A/N: Thank you for the lovely reviews I have gotten

A/N: Thank you for the lovely reviews I have gotten. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting so many people to review, let alone like this story. It brings a smile upon my face to see people actually enjoy my writing and the subjects I deal with. Thank you

Peace and Blessings, Princesslady

My hand shakes erratically as I attempt to place the dark colored metal key embedded within my grasp inside its final resting place of a keyhole, my several other attempts failing dramatically by my lack of concentration and focus on the subject. The orange juice bottle that rests in my other hand, from my early morning breakfast with Kerry, sways from side to side as I finally jam the key into the jagged entrance, trying to turn the contraption to unlock my home door to allow my tired and exhausted being to the sanctuary of my European Queen sized bed for a long overdue slumber. Kerry drove off just moments ago to go meet his wife for breakfast and an early morning shopping date, so he couldn’t escort me to my door step- he usually does when I am too tired or too weak to walk. He said he would call me later on tonight to give me the other information I needed about tonight’s “adventure” with an unknown stranger, ironically to do acts revolved around the concept of intimacy that well acquainted people do. What I already know about my next suitor is that he is no older than thirty-seven, single, likes anal sex, and prefers to do oral sex rather than vaginal. Kerry told me I don't need to know anything other than that, so I dared not ask any questions further. I really don’t have a problem with that just as long as I get my share of the job.

With that familiar ‘click’ sound ringing throughout the small proximity of my door-step, signaling to me that my house door was finally unlocked after countless attempts by my overly exhausted form to undo the locked barrier, I quietly pushed the cream colored wood inside of the home to allow myself in, quietly, yet quickly, shutting it with an inaudible ‘click’ once inside and out of the public eyesight. Movement from my family is my homes usual owner, but quiet is now renting the house. It ceases my lips from speaking to form a relieved smile. I was almost certain my mother would have been in the kitchen making breakfast with whatever we had in the refrigerator that wasn’t spoilt or rotten as my father and brother sat in the living room with parts of a newspaper in their hands, my brother always holding the comics as my father held the news. It relieved some of the sudden tension and stress I withheld as I quietly stepped out of my white and gold pumps to exchange them for bunny oriented slippers, thinking that the first thing I would have to face once I got home was my fuming mother, worrying about my whereabouts since I hadn’t come home at the time I specified before I left the evening before.

The first thing I want to do is take a nice, long, hot shower before I head off to bed, an effort to purify myself of any essence the man from the night before may have left upon my body to serve as a reminder of him and the night we had "shared". The smell of his semen still lingers upon my porcelain pigmented skin as the unique taste of his penis and scrotum loiters around in my mouth, my taste buds still not fully adapted to the taste of the male sex. But, the shower can wait; my body is still not fully adjusted to walking yet, the soreness in-between my legs contributing to my weakened ability as a factor, and some nice rest could restore that natural entitlement in a matter of hours if given the chance. All I have to do is make it up the stairs and to my room without bumping into my….




“Yes” I answered meekly, lowering my head down to face the scuffed up wooden floor my feet stood upon, avoiding any amount of eye contact my mother may have wanted from me in an attempt to read my eyes for the source of truth. She always did say eye contact was a sign of honesty in a conversation. “I know mother.”


“Over Rei’s.” I whispered almost silently, not wanting her to really hear me but know I had said something in response. I always used Rei’s house as my usual excuse because I am constantly found over there with her and/or the girls. Amy can’t house us for our days of frolic and fun because her mother is a neat freak who won’t allow any excess dirt or grime inside her home, and Lita and Mina can’t do it neither because they, both, have messy homes you can barely walk through, garbage and other miscellaneous items making home onto their floors. Rei’s home is the only suitable applicant besides mine. “Sorry I didn’t call.”

“I called Rei’s home yesterday Usagi, and she said you came by but left around twelve to meet Momoru. Is that your boyfriend we met that one time for dinner Usagi?”

I nodded and she continued. Why couldn't Rei cover for me? “What did you meet him for?”

I shrugged, trying to brush the question off by giving the impression of not really having a straight foreword answer to give her. Honestly, I didn’t either. I haven’t seen nor talked to Momo-chan in days. I bet he's feeling neglected.

“Don’t shrug your shoulders at me missy!” her voice acquired some bass, “What did you meet him for!?”

“Early breakfast mom!”

“AT ONE IN THE DAMN MORNING!?” she knew I was lying. No cafe is open at one in the morning, not even for breakfast. “You expect me to believe that pack of lies!?”


“Did you two have sex?”


“I mean it Usagi! Did you two have sex?”

I sighed, unable to really give her an answer. The truth would be that I didn’t have sex with Momoru. I haven’t even seen him. But I would be lying at the same time. I DID have intercourse, but not with my boyfriend. Either way it goes, I lose. “No mom, I didn’t have sex with Momoru.”

She placed her balled fist atop of her hips, a movement I know she does when she is fed up with something. A movement I know all to well. “Come here then Usagi.”



I hate to anger my mother, she has such a kind hearted, warm, and genuine persona that is a rarity amongst women her age-midlife crisis I call it- but at the same time, I can’t allow myself to fall victim to a trap she already laid out for me the minute she saw me begin to walk towards the stairwell and onto the intention of going to my room. I knew my body reeked of the odor of sweat, body fluids, and sex, so allowing my mother to sniff me- let alone be near me- would be horrid. I can smell myself just standing here, not even attempting to open my legs or lift up my arm to really get a good whiff of the pungent smell. I am quite sure that if I comply with her wishes to go towards her, I would (A) Get in trouble and have my secret exposed that I am a Grade A prostitute. (B) Get in even more trouble for not obeying my mother’s orders in going to her for a purpose unknown to me. Or (C) Get my secret exposed AND get in trouble for being defiant. It’s a lose-lose situation.


"I can't!"

"Why not!?"


"If you don't answer me right this instant..."she began showing her motives with actions rather than words, coming towards me with heavy strides that made my blood curdle in fear of what she might do to me. My mother was never one to anger, her temper getting the best of her and causing her to become irrational and dangerous, a single word out of place ticking her of if said in the wrong context. "I mean it missy."


She abruptly stopped, her eyes widening in astonishment as well as fear. "What?"

"I smell awful and I wouldn't want you to get the wrong impression of me if you came over here and smelt this horrid smell that is on me mom. I already know what you'll say."

"Oh..." she stopped dead in her tracks to look at me for the honesty. Apparently, she found it and replaced the scowl that once ornamented her face with a small smile of relief and contentment. Technically, I wasn't lying. I kind of am on my period, just have a light irregular flow that has a mind of its own. "Well...still...it doesn't excuse your tardiness Usagi.”

"I know mother and I am terribly sorry." I began to slowly trudge myself over to her, mindful of the surging pain between my legs, "I can make it up to you."


I diverted my attention from her sapphire blue eyes to direct them to my floral patterned bag I took the evening before, unzipping it with hastiness and removing a handful of cash, giving my attention back to her wandering eyes with a small smile. Her eyes gawked as her fair shaded hand slowly reached out for the money, wanting to feel the bona fide ethnicity of the currency she desperately required. "Where did you get this?"

"Momoru. He got his bachelor's degree and is off to the medical school paying him to go mom."

"And he gave you money." she said rather than asked, her slender fingers carefully gliding over the paper, basking in its glory. "Usagi...how much is this?"

"30,000 yen mother."


"Hai." I smiled, giving that school girl look younger girls give to their parents. "It’s enough right?”

“Usagi….I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t worry about it mom” I walked over to her slowly and hugged her gently, careful not to press my entire being on her for the smell upon me, “Momoru said just enjoy it.”

Small droplets of water began to cascade down her slightly reddened cheeks as her arms became wrapped around my slender neck, bringing my distanced form unto hers for a warm embrace, both of body and soul. “Usagi, you don’t know how much this means to me. You know how desperately we need this money? The landlord called me for rent just yesterday because we are two months behind, we have no food in the house, your brother needs clothing…the list goes on Usagi!” she hugged me tighter, the dampness from her tears soaking through my shirt, “Tell Momoru thank you Usagi. Please do that for me.”

“I will mother.” I backed away from her and smiled, “Can I please go to my room now? I am awfully tired.”

“Of course dear” she laid a single hand upon my cheek, caressing it lovingly, “Get some rest. We’ll talk about this later on. I think I have some grocery shopping to do.”

A small giggle escaped my orifice as I began making my way around my-now joyfully screaming- mother and up the stairwell, headed to my room with quickness a track-runner couldn't match. I would have said a light “goodnight” or “goodbye” to her before I laid my head down for an overdue rest, but she was too busy yelling out to my father for him to get down from his room and into the living room, her hands waving the funds swiftly in the air for all to see.

This is why I do what I do, for the expression and joy put upon my mother’s face for the simple fact of not living in debt or on public aid assistance because she finally has enough money to support her family. Ever since my father had gotten laid off from work, we have been living off lenders and savings from way back when ,and since my mother has been a house wife- raised on the morals of holding down the household, letting the man do all the work- she never really got any experience in the work field. I hold all the responsibility now, and my employment from Kerry is all I have to offer. For the simple fact of bringing home a substantial amount of income to my family to keep them living the same life style they have grown accustomed to, I’ll suck a middle-aged man’s dick any day.

With a silent huff of exhaustion filling the stilled air, I quickly took hold of the brass metal doorknob embedded within my door and turned it lightly, opening my bedroom door and forcing myself to run towards my bed, collapsing from sudden contact with the silk/satin sheet blend that covered it. It felt so good.

"Finally!" I snuggled deep within the one-thousand thread count sheets, enjoying their comfort and softness, "My bed. Now I can finally..." but I was cut off by the sight of a bright red light flashing inconsistently upon my phone charger, signaling to me that I had missed calls and new messages. It was probably Momoru, hoping to talk to me after three long days of the accidental silent treatment, or it was the girls, calling for something irrelevant. They always did call me when it was the least convenient. Figuring that the phone wasn’t going to check itself, I forced myself to turn over and reach out for the phone, pressing the voice mail code on the number pad and setting it back on the charger for the messages to play. I wouldn’t be able to sleep anyway if I didn’t check my messages. Besides, it might have been Kerry. He hates it when I don’t return his phone calls.

With the animatronic female voice beginning to play throughout the region of my room, I figured I might as well change into something more comfortable and suitable for sleeping. Sleeping in a sailor outfit isn’t that comfortable.

Hello Ms.Usako-Momochan’s-wife- you have four new messages…..first message”

Usagi, it’s me…Momoru…”


Look baby, I don’t know if I fucked up or something, but please call me to let me know. Are you upset with me? Did I forget something? I haven’t talked to you in three days. I miss you baby. Please call back when you can. Love you. Bye.”

End first message. Second message.”

I hate it when I give the wrong impression upon people. I am nowhere near angry with my love. I must call him.

Usagi, what’s up slut, it’s me Molly, you know dorky fat head red-head? Yeah, haven’t talked to you in a while. You been doing okay? Let me know when you can. Molly!”

End second message. Third message.”

I really have been neglecting my friends lately. I have to call them too.

Usagi! What the fuck where you thinking trying to place your fault on me!”

That’s no other than Rei. She has the temper to match her planet she embodies.

Your mom called last night and she was asking if you were over my house studying! You were supposed to be, but your ass never showed up! WHERE THE FUCK WHERE YOU! WHAT THE HELL WHERE OYU THINKING TELLING YOUR MOM YOU WAS OVER HERE AND THINKING I’LL COVER FOR YOU!? You better call my Usagi; you have some explaining to do bitch!”

End third message. Fourth message.”

Usagi, it’s me Kerry.”


Look, I know you’re probably sleep, but I don’t give a fuck. When I call, you pick up, got it? Now anyway, we’re going to be out all night tonight so tell your folks. Also, you’re going to that man’s house I told you about earlier over breakfast. He likes anal sex so bring some lube, oh and he likes LONG blow jobs. HE WANTS YOU TO SWALLOW! So better do that too. Wear something sexy by the way. He likes crotch less panties preferably and prefers girls with their hair down, so no meatballs today alright? Last thing, I got a good report from last night’s suitor. He said you were the prefect slut, sucked his dick and drank every last drop of his cum. Just what I like to hear. He’ll be doing business with us for future dates and specifically requested you. Said your pussy was extra tights and wet. Great Job Usagi. One more thing before I forget, you’re going to work with one of my new bitches to night. Her name is Ana-Maria and she is from Costa-Rica….Costo-Rico….whatever, anyway she’s eleven and really tight like you. I got her for a good price so you two will team up to fuck this guy tonight. He’s from the States, like me, and loves little girls and teenagers. Make me proud Usako.”

“Eleven?” I couldn’t help but pause from rummaging through my drawers to reflect on the girl in question. Even though I never met her, I feel sorry for her. An eleven year old should be playing with friends, not serving men old enough to be her father for pleasure. It almost made me puke, but whatever Kerry-san says goes.

Getting back to drawers, I finally found my pajama I was looking for and quickly began to undress myself, taking of my skirt first, allowing it to pool beneath my feet in a puddle of fabric as my hands swiftly began to unbutton the plastic spheres of my blouse, exposing my soft round, yet slight swollen, breast to the cool morning air. Taking a moment to observe myself in my full length mirror, I noticed I had bite marks on my top layer of my beast and around my areola. I guess it was from the night I had with the man before. He was a tad bit rough when he was fucking me, biting anything in reach while taking pleasure in hearing me scream daddy into his ear. It’s a bit red, but it’ll go down eventually. Kerry-san says pain is beauty and to be beautiful, you need pain. Pure poetry.

With one last look at my form, I quickly turned away and directed my attention to my pj set once more beginning to put on the flannel bunny-rabbit pajamas while ignoring the stinging sensation between my legs as I put on the pants. All I need is so me good night rest, and maybe some Vagisil. Medicine always helps.