Garfield Part 2: The Magic Portal

Garfield and Jon Arbuckle entered the Lasagna Palace after their tango with the Lasagna bomber. There they saw glorius things. They saw Lasagna covered in gold silver and even brass, it was a delicious site indeed.

"Garfield look at this isnt it incredible?" Asked Jon Arbuckle.

"Yes but I need to find the counter and order before I revolt from hunger." Said Garfield.

Garfield spotted the counter and approached, but to his startlement he recognized who was behind it!


"What?!? How could you be alive?!?!" Said the Lasagna bomber, as he fled with a jogging motion.

"Why is the Lasagna bomber here?!' Demanded Jon Arbuckle.

"It is obvious he was planning to destroy the statue of liberty with Lasagna hellfire!" Responded Garfield.

"Quickly, we must follow him!" Said Garfield, following the Lasagna bomber to a back room. In the room Garfield saw the Lasagna bomber leap into a portal.

"We must follow him into the unknown land!" said Garfield, as he leaped into the portal.

"I am in your tail!" shouted Jon Arbuckle.

Out of the portal the Garfield and Jon Arbuckle arrived in front of a large building surrounded by trees.

In front of the building they saw three young youths.

"What is this place you loiterers?!" Asked Garfield with righteous fury.

" This is Hogwarts. I am Harry Potter answered a bespeckled youth, and these are my friends Hermione and Ron. We have been expecting you Garfield."

"Of course" answered Garfield. "The Lasagna Bomber must have came here to force himself on Voldemort so that they can conspire for the purposes of evil."

"Yes." Answered Harry Potter, "You must come into Hogwarts and study magic so you can battle them."

They entered Hogwarts and wandered its halls when Hermione spoke to Garfield.

"Garfield you are ruggedly handsome, will you not be my boyfriend?"

"Sorry, pussylips." Answered Garfield. "My only love is fighting and adventure."

As they trespassed the halls a young man with blonde hair approached them.

"haHA Garfield! I am Draco Malfoy, and I will not let you pass! I will defeat you in the name of the darkness!"

"Alright kid lets throw it down!" Responded Garfield.

They fought with blinding fury, exchanging blows like pumas in the jungle. Draco Malfoy used his double kick technique but Garfield countered with a shoryuken he learned from Ryu.

"Agaga!" Cried out Draco Malfoy.

"You are beaten!" Said Garfield

"I not think!" Said Draco Malfoy has he threw a lightning shock into Garfields eyes like a dirty trickster.

"My eyes you rodent!!" Shouted Garfield as he fell on the ground.

"Now you are the one who is beat!" Said Draco as he stood over Garfield.

"No fool I hope you did not eat dinner yet for it is time for a meal of lead!" Said Garfield as Garfield fired into Draco Malfoys chest with his left leg which was also a shotgun. The shot went through Draco Malfoy and set him dead.

"Garfield I did not know your left leg was a shotgun." Said Jon Arbuckle.

"Yes, I had it replaced during World War I." Responded Garfield.

"But Garfield that was a long time ago." Said Jon Arbuckle.

"No, this one was in the future." Responded Garfield.

"Come Garfield, we must teach you magic." Said Harry Potter.

"No." Said Garfield. "Magic is for women and impotents."

Than what will you do Garfield?" Asked Harry Potter.

"I will train like a man and get super strength." Responded Garfield. "I will have to train in TIMES ZERO gravity.

"TIMES ZERO GRAVITY?!" Everyone responded in unison.

"You are a mad cat, you will surely be crushed by such intense force." Said Jon Arbuckle.

"No, I am made of iron muscle now I will go into my gravity machine for training, do not disturb me." Said Garfield with fighting spirit.

"What a man." Thought Hermione.

Garfield entered his gravity chamber and prepared to train for the final combat.

To be continued…