Chapter One: Destiny and Fates change, Finding the Mercury Crystal

The sun was bright and beautiful shining through the windows of the newly purchased apartment belonging to the Chiba family, and practically calling for the inhabitants to come out and take a stroll. Serena sat on the couch reading one of the cookbooks she purchased, engulfed in the dazzling sunlight that streamed through the window—but she didn't notice. Her mind focused more on memorizing a recipe to improve her cooking skills.

"Aunty Serena!"

A little girl with marine blue hair pulled in two high pigtails rushed into the room; she had tears in her eyes holding her arm. She sniffled while whining in pain from the reddening mark on her arm.

"What's wrong Michelle?" Serena asked, she sat the book on the couch next to her and pulled the child onto her lap. "What happened to your arm?"

Michelle sniffled holding up her arm so her aunt could see. "Alex gave me an Indian burn," she began crying louder. "She was mad at me for playing my violin too loud while she was playing with her race cars."

Letting out a sigh Serena stood up keeping a firm hold on Michelle and went to the large bedroom, which belonged to her nieces. She looked in the room and nearly dropped Michelle at the sight. Susan was tied up to a chair with tape over her mouth while Alex was hiding under the bed. "What's going on in here?" She questioned, she sat the small girl down on the floor and proceed with untying her other niece.

"Alex is on a rampage again," Susan, stated, her brow furrowed as she began explaining what had went on. "And then she smashed Michelle's violin."

"My violin," Michelle wailed, she buried her head in Serena's skirt and began crying again.

"Michi, why don't you go see if Uncle Darien's home from work yet. I'll deal with Alex alright?" Serena asked softly smiling down at the little girl.

"Ok…" Michelle walked out of the room sniffling she looked back and saw her aunt kneel down and look under the bed.

"Alright Alex come out from under there." Serena ordered placing her hands on her hips narrowing her eyes. She normally wouldn't be so angry but Alex had been terrorizing Michelle a lot.

"Yes Aunt Sere?" Alex said sweetly, she crawled from under the bed blanching at the sight of her aunt giving her the "I know what you did" look. "

"Did you give Michelle an Indian burn? And did you tie up Susan?" Serena asked in a calm manner.

Alex went silent looking down at the floor. "Did that tattletale snitch again?" she asked frowning. "This is why I shouldn't have a little sister like Michelle, she tells on me to much."

"Alex, I want you to apologize to your sisters and until Michelle's violin is paid for I will be deducting it from your allowance." Serena said sternly.

"That's not fair!" Alex shouted. "If it wasn't for Michelle always playing that dumb thing I wouldn't have smashed it."

Mentally counting to three Serena calmed down, she had no idea that Alex was such a hell spawn but she needed to take care of her. It was all part of destiny and she needed to make sure that all of her friends were reborn and taken care of. Taking a deep breath, she said. "I don't want to hear any excuses," She ordered. "Do you want to be grounded for the weekend too?"

"No ma'am…" Alex said softly.

"Good," Serena smiled softly and placed a hand on the girl's head. "Now go apologize to your sisters, and if I hear that you are bullying them again I will not go easy on you."

"Ok," Alex left the room quickly while calling out for her sisters so she could apologize to them.

Shaking her head Serena sighed sitting on the desk chair and began thinking back to how the young outers had arrived at the doorstep a year ago. She had been coming back from one of the battles with youma left over and she found the little girls waiting outside for her.

****************A year ago******************

"It's even harder with just two senshi,"

Serena groaned as she looked up at the sunny skies, the battle she and Keisha had been in was one of the toughest they ever fought, thankfully for them Tuxedo Mask had come to save them before they finally defeated the youma. She wasn't ready to fight again. It was hard and even harder as she needed to stay alive for the rebirths of her friends.

"Yay she's home!"

A blur of marine blue hair caught her off guard as she tumbled to the ground with a little girl hugging her tightly.

"Who are you?" Serena asked she began wondering if this was another child from the future or a neighbor kid.

"Don't you recognize me Aunt Serena?" The little girl asked. "I'm Michelle; I'm your favorite niece!"

"Uh, Michelle," Serena stared at the little girl closely, she saw the blue eyes which mirrored the ones of the outer senshi of Neptune and she could not mistake the hair for anything. "You're my niece?"

"You ran into her too hard," A little blonde girl walked over prying the little girl from her aunt. "I think you may have hit your head Aunty."

"Alex!" Serena gasped out at the little girl. "What happened to your hair…it's so long…did you let it grow out?"

"I've always had my hair like this," Alex frowned. "My mom and dad wouldn't let me get it cut because they rather me look more like a girl. As if I'd want to look girly,"

"Don't complain," a little girl, said quietly, she walked over carrying a bag on her shoulder and her dark garnet eyes focused upon her aunt and sisters. "We should be grateful our parents did what they could for us before they left us, and we have Aunt Serenity to look after us."

Serena stared at the little girl a long moment; she recognized the eyes and hair. She could not believe it the three Outer senshi were reborn which only meant that Tara must have been with them. She immediately asked. "Where's Tara?"

"Who's Tara?" asked Alex curiously. "We don't' know any Tara…is she one of your friends aunty?"

"Um…never mind." Serena fell silent, she saw the little girls were watching her intently and finally spoke. "Alright, how about we go in and I'll make some hot chocolate and we can talk?"

"Hooray!" Michelle squealed happily.

"Michelle can't have any chocolate," Susan said. "She got a cavity from eating too much so she'll be having water instead."

"That's not fair!" Michelle whined. "Aunty Serena will be ok with me having a little, it wont' hurt me."

"And have you up whining?" Alex asked. "We don't want to hear you whining, so you'll have to pass on the chocolate until your cavity gets filled."

"No fair!" Michelle began wailing loudly. "I don't like water!"

Serena smiled softly and shook her head as she led the three outers inside her apartment. She giggled softly at how happy she was that they were finally reborn which only meant the others would not be far behind.

*****************Flashback end

Sighing she stood up and headed into the living room where she saw the three girls were happily sitting in front of the television watching Sailor V. She got a far off look on her face thinking back about the others. She began wondering which one of them would be reborn first.


"Are you kidding?"

Keisha began laughing; dropping the cookie, she had been eating onto her lap. She knew that Serena was worried about the others but it was funny as she began to think of how it'd be possible for the others to be reborn. "You'll know when the time is right Sere, don't rush it."

"Keisha it's not funny!" Serena snapped. "I'm not sure which one will be reborn first."

Keisha stopped laughing wiping a tear from her eye. She had to admit it felt good to laugh again. She knew that Serena was being serious but she found it amusing to tease the moon senshi to get her to cheer up. "Alright, I'm sorry but if you want my opinion I think that Lita will be reborn first."

"Lita," Serena asked tilting her head to the side. "Why do you think it'll be Lita whose reborn first?"

"Well, she was the tallest of the senshi and she seemed to be more mature." Keisha placed a hand to her cheek in thought. "But it depends on what fate has planned for you Sere; we've pretty much have no clue on how the future has changed since we don't have Pluto around anymore to drop hints."

"That's really helpful for you to say," Serena mumbled in annoyance. "You're not the one who has to worry so much about their rebirth."

"Oh, I am worrying." Keisha stated. "With the others not around and with only us and Tuxedo fighting were pretty much screwed unless those damn Starlights come back to Earth, but I doubt that since they have a planet to rebuild, and I don't think our phones can call out to the far reaches of space."

Fall silent Serena looked out the window sighing, she had to admit it but Keisha was right. Without the others they were pretty much sitting ducks. She hated how many stray youma showed up after years of being dormant and now the attacks doubled every week it felt like. Not only that but Luna forbade her from allowing the Outers to have their wands back and powers reawakened. "I wish Luna would…"

"Don't finish that thought Sere," Keisha warned. "You know the Outers will have to be older before they gain their senshi powers. Especially since their destinies have changed and they do not have to worry about being senshi anymore, let them be normal children for a while before they become senshi again. Wouldn't you have wanted it that way for Rini?"


"Then don't worry about it, we can handle anything that is thrown at us." Keisha smiled softly at her friend. That is until a crowd of people running down the street outside ruined her statement. "What the hell! Fate you sure are a bitch to us, come on Sere we gotta go fight."

"Um…right." Serena stood up grabbing her bag and followed the girl outside.


"So what kind of youma is it today?"

Keisha stopped and glared at the youma draining energy from schoolchildren. "Of course…it's attacking kids." She pulled out her wand holding it at ready. "Hey ugly why waste your time on kids? Why not come drain our energy instead, we're healthy, delicious, and full of vitamin c."

The youma dropped the child on the ground and walked towards the two women standing in front of him. He extended his claws out prepared to attack.

"Keisha what the hell are you doing!" Serena demanded.

"Egging it on," Keisha winked and held up her wand. "Sun Crystal Power, Make Up!"

The light from her transformation wand cleared revealing Sailor Sun standing in the place where Keisha had one been.

"Alright, let's get it on!" Sailor Sun smiled and rushed towards the youma as she began throwing punches at it. "Sere, don't just stand there with your mouth gaping open, transform!"

Yelping out she was thrown onto the ground. "No, you didn't," She rushed forward attacking the youma again.

Pulling out the Eternal Moon Article, Serena looked down at the brooch. She held it tightly in her hands preparing to transform. "I have to protect Earth…for everyone...but I'm not strong enough."

"Serena what are you waiting for!" Sailor Sun let out a loud scream as the youma slashed at her knocking her into a phone booth.

"Sailor Sun," Serena looked over at the youma, narrowing her eyes; she didn't have time to think anymore. She needed to transform and destroy this creature for attacking the city and hurting her friend. "Alright, you're moon dusted! Moon Eternal, Make Up!"

Transforming into Eternal Sailor Moon, she glared at the youma and shouted. "I won't let you get away with attacking my city, I am Sailor Moon the Champion of Justice, and in the Name of The Moon I shall punish you!"

"Sailor Moon…" The youma growled out rushing forward attacking the senshi standing in front of him. "You will die!"

"I highly doubt that!" Dodging the youma's attacks Sailor Moon turned around just as the youma's clawed hands reached her.

"Star Serious Laser!"

The youma let out a loud scream of pain as it flew into a lamppost, it turned around catching sight of three silhouetted figures in the distance.

"The stars have aligned in the skies and called us back for a fight, we will shine in the darkest nights!"

"Sailor Star Fighter!"

"Sailor Star Maker!"

"Sailor Star Healer!"

"Sailor Star Lights, Stage On!"

"Starlights you came back!" Sailor Moon said happily, she smiled grateful they came to help.

"We couldn't leave you here to fend for yourself Rena." Star Fighter said gently.

"And Seiya wouldn't quit bitching." Star Healer mumbled shaking her head. "Enough with the fuzzy and warm reunion, let's kick this thing's ass and go home."

"Star Gentle Uterus!" shouted out Sailor Star maker sending the attack at the youma sending it sprawling across the ground.

"Sailor Moon finish it off!" Star Fighter shouted.

"You got it!"  Sailor Moon held up the Moon Power tiare as she called out. "Silver Moon Crystal Power…Kiss!"  Power radiated from the tiare and struck the youma turning it to dust.

"Way to go Sailor Moon," Sailor Sun said. Sailor Star Maker who had her arm around her waist keeping her steady was holding her up. "Nice job on stalling too…it totally helped the Starlights to attack and save our asses."

"We had to save two pretty ladies," Starfighter said smirking.

"Save it for the locker room pretty boy," Sailor Sun powered down and put her transformation wand away. "I am going to go back to work; Sere I'll see you later."

Serena nodded before powering down. "I should be going to pick up the outers now." She said walking off.

"Wait a second, I'll go with you!" Seiya shouted he powered down and rushed after her.

"We should go back to our old place and unpack," Star Maker suggested. "Seiya will be no help to us today."

"Do I really have to unpack?" Star Healer whined.


"Let go!"

Michelle held the legs to her Barbie doll while trying to get it back from Alex who was standing in the kitchen with the microwave door open.  She did not know what was going on but she knew her doll was hers and she was not done playing with it. "It's my doll!"

"But I'm sending her on an all expense paid vacation to a tropical paradise," Alex said innocently. "Can't I play with your doll for a little bit Michi?"

Thinking it over for a long moment Michelle hugged her doll and handed it to Alex. "Here, you can play with her."

Alex took the doll and quickly threw it in the microwave. She pressed the buttons and started the microwave. She giggled gleefully as the doll began melting. "Let's see how she enjoys her vacation!"

"No Alex give me her back!" Michelle whined out loudly reaching for her doll to get it out of the microwave. "She's melting!"

"We mustn't interrupt her vacation," Alex said pushing Michelle away. "She's having a blast!"

Michelle sniffled and began wailing loudly. "I'm telling Aunty Serena!" she rushed out of the kitchen into the living room. "Aunty Serena, Alex is melting my doll in the microwave!"

Serena sighed. "I'll go deal with Alex, you stay here with Uncle Seiya." She went into the kitchen; she walked out a few minutes later dragging the child behind her. "Apologize to Michelle!"

"I'm sorry…" Alex mumbled.


"I'm sorry alright!" Alex shouted glaring at Michelle before catching sight of Seiya holding her little sister. "Who's this?"

"I'm your Uncle Seiya," Seiya smiled down at the little blonde girl who was once the former senshi of Uranus. "I see you like to cause trouble."

"So what," Alex said, she reached up and grabbed Michelle's hand pulling her sister off his lap. "I don't like you, and neither does Michi."

"But Alex," Michelle began but went silent when her sister pulled her out of the living room. "Uncle Seiya is nice!"

"No he's not, he's weird!" Alex said she looked back sending a glare in Seiya's direction before shutting the bedroom door.

"You have your hands full don't you Rena?" Seiya asked smiling, on the inside, he was keeping his feelings in check, but on the outside, he was calm and collected. The last time they had seen one another she had called him just a friend. Not that he minded as he left her in the hands of her true love.

"They're not a handful normally," Serena admitted, she gave a half smile, On the inside she was starting to wonder if this was the right path while the other side of her made her happy that she had three of her friends back and they depended on her to care for them. "Unless it's a day where Alex decides to go on a rampage,"

"You're doing a great job with them," Seiya said he leaned closer and whispered. "If you need help anytime, please let me know and I'll babysit them."

"Seiya…you're getting a little too close," Serena said staring at him curious as to what he was doing. "Are you not feeling well?"

"I'm fine Rena…I just…" Seiya wince in pain feeling something hard hit him in the back of his head.

"Stay away from my Aunty!" Alex shouted out glaring at him, she held a nerf gun in her hands glaring at him.

"Alex be nice!" Serena ordered she turned and looked at Seiya apologetically. "I'm sorry; she's normally not hostile towards guests."

"Not cool…" Seiya mumbled, though he felt pain in his head his ego was bruised more.


Later that night Serena was getting the outers ready for bed, she smiled down at Michelle as she untied the girl's hair ribbons and began brushing her hair. Her mind began drifting to the battle earlier that day, she had hesitated to transform and while her anger fueled, and her desire to protect Earth part of her wanted nothing more than to live a normal life. She had not had those thoughts since her final year in middle school and during her first year of high school but now since she was finally free for the halls of torture and now working on completing college she really didn't want to have these thoughts.

"Ow, Aunty you're brushing to hard." Michelle whined sniffling, she tried running away from Serena to avoid getting her hair brushed but to no avail as her aunt had a strong grip on her hair.

"Only babies cry when they get their hair brushed." Alex replied from her bed, she quickly quieted down when Serena sent her a glare.

"There were all done Michi," Serena smiled gently and sat the hairbrush down. "Now it's time for bed."

Taking off towards her bed Michelle settled down among her stuffed animals, she picked up her favorite fish doll and cuddled with it.  

Serena smiled and tucked her in and leaned down kissing her on the forehead. "Good night Michelle."

"Night Aunty!" Michelle said brightly, she let out a big yawn and began falling asleep.

"That's typical of her to fall asleep," Alex said rolling her eyes. "Babies always fall asleep first."

"That is enough Alex," Serena scolded, she tucked her in and kissed her on the forehead. "You have school tomorrow, so I expect you to sleep and not stay up all night playing with your race cars."

Alex pouted and nodded. "Ok," she sulked leaning back against her pillow feeling tiredness wash over her before she fell asleep.

Walking over to Susan bed, she smiled softly, placing a kiss on her forehead and said. "Good night Susan,"

"Night Aunt Serenity," Susan smiled snuggling down in her bed and began drifting off to sleep.

Walking to the door Serena stopped at the doorway looking in at them smiling gently. She turned off the lights realizing they were not such terrors when they were sleeping.


"So are the girls settled down for the night?"

Serena looked over her shoulder and smiled at Darien. "Yes they are, they maybe a handful but they are really good kids."

Darien nodded and wrapped his arms around Serena's waist. "Well in any case you are a great guardian to them." He kissed her gently.

Serena giggled and returned the kiss enjoying the moment of being in Darien's arms. "I have given it a lot of thought and I am starting to wonder when the others will be reborn."

"They'll probley make their appearance when you least expect it," Darien replied kissing her again.

Serena nodded and thought for a moment looking out the window at the bright moon in the sky. "Please mother give me a sign…"


"Princess…Princess Serenity…."

Serena opened her eyes; she was inside a blue hallway which had the tapestries of the royal family of Mercury hanging on the walls. She glanced down and saw that she was now Princess Serenity. "Where am I?"

A woman with short light blue hair pulled back in a bun wearing a blue dress with  a lighter blue trim, on her head sat a shining gold tiara, encrusted with blue jewels, walked down the hallway towards Serena. She had a soft smile on her face and her blue eyes reflected a kind and wise person.

"Welcome to Mariner Castle,"   

Serena gasped. This was the castle, which belonged to the royal family of Mercury and where Princess Mercury resided. "This is Mercury's castle?" she questioned. "Does this mean you are…You're Princess Mercury's mother!"

The woman nodded. "Yes I am," She said. "I am Queen Athari; I am the Queen of Mercury and mother to Sailor Mercury."

"I…I can't believe it, but why did you send for me?" Serena questioned. "Is it because of Mercury…is she…"

Queen Athari smiled gently. "I am here to tell you that soon my daughter will be reborn and her star seed will shine brightly once again."

"Mercury will be the first one to be reborn?" Serena questioned in happiness. "That's so great!"

"I am afraid you'll have to find it." Queen Athari said. "It is the utter most importance that nothing stops the shine of her star seed…that's why I've hidden it on the surface of Mercury…there were evil forces here trying to take away her power."

Serena nodded. "I will find her crystal and make sure that I protect it, I won't let anything stand in my way of keeping my solemn vow."

Queen Athari smiled. "I know you will Princess Serenity," she began to fade away in blue light. "Keep a strong heart and you will be successful, I know you'll find her crystal."

The queen had vanished and Serena was left alone, she glanced at the large portrait of Princess Mercury hanging in the throne room. She walked over placing a hand on the canvas of the portrait. She glanced up at the image of Amy's smiling face looking down at her; she knew then that she would have to find her friend's crystal. "Amy…I promise you I will find your Sailor Crystal."


The Harsh conditions of Mercury was that a dangerous one as she walked through the cold terrains. Serena cursed her decision to leave the Mariner Castle during the late evening instead of waiting for the early morning when the terrain would be warmer. But she had to keep her promise to her friend. Amy would soon be reborn if she found the Mercury Sailor Crystal. Continuing her trek through the snow covered ground she came to a dead end. A large frozen sheet of ice, which once had been a small nature, made pond sat alone. Something was calling to her, a voice that was familiar, yet one she could hear fading with each step she took.

"Please find me…"

Inching closer to the frozen water Serena carefully stepped on the frozen water. Even if she lost her footing, it would be a harsh place to land as her snowsuit wasn't helpful in keeping certain areas of her body warm. Getting closer a blue light began emitting itself from under a frozen pool of ice.  Reaching out her hand and closing her eyes, she whispered softly. "Crystal of Mercury come to me…"  

The crystal shot out of the frozen pond creating a small hole where it had been frozen before. It began floating above her hand and she held grabbed it holding it tightly against her chest. "I found it..." She whispered softly, tears began forming at the corner of her eyes.

She felt her body begin to fade taking the crystal with her, the faint voice emitted from the crystal whispering.

"Thank you for finding me…Serena."


Serena opened her eyes and sat up in bed; she looked around and saw that she was in her bedroom. She looked down and saw Darien sleeping next to her soundly. She began to ponder what the dream she had meant.  She had been on the terrains of Mercury trying to find the Sailor Crystal of Mercury. The life force where senshi began, but strangely enough, she did not see the crystal anywhere.  It had been a dream but it seemed to feel so real.

"Could it be a sign from my mother…?" Serena looked out at the silver moon, which seemed to sparkle in reply to her question.

End Chapter

Next Chapter: Amelia Athena Chiba