midair.

‘Could I actually control it without holding it?’ Sailor Moon imagined holding the puzzle while it was up there in her hands, and then she imagined flinging at the monster.

And it did just that.

The monster-of-the-day wondered just what in the hell could make the stupid girl not cower in fear before her and what was so interesting behind her. The monster looked back to see the puzzle of death flying straight at her!

Such was the end of the monster-of-the-day.

“Humph. So you’re the one who ruined my plans at the Mutou place, am I right?” Sailor Moon turned around to see J-Dite standing behind her. “I don’t think I’ve told you my name. I thought you would like to know what it is before you die.”

“Nice try, but I’m not going to.” Sailor Moon replied back challengingly.

“Really? Well, my name is Jounouichi, General of King Pegasus. Now, Sailor Moon, it is time for your own ‘ass’ to be kicked.” He grinned and Sailor Moon tightened her grip on her puzzle.

“Moon Puzzle Action!” She launched it at Jounouichi, who held up his hand and stopped it with what appeared to be a force field.

‘Oh shit.’ The general then started walking towards her, a look of pure insanity gleaming in his eyes, when out of nowhere, a rose struck the path in front of him.

‘Hmm…reinforcements. I’d better leave, for now.’

Jounouichi vanished, then reappeared floating high in the sky.

“See you again, Sailor Moon! Remind me to give you a good ass-kicking next time!” He laughed as a portal opened up he jumped in.

“That’s my line, dumbass! Get your own!” Sailor Moon huffed and puffed, ‘till she saw the rose still on the ground. She let her eyes travel up to where it looked like the rose came from, and she saw Tuxedo Kamen next to the edge of the building staring right back at her.

“Farewell, Sailor Moon.” He waved, and then jumped off.

“I’m glad you’re out of the hospital, Rebecca. Everyone was worried about you.” Yugi said cheerfully as he, Rebecca, and Yami walked down the street to school.

“I don’t even know why I was there in the first place, Yugi. Everything was fine and the next thing I know I’m lying in a hospital bed.” Rebecca replied.

“Isn’t that just weird?”

“No kidding.” Rebecca laughed as she and Yugi continued walking and started talking about some television show it reminded them of.

Yami, however, looked to the sky. Something very weird was going on, and he was nothing but confused.

“Yami! What are you doing! Come on, or you’re going to be late!” Yugi hollered. Yami broke out of his trance and ran to catch up with Yugi and Rebecca.

‘Oh well. There’s always later to think.’ He smiled as he got caught up in a conversation about what famous people they wanted to date.

To be continued…