
“Mamoru, you alright, you haven’t touched your milkshake and it’s beginning to melt.”

She’s right, my milkshake is beginning to melt and its sweet quintessence of the decadent chocolate sweetener that I crave is skimming down the sides of my glass, dripping onto the marble topped table with an inaudible ‘drop’.

“Ah, Heike, I know.”

“You okay?” she began to twirl her metal spoon in-between two of her freshly manicured hands, her own chocolate filled heaven of a shake becoming a small life-like whirlpool of smooth creamy goodness, “You seem…quiet. Am I being too…foreword in our friendship?”

“Not at all Heike, I just have my mind elsewhere.” I looked up from my glass of chocolate froth to gaze into her soft cobalt shaded eyes, the glow and tint embedded within them beaming out in concern and passion as her body language read anxiety. “I’m alright, honest.”

“Mamoru, are you sure? You don’t seem truthful.”

“I promise Heike” I smiled the fakest most condescending smile I could, hoping the brunette would buy my efforts in keeping my current problem secret, “I am just thinking about school.”

“Your essay?”

“Yeah, I think I might have failed it.” I lied, knowing good and damn well I passed Mr.Zenkey’s Medical Procedure exam. “Didn’t get much studying done over the past few days.”

“I have the same fear. For only one-hundred questions, it sure as hell seemed hard.”

"Mr.Zenkey likes to challenge his student's. You'll get used to him."

She smiled and took a light sip of her frothy like milkshake from her neglected straw, "How long you been in his class?" she asked, taking another sip soon after.

"Since Freshman year." another sip was taken by her and it only made me want to do the same, the rich brown succulent goodness of my favorite sweet was just too good to pass up "He's a great teacher, if you stay on his good side."

"He seems mean at times."

"Only when he is provoked or irritated. He's usually a nice guy." I took a light sip of my own shake. Damn it tastes good. "So, why are you in medical school anyway?"

"I want to become a nurse you know. I want to specialize in the field of study dealing with children."

"A pediatrician?" I took another sip of the chocolaty goodness. I should have drank it when it was cold. Would have had more thickness to it. “Or a nurse to a pediatrician?"

"Yeah. I love kids you know. I plan on having my own."

"Kids are nice. I wouldn't mind having some either."

She smiled at me and allowed a light hue of crimson to spread across her full dimpled cheeks, her wide Cheshire cat grin reading resentment to such a fragile subject as well as flirtation. "You plan on being a father?"

"One day. My girlfriend and I aren't exactly ready to have kids."

"Too busy?"

"And she's a bit too young."

She arched her eyebrow in question as her metal plated spoon-once again-began to dance in-between her fingers, her once flirty and calm disposition now reading inquiry as well as suspicion while the straw she one withheld in her orifice moved in sync with the turning spoon. “Young?"

Guess I worded it wrong. "She's sixteen, seventeen in a few weeks."

"Ah." her familiar demeanor returned once her suspicions were clarified, "I was thinking the worst for a second."

I chuckled, setting my now empty glass full of chocolate residue to the side. It was one hell of a milkshake. "I’m no pedophile."

She giggled a nervous giggle as she too set her empty glass to the side, her last sips of her dessert being taken in a matter of seconds that could clearly compare with mine. "I didn't mean it like that, but isn't she a bit too young for you Mamoru?"

"What do you mean?"

"She's sixteen. You're twenty-one. Isn't that a bit of a rather serious age difference?"

"Not to me." she's calling my ass a damn pedophile. "Usagi is very mature for her age and I know we are destined to be soul mates." Okay, Maybe I gussied my girlfriend up a bit, so what, big deal. Usagi isn't as mature as she should be, but she is still my Usako, my bunny I will always love and cherish. Even if she doesn't return people's phone calls. That reminds me...

"Ah." she let out another nervous chuckle, this one holding more of a procrastination tactic than the other. Guess she's trying to find the right words to say so she wouldn't offend, "Well, Just be careful with girls now days. You never know if one of them is younger than you think."

"What do you mean?"

"Little girls Mamoru. They dress themselves older than what they are to attract older men."

"I know that, but why would this pertain to my girlfriend?"

"You haven't heard?"

Apparently not. "No..."

"The whole little girl prostitute thing is on the rise here in Japan. Girls as young as six are being sold for money."

"So what does this have to do with Usagi?!"I asked again, my voice a bit higher than I intended it to be.

"I'm just making a point Mamoru." she lowered her voice to nothing higher than a whisper, thinking my accidental raise in my tone was a sign of defense, "I was just saying you can't be too careful with these young girls out here today. You get caught with one and your ass is in jail." she lowered her head to gaze at the marble coated table-top, eyes skimming the reflective natural mineral over to see any imperfections it might have acquired from our previous "meal". Condensation and shiny surfaces just don't mix. "Sorry If I offended."

"You didn't." I sighed and ran a single hand through my raven tresses. Damn, my mind is back on Usagi- thanks to the Heike- and it's killing me. Why isn't she calling me back? "I didn't mean to sound like I was getting defensive. I have nothing to be defensive about."

"Don't worry" her voice regained its natural pitch, that smile she sported minutes ago shining brighter than ever. I never knew Heike could possess such a gorgeous smile. I've always known she had great looking teeth, but her smile just took the cake. Her smile was flawless. "Let's talk about something more...upbeat. Another round of milkshakes and another conversation on me!"

I chuckled lowly and lay back in my chair, the cool material of the metal/plastic combination hitting my back on sudden contact that caused me slight chills. Damn Air Conditioning. It isn't that fucking hot outside. "Sure, just as long as the shake is chocolate."

"Of course." she smiled and titled her head to the side, something Usagi always did when she was in total complete oblivious happiness. It was kind of cute. "Let me just get the waitress."

"Alright." Taking the opportunity to call Usagi after almost three days of silent treatment, I pushed back my chair to remove myself from the table, getting up swiftly and pushing the chair back in place even quicker than when I removed it. I can't take not talking to my bunny. She is my vice. "I have to go make a call right quick. Be back in a second."

"Take your time Momo-chan." I stopped walking towards the door to turn around and look at the now blushing Heike. God, why did she have to call me that? So much of her reminds me of Usagi that it scares me."...S-S-Sorry. I just thought that name was suiting."

"...Don't worry about it." I faked another smile, "I get called that all the time from Usagi." When I talk to her that is. "I'll be back in a few."



"How long you worked for Kerry Slut?"

"Going on a year daddy." I replied in-between sucks of his rather large cock, not able to really say it completely for my current activity doesn't allow me to do so.

"He taught you how to suck dick?"

I nodded and kept bobbing my head back and forth upon his manhood, the taste of his penis becoming apparent on my tongue as its salty aftertaste ran down my throat. God, some guys need to wash their dicks. They complain about women but they aren't exactly a bed of roses you know. He gripped my hair tighter, pulling one of my two pony-tails.

"He trained you well. You give excellent blowjobs baby girl."

I smiled inwardly as I began to massage his nut sac, feeling that the neglected testes needed some love too. He moaned and pushed my head deeper onto his cock, causing me to gag but also giving me a chance to compose myself. "Damn bitch, you sure know how to suck a mean cock. Kerry is an excellent teacher."

I have to agree. Kerry is a pretty good teacher. He taught me how to ride on top by demonstration, suck a cock by shoving his own down my -once- untrained throat, take it doggy-style without any lube, and even taught me how to properly do a three-some, with another one of his bitches of course. Kerry is a damn expert when it comes to sex.

"Thank you." I managed to say in between my moments of gasps for air. I heard him moan a bit louder and felt his hand push my head deeper onto him, all seven inches of him now becoming embedded within my warm orifice as small trails of saliva trickled down my chin and onto the floor. His penis became harder as his sac pulled in slightly. He was about to come. "Do you want me to swallow Daddy?"

"YES!" I guess it was more of a cry of ecstasy rather than a reply to my question, the oncoming wave of thick warmth suddenly coating the back of my throat giving me the only answer I needed to know. He pulled out slowly and I swallowed his seed. It had a tart-filled taste to it and resembled salt and vinegar potato chips than anything. "Damn Usagi. You're a good throat fuck."

A single trail of salvia mixed with semen escaped from our sudden connection, falling onto my damp chin to mix in with the other bodily fluids I acquired from sucking this mans cock. All I could do was smile. "Thank you Daddy. Would you like to fuck me now?"

"Not quite Baby girl." He grasped his softened penis and began stroking it, bringing the delicate piece of flesh back to life for another round of sexual pleasure I would have to endure, "I want to see that beautiful face of yours become covered in my cum."

Damn. Kerry did say he LOVED Bukkake. "Whatever Daddy wants daddy gets."

He smiled and stroked faster, the sounds of his jerking off becoming louder with each passing stroke. I could already see single buds of semen begin to form at his tip, gathering enough weight and then falling onto my semen stricken knees once heavy enough. "My daughter usually is your surrogate, but since you're here, I don't need her. She doesn't give nearly as good of a blowjob as you do Usagi."

His...DAUGHTER!? "How old is she?"

"Eight." I felt my heart sink as thoughts of an eight year old sucking this man's dick ran through my mind. I knew this man was a freak, but that is just sick. "She used to cry when she did it but now she just smiles and endures it."

"Lucky girl." I lied.

"Yeah, and she's getting good training."

That part is true. Kerry did say it is better to learn sexual acts when young. You're easier to perfect them that way. I believe him too. Kerry is never wrong. "Do you cum on her face too?"

"All the time." And then his warm seed hit me, a few ropes hitting my eye that I instinctively shut closed to avoid any irritation I may have gotten later. I felt the warm substance begin to run down my face as I felt the tip of his uncircumcised penis rub against my cheek, spreading the thick white good around my lips, a signal for me to open my mouth and swallow his cock again. I did. "And now" he let out a low evil chuckle, "I can jizz on yours."

A/N: Alright, here is my next chapter. Sorry for not updating. Had writer's block. As you can see, this is NOT your typical Sailor Moon fic. This fic touches delicate issues, so if you are offended, please don't read. This kind of shit happens everyday; I am showing the horrors of the human trafficking scene. Suggestions and feedback are loved.