Rini's Change of Fortune By the AP Scout (c) 1999 NOTE: This fanfic is a LEMON. That means it contains sexual scenes that may offend some of you. If you are under eighteen, don't read this fanfic! All Sailor Scout related characters are copyrighted by DiC, Naoko Takeuchi, Toei Animation, and probably some other folks. Part 8 Rini was slowly awakened by something cold and wet touching her bare skin. Memories of her past bed wetting episodes shot through her, causing her cheeks to redden in embarrassment. She started to realize the wetness was too high up for what she had first thought it was. Understanding slowly dawned through her sleepy mind as she felt Serena shifting. Tossing back the thin sheet that had been covering both of them, Rini could tell even without lights that the diaper on Serena was soaked right through. Rini hated waking Lita but there was no other choice. The bed sheets would need to be changed. That and Lita could watch Serena while Rini cleaned herself off. Carefully getting up, Rini went over and shook Lita awake. She had just finished telling the teen what the trouble was when Serena woke up and started crying. Serena wanted to be changed and she wanted to be changed that instant! Rini stared moodily at her scrambled eggs the next morning. Her mother had not been happy when she had learned that Serena had been sleeping in Rini's bed instead of her crib. Rini hunched her shoulders slightly, trying to block out the sound of Serena's incoherent babbling. She cared about the two year old girl a great deal but all she wanted to do now was go back to bed. Her only consolation was that Sammy was not there to see her humilation. "Ma-ma," Serena called out, "Ma-ma." "Just a minute, Serena!" Irene called from the kitchen as if Serena could understand her. "Ma-ma!" Serena repeated with more strength. Irene ignored her daughter, so did Rini. "MA-MA!" Serena shouted. Rini turned to glare at Serena and got a face full of breakfast mush for her trouble. "What'd you do that for?" Rini demanded while wiping off the banana mush the child had been eating. "Ma-ma..." Serena cooed and held out her tiny covered drinking glass to Rini. Rini looked downright puzzled at Serena's reaction. "'Ink!" Serena said more urgently while stretching out her drinking glass to her older sister. "Psst," Lita whispered, "She wants another drink." "I know that," Rini hissed back, "But why is she calling me 'Ma-ma'?" Unless... Irene came out of the kitchen and gave Serena a stern look. "I said I'd be right out. No need to shout." She noticed Serena's empty glass. While reaching for it, she asked, "Do you want a little more milk, honey?" "No!" Serena said firmly and pulled the spillproof glass protectively to her chest. Once Irene had lowered her hand, Serena shoved the glass towards Rini and said in a slightly exasperated tone of voice, "Ma-ma, 'ink!" Irene reached for the glass and Serena pulled it away again. "No!" she said with a scowl on her face. It took the grownups awhile to figure out that Serena wanted Rini to get her a drink. It was downright perplexing to Irene although Lita seemed to get some perverse amusement out of the whole situation. To the toddler, Rini was her mother and despite what anybody said, that's the way it was going to be. By mid-morning, the day was clear, hot, and muggy. There was hardly any breeze and what little breeze there was only intensified the heat. Rini tugged with some annoyance at her T-shirt and bra. Both were uncomfortably hot and sticky and starting to become constricting. Irene thought it was perfect weather to wash the windows. The fact that she had Rini helping didn't help to improve Rini's mood. Hearing a giggle, Rini turned to find her baby sister attempting to follow Luna around. It seemed as if Serena was having all the fun lately. Rini muttered to herself and turned back to the boring task before twisting around again to give Serena a harder stare. "Serena!" Rini snapped. She dropped the sponge she had been using into the bucket beside her. Serena halted and looked at Rini curiously, "How do you do it?" Rini asked. The toddler just stared at her in confusion. With some exasperation, Rini looked around for Serena's diaper. Serena had somehow discovered a way to wiggle free of her diaper. "Come here so I can put this back on you." "No," Serena said simply and started after Luna again. "Serena," Rini said, "Come here!" "No." Rini frowned and walking over, caught Serena by the arm. "NO! NO! NO!" Serena said angrily. Rini firmly ignored her and after some struggling, got Serena diaper back on her. Setting the crying child back onto the ground, Rini admonished her baby sister. "You stay in that diaper, young lady!" "No!" Serena yelled in defiance before glaring at the grownup. Sighing, Rini went back to her window washing. For the next minute or so, she glanced over her shoulder at Serena who appeared to be sulking. Heaving another sigh, she continued with her work. Rini was just starting to think that it might be a good idea to take Serena back into the house; her mother had warned her that Serena shouldn't get too much sun. Turning around, she discovered Serena had yet again removed the diaper and was roaming around totally naked. Walking over, Rini reached down for the diaper but Serena snatched it away. "No!" "Give me the diaper, Serena," Rini said. "NOOOO!!!!" Serena yelled. Rini grimaced and bent down. She reached forward and caught Serena's arm. Drawing the toddler closer, she gave Serena's bare bottom a firm swat. Serena started crying. Rini carried the crying child inside and after putting the diaper back on Serena, she gave the toddler another swat before plunking her onto the living room floor. Rini was standing at the kitchen sink washing the lunchtime dishes when Irene came into the room. "Sweetheart," Irene said gently, "Don't take it so hard." Since Rini had spanked Serena, the little girl had been acting nervous the entire time whenever Rini was around. Rini's guilt increased when the toddler had hurt herself and had wanted nothing to do with her. "I know, Mom," Rini sighed, "I think she'll forgive me." Irene patted her on the arm before saying, "Go on, I'll finish these up. Keep Serena upstairs for a little bit. I want to do some vacuuming while your father and Sammy are not under foot." Rini grinned while wiping her hands. She walked into the kitchen where Serena was sitting; the little girl seemed to be having a conversation with one of her stuffed bunnies. Exactly what this conversation was about Rini didn't really know. "Hi Serena," Rini said, "Want to hear a story?" Serena hugged her rabbit and glowered at Rini. Sighing a little, she stepped forward and lifted Serena up. The little girl squirmed for a few moments before settling down. Talking softly to Serena, she carried Serena up the stairs and along the hallway to her room. A short time later, Rini carefully held Serena as she slipped into the cool waters of the bathtub. She hadn't originally intended on taking a bath, or giving Serena a bath, this early in the day. Unfortunately, the little girl had soiled herself so much that the typical cleaning wouldn't do. Besides, it was a great way to cool down. Serena seemed to have given up her grudge, if she had actually been holding one. Instead, she splashed about the bathtub delightedly. Rini had to be careful not to let Serena's head go underwater but she gave Serena free reign otherwise. Serena liked getting her back washed. In fact, she liked getting everything but her face washed. Serena also didn't like getting her hair washed either, what little she had left of her once glorious pigtails. However after the cleaning was out of the way, Rini let Serena make her own rules pretty much. Eventually though, Rini noticed Serena was slowing down. Seeing the little girl give an expansive yawn, She pulled her closer. As the baby girl settled her head onto her chest, Rini gently hugged her. While the guilt she had felt at that morning's events was now gone, she still felt guilt. She was feeling guilty simply because Serena was the way she was and it was entirely her fault. She had wanted to be older, but not as old as she was. And she certainly hadn't wanted Serena to be as young as she was. Serena could barely talk anymore. Rini did enjoy taking care of the child, but it was a lot of work. The things Irene discussed with her were becoming even more confusing. Rini mostly nodded as if she understood. For a brief instant, she wished Rubeus hadn't ever zapped her. Rini was distracted from her thoughts when she felt something familiar. Glancing down, she gave a little gasp of surprise. Serena's eyes were almost closed, her head lolled to one side. What had shocked Rini though was that Serena had started suckling at her breast. It was like what Darien did, only it was very different. Serena's suckling seemed gentler, more natural somehow. Rini was unsure if this was right or not. But that was pushed aside as she felt the heat starting to build below. She felt the desire to rub herself grow but she shook it off. She had to look after Serena; she had promised that. Carefully Rini climbed out of the tub. She didn't want to wake the suckling baby. Gently she pulled Serena away and the little girl started to fuss but after a moment, settled down once she had her thumb in her mouth. As Rini dried herself and Serena off, she made a mental note to ask Amy about what Serena had done. "Time for your nap, Serena," Rini said but the little girl was already asleep. Rini wanted to masturbate but it was still early in the day and she wasn't sure what Irene would say if she were caught. It was later that afternoon when Rini found that Serena couldn't talk anymore. She was sitting on the living room floor playing with the child. "Serena," Rini said as she held out the stuffed bunny, "Want this?" She was surprised when Serena babbled something, walked unsteadily forward, and reached out for the toy. "Serena, want this?" Serena made a funny sounding noise but nothing that was really a word. When she handed Serena the toy, Serena suddenly sat down with a PLOP onto the carpet. After the shocked surprise went away from Serena's face, the baby pushed herself into a crawling position and crawled away across the floor as fast as she could. Rini watched then as Serena found something she could help steady herself. Once back on her feet, the toddler started back to where she had been playing before. Still the walk was ungainly and Rini suspected that soon Serena wouldn't be able to even stand up straight without some assistance. Off to the west, a large fiery sun slowly sank. Serena was more fussy than usual because of the heat. Serena could no longer speak real words. She lay still on Rini's bed in nothing but her diaper. "She likes this," Rini said as she gently massaged one of Serena's legs. Amy smiled while studying the results of her scan. "Serena's about eighteen months old," Amy observed, "Have you got bottles for her?" "Yeah," Rini said, "Mom was asking about them at dinner time." She switched over to Serena's other leg before asking, "Amy... what's gonna happen?" Amy gave Rini a worried look, "You mean if Serena doesn't stop getting younger?" Rini nodded. "Well, I don't really know," Amy lied. She had her own suspicions but she wasn't ready to tell them to anyone especially Rini. "Rini, you were worrying about something earlier, what was it?" After a short pause, Rini told her what had happened in the bathtub that morning. "It felt... different," Rini said, "I don't really know why Serena even did it. She seemed to get mad when I stopped it." Amy blushed. "You haven't started to lactate," Amy said as she gave Serena a thoughtful look. "Huh?" "Lactate... I mean you haven't started producing milk." "Milk? I'm not a cow!" Rini said indignantly, her face grew sourer as Amy started chuckling. "I didn't mean you were a cow, Rini," Amy said soothingly, "When a girl has a baby, her breasts start to produce milk." "But I thought babies got milk from a bottle." "They can, but some parents prefer to breastfeed if they can." Seeing the puzzled look, Amy spent the next little bit explaining about breastfeeding. "Serena's mind is becoming more like a baby. So while you don't produce milk, she does find it soothing." "Um... Amy, why did you say it was good I couldn't make milk?" The concept was so strange to her Rini wanted to laugh. She didn't remember her mother ever mentioning such a thing. "I remember you saying that Serena was calling you 'Mama'. I wanted to make sure you weren't really her mother." "Why would you think that?" Amy was saved from answering when Serena started crying to be changed. As Rini rocked in the rocking chair that was beside the crib, she held Serena close to her breast. Baby Serena had been cranky all evening. Irene thought it might be gas. Rini thought it was the relentless heat. Carefully she shifted Serena so Rini could wipe some sweat from her forehead. Whatever the cause of Serena's discomfort, suckling seemed to calm the baby down. Now as Rini looked down at Serena, she saw that the child was nearly asleep. After a short time, Serena's breathing slowly and her tiny body relaxed. Carefully standing, she carefully settled Serena into her crib before walking back over to the bed. She could feel a cool breeze on one nipple. The fires from below had been gently stirred by Serena's actions. Lying on the bed, Rini started stroking her breasts. She noted their large size made them even more sensitive than before. She circled each semi-erect nipple until they stood out like tiny pebbles. While continuing to play with one nipple between thumb and forefinger, Rini reached down letting her hand gently glide over her Mons Pubis, through her thick pink pubic hair, already damp with sweat, into her womanhood. Slowly she pushed a finger passed her Labia Majora, passed the Labia Minora to find the sensitive nub. Slowly she started to stimulate her clitoris. Letting the heat within her build. She let her eyes closed as she felt the heat rising in her. She pretended that it was Darien's nimble tongue that was flicking across that magical spot. She pretended his hand was the one to gently pinch her nipple. Her own musky scent filled the air, causing her arousal to increase. Slowly but steadily, she climbed towards climax as the world faded. Another finger slipped into her vagina. Her hips began rocking as her fingers move in and out in a slow and steady rhythm. Higher and higher she rose, her fingers and inner thighs becoming coated with her sweet honey nectar. The intensity of the orgasm when it finally came took Rini by surprise. Her back arched and her muscles clamped down as she felt the jolting electricity run through her entire body. As she slipped into that afterglow that followed upon her climaxes, Rini was glad that Serena was asleep. Finally, despite the night heat, she drifted off into a comfortable sleep. "Rini!" Irene called out. "I'm in here, Mom!" Rini called out from the laundry room. She was standing beside the washing machine grumbling under her breath. Despite having Lita show her how to operate the stupid machine, she was still having problems with it. She halted her grumbling as her mother came into the room. "What are you doing?" "Washing some of Serena's dirty diapers." She hadn't really wanted to do the laundry but she was responsible for both Serena's and her own clothing so it couldn't be avoided. "Did you want something, Mom?" "Yes," Irene answered, "I'd like you to do the grocery shopping for this week." Rini's mouth went dry and she felt a nervous flutter in her stomach. "Here's the list and the car keys, Rini. And while you're out, you can pick up the suit your father had dry cleaned." Rini just stared at the car keys. There was no way she could drive! "Uh Mom... maybe you should do that." "Rini," Irene said with a little exasperation, "What's gotten into you lately?" Rini just stood there looking glum. "What are you going to do when you get your own place?" That caused Rini to suck in her breath. Both her parents had been hinting that they expected her to move out soon. "We know you're still in college, so we don't ask you to pay for room and board but we do expect you to do chores." "But Mom..." Rini began. "Rini, this is a simple chore and I want you to do it," Irene iterated, "I'll look after Serena." Rini had been acting so childlike lately. "But I don't wanna!" Rini whined. "It's time you grew up. You're not a little girl anymore. You're twenty-one years old!" Irene was surprised when Rini burst into tears and ran from the room. Rubbing her forehead, she heaved a sigh. Counting to one hundred to calm her own nerves, Irene left the room and after picking baby Serena up from her playpen, went up the stairs. She tapped lightly on the door of her daughter's room and waited. When there wasn't any response after a long moment, Irene opened the door and slowly walked in. Rini was lying on her bed, face buried in a pillow, crying. Serena started fussing as she sensed the mood in the room. Irene ignored her though and put Serena into her crib before walking over to grown daughter. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she placed a gentle hand on Rini's back before saying, "Rini, I'm sorry." Rini sniffled a little before turning to gaze up at Irene. "I shouldn't have lost my patience." Obviously, something was really wrong with her daughter to cry over so trivial a thing. Rini sniffled again and pushed herself up into a sitting position. "That's okay, Mom." Wiping her eyes, she felt a little better when Irene gave her a hug. It almost felt like Serena's hugs used to. "Rini, your father and I are just concerned. You're a very pretty and intelligent young woman. There's more to life than looking after Serena. You have a wonderful future ahead of you." Rini flinched. Giving a silent sigh, her mother asked, "Is there something wrong between you and Darien? You've been staying away from him for awhile now." "It's... complicated," Rini responded. "I just need some time to work things out," Rini said. What she needed was for Amy to come up with a solution to change them back. "Okay, I'll do the shopping," Irene said, "Now you look after Serena." One thing for certain, Rini would be a fine mother one day. She so loved and took good care of her baby sister. "Thanks. I will, Mom," Rini replied, "I need to talk to her." Irene gave her a puzzled look before leaving the room. Rubeus, floating high in his crystal ship, looked down upon the city. His emotions swirled through his mind like some great whirlpool. He felt a desire for the Rabbit, a fox's desire. But he also felt a strange type of contentment, and that bothered him. The reason for the contentment lay upon his bed. She had a gentle smile upon her face. He was content with her. He did not know her but something in his mind said he should. He heard a soft rustle as she approached. Felt her soft arms encircle him. She let her delicate hands run down his bare chest and over his washboard stomach. Sensations stirred as those hands gently but firmly gripped his manhood. Turning, he pushed her gently back to the bed and then down onto it. He had made love to many women but this was somehow different. Rini peered uneasily into the crib now bassinet. Serena had shrunk even faster than before. She was now no more than a newborn baby. She only weighed seven pounds. Only a wisp of blonde hair remained on her tiny head. Rini could hear Serena quietly breathing as she slept. She could hear and see the shifting Serena did. Deep down inside though, Rini was nervous. She sensed something was going to happen. Bending forward, she gave Serena a gentle kiss, walked over to her bed, and lay down. It has been an exhausting day. Her mind seemed so crowded that she thought sleep would never come but she finally slipped into a deep sleep.