Konichiwa Mina. Serene here. This is the chapter you have all been waiting for. Will they get Serena back. What will Serene do with all the stuff she has collected. Read on if you dare. I don't own Sailor Moon. ect ect. All I want for Christmas is my Serena pt5 By Serene WARINING. WARNING. THIS CHAPTER IS GRPHIC. nothing hentai but graphic. PG13 Arigatoo. Please please please e-mail me. I want to know how much you all love the chapter. Serene_chiba@hotmail.com Ok ok. On with the story. So this is the place. It's kind of creepy. Oh if Darien knew I was here I would never here the end of it. I smiled dispite myself as I imagined the scene. I was at what was left of the Chapel of Mother Earth. (Who came up with that name?) It was 11:30. I had spent the last three hours looking for this place. Just when I was going to sit down and wait for this portal to open the winds changed from a light breeze to a fast wind. The clouds suddenly became very dark and covered the sky. Then a hole appeared in the cloud cover and the Moon shone on the snow on the steps of the chapel like a spotlight. A Black hole like what the negaverse appeared. The only difference was that it was silver lined in black. The winds stopped but the clouds stayed where they were. "I guess that's the portal." I made sure I had a good rip on the bags and the oil lamp before I stepped through. It was like stepping through a door. One minute I was in front of the ruins of a church, the next I was in the ruins of a city. It was day there. The sun was up and yet I could still see the stars as if it were night. The dirt was pure white and there were bodies everywhere. I almost dropped all of my stuff. The shock of seeing bodies of dead people who were cut slashed, had swords sticking out of them, and any other gruesome fate you could think of were everywhere. All of them in puddles of blood. If I didn't know better I'd think the battle ended just an hour ago. The stench of blood and burnt carcasses filled the air. I put the bag down and quickly buried my face in my shirt to try and muffle the revolting smell. It didn't help. I tried to breathe shallow but that didn't help either. Between the bodies and the hideous odor I was about ready to hurl. I decided to just get it over with and got out the map. With it in hand I picked up the rest of the stuff and followed the map. Once when I glanced up from studying the map I found a Woman with white hair lying on a fallen pillar. She looked as if she were asleep. I approached her slowly. The atmosphere around her had the aura that she was a very important person. When I saw the crescent Moon on her Forehead I know hat this was the legendary Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom. I crossed myself in the catholic way as a sign of respect and as a prayer that she rest in peace. It seemed the most appropriate thing to do. When I turned around I was met by the sight of Darien and Serena Floating in the air, wearing very royal looking clothes. They were both dead. Tears still wet Serena's cheeks, as there was no air to dry them anymore. I guess when I passed through the portal It must have made it so I could withstand the enormous vacuum of space and survive without air. The site of my brother's dead body was too much for me to bear. I closed my eyes and ran in the direction I was supposed to. When I finally stopped and looked around the dead bodies of the sailor scouts met me. They were all torn up and in puddles of their own blood. Their uniforms had been turned to shreds. Once again I crossed myself, both for the scouts and for Darien and Serena. Then I looked around to see the chapel I was looking for and quickly entered. There was a fire pit beside the altar like the instructions said. I remembered the first part of them and put the bags down. Then I lifted the lamp over my head and thrust it into the pit. Instantly a huge fire rose to the ceiling. The fire was so hot it was red with white tips. I happened to be standing a little to close and had to jump back and then back up several more paces before I could bear the heat. The fire lit up the entire room. I got out the instructions and read the next thing I needed to do. I got out the vase with Serena's ashes and opened the lid. I then walked as close as I could get to the fire and got a handful of Serena's ashes. Suddenly the fire lost its heat and I found I could stick my hand in it with no trouble. I did and started slowly dropping the ashes into the flame saying " Power of the Moon," I got another handful and put it into the flame. "Power of light," Another handful, "Bring the princess," And another, " Within my sight." I continued like that until the vase had been emptied. Then I stepped back and the heat returned. Next I Pulled out the locks of hair and tossed them into the flame saying "Power of mercury, Power of Venus, Power of Earth, Power of mars, ECT, ECT. When the last lock was in I finished the chant. I took out the star locket and placed it by the fire open. It's music filled the air. Then I opened the two containers and dumped the water in the fire. The flames suddenly leaped to the ceiling with such fury that Serene was pushed back about three feet. She covered her head with her arms to protect herself as best she could. When she looked up there seemed to be the shadow of a figure in the fire. Think about shining a flashlight at someone from the side in a dark room. What you don't see of them is what was seen in the flame. I got out the Moon talisman and healed it out in front of me. It opened and the crystal glowed. "Power of the crystal, Power of the Moonlight, Bring the princess back to life." As I finished the crystal sent a beam of light shot at the figure. Winds grew and swirled around the fire. Strong winds that threatened to knock Serene off her feet. I closed her eyes against the light and the wind. After the winds stopped I opened my eyes to see the flame dying down to reveal a woman floating in the flame. She had hair as gold as the sun which flowed down to her ankles. He eyes were closed and her body nude. As the last flame died she slowly drifted to the ground. She opened her eyes about the time her toes touched the ground. She looked very tired. When she was completely on the ground she collapsed on to her stomach. I suddenly realized what the Luna pen was for, got it, and went to help her. The girl leaned on me heavily, Like she was too weak to hold herself up. I showed her the Luna pen and asked her if she knew how to use it. She nodded, took it, pushed on me to step back, and said "disguise power, give me warm clothing." She instantly had on Sweat pants, a winter coat, and earmuffs. She then collapsed onto the ground and leaned against the altar. She watched me as I gathered up the remaining stuff that I needed to take home. I was just about to put the talisman back in the bag when she asked for it. I gave it to her and she smiled as she examined it. Suddenly something occurred to me. "How are we supposed to get back to earth?" She looked at me and smiled. "Don't worry about that. I can get us back as soon as I get some strength back." She looked at me a second and then said, "You're Serene aren't you?" "Yeah, and you are..." "Serena." She finished. My jaw practically hit the floor. This is their Serena. This is their Sailor Moon. This is their princess. Wait, isn't she supposed to be dead? I... That ceremony must have been to revive her. Serena giggled as she saw my reaction. "You should see your face right now." "You... You're the Serena the scouts always talk about. Darien's Fiancee." "That's right. How is Darien." "It still hurts to talk about you." "And the girls?" "Their good. Uh, are you strong enough to take us back to earth? No offense but this place gives me the creeps." She smiled. "OK." And tried to get up. I helped her up and she used the crystal to take us back. We half walked and I half carried Serena to my house. We had been walking like this for the past five hours. It would be dawn soon and we needed sleep. Serena was surprised when we stopped in front of a house that belonged to one of her old neighbors. "What are we doing here?" "This is where we live, Darien, Lita and me." What do you mean Darien and Lita?!" She said. Her reaction puzzled me. Then it hit me and I giggled as quietly as I could. "It's nothing like that. She got tired of living alone so she moved in with us. She is just a room mate." "You're sure. Just as a room mate." "I live here don't I? Don't worry. Darien won't even look at another girl. He has remained faithful to you for years." She smiled. We started up the drive when I noticed the garage door was closed. "What's wrong?" Serena asked me when I stopped. "The garage door is closed. That means that nobody is home." "Why would it mean nobody is home? Lita can't drive." "Yes she can. She has had her license for a couple of years now." "Right. I keep forgetting it has been couple of years since I was last here." She paused a moment. "Why would they be out at this hour. And on Christmas." "Chances are they're looking for me. That means I'm neck deep in trouble when they get home. Come on." We started for the door and Serena opened it. It took us 15 minutes to get up stairs and into my room. I set Serena on the bed and collapsed on the floor. I don't know how long I laid there but I knew it was a while. Serena plopped back on my bed. We were both completely spent. I finally managed to gather enough energy and will power to get up and get us some nightclothes and my sleeping bag for Serena. I threw the sleeping bag at her knocking her back into full consciousness. "I demand to sleep on my bed. You owe me big time for what I did for you. Lay the sleeping bag out on the other side of the bed." She managed to get to the other side of the bed and lay it out. Meanwhile I got out two oversized t-shits and two clean boxers. I tossed Serena one of each to change into. She healed out her hand and the Luna pen appeared in her hand. The winter clothes she had on vanished and she was completely nude. I noticed she blushed a little before I turned to give her some privacy. We both changed and got into bed. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. "Serene! Serene gets up! It's 2:00! You've slept long enough! Serene I mean it get up and get Dressed! You have a lot of explaining to do! Serene UP NOW!" Darien yelled through my locked door. He sounded outraged, not that I blamed him. Still, I didn't think I could get out of bed if I wanted to. I groaned and rolled onto my side and looked down at Serena. Her eyes were closed but I could tell that from the way she was moving that Darien's ranting had woken her up as well. "Ahhh. Who could sleep with all that noise." She sat up and yelled at the door. "Stop that racket! People are trying to sleep here!" With that she plopped back down and rolled under my bed, taking the sleeping bag with her. I followed her example and attempted to go back to sleep. Darien had stopped banging and I heard voices on the other side of the door. I was on the verge of sleep when I heard a faint click and the door opening. I groaned inwardly. 'No more sleep for us I though but didn't sit up. I didn't even open my eyes. "Serene Chiba! Get out of bed NOW!" Darien yelled stomping into my room. I heard other footsteps behind him. "Get out of bed NOW Serene, before I drag you out." "Serene you are in a lot of trouble and I don't recommend you add to it with disobedience. You have got a lot of explaining to do for you're behavior." Amy said trying to keep a cool voice but I could tell she was really angry. "Go away. Let me sleep." I mumbled and pulled the blankets up over my head. I didn't care how angry I got them. It would disappear the second they saw Serena. "Darien calm down." I heard Mina say. "Let me go Mina." I heard him growl. "Lita… help." I heard a shuffling of footsteps as Lita and then Rei went to restrain Darien. Just then I felt the covers being pulled off of me. Cold air quickly took their place. I reached down for the covers but couldn't find them. Slowly I opened my eyes to see Michele holding my blanket and the rest to the girls holding Darien back who was slowly regaining control. I sat up, stretched, and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. By then Darien had regained control and the girls let him go. He took a deep breath to calm himself further before he said in a calm, even voice. "Do you want to explain to us where you were last night Serene." I thought about what I could say without telling them where I really was and about Serena. "I… Was getting you're Christmas present." The look on their faces told me they didn't believe me. "In the middle of the night. All night. On Christmas Eve." Darien said. "Serene we were out all night combing the city, looking for you. Both as our selves and as out alter egos. We didn't find a trace of you. Were did you go?" "To get your Christmas present." I said matter-o-facility. It was the only answer I could give them with out giving away what I was doing. "All right. Let's try this." Darien said looking in the shopping bag I had on my floor. It was the bag I carried the stuff I needed. He pulled out the star Locket and the empty vase, which had held Serena's ashes. "What are you doing with these? I've been looking everywhere for them." Suddenly he noticed the vase's change in wheat. "What the…" He opened it and his face paled to almost snow white. "What is it Darien?" Lita asked. "Serene. Where are Serena's ashes." "What!" The all ran over and looked into the vase. Rei's face turned beat red. "You wanna explain this Serene!" She almost yelled. "All right, that's it." I heard Serena say and felt her struggle to get out from under my bed. Once she had freed herself she stood up looking very tired and very angry. "I want QUIET! Understand. QUIET! How is anyone supposed to get any sleep with all this racket?!?!!!" With that she plopped back down on the sleeping bag. I watched her over my shoulder as she promptly fell back to sleep "I wish I could get to sleep like that." I turned back to the girls and Darien. Their jaws were on the floor, their eye's were the size of golf balls, and it was the funniest scene I had ever seen in my life. I burst out laughing and fell back on Serena who jerked and pushed me off of her. I continued to laugh at the sight the others made and began hitting the floor with my hand. Soon my sides hurt and my eyes watered. I stopped laughing and wiped my eyes. Serena was looking very annoyed with me. She scouts were just beginning to recover their wits. "Serene, Who was that?" Amy said, as she was the first to find her voice. I sighed and looked at Serena who had a look of slight confusion and shock as she slowly began to comprehend whom the mob on the other side of the room was. "Might as well get up Serena. They're not going to let us get back to sleep for a long time." I told her and got up. I reached for the sky in a long stretch that brought me to my toes. Serena giggled. "You look like the proverbial cat who swallowed the proverbial cannery." I smiled and hummed and affirmative to her. "Serene, we are still waiting for an explanation over here." Holly said beginning to get annoyed at being left in the dark, as were all the scouts. I looked over at them and came out of my stretch. "Sailor Scouts," their faces turned to shear shock at hearing her call them by their alter egos in front of whoever this person was. "May I introduce you to my Christmas present to all of you," Serena smiled knowingly. She got up revealing herself to her friends of two lifetimes. "Serena Tsukino, AKA Sailor Moon The champion of justice, leader of the Sailor Scouts, The Moon Princess, and my soon to be step-sister." Grinned at Darien as I said that last part. They all stared at the girl in front of them. None of them made any move to deny it not did they make a move to confirm it. Serena and I knew they were in shock again and waited patiently for the inevitable. Setsana was the first to recover her wits this time. "There is no way she could be Serena. I would have known about it." "Has Father time kept things from you before?" I asked her knowingly. "But, we all saw her die, Serene. You're the one who killed her." Lita choked out. "I don't know you guys." Rei said as she brought her fingers together as she would if she were doing her Mars Fire attack. "Whoever that is she is extremely powerful and the power feels so much like the Princess." "It's me guys. It's a long story but I'm home." Serena said gently. I looked at Darien's, looking for him realizing it was Serena through the bond they shared. There was no recognition there. I guess Serena had been dead long enough for the bend to weaken. "I know how to find out for sure." He said suddenly. Slowly he walked around the bed, past me and stood in front of Serena. "Don't move." He said darkly. Serena just gazed up into his blue eyes. I could see him studying her eyes as well. His hand went up and gently but firmly held Serena's head still. He bent down and kissed her lightly on the lips. Serena on the other hand wasn't going to settle for a butterfly kiss on their reunion after having been dead for years. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and placed a hand on the back of his head and healed him fast as she deepened the kiss. Darien tried to jerk back but to no avail. In a mater of moments he stooped struggling and wrapped his arms around her waist squeezing her tight against his body as they renewed their love and reinforced the bond that had lasted over millennia. They stayed like that for a long time. I was about to get worried that Darien would suffocate her when her knees buckled and she fell away from Darien's kiss. Darien almost went down with her but healed his ground. He looked on lovingly at the girl who lay in his arms. She was breathing heavily, her cheeks as red as Darien's roses. She giggled breathlessly and then gasped out, "Wow." She giggled quietly a little more and Darien smiled adoringly at her. He lifted her to him and kissed her eyebrows, eyes, nose, cheeks, and even her sensitive ears. Finally his lips lingered around the corners of her slightly parted lips. Serena was breathing heavily again and swallowed as Darien attacked her lips again mercilessly. I saw her grab a handful of Darien's shirt. An act that probably didn't begin to show how much pleasure she was experiencing at that moment. I smiled and looked back at the girls. It was obvious they knew that is was Serena beyond a shadow of a doubt and were torn between letting the couple enjoy their reunion to the fullest and attacking her, beginning their reunion with her. I swear they looked like they were ready to clime up the walls. Even Amy. I looked back just in time to see Darien tighten his grip on her as if he was never going to let her go. Serena now had two handfuls of Darien's shirt both as if she didn't want him to stop and as if she was about to expire from suffocation. I didn't do anything to stop him though. Darien would never forgive me. Serena let go of one handful of Darien's shirt and began to push him back. Humming like you would if you desperately needed air. He released her mouth and began to move down her neck, not about to release her just because she needed something as trivial as air. Serena's body shook as her breath stormed through her. When she had finally caught her breath She slowly began to close her eyes in pleasure and her moan only confirmed in. Darien worked his way up to her mouth again while Serena looked as weak as a newborn kitten. Once again Darien attacked her mouth full force. He entaingled his hand in Serena's hair and healed her still. When he finally released her so she could catch her breath I cleared my throat to get his attention. He looked at me and I jerked my thumb over to the girls who looked like cats just before they leapt into the air at their prey. Serena followed his gaze when she caught her breath again. He sighed and reluctantly released her. Before he had a chance to change his mind the girls were all over her. I couldn't see what they were doing because there was so many of them. I stepped up behind Darien and leaned up to whisper something in his ear. I didn't have to lean very far for being very tall is a trait we both shared. "You owe me." I said. He turned to look at me. "You owe me big time." I said a little louder this time and healed up my hand to show him the Star locket. I reached down, took his hand, and placed it on his upturned palm. Then I got some clothes and left for the restroom to change. After a few hours they all came down from my room and demanded from me how I did it. So I told them the story, leaving out the fact that I was on the Moon. Later that day we told Serena's family that the sailor scouts had rescued her. They, of coarse, went bolistic over it. I won't go into detail of what happened but I bet you have a pretty good idea. I didn't tell them that I was Sailor Sun. I like knowing something big that they don't. Aries didn't show up for a while but that doesn't mean he isn't gone for good. Will we ever beat Aris for good. Only time will tell. So what do you think good, ok, good. Please e-mail me. Ok. Ja ne.