I’m back I wasn’t death. REVENGE Chapter: Three Title: Crown arcade, Jealousy part 1 .-.-..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-Darien and his girl-friends .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.- As a intern this was the hardest ship ever, he was almost finishing his 2 months turn in ICU and as the night perished he stood in the wake, first because and 82 old lady couldn’t sleep, then some other patient has stomach ache (it wasn’t even his patient another intern was responsible for that one) anyway he checked him out (he was already awake so why not). Other 3 were having strokes, 2 make it trough them but the third one wasn’t so lucky. and hooooooooooooooooo guess what…. just for the fun of it make it a shot, guess who was the chosen one to tell the relatives, aja you get it, the one and only Darien. and if that wasn’t enough he still have paperwork to do, notes prescriptions etc and more etc. But you want to know the worst part, (ho yes there is a worst part) the worst part was that he couldn’t for the life of him stop thinking about Serena the whole night, even the third patient condition didn’t distract him. Now instead of wondering how to make his patient life better, he found himself wondering ----- Where is she, where is Serena----- his mind portrayed Serena’s smiling face, her warm, her love ---- ho God i just want to be with her, to touch her, to hug her, kiss her just to feel her right next to me.------ At 3pm after a super harder 36hrs ship without a single 5 minuts nap he found himself tired, --- i finish this then go home to bed yep easy---- he fantasies as he was giving a brief report of each patient condition to the Dr in turn. “Ok Dr. Chiba, ---The Dr. said --- what about this one” Darien signed tiredly, he was so dam…. He has to know about each one of the 10 new patients that arrived just as he was busy with the other ones. “57 year old female, brought to us because of a ……” he started reciting in a very (and I mean very) un-cheerful way “hummmm, you better get some sleep Dr. Chiba ---- say the Dr. Looking at him in pitifull way ---- Dr. Jimenez please continue” He was draging himself trought the crowed hallways of the hospital he was walking stright for the exit, ----almost there yes just a litle bit more and nothing can come between me an my bed jajajajajajaja ---- hysterical laugher --- “Darien, wait up, can you walk me home” out of nowhere the brightly fresh Madison make an apparition stopping him. Darien looked at her envy showing trough his eyelashes. “wow you look like shi…… jajajaj you could take one or two lessons from me, just look at me I’m just out of my ship like you but i look a way better --- if look can kill---- I mean fresher” If looks can kill (ok i know we already established that but that doesn’t mean that he stopped looking) Darien just nodded ---yeah she was in pediatrics where trough the night al the kids slept like little angels and no mom brought them at 4am for flu, and finally no one care to come to this world via delivery soooo she slept all night long. And she still dares to mock him there is no justice in this world. “ho come on Darien – she started to get the just the slightest hint that he was a little bit down—come on lets go to the movies its on me, what do you said” she finish giving him her most effective boy melting smile “I’m sorry, Madison I’m really tired and -----Madison looked at him in shock, he had never ever denied her, ok maybe lately he was saying no to Susan and Martha but he never said no to her HER something was going on --- I rather sleep” “ho Darien ---she made a pout ---- you have to…...” “no i wont go see you tomorrow” he turned around and walked away “but but you promise” she yelled “what ? “--- Darien stopped a little confusion in his face “you promise me to help me study for the test remember the biology test” “dam ---- he hissed/ there they go his precious hours of sleep managed to elude him again/--- lets go to my department there you can finish the remaining subjects” he said resigned, but no in any ways happy. “yessssssss --- she yelled she was thrilled/ his apartment/ even as a good friends as they were he never let her go anywhere near his apartment and now out of nowhere he was suggesting haaaaaa / maybe he want to sleep – her conscious suggested pointing out the obvious, but she just shrugged it off, a flirting smile made its way in her red lips /or maybe he want to sleep with me / highly dubious / why –she whined at herself-/ come on please wake up you have been throwing yourself at his feet (literally) for months now, and what did you get nothing, zero, nada. / hummmm could he be…….. I dare to say it ……. Gay / even if that was the case i know he would be straight just at the thought of me jajajajajajaja / Ho God / “Madison... ----- a tint of warning in his voice / what do she think she is stolling my sleeping time i don’t have time for her /you use to – yeah but / but what/ Serena / hum? What with her / nothing i’m just saying Serena / Serena then. “hey moon cadet” --- say Madison waving a hand in his face “what” “ho God i never going to win to that Mark idiot if you continued like that wake up already ” Mark, MIP like them, but right now in surgery “he has been studing hard and helping a little girl with the contest” that got Darien attention it could be Serena’s Mark, ----noooooooo--- / no even Andrew know him why would he be known by Serena – besides what would be Serena doing in a Biology, contests---- flashback “ho no, is not necessary --- answered hurriedly Serena --- we are going to be talking about anything but the contest, is better if we are alone, so you won’t be bored --- she shudder and added--- I’m thinking in your good, well see you later honey” end of flashback Darien moved his head to the sides in denial trying to take those thought off --- no Serena surely was talking about a beauty or a talent contest / jajaja with her school records they don’t even let her in a biology contests --- Oh God I being paranoid But if that so, then why wasn’t he feeling any better .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. CROWN ANDREW .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Serena was desperate “he should be here by now….hum he is late” “calm down, it just 30 before six and ... Andrew looked at her suspicious …….. how is that you are here early, since when are you on time for dates, you aren’t interested in Mark are you?” he looked at her in an accusing way. “Of course not, he is just a friend, but i was bored at home, tomorrow is the contests and i promised him that I won’t study anymore and, and it just that I’m BORED out of my mind” Andrew laugh with that wonderful smile of him ® “so the usual rigth” “You know me so well Andrew nii-san” she smiled at Andrew’s back, who was in his way to make her all time favorite chocolate milk-shake “ haaa and nii-san ... Just for hum you know …. To calm down my nerves …. a Torta with cream and aguacate” ajajajajajajjajaj Andrew’s laugh echoes trough the place. /uhu and you legendary appetite don’t have anything to do with that order. jajajajaja “we are making no progress, we better take a break, and stop studying until the contests” “Do you think i can make it” “i have no doubt about it, lets get out of here, I want to go for a walk, you can join me if you want” she smiled pleased, as he grabbed his green jacket, and headed to the Crown arcade, he will never admitted no even to himself but he was going there with the secret hope to catch a glance of his beautiful odango atama. Madison looked happy, at least something was returning to normal she and Darien hanging around, they where now in a weird place, there a little girl with some blonde crazy hair with something like odangos atop, was eating while attending costumers (at least it seem so, since she was in the other side of the counter.) They made a beeline towards her. Darien stiffened --- he never let me be on the other side (and I’m his best friend) and now Serena is there as if she belongs there, so how is that he let her, are they that close---- They came closer to Serena slowly, now almost there, ------ tell me Serena ---- thought Darien smirking as he got closer to her ---- aren’t you felling jealous/ what? Since when do you want to make her jealous, I thought you wanted her off of jealousy / of course I want that / then / then what (very cutely) (A/N is that a word) / aaaarrrggghhhh you’r hopeless. “hello Serena”— he said in a casual way “Hello Darien... --Her voice sounded normal, --/isn’t she going to be jealous/ she leaned in the counter until she was face to face with him, his face went red, warm spreading trough his body, his hearth rate increasing, her breath in his face, he leaned a little more seeking for her warm, then… Muak. --- What was that? ---- “………………is so nice to see you” she said as if nothing occurred, leaning back to her seat. “aren’t you going to introduce me?” Madison voice sounded dejected and angry how dare him to ignore her in favor of some little waitress girl. Darien went white, that paleness didn’tfit well his state of mind, ----- dam i didn’t think of that, I never told anyone about having a girlfriend, shame on him. “Serena meet Madison” “Nice to meet you” both greeted coldly “And Madison this is … she is…” he didn’t seem capable of finishing anything – Serena my girlfriend/ MY GIRLFRIEND --- the one I love. ---- “Serena” Serena finished for him in a quiet demeanor Darien looked at her shocked she didn’t say ---Serena her GIRLFRIEND --- she just said Serena as if they were justfriends just some people who know each other– nooo what’s going on. “hi Darien, Madison” greeted an all smiles Andrew as he positionate himself behind Serena dropping his head over her shoulders to see what she was doing, he smiled once more and looked a Darien. “How are you doing pal, long time to no see, have you forgot about me, leaving me behind like some old bad dog” Darien could felt himself reaching the explosion point, here he was and now he can admitted freely (at least at himself) trying to make Serena jealous, and there she was without a care in the world sitting comfortable besides his bestfriend. “Serena that is great, you are doing a very good job” he said to her in a sweet tone that make Darien want to tear to pieces that particularly friend... hum hum ex-friendof him, and HOW dare him to creep closer to her as if he wants to view what she was doing better. “What is it?” said Darien in a clipping tone that nobody notices (jajajaja that’s what he thinks) and successfully ignoring Madison at the same time, who was trying to make him notice her. “A draw” Serena said and that was all, no explication attached. Darien was positively getting tired of being ignored and Madison was tired of him giving more attention to that little waitress girl. “Darien is late, walk me home, please?” she asked in a feigned innocence and fragility, clinging at his arms getting awfully close to him, who didn’t even notice to busy trying to figured out what was Serena doing, but guees (just a little guess) who DID notice. If he had see Serena at that momentthat it would make his day, a deathly paleness coverd her face and darkness went to her eyes. Hate pouring trough her skin She suddenly spat while standing “Andrew I need some more colors and I’m going to search for them, are they in the back room right? I’ll come back soon, although you better help me or I’ll get lost jeje” she attempted to laugh, wetness in her eyes that now were looking at anything but Darien, it was just fortunate that her voice didn’t drop, and that Darien who was busy trying to get ride of Madison to just saw them go into the back room. Finally he get ride of her. Curiosity got the best of him, and leaning over the counter he saw …… what he saw have him clenching his teeth, seething, he was frozen in place, planning one hundred and one forms to kill certain ex-bestfriend of him. There in a sheet of paper was Andrew face. Highlighting his best qualities, a perfect beautiful male was in that sheet and he didn’t like it one bit, --- is this the way she sees him--- His hearth stopped, his lungs on hold, --- she liked him for a long time/she still like him/don’t be silly she loves you/it seem that this is no true anymore/ -----a dark hole wanted to sallow him, dignity came to his rescue--- I’m going to confront them and is they are cheating on me they would have to admitted. /I just hope there is another reason for this/ yes I really really do hope so/ "Come on Serena Calm down, don't cry please" she didn't listen to him, his word dropping over deafness ears. “Don’t you understand Andrew, he couldn’t even introduce me as his girlfriend, I’m pretty sure that bitch doesn’t even know that he has a girlfriend, can he see that little bitch is dyeing to be with him, she is going to take him away from me Andrew, he is going to go to her” she broke in little whimpers. Andrew didn’t knew what to do anymore, they were barely in the back room when Serena dropped that dam act, crying like a daisy her fake happiness gone. “I hate him, I hate him” she repeated like a mantra. “Serena he LOVES YOU” by now he was really scared he have never see her like that. “haaa yeah then why did he go on a dates with her and no me, why did he bring her to where he know that I’m, -- she almost yelled—and did you see how she was all over him, they do that in front of people, just think what they do when they are alone”. She said almost in hysterics now. “just calm DOWN --- yelled a exasperated Andrew --- Calm dawn Serena remember if your angry you can’t win --- and ---- he said a little bit softer – they are out there they are going to know you were crying, don’t let them see you like this.” A big smile a malicious smile went by itself to his mouth “And besides, it’s almost six pm, its TIME you remember why this plan its called EYE BY EYE” Serena’s eyes brightened a devious smile in her lips, the thought of it make her day. Darien was in front of the counter, a frown marred his precious face, and Then Andrew and Serena FINALLY came back, laughing as is there was no tomorrow, she looked happy, happier than he remember in a long time (guess why buddy), his frown just deepened, she have great laugh tears in her eyes. He made his way closer and closer to them, trying to figured out what make her so happy and bubbly, they were telling chistes (Mexican Jokes) she leaned into him (Andrew), getting almost over him, and he saw red, at that moment he didn’t care so much for explanation, he was going to kill him. “Andrew Nii-san --- she said in betweens a laughs spasm --- you are definitely not so funny, jajajajajaja, no you’re the worst joker ever – jajajajajajajaja” “Then why are you laughing so much” “jajajajajajaja I’m laughing at you trying to do it right jajajaja” ONIISAN Darien rage vanished as if it never where there, she looks at him as a brother. Pace returned to his body, he could swore a bright light were around him--- how can I be so jealous of my innocent little princes “hi Darien, hi Andrew – a new voice piped in -- Hi Serena” At the crown door was Mark, who made a beeline towards Serena, and in front of her he paused, greeting her with a charming kiss on her check and a chivalry kiss on the back of her hand. “how is the most beautiful angel the sky let out” he said smilling OMG this is really hard for me I can’t translate very well I didn’t even finished to the part I want but anyway I hope you like it And give me some pointers to help me with translation Bye ja ne and R/R Lill-one: I hope you still like it thank you for the review. Aleric: the scouts are going to be in to Serena plan by themselves but later. Thunder nightmare: thanks, do you understand Spanish, because if you do maybe you want to read this fic in it, anyway thanks a lot I hope I did a better job this time (but I don’t really think so) Jessica Black 1: of course he is getting what he deserves and you haden’t see anything this is going to get better and better for him (jajajajajajajajajjaajja) Clytia: I so hate grammar I don’t even understand Spanish grammar, but I do my best. Someone: thanks Moonrose: Hi this fic is un-updated in Spanish due to writers block so I’m trying to translate to regain inspiration, I’m about quarter of its Spanish version. Julie3ta: lo siento tanto mi musa me dejo asi que solo, estoy traduciendo y luego ya veré si la muy vuelve pa continuar. Gracias. SakuraSerenatyBulma: is going to be a Serena-Darien but with a lot of suffering on his part y a lot of laugh on ours. Kidd3389: I’, glad you like it, this is a fill chapter but still hope you like it Natalia2: Thank you so much it means a lot to me knowing that someone appreciated the hard work of translating jajajaja I hope I do each chapter better. Natsuki: jajaja como veras me tardo lo mismo en cualquier idioma que lo ponga, pero bueno al menos estoy actualizando mejor mi otro fic no cree ja ne Sailor Universe: I hope to finish this some day (i haven even finished in Spanish) Eternal Celestial: I came across this plot sitting in a car waiting thinking in how Darien tend to treat Serena as a child and how come he is some how embarrassed of her. Thanks Venus Smurf: OMG I really like your fics they are so great. You make MINA my second favorite character well the third my second one is Hotaru.