You want to read my disclaimers. There is some Information on there that I promise you will be interested in Hi, My name is Serene. This is my first attempt at a fan fic. I love to get E-mail so send Me flames or comments. My E-mail address is I don’t own Sailor Moon and I never will. Sailor moon and all original characters pertaining to Sailor Moon belong to Toei animation and DIC. The villains in this Fan fic are mine. The little girl Serene is mine. Just to clear this up a little. The Character Serene is not supposed to be me. I liked the name Serene so I Adopted that name. Oh, one last thing. Stay tuned after the story for a sneak peak of the next chapter. If you read Romance in the Moonlight then you get a sneak peak at this chapter. And now on with the show. One last thing. I don’t Know the powers for the scouts after the SMR season so I’m going to use the Powers from the first two seasons. Where Oh Where has my Serena Gone? Chapter 1 By Serene "That Sailor Moon is a real nuisance. She should be destroyed." "She is the leader of the Sailor Scouts. They are very powerful and *extremly* loyal to each other, especially there leader. Don’t forget that" "I think we should bring Sailor Moon here," Said Lord Aries "What!? Why?" The commanders said in unison. "She is a great worrier. Beautiful, brave, and loyal. She also has a lot of experience in leadership. She would be a valuable addition to our army as, at least, a commander." "What makes you think that she would even remotely do that?" asked the Generals called Dracko and Scar. Dracko was the current head commander. He was about 6 feet tall, deep, sharp, pearcing blue eyes. He had shoulder length, blood red hair pulled up to look like a mohake. He had a muscular body and a killer temper, literally. When he got mad all he had to do was look at a plant and it would wither and die. (That talent is what made him head commander) Scar was the second in command. He was a *big* man with a huge, ugly scar running down hid left cheek. It starts just above where his left eye should be. It runs straight through the place where his eye was and curves around to the side of his face. The scar completely distorts that side of his face. His head was bald which was just the right touch to make him *very* intimidating. He loved to destroy things more than anything else, but he was not dumb by any means. " I don’t expect her to do it willingly by any means. we will make her ours one way or the other. Tarteris, I am going to put you in charge of reverting her. Satin, you will train her to our powers and our ways. When we get through with her she will no longer be the Champion of Justice but the Champion of the Antiverse. Queen Beryl was a fool to bring Tuxedo Mask to her side. Sailor Moon was at her mercy and she didn’t take her. Only the Antiverse will prevail." "Yes Lord Aries." the commanders said. Tarteris was a kind of worrier scientist. (like Sailor Mercury only his powers were not as weak as hers were.) He had Black hair about average length, but his teeth were so yellow they were almost Orange. Satin was the only general that seemed to care about what he looked like. He had short brown hair and a deep voice. He was very muscular and fit. He is also the tactical advisor and trainer. "Lord Aries, what is our assignment?" Dracko asked. "Go and retrieve Sailor Moon. I want her a unharmed as possible. Dismissed." "Yes Lord Aries." They bowed and left. ************************ "OK, where is he? Darien Is almost never this late, and I should have heard something by now." Serena was waiting for Darien at the park by the lake. Darien was half an hour late. "Where is he? Something happened, I know it." She was getting very nervous. Darien was *never* this late and she had the feeling like someone has been watching her. It was also getting late. She finally decided to get out her phone and see what was wrong with him. When she dialed his Phone number all she got was a busy signal. She thought to herself. "I’ll call him on his new communicator. If that is busy then there *is* something wrong." She took out her Communicator and punched in Darien’s communicator number. "Darien, come in. this is Serena. Please respond." His face didn’t appear the screen. All she got was static. "What’s going on here!" Serena was starting to get scared both because she can’t contact Darien and because she couldn’t shake the feeling like she was being watched. "Maybe I just Being Paranoid, It is Halloween after all." She said trying to reassure herself but she still felt like she was being watched. Suddenly a hand came up behind her and grabbed her shoulder, "BOO!" She shrieked and spun around dropping her bag, fists up, ready for anything. "Hey! Serena cool your jets," said a familiar voice. She looked up into a pair of slightly shocked green eyes. "Andrew!" she said and let out a sigh of relief. "You really scared me." "Sorry Serena. What are you doing out at this hour, alone, on Halloween?" "I’m waiting for my late date." "*You* have a *date*! Who is it?" "Don’t sound so surprised Andrew." "Sorry. So who is it?" "It’s Darien. You haven’t seen him by any chance have you?" "No, sorry to say I haven’t" he replied and then his eyes widened with surprise. "You Didn’t say Darien, did you?" "Yes I did. Darien Chiba is my sate tonight. Don’t look so shocked Andrew. "It’s just that I thought you two hated each other, and now you say you’re going *out*" "Yeah well, we discovered that we have always loved each other but either didn’t know what love was or didn’t know how to express it. It took an exiting, scary and somewhat depressing adventure with Sailor Moon and her Sailor Scouts to bring it out, but things are working out fine now." "You and Darien shared an adventure with the Sailor Scouts! How come you never mentioned it before." Inquired a *slightly* shocked Andrew. "We...ah...were asked not to talk about it too much and we are definitely not allowed to go into detail about it." She replied thinking fast.] "Yeah, you can’t really say no to the Sailor Scouts." Suddenly a tall figure appeared an the shadows behind the trees. He Started to go through the bushed and headed toward them. They heard the movement and turned to see who it was. He stopped and stared at the two, then fixed his eyes on Serena. He started to walk toward them again. "Hey Serena." he said as he left the shadows. "Darien!" Serena said and ran to him and gave him a big hug. Mostly she was relieved that he was OK. "Your Late, Darien. I was about to call the girls up and send them after you." I’m sorry Serena. The sidewalks are almost unwalkable with all those Trick-or- Treaters." Darien looked up at his best friend and greeted him, "Hey Andrew, Happy Halloween." "Right back at you. So what’s the deal leaving Serena out here on Halloween night? especially at this hour?" "The streets and roads are practically jammed." "Well that’s a pity for you." said a *deep* voice. All three of turned to see who had spoken. Two big men came out of the bushes, The one on the right had a huge scar running down his face. The other a had blood red mohake. Both of them wore these evil smirks on their faces. "Scar, take care of them. I’ll get the girl." The one with the mohake said. He smiled evilly and popped his fingers, "No problem Dracko." Then they both started advancing toward them. Serena backed off a bit whole Darien and Andrew got between them and Serena. Scar charged them and used his powers to hit Andrew so hard he flew through the air and hit the ground so hard he was knocked out. Then he Brought his right hand above his head and a glowing ball appeared in his hand and threw it at Darien. He dogged it and they started an all out fight. Unfortunately he never got the chance to transform. Andrew started to recover and lifted His head to find Darien and the one with the scar fighting, and Serena just coming out of shock. "What am I doing?! I have to help him. OHH, hold on Darien. I’m coming. MOON ETERNAL POWAAAAHHHH!" The one called Dracko came up from behind her and grabbed her pining her arms to her body. "AHHHHHH!!! Darien Help!!" "Scar I’ve got her. Lets go." Dracko yelled and disappeared with a struggling Serena. "Serenaaaaa!! NO!! Ah." Scar came up behind him and hit him on the head knocking him out. "Serves you right." He said coldly and left. "NO! Serena! Darien!" cried Andrew struggling to his feet. He wanted to go to his friend but every cell in his body said No. He forced himself to his feet anyway, even though his body acked all over. He started to go toward Darien. About Half way there he collapsed on the ground unconscious. ******************** "AHHHHHHHHHH!" "Darien look, fire!" Serena yelled when she saw a wave of fire racing towards them down the elevator shaft. "What?!!" "OHHHH!" Serena and Darien stared up the elevator shaft in fear of the fire. "OHHH" "Grrrr. Your going down Zoiysite!" "HUH!" "MOON PRISME POWER!" Serena Raised her hand which had already started to glow signaling the start of the transformation. "I don’t believe it. It’s her. Serena is Sailor Moon!" Darien said in shock and disbelief as Serena transformed into Sailor Moon The Champion Of Justice. Darien was still in shock at this when sailor Moon ran over to him. "Take my hands quickly." She said taking Darien’s hands in her own. "Serena, *YOUR* Sailor Moon." Darien said half expecting her to say no. "What do you think Darien?" She replied and closed her eyes in concentration. "What are you..." He said when he was cut off by the feeling of becoming lighter. He looked at Sailor Moon and found that her pony tails were floating behind her. Suddenly fragments of the floor broke off and started floating around them. He looked up and saw that the fire was almost on them. he blinked and then they weren’t in the elevator any more. They were flying up to the opening in the elevator shaft. ******************** Satisfied that he was gone Zoiysite turned to leave and said "I’ll just tell Beryl it was an accident. She won’t mind with all seven crystals." "Hold it!" "Who’s that?" "I’m disappointed in you Zoiysite." "Oh, why? Who are you?" "I should think that after all this time you would know that it takes more than a measly fireball to get rid of Sailor Moon. Negascum." "This is so ironic. It’s not you that I want but your pall Tuxedo Mask." "Tuxedo Mask. Give me a break. he isn’t even here Zoiysite." "Yes I am." At that Sailor Moon Straitened up stiff and turned to see who had spoken. "I am Tuxedo Mask." Darien told her. "You are?" "Hmm huh." He held up the rose and Transformed Into Tuxedo Mask. "Well of all the...." < Cranky old Darien my dream hunk. This is going to take some adjusting to.> "You better get out of here Sailor Moon. This fight doesn’t concern you." "Of course it concerns me. Are you kidding? If we stick together we can beat them. Lets do it." "Sailor Moon I’ve got to earn those crystals." "So, Tuxedo Mask. You still interested in fighting for the rainbow crystals or not.?" "You Know I am But you’ve got to garentee a fair fight and Sailor Moon’s safety first." "Of Course. I wouldn’t have it any other way." Zoiysite was lying though her teeth. For at that very moment an ice Crystal appeared behind them aimed at Sailor Moon. "Well come on then. Lets get it over with." "Your on." As soon as he said those words the crystal shat at it’s target as fast as a bullet. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!" Sailor Moon let out an ear pearcing scream an she lost her footing and fell to the ground. "Sailor Moon!!" Tuxedo Mask yelled when he saw her hit the ground. He ran to her and held her. The slightest movement meant an unbearable surge of pine throughout her entire body. She cried out again in pain. He looked up at Zoiysite to see her laughing. Malachite appeared laughing and congratulating her. Then they changed into Dracko and Scar. they laughed again and disappeared. "Tuxedo Mask." came a faint voice. He looked down into Sailor Moon’s Tear streaked face. It was obvious that she was in great pain. "Oh, Sailor Moon. I’m s o sorry. I’ve failed in my mission to protect you." Tears were threatening to come but he blinked them back. He squeezed her closer to him. Even that little movement sent pain through her body, and here he was squeezing her closer and tighter to him. She groaned in pain but allowed him to hold her. "It’s not your fault Tuxedo Mask. I should have been more careful.(pause) Strange." "What?" "It doesn’t hurt as much any more. It’s also getting dark." A tear fell then, and then another. He was helpless to stop them now. They all fell on Sailor Moon’s face. "Tuxedo Mask, are you crying. That’s... a new one... on me." "I guess you just caught me on a bad day." "I’m so sleepy, but I don’t want to sleep." "Why?" "I’m not dume Darien. If I go to sleep I will Never wake up.(pause) I’m sorry." "For what?" " For the way I treated you. You really are a pretty decent guy." He was silent. Overcome with emotion. "Darien." "yes" "Take... care of... the sailor...scouts" " Of course. Serena, I’m sorry about the way I treated you, I...Serena." She wasn’t moving. Her eyes were closed. She was dead. "Serena, wake up. Come on, wake up. Serena wake up. wake up. *******************8 "Darien wake up, wake up, come on wake up. "Huh. What?" Darien Looked up into Andrew’s concerned Bandaged face. "Andrew, What happened to you?" "The same thing that happened to you, remember." "Oh yeah. Those two thugs that were after Serena. Oh my gosh, Serena!" He looked at Andrew, pleading him with his eyes to tell him that she’s OK. "I’m sorry Darien. They took her." "Oh, Serena." "I’ve called the police and notified her family but I don’t think they will find her. The only people I know that deal with this kind of person are the Sailor Scouts." "I’ve got to go." "OK." Darien got up to leave. "Darien." "Yeah." "Take care of yourself." ‘Sure thing. Thanks." "Anytime." ***************** Andrew was right on all accounts. Serena was captured by Antiverse. The Sailor Scouts were the only people that dealt with these people. Everybody was out searching for Serena. Her family, friends, scouts, and the police, but they never found her. For a hole year they searched. They did everything they could to find her. The Sailor Scouts worked the hardest of all. Rei did daily fire readings. Amy tried countless different programs and scans on her Mini data computer. Susanna did everything she could think of to find her. Erica and Michele talked to all their contacts and set up flyers. After about 6 months the police stopped looking for her and said she was probably dead. No one who loved Serena wanted to believe it, but with time her friends came to believe it. A while later her family accepted it. Finally the Scouts accepted it. Darien held out the longest, but even he eventually believed it though it hurt him too much to admit it to anyone but the Scouts. He vowed he would never love anyone but her. He kept her picture by his bed. That beautiful young face smiling up at him with her long blond hair up in two buns and ponytails. She was 17 when she was taken from him. ******************************************************************* How’s that for a cliffhanger. I’m on a vacation from school so I may post the second chapter later this week but I’m not sure. What will happen in the next chapter. Will they get Serena back? Who is this Antiverse? Will they be back? Who will take up the role as Leader of the Sailor Scouts? What will the Antivers do to Serena? All but the first one will be answered in the next chapter. The first one you will have to wait till the end of the story to get answered. Now Like I said before, I like to get E-mail so just send Me flames and Comments. 1 last thing to tack care of. you still need to read the sneak peak of the next chapter so hear it is. ************************************* "How may I help you?" He asked politely. "Are you Darien Chiba?" She inquired with a hopeful look in her eyes. "Yes, and you are?" "Oh, sorry. I’m Janice Shonday from Cross Roads Orphanage, and This is Serene." She gestured to the little girl holding her hand. "I’m sorry. I’m not adopting any children right now." "I know. May I come in you might want to sit down." "Ahh, sure." He stepped aside to let them in. When they were seated he sat down and asked what she wanted. "Well I know this is kind of short notice, but...." He cut her off. "I would appreciate it if you get to the point." "All right. Serene is your little sister." ************************************* OK, that’s taken care of. hope you like it. BUY