Hi. It's me. Do you even know who I am. Ok I know it has been a long time since I last put up a chapter but I now have accsess to my computer more than one or twotines a week. I am going to try to finish this in one or two more chapters so be on the lookout. Sailor Moon is the property of Toei Animation and Dic. I am no t making any money off of any of them. Pleas E-mail me at Serene _chiba@hotmail.com and tell me what you think. I hope you keep an eye out after this one is finished. I am going to be puting out many more stories as well as the sequal to this. Stay tuned for another preview after the story. Thanks. Where Oh Where Has My Serena Gone Pt5 by Serene ******************** The next morning I awoke with the smell of waffles in my nose. 'Who would be making waffles?' I got up and groaned. My whole body was sore from last night. I dreassed and went to see who was cooking. "Serene. What are you doing up this early?" I asked her still a little grogy. "Early! It's nearly 11:00 and I was sick of waiting for you to get out of bed. what did you do, have a party last night?" "I had some buisness to take cair of last night." I told her. "Well breakfast is ready." "Thanks." I fixed my waffle and sat down at the table. "So what are we doing today?" "Well I was thinking that we could go to the mall. What do you think?" "Great." "All right, but first I want you to meet some friends of mine. I have a fultime job and so they have agreed to babysit you while I'm at work. they will pick you up from school and stay with you untill I get home. Ok." "Sure. Whan do I start School?" "A couple of days yet." "Cool. Oh buy the way, who is the girl in the pichtur by your bed. I went in to see if you were awake yet and saw it." "Ah...Well...(sigh)That's Serena." "Serena huh. Is she your girlfriend?" She asked me in a mocking tone. "Serene, Serena is gone. Yes she was my girlfriend but shes dead. She has been for the past year and It still hurts to talk about her I guess." "Oh, I'm sorry darien. I didn't know." "No, It's ok. How could you have known." We ate in silence, when we got finished I washed the dishes. Ding Dong. 'must be the girls' I thought. "Coming." I went to the door. "Hi guys. Come on in." "Hi Darien." It just the inner Scouts. Mina came up to me. "How have you been holding up?" She asked worriedly. "Look, I appreciate it that you guys worry about me but I'm fine. Strang as it is I am fine." "All right but if you ever need to talk I'm here. We all are." I smiled. "Thanks Mina." We went into the living room and sat down. I introduced the girls to Serene and Visa Versa. We talked and laughed. ****************************** "Serene seemes pretty comftorable living here." Luna commented. It was that night. We had gone to the mall and got Serene some new clothes. "Hmmm. I also like having her here. It feels right somehow." "I hear you. Well good night Darien." "Night Luna." ****************************** "Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!" "Darien. Darien wake up. Come on wake up Darien." "Huh" I tried to get my eyes to focus. When they did I saw the most beutiful face in the universe. The face of my beloved Serena. "Ser...Serena. Is...is it realy you?" "Yes Darien, and now we will never have to part again." "Oh Serena." I reached up and pulled her to me. I kissed her. When we parted Serena wasn't there anymore. It was Scar. He grinned at me and said " you will never see your princess Serena again." ***************************** I shot up in bed covered in sweat and breathing hard. A cool wet cloth landed beside me and a small hand picked it up. It was Serene. SHe looked very worried. I was still in shock over the dream of I would have said something. I fell back and landed on my pillow still breathing heavily. She leaned over and started bloting my face again. "Shhh. It Ok. It was only a dream. It's over. Shhh. Everything is going to be Ok. I'm here." she whispered these words of comfort to me like a mother would wisper them to a little child. I was still treambling a little. These nightmairs every night were getting to me. I sat up again. She got on the bed beside me and gave me a hug. I let her hug me. It fealt good. No one at the orphanage was there for me whenever I had nightmares. It just fealt good to know that she was there. After I had calmed down I asked her why she wasn't in bed. "I couldn't sleep and then I heard you calling out in your sleep." "Thanks. Go back to bed now. Ok I'll be fine." She giggled a little. "What is so funny." I asked her. "It's 7:00 silly." "It is?" I looked at my clock. she was right. *************************** After the breakfast dishes were done we were in the living room watching the news. They did an article on the Sailor Scouts. "And in other news today. Two days ago the Sailor Scouts were seen fighting more of their enemies. Witnesses say they all showed up exept for Sailor Moon. Why is the question we are asking ourselves today. Why didn't Sailor Moon come...?" I flicked iff the Tv. "What's wrong Dar...?" she was cut off by the sound of the phone ringing. I picked it up and answered. "Hello." "Darien. Hi. could you come into work today. We have four people out and could use your help." I sighed. The last thing I wanted to do was to go to work. "All right. I'll be there." I called up Amy and asked her to come over and babysit. She agreed and I told Serene what was going on. "Go on. I don't mind. I like Amy anyways." "Thanks Serene." I gave her a kiss on her forhead and headed for the door. "Buy Darien." "See yuh Serene." **************************** As I was on my way to work my communicator beeped. "Yeah. this is Darien." "Darien. Sailor emergency at the park." "Got it." I looked around an ran into an alley to transform. ****************************** "Venus Love Chain Encircle!" "Jupiter Thunder crash!" "Ahhh!" The monster screamed in pain and shot a bolt of energy at Saturn. "Mercury Ice Bubbles blast!" The ice traped the energy. "No!" Mars looked at the monster with rage in her eyes. "Mars Firebird Strike!" "It takes more than that to get ride of me." "You want to bet on that." "Who are you?" "I am Tuxedo Mask and you are history. Earth Prime Rose Pearce!" he shot one of his new roses at him and the monster dicintegrated. "I'm glad that's over." Venus said with relef. "Mercury, I thought you were with Serene." "I never got there. That monster just came out of nowhere." "Darien!" I looked to see who had called me by my real name. Luna. What... Where is Serene?" I was a little more than alarmed. Luna stoped and pantes a little."I hope she's all right. Those Negascume came to your appartment looking for her." "And you Just left her there!" Mercury shouted. "No. I told hr to hide and not to make any noise. I tried to fight them but ended up looking for you guys." "We have to get back there now." Mars yelled and started back to Dariens apartmant. ******************************** When we got back there they were literaly tearing the place apart. When they saw us they started attacking and gave up easily saying they would be back. We all started looking for Serene when we heard a scream from the balcony. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" "Serene." I ran to the balcony but didn't see her. "Look. The railing has colapsed!" Saturn pointed to the railing beside the door. "AHHHHHHHHHH!! Help me please! Somebody Help Meeeee!" I ran to the hole in the railing and looked down. Serene was hanging in the air by her pant leg which got cought in the metal bars sticking out of the cement. "Please help me!! I'm going to fall!! AHHHHH!!" her pant leg was riping under the stress. "Hold on Serene!" Uranus shouted down to her. "Form a chain." Pluto ordered. The girls linked there arms together and Jupiter supported me as I bent down to grab her leg. Serene was sqirming out of fear. Then, suddenly her paint leg got untangled and Serene plummeted down to Earth. My hand went down with lightening speed and cam into contact with her ankle. I pulled her up. Mercury and Neptune grabed her waist so she could avoid the matal bars and we finaly got her to safty. After about two seconds the balcony began to shake. "It's going to fall. the reinforcments are buckling. Everybody inside now!" Mercury shouted. We all ran inside with Serene just as the balcony tilted forward. "Venus Love chains encircle." Venus shot out two love chains which wraped around the corners of the balcony and heald it to the outter wall. "Grrrr. I sugest you think of something fast. I can't hold this up forever." "Mercury ice storm blast." Mercury created an ice slide and a ring at the bace so noone would get into the way. "Ok Venus. Let it go." Venus let go of the chains and the balcony fell down the shute to the ground. "Mars fire ignight." mars shot fire at the ice making it mealt. "I'm glad thats finaly over." I looked around for Serene and found her on the floor shaking and crying all curled up in a ball. I went to her and held her in my arms. The scouts all watched us. Serene looked up at me. She tilted her head as if she were trying to figure something out. She saw right though my mask. "Dar...Darien?" she wispered so I could just bairly make out what she said. I widened my eyes in surprize. . she put a hand od my face. it was like she had forgotten what had just happened. She traced my face with her finger. In her eyes I say disbeleaf. It was like we were in a trance while staring into each other's eyes. "Darien?" "Huh." She looked at the scouts and into there faces. "Ami, Rei, Mina, Lita. You guys are the Sailor Scouts." she looked at me. I looked at the scouts. They motioned that it was my decision. "Yes. We are the Sailor Scouts." "What happened in here?" came a mail voice from the front Doorway. It was Mr. Skipsit, the owner of the appartmate building. He looked up and saw us. " Darien, what happened." the scouts turned to me and saw that I had already powered down. "Some monsters attacked us and the Sailor Scouts saved us." Sailor Mars steped forward. "We appologize for the damage unfortunatly there was nothing we could do about it." "Thank you for coming to help. I don't hold you responcible for the damage." Mr. Skipsit turned to me. there is another apartmant if you want it Darien." "No thank you. They were after Serene. I think it would be best if we just left." "Ok. Goodluck." He turned and left. "What are we going to do Darien?" Serene asked me. I looked at her but I didn't answere. "You could stay at the temple." Mars said quietly. I gave her a questioning look. "It would be the safest way. i am in a long vacation from school now so you would always have a scout on hand." "I think Mars is right especialy since she knows who we are." Jupiter put in. they all nodded. ********************************* It was decided. We would go to the temple. Rei's grandfather wasn't happy about it but when He got a visit from the inner scouts how could he say no. "Some week huh. Just get out of the orphanage and already your having intence adventures." "Yeah. Not only do I have a brother but He is also the leader of the Sailor Scouts. I hope you don't mind my asking but what happened to Sailor Moon. Did She Just Quite?" My mood darkened. With all that had happened I almost forgot about Serena. "She is going though some tuff times right now so she isn't scouting for a while." that was truthful enough. There was a knock on the door. "Come in." "Hi," it was the girls. "Are you guys settling in Ok?" "Yeah." "Hey, you can't do that. AAAHHHHHHHH!!!" "That's Chad." Rei exclamed. "Erica, go find out what is going on." She went and was back in no time. "it's those four jerks and Serena!" "All right."(I sighed. I really didn't want to deal with them right now.) "Lets go." "Mercury Planet Power!" "Mars Planet Power!" "Venus Planet Power!" "Jupiter Planet Power!" "Saturn Planet Power!" "Pluto Planet Power!" "Uranus Planet Power!" "Neptune Planet Power!" I glanced at Serene. She was watching them, facinated by the prosses. I looked back and eight Sailor Scouts stood where eight Teenagers once stood. I heald my rose to the sky and transformed. When I was Tuxexdo Mask I Turned to Serene. "Stay here and stay out of sight." She nodded and we left her with Luna and Artimis. ***************************** We went out looking for them, But we couldn't find a trace of them. "Ohhh. Where are they?" Saturn said just a little ticked off. Suddenly the familiar headace that came whenever Serena was in danger came. "What the...?" the scouts looked at me. I rubbed my tamples and closed my eyes. What I saw horified me. Serene was being attacked mercilessly by those negascume. "They found Serene. Come on." We started running. we got there just in time to see Serene fly out of the doorway and land hard on the ground. "Serene!!" I ran to her while the Scouts ran to battle with the Rif Raf. "Serene, are you all right?" She groaned and started to get up. We watched them fight. < I have to help them, but I can't leave Serene.> Suddenly the girls were blasted back with such force that they were behind us. "Grrrrr. I've had enough of this." Serene stood up. "You will pay for hurting the ones I care about." With that she bagan to glow brightly. Strong winds came and cloudes covered the sky. They were being blown twards each other. (the Antiscume) Suddenly a beam of light shot from Serene's forehead and disintegrated them all. Even Serene. Everything cleared up and Serene fell to the ground totaly exausted. *************************** When Serene woke up we asked her what happened. She said she didn't remember anything that happened after she was thrown out the door. I pray that Serena is finaly at peace. It still rears me up when I think about her, and I guess it always will. I wish I could go back to that Halloween night that she was taken from me, but I must exept What I cannot change. I know that Serena is in the best place she could be. In heaven where no evil can touch her. I also know that she wouldn't want me to be sad forever. How can I with Serene around. I still think It is strange that I still feel like I'm with Serena when I'm around Serene. We never really found out were Serene got those powers from. Amy has tried several scans and come up empty handed. I got a better paying job and Serene and I moved into a real house in Serena's old neborhood. Lita moved in with us a while later. she said she was sick of her small apartmant and that she would help oay the morgage. For the most part we were happy. Serene grew up to be a beutiful teen of fourteen. Just in case your interested After that last battle I found the Impeium silver crystal and gave it to The Tuskino's. I've made a vowe to Serena. I won't allow myself to act on any romantic feelings I may have. I will Always stay true to Serena. Serena's death taught me that time is short, but The scouts, serene, amd I will live our lives to the fullest. That's all that really matters. I love you Serena. I don't think I will fall in love again. I look forward to the day whene we are reunited. Until then goodbuy my Serena, my Sailor Moon, my Princess, my Eternal Love. The End ************************ So, what do you think. E-mail Me please. Just for the record, Aries was never killed in this story. He goes into his layer and stays there for years. Will he come back? Is he still after Serene? Of course. What about Serena. Will they ever see her again. Is crystal Tokyo doomed to never exixt. So creats the Setting for the nest story 'All I Want For Christmas Is Serena' I don't know when I'm going to start publishing that story. E-mail me and Tell me when you want to read it. Befor I put that story up I want to get another short Story up. Keep a watch out for 'lost and found loved ones' buy