REVANGE Chapter: 2 Title: Andrew and Rita Hi it’s me again Sabrina: this is not the funny part the 3 or 4 chapter is the funniest, but anyway I hope you like this new chapter bye. Cosmos: thanks it really means a lot to me, the fic is not a long one, but it have at least like 5 o7 chapters like this. Kagome: shame on me, I know but I'm learning English maybe by the end of it, the fic it turns out better bye. Neo Cristal Serenety: jaja Gracias que crees si te envie este capitulo y espere y dije mira que no contesto, pero luego (y como ya me habia pasado) y me lo envie a mi misma y no lo recibi, jaja buscare otro medio para que me ayudes. Gracias. Tn: thanks I’m glad you like it and hope you continued reading. Baby bunny: ho yes, is going to be better, the goods thing are coming. I hope you like it. Baby bunny: ho yes, is going to be better, the goods thing are coming. I hope you like it. Anna: I’m going to finished just maybe not too soon. Do you know Spanish?. Mini: really, I’m happy you think so, I’ll keep writing and you have to keep reading. A Machiavelli smile went trough her face, and she whispered her plan to Andrew, he smiled and his eyes shined mischievously, --- yep is definitely worth to see this --- “are you sure that you and Rita will be Ok” “jajaja don’t worry she’ll love it” JAJAJAJAJA The plan eye by eye………….. started Two weeks later ….. Darien headed towards the crown, he hadn’t been around Andrew to much lately, and this was the perfect day, since he doesn’t had any hang out with his new friends from the internship. At the crown arcade doors he stopped dead in his tracks, Serena’s cheerful laugh filled the place, and a bunch of boys were around her enchanted (or so it seems), the time stop, the minutes passed so slowly for him to register, and he stared at her, feeling a sudden illness in his chest. ---why?---- The boys got up and out, and he was feeling relived, ‘cause they looked older than Serena, he chooses that moment to make his entrance, he came near her table, but she seems not to noticed him, and then in a flash she was up running and yelling. “Andrew I did it, I did it” she lunched herself at his arms, hugging him tightly and I felt the sudden urge to kill my best friend. “cough cough” I coughed to catch their attention, but she continued with his arms wrapped around Andrew’s neck. Her face lighted up, and cautiously looked around to make sure nobody see her, and came to me. “hi honey, how are you” she gave me a very (VERY) chaste peek in my chew, and then she was back at her chit chat with Andrew, ------ are they ignoring me, they were in a deep conversation, and I felt a little out off place, thanks god Rita got here, yes now Andrew would let her alone, my Serena just mine. “hum, hum” Rita made herself notice, but they continued ignoring now both of us, what’s wrong with you Andrew, let my girlfriend alone. But you can’t mess with Rita and live to tell. “ANDREW ANDERSON” yelled Rita at the top of her lungs, that definitely got the attention of my soon to be ex – best friend. “yes, Rita love” “don’t Rita me, I’m sick of you always hanging out with Serena, you see her more, than you see me, --- Rita was fuming anyone could tell ---- now ….--- her voice grew deeper --- I want you, not I command you to come with me”. Her face, red with anger. “Rita, I’m just helping Serena with her contest, so stop complaining, we expend enough, time together, I need to hang out with other people too you know, I can’t live just seeing your face all the time, I got to see other people too, so don’t bother me anymore”. Rita, neared Andrew dangerously, and hit him with all the power she could muster, sending him flying towards the counter. “you jerk, don’t you dare to call me anymore, we are finish, this is over”. With the last sentence, she stomped furious out off the crown. Serena seems guilty when she turns her face and with watery eyes looked at Andrew. “I don’t want to cause you any trouble with Rita, you should go after her and if you want --- her voice dropped a little bit --- you can stop helping me” her face was covered with losses strands of hair, and her gaze was fixed in her hands that she were twisting nervously. “Serena –Andrew voice sounded sweet / a little to sweet to my liking/ --- don’t worry about that this is just a senseless fight, she must understand that I can’t be with her all my free time, I have to see another people too, hang out with them, and besides that, she knows you are my friend and that you know she is my girlfriend” ……---- ouch that hurt, I felt guilty no one of my friends knows about Serena, but that doesn’t count, the thing is… why have to be my Serena the one who hang out with Andrew -----…… “DARIEN” “what” “Darien --- Andrew looked at me suspicious --- tell her, tell Serena I’m right --- ho yea, and now they are talking to me// but what can I said, I don’t like Serena so close to Andrew, since when to much friendship between them. ---- sure Serena ---- my throat was closed --- he is right, and she’ll found out eventually --- je je and now is my chance to torn them apart --- so Serena , do you want to go to the movies?” I asked,and it look like a want to cheer her up//ho yes I’m a genius/. She made a funny face “I … I … -- she looked at Andrew and he nodded --- we never had a date out off Friday, so I already made plans, Andrew and I are set up for ice cream” --ho God could I have more desire to kill my best friend?-- “I’ll go with you” I don’t budge easily “ho no, is not necessary --- answered hurriedly Serena --- we are going to be talking about anything but the contest, is better if we are alone, so you won’t be bored --- she shudder and added--- I’m thinking in your good, well see you later honey” she gave another chaste peek and both off them were out the crown, and chit chatted along the way. And they left me there, alone, standed up in the middle of the crown ---who could have guessed, I’m an excellent actress / a smile crept out in her beautiful face/ I deserve an Oscar / I hope Andrew forgive me the punch / but it worth it seeing Darien’s bewildered expression--- I headed towards the ice cream parlor to join my one and only love, and to celebrate the success of the first part of the plan …… eye by eye. When they arrive I already have and chair and ice cream for them “and how it went” I smiled meanwhile I was standing up to kiss deeply at that gorgeous boyfriend of mine. “it went great, you should have seen Darien’s face when you left” Serena shifted uncomfortable in shame, wasn’t she used to passionate couples kisses// but what kind of relationship does she have with that creep, they have at least two years dating. “hhaaa before I forget, you owe me big” – a mischievious smile was spread along my boyfriend face. --- Did you really have to hit me?” “for the sake of Serena and Darien relationship ?...yes” –my voice was shaking a little-- my boyfriend eyes lifted up, and shined playfully I slowly backed out He slowly started to chase me --- ho, ho run / I thought it, and I did it--- “come here sadistic girl, you’ll see when I’ll put my hands on you” “jajaja you’ll never catch me I’m a lot better than you” saying that I ran a little more. -----they look so happy together, they are meant to each other / her dreamy ayes were filled with envy / I just want a relationship like that with Darien, why can’t I have it? It’s asking too much? --- .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- A DREAM DATE -.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Darien arrive at my house, punctual and dashing like always, I open de door and I melted, my heart was pounding, and my knees grow weaker every second –breath Serena breath --- I thought it was over but then I looked a his eyes--- God I can dive in that cobalt blue pools, so tenders so gorgeous, I was at the edge of passing out --- be cool Serena be cool / I yelled at myself hysterically, I didn’t want to cross the line that mi traitor body had crossed just at his sight …and I did it. (it cost me a lot of effort I must said) and I put my face of ho-you-are-here-good. At that moment he looked shocked? Jeje I always expend half of and hour cheeking him out and drooling over him, that was a good change, for me anyway. “shall we go” “we shall, my love” – he stared at me intently searching, he knew something was different and was trying to figured it out. --- perfect, and to think that I wanted to give up in the plan, two weeks were gone, and I started to think that it wasn’t working, but it looks that after yesterday display he now knows that something changed. “you know Amy, Lita, Rei, Mina and I all together are going to go to the mall tomorrow, we’ll expend all day there and came back at night” the whole ride I went talking about my super busy agenda, talking about friends he didn’t know about and me hanging out with them. And mostly, about how gratefully I was for having a boyfriend like him, who gives me all the space and time to enjoy my young life. (jajaja the irony). “really Wednesday too” I asked her, she told the plans for other days and not for Wednesday so that was my chance --- we can do something you know” I purred sweetly suggesting a wonderful night just me and her, maybe she thought bizarre of me asking her in a date out of Friday on our dream date, but she will love it, ja a date with me of curse she’ll love it. she always want to be with me. – A foolish grin was spread in my face; I can almost picture my Serena falling in my arms yelling yes yes yes. “huh sorry but I can’t --- I was left in state of shock --- I’m going to hang out with Mark I think – she looked pensative – he said to the movies” whispered sweetly Serena. Her voice pull me out of cloud nine, and I was crashed against the floor roughly / what ! she rather go out with that that...hum him than me. “who is he” asked Darien his jaws tightly pressed against each other, his hands white trying to look suave and collected and not sound too jealous. – But who is he, who-is-that-Mark – “huh – Serena looked at him rather innocently her eyes full of naivety – he is a friend” and she continue talking changing the subject. ----- are you going to ask me about him, how dare you, you never wanted to talk with me about yours multiples girls-friends. / Serena smilled sweetly / I know you want to know about Mark, I know because I wanted I needed to know the same thing about yours friends but you told me? No ---- “haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” he said but he wasn’t satisfies, and she talked now more cheerfully. Aaaarrrrrgggg why is she so happy, she is looking happier the last two weeks than before, she isn’t jealous anymore she seems to accept the fact that I can't be with her all the time / but I’m happy with that fact/ dam and why she have to be so close to Andrew, she don’t need to hang out with boys she have the girls for that and they are enough. “do you have a fight with the girls” “no why ---- she looked at me her gorgeous blue eyes shining and smiled ----- of curse not … lately I don’t have enough time.. but I still hang out with them, hoo that remember me of something … Andrew is upset, because you are never at his place and he call you and you never call him back” --- hummm and guess if I going to do it --- thought a very pissed Darien, he was starting to feel uncomfortable with the not anymore jealous Serena, and with the marvellous friendship between his best friend and his girlfriend and with hers new friends and particularly with that… what? Mark. ----But I can say or do anything, she look so happy --- I’m done with the chapter so review or you never are going to see the end of this jajajajajajaja that’s not true I just love reviews so send them this way bye