Authors Note: Hello thank you for reading my story! This story has special musical segment and I encourage you all to sing along! I worked hard on it and I hope you like it! Thank you and I hope you enjoy my story!

Garfield was waking up next to Rachni Queen after nights of long lovin.

"Garfield please stay and I can make you my king and we can rule lands of Rachni together." Whispered Rachni Queen with loving tongues.

"No my bug boots I can not. Galaxy depends on me. I must find Normany and fight Odie and the reapers or else Galaxy will fall into his paws of chaos." Garfield said as he got dressed for adventure.

"Garfield remember you always have place with Rachni. If you return I make you my prime minister of love." Said the Rachni Queen as she waved farewells to Garfield with lonesome eyes.

Garfield left the beds of his lover woman and entered outside to meet with squad mates to embark on grand journey.

"Garfield we must find Saren and reclaim Normany or else all is lost." Cried Miranda with losing hope.

"Yes woman but we do not know where to begin are searching." Said Garrus with frustration.

"It is all helpless." Sighed Miranda.

"Worry not Freckle Face. I can smell Normanys from galaxies away. It is north east. Now move your feet or be disciplined." Garfield roared with orders.

Garfield and loyal squad mates traveled northeast in search of Normany. They walked long and hard but Garfield felt no tiredness. Determinations was in his heart and powered his feet. He knew if reapers won there would be galaxy without love and lasagna and he could not allow such evil. After much walkings Garfield and his squad came upon village of people. People huddled in fear of sorrow as they cried the tears of lost hope.

"What is matter with you people why do you cry your tears?" Asked Garfield with questions.

"Oh hero Garfield it is of terrible. Our women they have been taken." Cried the villagers in sadness.

"WHAT." Garfield gasped in shocking horror.

"Blue Suns have kidnapped all women and took them away for slaves." Said villager with depression.

"Blue Suns! They have no limit!" Garfield roared with anger.

"Video Santiago is king of all Blue Suns and mastermind of kidnappings. He also kidnapped girl named Oriana and fell in love. Now he is forcing her to marriage." Said villager with information.

"NO. MY TWIN." Said Miranda with shock.

"What is this madness?" Garfield asked with questions.

"I have twin sister. She was hiding but now she is kidnapped." Said Miranda with panic.

"This evils must be put to a stop. Women are like lasagna, precious and should never be kidnapped." Garfield declared with heroic stance.

"Thank you for the helping Garfield. You are true hero. But we must hurry before marriage." Miranda said with rushing words.

Meanwhile in Video Santiago's Blue Suns fortress on New Earth, Video Santiago was talking with courtship to Oriana.

"Oriana soon you will be my wife and I will have you every night in my bed." Said Video Santiago with lustful evil.

"NO I will never marry you fiend." Said Oriana with woman slapping.

"You are wench! I will teach you lessons of love!" Yelled Video Santiago with fist ready for hurting.

Then Video Santiago's large television screen turned on and Odie appeared on it full of dark evil.

"Video Santiago as much as I love sight of evil deeds but I must be interrupting for I am impatient dog." Odie said with vile laugh.

"Yes Master Odie I am sorry for my bad manners." Said Video Santiago with cowering.

"Is shipment of hot sexy ladies on time? I must spread my seed throughout galaxy to spread evil and destroy humanity." Odie asked with evil questions.

"Yes sexy ladies will be shipped to you soon. Soon all sorts of lovely women will be at your choosing." Video Santiago answered with fear.

"I hope your words are correct for your sakes. Or else my fist of dark wrath will be on you." Odie Snarled with darkness.

With words Odie then disappeared from screen.

"I must send my enslaved bikini babes to Odie immediately!" Declared Video Santiago with soul of corruption.

"You will never succeed in plans. My sister will come for me." Said Oriana with courage.

"Stupid girl you will learn to be loving me. Tonight we will have rock off battle of the bands. Then you will marry me my spicy cupcake." Laughed Video Santiago with bile.

Meanwhile Garfield and squad mates where traveling to Video Santiago's Blue Suns fortress where sexy hot women were being kept prisoner. After hard traveling Garfield and squad reached fortress where they saw Dr. Mordin Solus and Grunt with another man.

"Garfield! It is good to be seeing you again." Said Grunt with joyousness.

"Garfield I have been missing you. Without you we are lost and useless." Said Dr. Mordin Solus with truth.

Garfield shook hands with his comrades and then approached new mystery man.

"I have heard you Garfield you are galaxies greatest champion, and true man." Said the mystery man with mysterious whisper.

"Yes it is true now who are you?" Asked Garfield with wonderance.

"It is I Kaiden Alenko." Said Kaiden Alenko with revelations.

"I thought you have been dead?" Wondered Garfield.

"No I have survived." Answered Kaiden Alenko with corrections.

"What is everyone doing out here?" Asked Garrus.

"It is tragic story, sexy honey women have been taken prisoner. Video Santiago is holding battle of the bands inside and the only way inside is to form a band yet we do not have enough members." Cried Grunt with grief in heart.

"Now you do. Let us rehearse." Said Garfield ready to rock.

Garfield and squad went into a garage to practice rocking. Garfield was singer, Garrus was on lead guitar, Thane was on back up guitar, Kaiden Alenko was on Bass, Dr. Mordin Solus was playing keyboard Grunt played drums and Miranda was the groupie. After a few minutes they were ready to rock and roll heavy metal style.

"We are band ready for musical playing." Said Garfield with confidence.

Garfield and the his band then went to enter battle of the bands for serious rocking. They suited their outfits up. Garfield wore cool leather jacket with studs and spikes. Garrus wore tank top with torn jeans and his guitar was shaped like a space ship. Dr. Mordin Solus wore bright red colored suit and wore an earring. Kaiden Alenko wore leopard skin tights, Grunt wore panda stripes and Miranda wore bikini top and tight sexy leather skirt. They entered the stadium for rocking concert. It was filled with Blue Suns audience. Sexy hot ladies were trapped in cages while Video Santiago looked on from his throne where Oriana was chained.

"Is it time for rocking?" Asked Dr. Mordin Solus with eagerness.

"No another band is playing." Answered Garfield with facts.

The other band was playing mediocrely and not rocking out at all. Blue Suns audience booed them and threw things at them.

"You are not rockers but sockers. Now be gone." Dismissed Video Santiago as he pressed a switch which open a pit of fire underneath the pathetic band to their demises.

It was time for Garfield and all was pumped. The announcer announced Garfield and all began to cheer.

"Next up is Garfield and the Galaxy Warriors playing their hit smash single "Desperate Lasagna Woman"!" announced the announcer with great excitement.

Garfield and his band came to stage when laser lights and pyrotechnics blasted in the stage causing great cheers. Grunt started an awesome beat and Dr. Mordin Solus did a cool keyboard intro. Then Garfield pointing at Oriana, roared with awesome metal vocals causing earthquakes and hurricanes.

"Girl with eyes I see you glancing my way girl Hop in my Corvette I will take you for a whirl

Hotter than lasagna walkin in the moonlight

Babe you making me so hungry just for a bite


Like wheels on runaway jet plane


Girl you drivin me insane


Body Smooth and tight like Great Dane


Baby why you give me heart pain

Sweet sugar, for good times space is the place to be

Take a ride on my space rocket and you will see

Baby girl do not fear my lovin, it was meant to be

Breaking beds all night is our destiny


Alone, no man, such a crime


With law in my pants I make you do time


Girl I want no more of your lies


All I want to do is lick your thighs"

Garrus then broke into a rockin guitar solo wailing on his axe like a banshee in heat. Garrus shredding rocked the stadium and the audience threw clothes and flowers and threw their fists into the air, getting into the music. Than the band quieted down little getting into soft meaningful part of song when Garfield again began to sing with meaning.

"Desperate lasagna woman what is your game?

Do you want love or do you want fame?

You are pleasure and you are pain

You have my heart locked in chain


Sassy lady you make me stare


Your breasts I want to see bare


Hot momma taunting me


In your pants I want to be

After rockin music performance the audience went crazy throwing hands in the air and chanting for more. Even Video Santiago was impressed and tapped his foot to music and clapping his hands.

"Amazing you are musical genius! Please play more!" Begged Video Santiago with impressments.

Garfield took a guitar and aimed it at Video Santiago with determined eyes.

"Here is my encore!" Quipped Garfield as he launched a missile from the guitar at Video Santiago blowing him up and freeing Oriana.

"That is what I call power chords." Joked Garfield with humor.

Blue suns began rioting and causing havoc with their leader blown up.

"Turn on your instruments to kill!" Garfield ordered to his band mates.

At Garfield's orders, Garrus Thane and Kaiden Alenko turned their instruments to gun mode and began firing away at Blue Suns, mowing them down with extreme prejudice. Dr. Mordin Solus than began using his keyboard to detonate explosive bombings around the stadium, exploding many Blue Suns. In the madness and chaos Garfield ran to Oriana mowing down Blue Suns all the way, however a Blue Sun was cornering Oriana against wall.

"Stupid woman you will not get away!" roared Blue Sun.

"Back away help me please!" Cried out Oriana.

Garfield rushed at Blue Sun and smashed him in head with his guitar splattering his head all over like a watermelon.

"That is the power of rock." Garfield said as he spat on blue Suns corpse.

"Thank you Garfield you saved me." Said Oriana with gratitude.

"It is no problem I hate to see beautiful woman not in my arms." Garfield carrying Oriana and taking her to safety.

"Oriana! Thank you Garfield you are forever my hero." Said Miranda embracing her sister.

"I like seeing ladies together." Said Garfield with clever wink.

With Blue Suns gone, Garfield and crew freed sexy ladies and returned them to their village. When Garfield and his squad returned to the village there was great celebration and dancing. Garfield sat alone meditating in a corner, to recharge his fighting spirit. Oriana saw Garfield and approached him.

"Garfield I have been rude girl, not thanking you properly." Said Oriana.

"I think I know way you can thank me properly. But you have to work hard not to disappoint me." Said Garfield with lustful smile.

"I am overachiever." Said Oriana with seduction.

"I will give you the loving you never had but always wanted." Garfield said grabbing Orianas firm bodies.

"Wait now lil sis, we always do every together, remember?" Said an approaching voice. It was Miranda!

"Oriana yes let us make this family reunion to remember big sis." Oriana said with happiness.

"Two for one loving that is my kind of deal." Garfield said with approval.

The twin ladies began pleasuring Garfield and eachother, kissing and licking them all over. Garfield then got between the both of them, rockin both their worlds at same time.

"Lady sandwich, my second favorite food." Garfield said with clever comments as he and the ladies made delicious loving. Garfields loving launched like a missile and made the ladies explode with pleasure. (symbolic)

"Garfield you are rock star both on stage and in bed." Said Oriana as he rubbed Garfields toned muscles.

"Oh I am just beginning. I am going to give you a guitar solo you can never forget." Said Garfield as he embraces Oriana and Miranda. Garfield then unleashed his instrument and made rockin music with his ladies all night long.

To be continued…